25 May 2021
How to take action: Please leave a comment below this letter, with YOUR reason for not wanting Centene's contract to be renewed. We'll make sure to pass it on to the decision-making committee before Thursday's meeting.
Dear North West London Primary Care Commissioning Committee*,
* This is the committee which will make the decision on whether to renew one of Centene's contracts in North West London THIS Thursday, 3pm.
American healthcare giant Centene has recently taken over 49 GP practices.
Now, with a total of over 70 GP practices under Centene's control, it has become the largest single private primary care provider in England.
With North West London CCG's contract with Centene up for renewal this Thursday, we, as patients, family members, citizens and defenders of our publicly provided NHS, from all across the UK and beyond, call on you not to renew it.
How to take action: Please leave a comment below this letter, with YOUR reason for not wanting Centene's contract to be renewed. We'll make sure to pass it on to the decision-making committee before Thursday's meeting.
Your NHS is so worth protecting. By stopping Centene in its tracks in this area, you will be part of helping to stop the privatisation of our NHS all across the UK! Please comment with your message now.
T Elliott replied on Permalink
It is totally amoral to make money out of illness and course the nasty party want to get their grubby dirty little fingers into the pot
Anonymous replied on Permalink
After all the effort put in by NHS staff over the pandemic, I feel it is unacceptable to involve profit focused companies in healthcare. We need public health care in order to solve the many health issues such as obesity that made Covid even worse. We do not need more privatisation where profits are put before people and health.
Carol Altmann replied on Permalink
You just have to look at the state of dental care here to see what happens when privatised.
Sarah Wilson replied on Permalink
The NHS is funded by the people of the UK for the people in the UK.
The UK is not the USA. The NHS is not for sale! Stop it now!
Kay Lawrence replied on Permalink
The tax payers own the NHS it should not for sale. It was founded as a non profit organisation to put people's health and well being first not profits for shareholders
Mandy Morris replied on Permalink
The creeping privatisation of the NHS needs to stop now. The NHS is funded by the people for the people. Outside services are not required or desired. Leave the NHS alone!
frances dawson replied on Permalink
divide to rule: breaking up the nhs is going on behind our backs. we must stop selling to the highest bidder our health system, care system, pharmaceutical system. What is going on? Does the UK not have enough cash to look after its own?
Debra Howells replied on Permalink
The NHS always has been and always should be free at the point of contact. Where other services have been privatised there have been massive drops in the quality of service provided and also huge delays in provision. If GP surgeries follow this pattern, increased delays and reduced services can only impact on the health of the nation. The NHS should remain in the public domain and not for profit.
Pauline Whittaker replied on Permalink
There should be no room in the NHS for a company who’s sole objective is to make a profit out of the ill health of people. No health service should be viewed as a cash cow for private companies and their shareholders. If the NHS is reduced to being an only for profit business the whole ethos of staff working for the benefit of their patients will be lost. Many may find that their future health requirements will no longer be met because treatment will be decided on a profit versus health need basis - and profit will take precedence. The state of the American health care system stands as a clear warning to going further down this route and those that lead us down this path, with false assurances that it will be to our benefit, will not be forgiven when the true outcome is revealed.
Steve Whitehead replied on Permalink
Multi-nationals have profit as their first priority. This is simply not the way a health service should be run.
Steve Brewer replied on Permalink
One of the really great things about the UK is the NHS. Please let's not go down the US model of health care which is clearly broken and grossly unfair.
Dr Adrian Longstaffe replied on Permalink
I am a veterinary surgeon and I see how corporate takeover of veterinary practices has lowered clinical standards and restricted practitioners in the drugs they can prescribe, the procedures they can carry out and the diagnostic services they can use. Not only have standards been lowered but vets are getting less career satisfaction and less commitment to the job. I have lived in America and I know at first hand the miserable standards and high costs over there. Please don't let this happen in the UK.
Marion replied on Permalink
Centene is only one of several American companies that have taken over GP practices across the country. All this privatisation has happened surreptitiously while the public's attention has been fixed on Covid. Has there been any Parliamentary approval requested or discussed. The NHS is paid for by the public via National Insurance contributions and there should be no involvement in private profit taking. KEEP OUR NHS FREE TO ALL PATIENTS, WITH NO PLACE FOR PROFIT TAKING BY PRIVATE COMPANIES. Only the dedication of our NHS workers and scientist have got us through this Covid pandemic, not private companies who reduce staff and often make new contracts to reduce the pay of workers. This will not improve patient care and lessen the dedication and motivation of our brilliant health workers.
