Before this Thursday, Stop Centene growing

25 May 2021

How to take action: Please leave a comment below this letter, with YOUR reason for not wanting Centene's contract to be renewed. We'll make sure to pass it on to the decision-making committee before Thursday's meeting.


Dear North West London Primary Care Commissioning Committee*,

* This is the committee which will make the decision on whether to renew one of Centene's contracts in North West London THIS Thursday, 3pm.

American healthcare giant Centene has recently taken over 49 GP practices. 

Now, with a total of over 70 GP practices under Centene's control, it has become the largest single private primary care provider in England.

With North West London CCG's contract with Centene up for renewal this Thursday, we, as patients, family members, citizens and defenders of our publicly provided NHS, from all across the UK and beyond, call on you not to renew it. 


How to take action: Please leave a comment below this letter, with YOUR reason for not wanting Centene's contract to be renewed. We'll make sure to pass it on to the decision-making committee before Thursday's meeting.

Your NHS is so worth protecting. By stopping Centene in its tracks in this area, you will be part of helping to stop the privatisation of our NHS all across the UK! Please comment with your message now.

Do you believe in public services for people not profit?

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J. Heap replied on Permalink

The government repeatedly promised the NHS would not be 'on the table' in trade talks with the US. However, it seems that they're not even waiting for a trade deal before gifting a foreign commercial organisation a chance to access our public purse.

Dr Brian L Potter replied on Permalink

I'm totally satisfied with the N.H.S. as it was originally intended to be. NO PRIVATE ORGANIZATION SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO TAKE PROFIT FROM IT !. Stop trying to privatise any part of it !!!.

John Bevan replied on Permalink

I am a believer that the NHS is for the people and not for privatisation it should be free from the cradle to the grave

just as it was set up by our NYE in 1948 so we want all privatisation out of our NHS now.

bernadette elliott replied on Permalink

Health care in USA isn't accessible to many and is profit based - why would we want a company from USA running our practices...

Helen Prosser replied on Permalink


What if it was RUSSIA? or IRAN?


O U R S !!!!!!!





Adrienne Burgess replied on Permalink

The National Health should not be involved with for-profit organisations.

FD replied on Permalink

I agree Good health and social care is a human right and a Not for Profit NHS is the only service which can do this holistically, fairly and effectively

annie haughton replied on Permalink

I am disgusted that these companies can run our nhs services WE PAY OUR TAXES FOR TO PROTECT LIVES for profit, taking their profits out of the uk and not even paying tax here. We are not your cash cow. Profits and health care do not go togther and your lousy bad outcomes usa private health care system proves that.

Ian Gill replied on Permalink

The NHS is for public health in the UK NOT private profit in the US. An absolute disgrace to sell it like this. Not in my name.

Jan Shortt replied on Permalink

Private providers put shareholders first not the people they are supposed to give a service to. The history of privatisation of GP practices speaks for itself - closures because they are not 'financially viable'. That should be message enough to the decision-makers - this is the UK not USA and we don't want their brand of health care. Please make sure you do the right thing and not give our money away to those whose primary interest is profit.

Dr A Winser replied on Permalink

Profit-making for shareholders and private interests has no place in a publicly-funded universal healthcare system like the NHS. It amounts to the taxpayer funding the wealthiest people at the expense of the health of the nation.

Privatisation of GP practices must not be allowed.

Anne Bannerman replied on Permalink

Private company Circle took over my local hospital (Hinchingbrooke, Huntingdon). After a few years, Circle pulled out stating that the hospital "was not commercially viable"! Our NHS is far too essential a service to be left to the whims of the free market and EVERY part of it needs to be taken out of private hands completely.

joe m replied on Permalink

Exactly! it is a NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE. Not some buisness venture, a NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE.

SUSAN Cameron replied on Permalink

US companies work for profit and treat their patients disgracefully, squeezing every last penny out of even the most needy. We were promised the NHS was not for sale, so let's keep the US out of our medicine provision altogether. We'll regret it if we don't.

Michelle Goddard replied on Permalink

I believe in a publicly run NHS. Stop Centene from taking over our GPs NOW. GP surgeries should not be run for profit.

John Murphy replied on Permalink

The NHS belongs to and is paid for by the British Public. It belongs to them and them only.

Wish you every success with this really important campaign.

