25 May 2021
How to take action: Please leave a comment below this letter, with YOUR reason for not wanting Centene's contract to be renewed. We'll make sure to pass it on to the decision-making committee before Thursday's meeting.
Dear North West London Primary Care Commissioning Committee*,
* This is the committee which will make the decision on whether to renew one of Centene's contracts in North West London THIS Thursday, 3pm.
American healthcare giant Centene has recently taken over 49 GP practices.
Now, with a total of over 70 GP practices under Centene's control, it has become the largest single private primary care provider in England.
With North West London CCG's contract with Centene up for renewal this Thursday, we, as patients, family members, citizens and defenders of our publicly provided NHS, from all across the UK and beyond, call on you not to renew it.
How to take action: Please leave a comment below this letter, with YOUR reason for not wanting Centene's contract to be renewed. We'll make sure to pass it on to the decision-making committee before Thursday's meeting.
Your NHS is so worth protecting. By stopping Centene in its tracks in this area, you will be part of helping to stop the privatisation of our NHS all across the UK! Please comment with your message now.
Thomas Collett replied on Permalink
Money that goes towards Cenetene's profit is money that is taken away from patient care. The NHS is paid for by tax payers to maintain the nation's health not to benefit private corporations.
Mark Woolner replied on Permalink
As shown during the pandemic, The NHS is best placed to look after our health and well being. We don't need an American, for-profit company, running OUR NHS.
Graham Taylor replied on Permalink
People are more important than profits. Public ownership is preferable to privatisation, which is less accountable, less transparent and less caring.
John Edward Cri... replied on Permalink
It is not in the public interest to allow GP surgeries to be owned or managed by large, profit-seeking companies.
Matthew Caddis replied on Permalink
The NHS has helped keep many members of my family alive for far longer than I would have expected and to ask them to pay a hefty price for medical treatments is not only morally wrong, it goes against the very idea Nye Bevan had for the NHS
Richard Lund replied on Permalink
The NHS should not be run for profit by private businesses.
Susanne Murby replied on Permalink
I am appalled that we are opening up our own health service to American businesses when America has such a poor record of health care for those who cannot afford it. We should not be going down the same route as them.
Barrie Slipper replied on Permalink
The NHS is a service we are all rightly proud of - healthcare free at the point of delivery to all. We must not permit creeping privatisation by profit motivated companies. Centene are profit driven, their activities in the USA are evidence of this. People must come before profit. I urge you not to renew Centene's contract, keep GP practices in GP's control.
SC replied on Permalink
This is just plain wrong. Morally bankrupt. The NHS is, or should be, for people – every person – and NOT for profit. The greed for profit for profit's sake has no place in a just and honourable healthcare system.
Sheila Hamil replied on Permalink
I agree with all these protests above which stand against any privatisation of the NHS. I would like to add my name in standing against profit making companies and organisations attempting a take over.
A Clyne replied on Permalink
It is fundamentally immoral to see health provision as a means of making money. It adversely impacts decisions on what care will be provided. The majority of people in this country are willing to pay extra taxes to fund the NHS. Healthcare provision should be funded by the people for the people. Our taxes should not be used to buy in private companies who divert the money into profit making activities that please only their shareholders. I wonder how many Centene owned GP services have held back on health provision for expensive treatments?
Nick Doyle replied on Permalink
the NHS is a publicly funded health service by the public and for the public. It is not and should not ever be seen as a profit-making business or opportunity for the people who govern this country to sell off for their own personal gain.
Amanda Wesley replied on Permalink
Another disgraceful example of the Government trying to sell what is not theirs to give away - our NHS is OURS, not the Government's. Our Grandparent's (and Parents) generation knew what it was like when receiving medical care depended on how rich you were, and none of them wished for that inequality to return...
Universal Health Care is the one thing that we should always be grateful for and proud of as a nation...
Our NHS achieved an amazing feat when the chips were down in this pandemic - despite the Government!
Rebecca G. replied on Permalink
I have lived through the American style healthcare system, but just barely. When people describe it as a nightmare, they are, if anything, UNDERSTATING the reality of the situation.
Continuing to let private interests into the NHS, a healthcare system that was once the envy of the world, will absolutely destroy us. There is no question about this—even more people will suffer and die or become disabled. Renewing Centene will simply put a large amount of money into the pockets of corporations who have no interest our well-being or that of the UK as a whole. Even from an economic standpoint it makes no sense. Sick people cannot contribute to society, or they cannot do so at full capacity—financially, through volunteering, community work, with their families, etcetera.
