Reports and resources

When We Own It - a blueprint for 21st century public ownership

Privatisation has failed - it’s a fringe, extreme ideology. Most of us believe public services should work for people not profit.

But how do we make sure public ownership is efficient, effective, accountable, caring, green, innovative - and so wildly successful that no future Margaret Thatcher can ever dismantle it?

Introducing a blueprint for 21st century public ownership...

Read When We Own It now

Privatised and Unprepared: The NHS Supply Chain

More than 600 NHS and care workers have now died from coronavirus and many of these deaths were “avoidable with proper PPE”.

Businesses and communities have been ready to help out with vital protective equipment – masks, gowns, visors. But in the last few months, it’s often felt like the government was asleep at the wheel.


The NHS Supply Chain, responsible for procuring and delivering PPE during the coronavirus crisis, has itself been privatised.

Read the full report now