Joo Ennis replied on Permalink

GP surgeries are for the people not for profit making organisations to use them in order to privatise our beloved NHS, that I and everyone else funds!

martin spiers replied on Permalink

Having worked as a GP all my life I respect and enjoy the benefits of the National Health Service. There is no need for privatisation of any part of it so long as it is properly funded and a free health service is an essential part of the British ethos. Letting any privatisation into a state sector will be the thin end of the wedge for privatising the whole lot, which will mean a health service for the well off, and insured, BUT poor health and poor prospects of improvement of health for a large minority of our population. I have witnessed myself how private health care, as in the USA ,is divisive and discriminatory. We do not want that in our democracy.

Martin Spiers, M.B. Ch/B/

Michelle Goddard replied on Permalink

Stop the privatisation of our GP's, care should not be used to make a profit.

Eric Gendle replied on Permalink

Even the Daily Mail have described Centene in very disparaging terms, solely out to maximise profits

Julie Miller replied on Permalink

The NHS is owned by the British public , it is not for sale!

As a person with a chronic health condition & an NHS employee, I know the effects privatisation would have on health care.

Private care requiring health insurance would be a death knell for so many, as in the United States.

David Chisholm replied on Permalink

Dear Commissioning Committee

I am writing to request that you do not renew the GP contract with Centene. NHS resources should be used to deliver the best quality healthcare without having to consider private shareholders' interests. I and countless others have paid National Insurance contributions to ensure a top quality public health service and not to put money into the hands of greedy international corporations.

Thank you.

David Chisholm

Anonymous replied on Permalink

The NHS is and has been paid for by the public It should not be a cash cow for a private company.

I would ask ,please consider carefully ,not to renew the contract with Centene.

Thank you.

Roy Banton

Liz Webb replied on Permalink

NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene making a profit from our health service! The NHS should be publicly run and publicly accountable to the people who use it - not making profits for shareholders.

Caroline Biebuyck replied on Permalink

It's already clear that private provisions within the NHS are a disaster. The profit motive guarantees cherry picking, leaving more complex cases - which are on the rise - out in the cold. Private provision has no place in GP surgeries (or elsewhere in the NHS) and I strongly urge you not to renew Centene's contract.

Alan replied on Permalink

The NHS is a national institution and should never be privatised. It is paid for belongs to the British people

Sue Cason replied on Permalink

My doctors' surgery is run by warm and caring members of our community.Both doctors and all staff at the surgery know their patients. This is an important part of care for those who are unwell and without which, it demeans the whole of a small community.The NHS is paid for, by the British tax paying public and that means the NHS, not Centene.

Emma Shaw replied on Permalink

Private companies have no place in public health. The shareholders have more say about our care than we do as individuals which is inherently wrong. No to the renewal.

Jenny Shepherd replied on Permalink

Operose Health Ltd - the UK subsidiary of the USA Centene Corporation - is answerable to shareholders, not patients. This is not right. They are a loss-making company dependent for survival on Centene Corporation. Their Annual Report shows they drop contracts that are unprofitable. GP patients in North West London deserve a GP practice they can rely on, not one that skims profits for shareholders and that may ditch them if the finances don't add up.

James Jackson replied on Permalink

A company such as Centene should have no role in the NHS.

June Buchan replied on Permalink

This is the start of a very slippery slope. The NHS belongs to the people of this country who pay their taxes and no-one else.

Tricia Sheerer replied on Permalink

Healthcare is everyone’s right. It should be for people not for profit. Please keep our NHS safe.

ruth coppard replied on Permalink

The dentists are an example of what happens when the profit motive becomes paramount, so are the vets.

People don't seem to realise that Centene dont want to encourage our doctors to be kind and helpful and go the extra mile.They are there to make money.

We have to stop them. Virgin seem to have taken over a lot of Bath, and it is not a wonderful thing.

Kathryn Pike replied on Permalink

The clue is in the name - National Health Service. It is NOT for profit, NOT to enrich shareholders, NOT to be faceless and unaccountable.

It IS about people and communities and well-being and trust.

Centrene is NOT about the patient. It is NOT about the best interests of our national health. Stay away!

Lesli Miller replied on Permalink

The NHS - free at the point of access to those in need is the most precious thing we have in the UK and most people access its services via their local GP. Using an American multi-national company to provide GP services risks introducing the profit motive into an essential service on which we all depend and threatens the whole ethos of the NHS.

Wendy Young replied on Permalink

Private companies have no place in the NHS which is funded through taxation to ensure that health services are available to all. This decision in London is important to all of us across the country because it opens the door to these companies. I have never experienced better health care (or any other service)because private providers were involved. Please make a stand for all of us and do not renew this contract.