Get Centene out!! Protect the UK and its people!
Helen Wood replied on Permalink
GPs were individual businesses, working for the NHS. Instead of moving to corporations taking over our primary care, we should be looking at taking them into the NHS, so that profit and property owning are not part of the deal for doctors in general practice. I want local doctors running local services, and working together in networks to share good practice. Private contractors in the NHS are beyond accountability, hiding behind 'commercial confidentiality' even though it is my money that is paying them!
sylvia Crosby replied on Permalink
Centene is only interested in making profit, the NHS does not make profit so why on earth do the people at the top let people like Centene in?
Not everyone can afford private medicine.
Reg leach replied on Permalink
The NHS is a publicly owned service which has always done a fantastic job, particularly over the last 18 months. Please do not allow any more privatisation of the NHS as it MUST NOT become an organisation for making profit for shareholders.
Lauren Bourque replied on Permalink
Privatised US-style health services are all about profit, not service. We do not want and cannot afford for this system to take over our NHS.
Martin Bienvenu replied on Permalink
Please do not renew Centene's contract. Here in York A & E is reported to be in danger of privatisation and a Centene renewal would set an unhelpful precedent.
Celia Evershed replied on Permalink
The NHS is free at the point of access and it is not a for profit organisation. Pieces of the NHS are being sold off to profit-making organisations and this has to stop as it is be detrimental to the health of the people of this country. The more that is sold off, the less likely it is that the NHS will not be able to respond adequately to needs should we find ourselves in the grips of another pandemic. Think on that; the NHS has coped this time with Covid19, but only just. What about the next time. GPs are mostly self employed and the system works; it won't work if money-grabbing private companies take over.
Judith Pearson replied on Permalink
I paid into the NHS for 55 years. It's not up for sale to Centene profiteers. We value our system and after this pandemic a sell out would be an insult to all those people on the front line who risked their lives to care for the sick. I can't even begin to understand why North West London Primary Care Commissioning Committee is even thinking about it.
Tony Millwood replied on Permalink
The US health care model costs vastly more than the NHS and yet fails on grounds of coverage and equity and outcomes. Our tac funded publicly provided NHS is vastly superior. We must prevent our taxpayers funds channeled yet more up the voracious US chain of value extraction.
Susan Sturgeon replied on Permalink
Really concerned about the privatisation of GP surgeries. Health services should be for the public good and not be driven by profit motives
Richard replied on Permalink
The US healthcare system is independently regarded as the worst in the developed world-least amount of care per $1 spend and worst patient outcomes per $1 spend. This is not a model we should look to aspire to.
Profits over people kills and results in a lower quality of life for citizens. GP practices may be privately run, but being privately run by an American insurance company is a very different proposition. I would absolutely not use a GP practice run in this manner-they will not have your health interests as priority.
david stafford replied on Permalink
The NHS was a ground breaking creation that has been the envy of the rest of the world since its creation. It is the only democrat and fair way to provide for a nations health, as so with education. Privatising the health service is not about improving health care, it is about profiting from the ill health of the people. Private health care is discriminatory, very inefficient and hugely expensive and a disastrous money grubbing mess in the USA.
The social fabric of the UK is being eroded bit by bit and undermined, most of it in the misguided idea that privatising something is an improvement and as we have already seen with the rail sell off and bus deregulation to name but two, ends up being a disaster. Providing undeserved wealth to a few while providing an expensive and inadequate service to the people.
The selling off of the NHS, if allowed, will do more damage to this country than all the other sell offs put together.
peta sandison replied on Permalink
Dear Committee
The NHS is an incredible service, owned by us, the public, and providing equal access to health for all. It should not be run for profit; there is no place for private companies with a profit agenda within the NHS as profit will win over ethics and it'll be those who can't afford to resort to private health care who will suffer. We have ample evidence in the US of how it will end here. We should be proud of the NHS and seeking to protect it, not sell it. Don't renew the contract. Thank you
Anonymous replied on Permalink
The NHS was established to provide a government funded service to all residents based on clinical need and not on ability to pay. People contribute via national insurance.
Soo Frankum replied on Permalink
As we already own the NHS and all of its component parts, how can it be sold without any public consultation? There has not been any benefit from selling other parts of this country’s infrastructure , apart from putting money into the corrupt hands of those doing the transaction, and their friends.
