Public ownership works
There are literally hundreds of examples of successful publicly owned services, ranging from local cooperatives to fully nationalised industries.
Public ownership saves us money
When services don't have to pay dividends to their shareholders, profits are reinvested back into the service - and we pay less! Not to mention the huge cost of privatising services in the first place, and subsidising private companies who run our services when they realise they can't make a profit.
Public ownership is popular
Our polling shows that public ownership is popular - and more and more people every day are coming round to our point of view!
Privatisation has failed
Privatisation was sold to us in the 1970s and 80s as a way to improve the quality and efficiency of our public services, and to create a healthier economy. From Serco to Southern Rail, G4S and the NHS internal market - all the evidence points the same way. Privatisation has failed.