Grace Distill replied on Permalink

There can be no justification for allowing GP surgeries, or any NHS services, to be run by private companies for profit. If someone is making a profit, costs are inevitably higher - it's just logic. The NHS belongs to the British people, and for governments and authorities to feel they have the right to sell off our services, especially to an American company (look at the state of their unaffordable healthcare!), is anti-democratic at the least, and treasonous at the worst. It's insidious pilfering of the great service we've all been contributing to down the decades. WE pay for it with taxes and national insurance. It belongs to US, the people of Britain.

Sarah Fawssett replied on Permalink

Please do not give any contract to Centene to take over any GP practices. The NHS is publicly funded and administered and must remain so for the benefit of the whole population and so that funds are not diverted to profit making private health companies.

Mary Broadbent replied on Permalink

Please do NOT let Centene or any other private company take over our Health Service. This Conservative Goverment is destroying our NHS and our Country!

Diane Chick replied on Permalink

The NHS was created 73 years ago for the benefit of the British people,not for greedy companies, U S or otherwise.please do not give out any more private contracts.

Vanessa Mordin replied on Permalink

The NHS is paid for by taxes from the UK population and must remain in public ownership, especially as the NHS has such a wonderful record of helping patients. Privatising health care at the grassroots basic level of the GP surgery could result in a further slow erosion of our wonderful NHS, very much including our hospitals. Healthcare for people who are not able to PAY for it would become an issue and the general level of health in the UK population would decrease. All this starts at GP level and therefore privatisiation of GP surgeries must be opposed.

Kay Murphy replied on Permalink

For years we've been warned about American healthcare companies, starting with Michael Moore's 2007 film, 'Sicko'. Why should we put up with having these companies imposed on us? Private healthcare has no place in the NHS, unless you want to be responsible for more sickness and death.

Gemma Hill replied on Permalink

We must stop private companies taking over GP practices and trying to make money off ill people. The NHS has had far too much privitisation by the back door, but most of the people who rely on the NHS cannot afford private healthcare and medicine. Centrene taking over any GP practices will only serve to exploit the disadvantaged more. We did not vote for this! It is totally undemocratic.

Rosalie Anne Battye replied on Permalink

The idea of Centene taking over my GP Practice is totally abhorrent. My practice is well run, functions excellently and provides necessary help for all who need it. To think of a greedy insurance company trying to take it over is unthinkable. The whole idea of the NHS being privatised by stealth, through companies and practices such as Centene aim to provide would be disastrous. Please DO NOT LET IT HAPPEN!!!

Linda Taylor replied on Permalink

We have paid our national insurance for over 50 years and there is no way that our NHS should be given away to a private company, for them to make a profit.

Malcolm Lyon replied on Permalink

There should be no role for a private, profit-making company supplying the most fundamental GP services in a publicly-funded NATIONAL Health Service. As a member of the tax-paying and National Insurance-paying public I seriously object to the concept of indirectly contributing to a company whose motive is making a profit for itself and its shareholders out of OUR public health system. Please don't renew Centene's contract.

Richard Bateman replied on Permalink

It is the National Health Service, not a multi-national health service!

N Stirrup replied on Permalink

The best thing about this country is the NHS, for people not profit. It's priority is health are rather than making money and that's how it should stay. It has saved my life and those of various family members numerous times, care that we could not have afforded had we been in a system like the US

Jean Wilson Gardner replied on Permalink

The reason Centene exists is about making money. The NHS was set up to offer a service and healing to every person who needs it. It was founded on compassion and care. Please do not let it be destroyed.

Mrs Anthea Lead... replied on Permalink

It is not right that companies should make a profit from those unfortunate in having ill health. No one should benefit from other's misfortune. Grace not greed.

David Jones replied on Permalink

AS someone who can remember what it was like to be ill before the founding of the NHS, profit should not be involved within the NHS, which belongs to all citizens and have not been consulted on the sale of NHS surgerys.

Susan Shaw replied on Permalink

The NHS is funded from the public purse, that is the taxes paid by everyone. Why should profits be skimmed off by greedy American firms instead of being re invested into the NHS. It is totally wrong, wrong, wrong.