How many times have we had to buy back/ take over the railways since they were first privatised? The NHS has been proved time and again to be the most humane and cost effective way of providing health care for all. HANDS OFF!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Dear committee, We have seen the destruction of peoples lives and lack of access to healthcare caused by the US style healthcare system and do not want to even get close to such a situation. The NHS is envied the world over, one true sign of a Social Democracy is that everyone has the right to expect the same health outcomes, and to extend this contract takes us down a road which heads away from that ideal. I ask you to remember that first and foremost, a countries government is tasked with enacting policy that is good for the people, and the NHS remaining under the auspices of British rule satisfies that, and selling it off does not.
Lynette Harvey replied on Permalink
Please do not renew Centene's contract,NHS is for the people who pay money into it and not for profiteering of companys like this.End their contract now.
Carol Marshall replied on Permalink
Our NHS is the envy of the world, it was designed to provide health care to all not to a privileged few who can afford. We pay for this through our NI contributions. I spent two weeks in hospital recently and the area’s that have been privatised are of a poor standard The Nurses Doctors were amazing even though they were over worked. The NHS should not be for Profit.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
For people’s Health, dignity, wellbeing and not for profit. No to multi national’s
Anonymous replied on Permalink
In August 2020 a US federal court found that health insurer Centene Corporation and affiliates had deliberately underpaid certain frontline healthcare providers since 2014. This incident illustrates what can happen if a a profit element is introduced into NHS service provision by contracting with a private healthcare provider
Jane Clifton replied on Permalink
UK residents pay for the NHS through our NI contributions. It is our service and therefore should not be 'for sale' to American companies for profit. Any finance gained by the NHS should be reinvested in the service to make sure it is sustainable for all people living in the UK. It is despicable that the government are allowing this to happen.
Lynda Mannix replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to us and we pay for it. We the people value our health care more than the government seems to and this underhand demonstration of how little they care for our wellbeing is appalling and unacceptable. Beven said that the NHS will only survive if the people want it to survive, and here we are, wanting it to survive. The GPs are self employed now, we know, but we do not need or want such a dreadful profit- orientated American company
as part of medical expertise. The Tories will rue the day if this goes ahead.
Sue Rimmer replied on Permalink
Our NHS is sacred and should not be destroyed for profit. Our predecessors fought to create free health care for everyone so we need to fight to keep it for our future generations. Having a health care system we can rely on is so important to our country - so please do not destroy our NHS.
David Lumsdaine replied on Permalink
There should be no place for making profits in health care, or indeed,any public service. Please do not renew Centene’s contract.
Sue Butters replied on Permalink
We, UK taxpayers, own the NHS, and we do not want private healthcare companies involved. Their prime motive is to make a profit. Patient care and services, staff wellbeing are all compromised. There is NO PLACE for these companies in OUR NHS. I work in the NHS and it is fatuous to claim that standards and patient care does not suffer .... it does. This government has been shameful in awarding contracts to themselves without due diligence or going through proper checks. I have contacted my MP on many occasions about this, yet the privatisation continues regardless.
Lorraine Newton replied on Permalink
The NHS is for people not for profit .
Lorna Knight replied on Permalink
Like vultures waiting for supposed rich pickings, this company (Centene) has NO PLACE IN THE UK’s HEALTH SERVICE. We are NOT an appendage to the US. There are many of our leaders who are blighted by greed, forgetting the sacrifices of our elders, forefathers, Commonwealth contributors who have strived against political adversity to maintain the NHS for the purpose it was set up for. NO to Privatisation! NO to Greed! NO to decisions made against the Public Interest!
For those decision makers involved in this contract meeting for purpose of allowing Centene & others like them to carve up our Country’s infrastructure, Think again! You will rue the day for the wrong decisions you have unleashed on your Country’s peoples.
The Ballot Box looms large & transgressions will be remembered long into the future.
Graham Sangan replied on Permalink
Health not profit
Martin Fisher replied on Permalink
The NHS is a foundation-stone of this country. It kept me alive and fully able to work for 40+ years(I'm a Type 1 diabetic). Nobody should be put in the position where their basic healthcare depends on their earnings. Nurses and doctors who trained and gave their lives to caring for the whole population shouldn't find that they now serve the few.