Amy Stilwell replied on Permalink
Before 1948 many people did not get the medical treatment they needed because they couldn't afford to pay for it. People suffered and died because they didn't have the money to pay for a doctor. If a doctor was called to a poor person not only did they have to worry of their illness they also had the worry of how to pay the doctor for their treatment. In a lot of cases people died because they couldn't afford to pay for treatment, we must not return to those days. We pay our national insurance to help support the NHS. The NHS is for the people not for profit. Keep private companies out of the NHS. The NHS is there to provide healthcare for the people not profit for the greedy private sector.
David Green replied on Permalink
Even though it was decided in 2004 that GP practices could be owned by corporations, Centene is different in that they are not fit and proper because of their proven appalling track record in the US and because there are no adequate mechanisms in place to ensure true quality of service to patients. It is also deeply troubling that a senior executive of Centene's UK subsidiary has just been appointed adviser to the Prime minister on NHS Transformation. This gives a sense of what the Prime Minister has in mind.
Nancy Davison replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to the people and without it we would suffer indescribable hardship. My own children would have been without a father many years before they were because we certainly could not have afforded to pay the level of insurance required to keep treatment going. I fear a time when insurance assessors and not clinicians decide what can and cannot be done. No insurance company is there to lose money and will stop treatment once a patient costs more to treat than they can contribute. The whole idea of privatising healthcare appals me.
Maria McMylor replied on Permalink
If we keep privatising the NHS, we'll end up with the horrible US system-the most expensive in the world with the worst possible outcomes. It spends 2.6 times more per capita on healthcare but provides the worst healthcare out of 11 countries. For example, the infant mortality rates in the US are worse than in a lot of poor African countries. Their life expectancy is lower than the average in the OECD. See, for example https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/mar/13/us-healthcare-costs-causes-drug-prices-salaries?utm_source=pocket-ff-recs
Tim Grice replied on Permalink
I'm aware that general practices have always been private businesses selling their services to the NHS and while this model isn't perfect there's generally a reasonable balance between the interests of the practice stakeholders, the body commissioning the services and the public/patients for whom they exist. Throwing a large business (and its overheads, which will far outweigh any "economies of scale") that is legally bound to deliver best value for its shareholders into the mix cannot be a recipe for sustainable service improvements or reduced costs. I urge the Commissioning Group to seek service providers that can more clearly be held to the account for the quality of GP services.
BiziBiz replied on Permalink
The NHS is the best thing any Government has ever done on behalf of it's population , It's truly a gem & Centene corporation must not be allowed any control whatsoever , the only way they can produce a profit for their shareholders is to cut & limit services .
Peter McMylor replied on Permalink
NHS is a public service, run for the people, NOT FOR PROFIT!
Peter replied on Permalink
I am so sick of hearing about privatisations of Our national institutions by nasty profiteering companies after a fast buck At Our Expense. Is there any chance it will stop all the time we have a completely broken political system?
Arthur Hemingway replied on Permalink
Private commercial interests have no place in the NHS. Kick out the alien parasite, Centene.
Daryll Bamford replied on Permalink
We should be allowing the piecemeal privatisation of the NHS. GP surgeries should be about clinical need, not corporate greed
Alison McCormack replied on Permalink
The pandemic has shown just how lucky we in this country are to have the NHS and how important it is that we fight to keep it as is, run from public money, by people who work for its goals and not for those of private companies and available equally to the people of this country. It is one of the greatest achievements of the country and the envy of many countries around the world, please do your bit to help stop it being privatised by the back door. Thank you.
Robin Goodfellow replied on Permalink
This is a slippery slope as, by stealth - deception - we are being led by the nose into an Anglo-American economic 'treaty' these last few years. American Health Business has been waiting in the wings lobbying like hell its U.K political lackies who seem only too willing to step aside for these predatory profiteers who the NHS promises a veritable gold strike. Unless U.K folk wake up their kids will inherit a health business they have to pay insurance to use...or end up like millions of Americans economically forced out of treatment. Centene we don't want you! If U.K can afford a 40% arms update and one of the biggest aircraft carriers ever built it can afford to keep the Nation's Health Service for the people Not profit!
Garry Whannel replied on Permalink
If there is one sure mark of a decent society, it is one in which healthcare is available free to all. Profit has no place in our NHS - please do not renew the Centene Contract
Joanna Bell replied on Permalink
Leave our NHS to be owned by the people of the UK. It is already hard enough see a GP or even speak to a GP without a private company taking over. Our NHS is not for sale or private management. Indeed it needs more resources and the people of the UK will help, so that it returns to being world class and able to care for a bigger population. No private companies, no foreign involvement. Hands off.