Christine Hyde replied on Permalink

For-profit GP practices are not in the interests of local patients, whatever anyone says. They can withdraw from their contracts if they don't make enough profit, or not renew with only 2 weeks notice as happened locally to me. The patients were left stranded, trying to find another practice to take them and the GP surgeries that were left, some of them with very long lists, were put under pressure to fit these people in. They are also not easily regulated. They will not reveal certain aspects of the practice or procedures due to 'commercial confidentiality'. Remove Centene's role in the NHS, full stop.

David Everitt replied on Permalink

Centene's business model is to buy up practices and then close the one's that are not profitable thus leaving patients in those areas without access to a medical surgery that is within a reasonable travelling distance.

Proof of this has been demonstrated in the USA, as such I fail to understand how this can even contemplate having them run any part of our NHS, and as a warning to this people will remember come election time and how far off are they?.

Peter Collins replied on Permalink

Numerous American friends and colleagues - some of whom have benefitted from NHS care; one of whom had his life saved - are urging us to resist this creeping privatisation of of the NHS. They can see, better than we can perhaps, the consequences of subordinating clinical priorities to commercial interest, an inevitable consequence of introducing the profit motive into the system. As has been remarked elsewhere, your decision will have consequences country-wide. Please do the right thing!

Mary Broadbent replied on Permalink

This government is the worst ever, they are destroying our country, just looking after the well off! They need to go!

Viv replied on Permalink

I could not put it better than Jan's comments above - Health Care should be about people not profit.

Private providers put shareholders first not the people they are supposed to give a service to. The history of privatisation of GP practices speaks for itself - closures because they are not 'financially viable'. That should be message enough to the decision-makers - this is the UK not USA and we don't want their brand of health care. Please make sure you do the right thing and not give our money away to those whose primary interest is profit.

Anthony Peter replied on Permalink

I pay taxes for the public good. I do not expect my taxes to be siphoned off by private companies for private profit. The services they offer can and should be provided by publicly-owned organistaions operating for the public good.

Susan Kelly replied on Permalink

Please don't undermine the NHS. It's our greatest national treasure in terms of being free at the point of access to everyone in need and should NOT be subject to privatisation and the demands of the capitalist market

Dr Patricia Mac... replied on Permalink

The NHS should remain in the public sector, and should not be privatised by the back door, or, indeed, by the front door. The contract in question appears to be the thin end of this wedge.

Elliott Kerslake replied on Permalink

If this government persists to outsource our NHS what percentage wise will they cut off our National insurance bills? Why are they selling our NHS to make profit and not passing it down to the tax payer??? When does the poor old tax payer get any benefit from this? Or is this the same old tory way sell and sneak off

Deborah Cornwall replied on Permalink

The National Health is for the people who pay their national insurance into funding it, NOT for private companies who want to make a profit from it. It must remain free at source for all British people at the time they need medical help. Private companies are only interested in financial gains which in turn lead to people not being able to afford to stay healthy. We have an NHS which is the envy of the world & we must preserve this.

E D Wright replied on Permalink

I am writing to request that you do not renew the GP contract with Centene.

NHS resources should be used to deliver the best quality healthcare without having to consider private shareholders' interests. Don't destroy the best Medical Service in the world. Healthcare is everyone’s right. It should be for people not for profit. Please keep our NHS safe from commercial preditores.

Martin Ludford replied on Permalink

I feel compelled to add my name and comment regarding greedy multi-nationals such as Centene from making a grab for our NHS services and running these services for profit:

NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene making a profit off our national health service.

NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene closing our GP surgeries and cutting vital support staff making the NHS even more venerable to current and future pandemics.

NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene prioritising profit over our health, this MUST NEVER happen.

It is quite obvious, Centene are trying to sink their teeth into our NHS, expanding their reach by the year.

North West London Primary Care Commissioning Committee must do everything to end this dangerous grab of NHS services from happening because if you allow this, Centene and others will be given a green-light to decimate further my NHS.

Jan Birtwell replied on Permalink

Our NHS belong to the British public, not multi-national companies, profit for shareholders has no place. Keep our precious NHS public!

Erica Waite replied on Permalink

Talking to people in the UK, especially England, recently, I have realised that private healthcare contracts mean zero healthcare in reality for NHS patients.

Jacky Smith replied on Permalink

The complete collapse of dentistry services illustrates the weakness in the "privatised NHS" business model. Involving particularly US companies in GP provision could be catastrophic because they will have no hesitation in pulling resources from the UK if something happens to reduce their profits.