Peter replied on Permalink
Keep OUR NHS publicly funded and publicly run.
NOT for the extraction of profit.
Elizabeth M. Salter replied on Permalink
The GP contract with Centene must not be renewed. The NHS, started in 1948, was for the nation and was paid for by taxation. It should not be funded by a profit making organisation such as Centene, resulting in more profit for shareholders and less cash available for improving our superb health service,
sadly in great need of increased funding
Helen Spicer replied on Permalink
I believe strongly that health services should not be run for profit. The services should be run to benefit the health of individuals and communities based on their need, not based on how profitable it is to care (or not!) for them.
Ian Barton replied on Permalink
No profit from public health!
jack saunders replied on Permalink
The National Health Service is a not for profit service funded by the taxpayer and not given to the private sector to plunder.If this continues there will be limited doctors appointments,limited medicines,limited attendence hours etc.The USA model is clearly broken and not fit for public use and the public of GB do not want it here.We were promised that the HHS was sacrosant and would stay in the public arena ,not privatised by stealth thus the Tory government lied to the british public.Shame on those who facilitate this
Ann James replied on Permalink
The British Public would be shocked and horrified if they knew of this intention to privatise part of the NHS, of which we are so proud. Many surveys have shown that people would be willing to pay extra NI contribution to keep our NHS public. For companies to make a profit out of illness is utterly scandalous. Please do not do this.
Richard and Aud... replied on Permalink
These companies are taking significant amounts of money out of the GP practices that they control. There is therefore less available for the provision of healthcare. We are fortunate that our practice is excellent and is run by the healthcare professionals who work for it, however I understand that an adjacent practice which is company run provides a much lower standard of care and puts intolerable pressure on its employees.
Mavis Aitchison replied on Permalink
We spent our working lives in what was then referred to as Family practice. Day & night we looked after the families in our care free at the point of use but paid for out of general taxation. WE DO NOT NEED a money grubbing commercial incomer.
At this minute a friends sick six year old is having a life saving operation that they could never afford to pay for.
Sarah Windrum replied on Permalink
The National Health Service should never be privatised. Centene is a particular dangerous interloper. They have let people down in the USA. They will surely do the same here by putting profit before patients.
Caroline Kinney replied on Permalink
I both work for and use the NHS, I also have had direct experience of the USA health care system. Do not be fooled into believing that our health care service will in any way benefit from contracts to private companies. We only have to look at the impact of the COVID pandemic to see how much free care at the point of need benefits our whole society. Giving contracts to Centene will do nothing to improve health care... it will, however, line the pockets of shareholders! Health care is not a commodity to be bought and sold by private companies.
Jaqui Fabian replied on Permalink
The American health system, rather than being the best in the Western world with all that “competition” and the huge price of even the smallest procedure, yet it turns out it is one of the worst in the West. Even though the NHS has been having resources drained from it over the past decade, it still performs better than the American one. However, we have gone way down the list in comparison to other European countries. Very sad.
Warren Lakin replied on Permalink
It’s called the National Health Service. Publicly owned for the benefit of the public. It was never intended for private financial gain. Let’s keep it like that and shut the door on greed!
'bel Harris replied on Permalink
Health care is NOT for sale. The NHS is NOT for sale - it belongs to the people of the United Kingdom. PLEASE consider how this can cause people distress. If someone in the UK needs urgent medical attention and treatment they get it. In the USA it might mean having to get a loan, sell your house or business. PLEASE be a trail blazer - health care not profit.
Lucy Uren replied on Permalink
It is essential that NHS services remain free at the point of care. Private companies gaining increasing ownership will bring confusion and financial loss as we have already seen during the COVID pandemic. For the health and well being of our country it is key that these GP services remain out of Centene's control.
D Steeds replied on Permalink
This contract should not be renewed. The NHS belongs to all of us, we pay for it through our taxes as did our parents. The American healthcare system has nothing to recommend it as being what we want in this country. The NHS is a service and should not be profit making for any company, the clue is in the name....National Health SERVICE.
Anna replied on Permalink
I completely disapprove of Public Taxes for the NHS being given over to a huge rich Private American Healthcare Company to make profits for themselves by providing inadequate, unsafe, money orientated healthcare. GP's should not be enticed with money to be told what, how and where they can administer medical treatments, including medication and Social Care to patients on their books in the area they Practice. The Public Taxes spent on our NHS must be kept in the Public Purse to be spent on our Health Care, not given to a private purse to make money out of the sick and infirm.
Jacqueline Palmer replied on Permalink
NHS abbreviation for National Health Service for the nation not to make money!!!!!
S. Ahmed replied on Permalink
If we let the government continue to privatise the NHS then the UK health system will end up like America's where people are being price gouged for everything. The EpiPen for diabetics in the UK costs the patient £8.50, American diabetics have to pay $608.00 for the exact same medication. This will become the norm in the UK if we let money hungry monsters take over our NHS. That is why I don't want Centene to have anything to do with health care in the UK. Once things become privatised they become a money making practice for people who don't care if normal people live or die. Kick Centene out of the NHS at you earliest convenience. Best Wishes.
Rosalie Anne Battye replied on Permalink
The NHS has saved my life on numerous occasions. GP practices should NOT be sold off to greedy insurance companies such as Centene. Healthcare needs to be provided at the point of delivery, doctors and nurses ought to be held in the highest esteem and paid properly so they can deliver care in the way that they know best. If profit is the criterion this cannot happen.
Tom Wichelow replied on Permalink
This is a British public health institution that should not be run by an American, for profit company. Private profit is not a healthy motivating factor in the running of public health organisations and will lead to an erosion of the NHS.
Alan Samwell replied on Permalink
Boris said leaving the EU would give us back control over our way of doing things, if you sell off our NHS we will lose control over the most fantastic organisation for good in this Country. At this very moment we are having to pay for treatment that should be free because The Tories have run down the NHS over the last eleven years so they can sell it off. They will say, we cant afford it any longer without private investors. Recently my wife and I have paid £60 each to have our ears unblocked. This will be our future once private companies take over the NHS, pay or go without treatment.
DR G A RICHMOND replied on Permalink
As a retired GP who spent all my life working for the NHS I value it greatly. Two years ago I had a stroke, but thanks to the ambulance service who were at my door within ten minutes and superb hospital care I can now enjoy life once again. No-one knows when they may need this wonderful institution. It is great to have the reassurance that world class health care is there, waiting to respond virtually instantly whenever we may need it. It is a priceless jewel that that the whole country should be proud of and it should be preserved at all costs.
J Moore replied on Permalink
Politics is an expression of will ~ you really want to back a solution. The solution you decide with wisdom & judgement, whatever the tight spot you're in won't involve US Co Centene. Think hard about it & ask your conscience. So much of the NHS is in private hands already. Experience tells us not to make policies which generate profits privately & hand risk to the public.
karen harrison replied on Permalink
Peoples' health should not be a profit-making (or losing) enterprise. I've paid for the NHS, so it is stealing.
How can you possibly justify even thinking about doing this. WAKE UP.
Janice Lawrence replied on Permalink
The NHS was set up so that health care is available to all in need not for proof. Handing over health care to a private company will only favour the wealthy and share holders. Health is not a commodity. Retain our NHS as a public body free to all.
Roger Hawkins replied on Permalink
We need small- and medium-scale GP practices run by doctors who live locally and know their communities - NOT big business.
Alastair Fleck replied on Permalink
The creation of the NHS is just about the only decent and worthwhile thing that this country has achieved in the last one hundred years. It must not be privatised. It must be kept in public hands. Letting profit be the governing principle of an organisation is what has led us to the brink of extinction. The cult of infinite growth in a world of finite resources must be exposed for the damage it does. The health of the public is a public matter, not a private one. The USA has quite probably the worst and most unequal, exploitative health care systems in the world. It is not an example to be emulated.Keep American corporations away from the NHS.
David Moles replied on Permalink
The primary argument given for privatisation is usually that it's efficient. Unfortunately, what for-profit businesses are efficient at is creating profits for their shareholders.
The only way they can increase profits is to either: underpay staff more, or reduce the quality of care.
We need an NHS with fairly paid and motivated staff who are allowed to care for patients to the best of their abilities. So, please don't privatise more of our NHS.
Helen Whitfield replied on Permalink
The NHS is an amazing institution open to all in the country when they need it. It should be kept fully publically owned and under no circumstances privatised and ran to make a profit.