Kat Midgley replied on Permalink

Centene seems to have become a much too-powerful player in our publicly funded healthcare system. I appreciate that most or all GPs are private 'contractors', but they should be locally based individuals or groups, working for the health of the local community, not the wallets of investors and shareholders. The corporate take-over of so many aspects of our lives is a sad and dangerous development, and local primary healthcare is a much too precious service to go the same way. It needs careful 'handlers' who are in it for the right reasons!

Trina Palmer replied on Permalink

This is our British NHS known worldwide, PLEASE let us do it our way

Anonymous replied on Permalink

The general public want and need all parts of the NHS to be in public hands. Private companies do not have the best interests of the general public at heart. Their main priority is profit and share holders. This is not good for your health!

Christine Williams replied on Permalink

American private medical insurance is unaffordable for the many. UK is a public NHS paid for by all taxpayers.

GPs are the vital part of the NHS, for referral on to diagnosis by free tests for life sustaining medical treatment, NHS consultants and NHS hospital treatments.

The 1950s born pension campaigners' experience of privatised GPs, is that they are not given this help, but ignored, with just painkillers and not wishing to do anything but make profits, and not provide any of the above. This can be fatal.

My life and my ability to function relies on NHS free medication and free prescriptions in old age. As elderly we tend to have multiple health issues and so a profit focused service would not treat us. This is already happening with the frailty score denying us treatment, along with rationing of treatments and surgeries that mostly are for elderly.

And with the DNR notices aka Liverpool Care Pathway, that is denial of treatment based on age. We are medically old with the normal changes of the aged body from 60, but in UK old age / ill health begins to hit from 50.

We already had this ageism by the denial of treatment based on age by the discharge of Covid19 positive older people from NHS hospitals to care homes, that caused the high death rate of residents and carers.

Do not renew Centene's contract to run GP practices tomorrow Thursday 27 May 2021. I am helping the local people, as my life depends on a public NHS.

Jennifer Budden replied on Permalink

Health care shouldn't be governed by profit. It was our NHS staff who worked diligently and beyond all duty to support those during the pandemic. Once you introduce private companies it diminishes the service offered because instead of being based on the health care needs of patients it is all about making money. We don't want an American style health service here in the UK which over time will reduce the level of service offered and discriminate against those whose needs are greatest. Alternatively it will operate an inferior service with taxpayers' money as easy profit. Pay for the service direct. Cut out the middle men - what do they contribute nothing?

Lynn replied on Permalink

National Health services should be for people not for profit!

Colin Pearson replied on Permalink

It is disgusting to provide healthcare as a 'business'. Decisions affecting people's health ought not to be made for commercial reasons. It is immoral.

Joe England replied on Permalink

End Centene's contract.

Maureen Woodfull replied on Permalink

No-one should make profit from another person's ill health. The NHS saved my life by detecting via a mammogram early breast cancer. I will fight to keep it publicly owned because everyone will need it at some time.

Catherine Odell replied on Permalink

The National Health Service is paid for by us taxpayers for the health needs of us all - not for companies to take money from to pay shareholders.

The National Health Service is available to all in the Uk regardless of who they are or where they live and should remain so and certainly not become inaccessible for those in small communities because it is unprofitable to provide for them in their area.

Denise Phoenix replied on Permalink

OUR NHS was created for the people of this country. It's not an old sofa that can be sold on the whim of a greedy Conservative government to Americans who only want to profit from misery and ill health. Hands off OUR nhs!!!!

Terry Hicks replied on Permalink

Once again corporate greed rears it's head with our Health Service being sold off in chunks with all sorts of reasons why. For those that created our health service, if it were possible, they'd be rolling in their graves right now. Tell me government members, can you really look yourselves in the mirror? What's happened to your conscience?

Look at our railways. Privatisation is a disaster. It's more expensive to run to "feed those at the top".

It compromises safety.

Apply the same to the GP services etc and you have another disaster with people who can't afford health insurance suffering the most.

This has to be "NOT FOR PROFIT".

Tricia Kaminski replied on Permalink

We want to safeguard the spirit of the NHS not just the letter. The NHS means nothing if it is free at the point of delivery but it delivers only that which will make a profit for its providers. We want to end the creeping (galloping!) privatisation and aim for a true service called the NHS.

Anne Bebbington replied on Permalink

I was here at the beginning of the NHS a wonderful idea for us. It belongs to us and should be shielded from sale to any company wishing to take over OUR NHS for profit. No one should profit from health problems. The NHS is there for the benefit of people who need it and not to make money for people who invest in it.