Sue Butcher replied on Permalink
Please do not allow Gp surgerys to be privatized by anyone especially not Centene an American company. The NHS is the envy of the world and it should remain so,being free at the point of use.This is the reason it was originally created to help the ordinary working class people who could not afford to pay for their treatment. Just look at the terrible example in America where people die needlessly because they can't afford private healthcare. The NHS should not be a profit making institution but this will happen and evolve if private companies are allowed to take over any part of the NHS. Stop it now before it's too late. We do not want to copy America at any cost.
Antony Clinton replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to the people of the United Kingdom.It was founded in 1948 for the specific purpose of providing quality healthcare for the people and to be funded by the people. It was never intended to make a 'profit' and certainly not to make a profit for private individuals/private corporations. What is happening here with this Centene thing is nothing short of a betrayal to the founding principal of the NHS and to the people of the United Kingdom. Profit before people? Absolutely shameful.
Frank Sowerby replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to the British People. It is the most precious thing we possess. My parents' generation fought a war and sacrificed their lives so that future generations could benefit from a health care system that was available to everyone, irrespective of wealth, and free at the point of delivery. It is the best health care system in the World despite Tory attempts to fragment and undermine it. It belongs to us and must not be sold off to foreign predators.
Pamela and Malc... replied on Permalink
The NHS was created as a non profit organisation, to try to improve the health and well-being of British citizens. There should be NO profit motive involved when a patient visits their GP or needs medical help of any kind. Allowing Centene to own surgeries is opening a door to exploiting sick people. In USA Centene has already been fined for malpracice, so as a company regardless of the private/public debate, it should not be trusted with any healthcare!!
Sarah mere replied on Permalink
Shame on our leaders for allowing groups like centene to even be contemplated !
Anonymous replied on Permalink
The NHS is not owned by any private profiteers .it belongs to the people Of ENGLAND . I urge you to stop this blatant selling off of our National treasure
Simon replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to the taxpayers and citizens of the UK. GP surgeries are an essential part of our NHS network and are not for sale. The British Government must act to halt privatisation by stealth of our NHS and asset stripping by foreign companies of what already belongs to us and which appears to be being sold without our consent.
Ruth Baker replied on Permalink
When I first read about this I actually didn’t believe it, and thought it was yet more ‘fake news’. How can this be possible? It’s the thin end of the wedge, and should be stopped at all costs
Anthony Bowers replied on Permalink
It will be seen eventually as a crime if you do this
David Kitson replied on Permalink
HEALTH BEFORE WEALTH! Especially the greedy private sector. And even more especially the greedy American private sector.
Julie Bullen replied on Permalink
I worry about what will happen to the poor. I worry about private companies putting profit above care. I truly can't believe this is happening, our NHS is the envy of the world
Mr Gerard Gregg... replied on Permalink
Private organizations such as Centene getting involved in the NHS risks losing the public sector not-for-profit motives of the NHS and the protection of the UK public’s health. Centene are trying to make money for their shareholders and management – does that mean they are greedy? Whether they are or not, much if not most of the public does not want the NHS to be privatized.
J Mckechnie replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to the public of this country, and is FREE to the people who pay for it, The British Public.
To allow a private company in to start running things might look wonderful in the short term, being given ‘sweeteners’ to get decision makers on side. Further down the road will come decisions, by them, to make themselves and their shareholders profit.
WE, the British public are the shareholders of the NHS, and we don’t want to make a profit. We expect to have a free NHS at the point of need, and we expect decision makers to understand that we expect to be able to see our GPS locally.
Simon Mollison replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to us and no parliamentary majority gives government the right to sell it off to businesses to make profits from. We have seen the damage to services that this can cause from the state of our dental care (nearly all the dentists offering NHS care are companies, most of which offer terrible care and ever-rotating dentists). The whole point of GPs is that they know you and are therefore in a good position to get to the bottom of our health issues. The government has no right to ruin our NHS any further than the last few governments have done. The only way they are selling it to people is by withholding adequate funding from the NHS so that people value it less and less. Bringing in profit-making concerns will further eat away at what the NHS can do. We need a law that will stop governments selling off our essential assets.
Ianb replied on Permalink
Couldn't have put it better than this post.
Catherine Odell replied on Wed 26 May 2021 Permalink
The National Health Service is paid for by us taxpayers for the health needs of us all - not for companies to take money from to pay shareholders.
The National Health Service is available to all in the Uk regardless of who they are or where they live and should remain so and certainly not become inaccessible for those in small communities because it is unprofitable to provide for them in their area.
ANNE HOLDERNESS replied on Permalink
NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene making a profit off our health service.
NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene closing our GPs.
NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene prioritising profit over our health.
Centene are trying to sink their teeth into our NHS, expanding their reach by the year.
Barbara replied on Permalink
The NHS contributes to the wellbeing and health of the people of the UK. It is there for everyone regardless of income. Private companies have to keep their shareholders happy by making a profit.We do not want the NHS in the hands of private company. Please cancel the contract with Centene
Dr Andrew Wilkinson replied on Permalink
I have worked in Child Health in many countries, particularly low-income countries, but it was when I worked in one of the richest cities in the USA that I was frequently struck by serious circumstances where the family had no insurance and just could not pay the fees. Many doctors didn't charge but Practice Managers and Hospitals did. This was absolutely terrifying for many who often sought medical help far too late.
Centene is one of the companies who eagerly profit from private health care which is what they have introduced into the GP practices they own in the UK. Their shareholders are ones who can afford private medicine, which we all know is often not the best medicine. Renewing Centene's contract will send a message to people living in NW London - "We want your money not your good health" and will encourage more expansion throughout the UK.
Annette Mason replied on Permalink
Healthcare is not a business. It should never be about profit.
John Hall replied on Permalink
The NHS is a valued organisation that needs to remain in public hands. One has only to look at the billions wasted on an ineffective track and trace scheme run by private company SERCO. Private definitely does not give best value except perhaps to shareholders.
Sheila Dorsett replied on Permalink
I am furious about this. This is not something that we have ever wanted or voted for. These companies are there to make a profit. Services will be reduced and surgeries closed down. This has already happened elsewhere. If this contract is approved you will not be acting in the best interests of residents.
Edward Redmond replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to all people. lets keep it that way.
its part of our history, & we're proud of this. Resist any changes.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Neoliberalism is a con. It means trickle-up. There is no real competition in local GP provisions, or prisons or schools, so the idea that competition encourages a better service does not hold. It is time we voted it out and created something more fit-for-purpose.
John David Seymour replied on Permalink
The NHS is a not-for -profit organisation funded by the population of this country via taxation, e. g National Insurance contributions etc. to look after the health of the nation, and to ensure that free medical treatment is available when required to all. It is NOT for an American associated company to buy up piecemeal in order to fill the pockets of their shareholders. Centene need to return to America for their business, and if so genuinely interested in an American National Health service, (which to my knowledge is near non existing, after being started by President Obama and then being thrown out by his succesor) they can buy into it there! The NHS CAN be publicly funded again IF the population looked beyond the end of their noses and voted in a government that did not make PROFIT their god.
Elfrieda Callaghan replied on Permalink
We need to enhance our NHS, not destroy it with countless private companies who are in this for the money. Look at the private care homes and the shocking behaviour of money over health! The NHS needs to be in public hands not multi-millionaires! We need to control our own NHS, we need more of a say, and we need to stop all contracts! We do not need these companies! Keep the NHS in public hands!
william mcardle replied on Permalink
Please don't don't allow our precious NHS to fall into the hands of for profit private providers. We will end up
like the USA, where millions of their citizens don't have access to medical care. Patient needs will be denied
as these company's see only financial profit as their goal and like many other private insurers will do everything they can to avoid paying claims. JUST SAY NO,NO,NO,NO and NO again
Beverley Prevat... replied on Permalink
The National Health Service is a resource for all, free at the point of need. It is far superior to profit driven health services. It must be kept free of the profit motive whereby costs and services are driven down so private individuals and companies can profit. Please keep the NHS safe for citizens and residents and not to be exploited and used for mercenary gain and corporate greed.
Silvia Carmona replied on Permalink
The NHS has been created and is being run with taxpayers money, the tax I'm paying every month. The Government hasn't got the right to sell the NHS to a private company without my consent. In my opinion this is illegal and we should all make sure the current elected politicians don't get away with it. It has taken decades to build the NHS, it belongs to the people and it works. Take back control from politicians who don't want the best for the people but the best for their personal bankaccounts! The NHS belongs to us!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Greedy multi-nationals like Centene are making a profit from our health service. Already they control 70 of our G.P. surgeries and are prioritising profit over our health. Our NHS is still the envy of the world and belongs to us, the people and taxpayers. The only people who will benefit from this are the wealthy who will reap the rewards of this privatisation.
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