Francis David Pinder replied on Permalink

The health of the nation should not be a matter for private profit.

Rukshana Afia replied on Permalink

When the NHS was started decades ago it was the envy of the world and quickly justified itself with the huge positive impact it had on UK health . Why throw that away ? Do you want more to die unnecessarily or is it just that so many of a certain social class have private investments in US 'healthcare' companies ?

Douglas Uttley replied on Permalink

Putting profit into the health system will inevitably lead to un-necessary suffering, pain, & death.

NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene making a profit off our health service.

NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene closing our GPs.

NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene prioritising profit over our health.

Beryl Sutherland replied on Permalink

I live in Scotland but I think if we let greedy multinationals in in England it's the thin end of the wedge & we'll be next. I'm proud of our NHS & it's ethos of care for all when needed. Multinationals should not be able to gain vast profits by privatising services & closing surgeries if not profitable.

Gerald SMITH replied on Permalink

As I have told Boris Johnson onj several occasions Centene operat in the UK using the name of Operose Health.

The company were £12.9million in debt aT THE END OF 2018 BUT i DIDN'T GET ANY RES[PONSE FROM HIM OR mATT hANCOCK OR Any other member of the Conservative Party.

I knew in July of last year what this was leading to but they didn't take any notice.

So please do not renew the cdontract for CVentene on thursday I beg of you.

susan tideswell replied on Permalink

You should be ashamed of yourselves, even thinking about it.

Margaret Williams replied on Permalink

Please do not renew Centene’s contract. There is no place in the NHS for profit making companies and organisations

Olivia Agate replied on Permalink

We the people pay for OUR NHS through our national insurance contributions. What possible reason could a profit centred organisation want with our GP Practices other than to gradually change the ethos from free at the point of contact/ delivery to paying for services rendered. No private companies should ever be involved particularly Centene with its record of fraud and shabby dealings back in the U S A.

Bruce Grierson replied on Permalink

Any privatisation of our Health Service is a betrayal of the spirit in which the NHS was set up.

The introduction of commercial elements into health care is the beginning of a very steep downward slope.

Stephen Smith replied on Permalink

The NHS is a public service,, paid for by OUR taxation. It is not for sale nor for profit.

alison Affleck replied on Permalink

This is flagrant privatisation of the NHS. It is a slap in the face to all health care workers that pulled us through 2 giant waves of covid. It is a complete lie from this government who have repeatedly said the NHS would not be privatised. Does the Prime Minister and health secretary not understand the meaning of the word Privatisation?

Mrs Sandra Thompson replied on Permalink

The NHS should remain in our hands we as tax payers should have our gp surgery’s and hospitals in our hands not for the greedy Americans or any other countries taking over our wonderful NHS it is a disgrace that the thoughts of this happening.

Morris Glenn replied on Permalink

Private Companies cannot operate essential public services any better or more efficiently than, if those services remain publicly owned, in public ownership investments can all go to the provision of better services, with out the need to make a large profit or guarantee big dividends to shareholders.

Anita Pacheco replied on Permalink

The NHS exists to ensure that all people, from all social classes, should have good health care that is free at the point of delivery. It does NOT exist so that private companies can make a profit for their shareholders. Please do not renew Centene's contract.

Liz Woodham replied on Permalink

The clue for the reason that the vaccination roll out has been so successful lies in the word 'National', which implies a structure and ethos operating for the wider good and in national ownership and not the short term profit driven motives of a foreign corporation

Scott Rogers replied on Permalink

We're paying for private companies to strip down our health service and make profits over the care of the people who pay for it - this stops now!

David Brown replied on Permalink

The NHS was set up to help those who could not afford healthcare to have an excellent nursing and doctor support to get well. It was not devised so that in years to come, greedy corporations and drug companies could make huge profits at the expense of the sick and needy. The present world seems to condone the stealing of public services. It will not end well.

Mary E. Pickles replied on Permalink

Safeguardeing the integrity of the NHS is crucial. Any attempts to make profit from the needs of people must be rejected at once.

Pat Mckenna replied on Permalink

Our NHS, of which GP surgeries are an integral part, is not a privatised service which is why it is so fair and why it is admired and envied throughout the world. It is wrong to change it, or any part of it, to a profit making system. So wrong. And we all want this stopped, practically everyone in this country wants this stopped. We pay taxes that fund it, so we own it, and we want it stopped. So stop it.


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