Jo Rathbone replied on Permalink
People's health care and well-being should not be dependent on companies which are in turn dependent on profits and their fiduciary duty. The NHS should be run by local people publicly funded for the best outcomes for individual patients. I have seen the results of privatisation in social care (I am a social worker) and I feel very strongly that this results in poor care as profits force down wages of the most important people - the people involved in actual hands on care.
Richard Philpott replied on Permalink
Brexit promised that we were 'Taking back control' I doubt that anyone would agree that US companies running our GP services comes under that heading. Don't allow this as it is the thin edge of the wedge and brings the fear of privatising OUR NHS
susan evans replied on Permalink
boris johnson promised to protect our nhs !it seems that he only wants to do that by making it look profitable to carry on selling different parts off to the highest bidder!shame on him......we the public we the tax payers now or before own it its not up for grabs from his buddies......we all want proper drs surgeries where we can go locally and not have to wait 2weeks for a consultation over the phone......i guess he or carry is not diagnosed in a phone conversation why is this not being covered by the national press................i wonder ..!!!!!!
Margaret Magee replied on Permalink
As a nurse ( now retired) in the NHS I worked very hard for many years trying to improve community services, being the lead manager for STARRS helping to launch the service. We competed going to tender against several private organisations who proved to have poor policies, were for making a profit and did not have patients first and foremost. We must retain NON FOR PROFIT, with all money going to improving NHS services. I have experience of some breakaway private community services with GPs .it looks good on paper and for the first six months and then the holes and weaknesses show through! We must stop a fragmented NHS. No one ever goes the extra mile for patients except the NHS staff. Privatisation is not patient centred, believe me one hears the private companies say “ it is not in our contract.......we will not do such and such” this is no matter what individual sick people need. There is a breakdown in communication, in contact t’induit y. We should in Brent be working rather to coordinating Health and Social care, NOT privatising services. Please NO!
MD replied on Permalink
Stop the back door privatisation of the NHS and GP surgeries, especially after this terrible year of pandemic. Our health service needs protection and investment not selling off to the highest bidders. Cherish the NHS.
Kate Morriss replied on Permalink
GP surgeries should be run for the benefit of the local community by people working and living there. The NHS is working hard to provide care for communities in their neighborhoods we don’t need another layer of management which profits only the pockets of a greedy company. Leave our NHS alone.
Peter Warrington replied on Permalink
We have experienced many failures of the private sector running public services and it would be an outrage to add NHS services to the list. Health services should be provided as a public service - the emphasis being on service first, not profit first! ‘Service first’ would not be Centene’s priority - it has shareholders and investors to satisfy first. Keep them away from our precious NHS. Shame on the Government for outsourcing NHS services in the first place.
Anne Seifipour replied on Permalink
Under no circumstances should a multi-national corporation like. Centene be involved in our NHS. I am totally against private companies & corporations running the NHS for profit. It is a drain on a very valuable system and also it will end up being a two or even a 3 tier system of medicine which means only the wealthiest can receive the best. The NHS was meant to be equal for all. If you feel it is badly run then take it out of the hands of of private companies & build NHS services up so they can run it in the manner it should be run. Not for profit. It is disgraceful how this government but also past governments have deliberately allowed it to run down so it could be criticised by the people doing it to allow shambolic companies to take over & make it worse.
Mfon replied on Permalink
The NHS is a strategic asset and a national treasure. I echo the sentiments above and say a resounding No to profiteering from the Citizenry’s or residents’ health and offshore outsourcing.
Nicky O'FARRELL replied on Permalink
The National Health Service is owned by those who fund it, all of those paying their National Insurance, it belongs and is for the use of the people of the United Kingdom and should remain under public ownership.....It should NEVER be owned or go into private ownership. The NHS was NEVER designed for that. Their motto was from cradle to grave and it should always remain with the purpose it was designed and intended for. It should NEVER be sold or get in the hands of private companies or individuals who are only interested in greed, profit making and are money grabbing individuals who are certainly NOT caring or interested in the welfare and health of the people of the United Kingdom.!! We must never let this happen!! We must save and protect our NHS!!!
Patrick O'callaghan replied on Permalink
The N.H.S should not be be used to make an American company profit but to help people who pay for it in their taxes.
Karen Luck replied on Permalink
Creating the NHS was arguably the best thing any government did in the last 100 years. When governments have funded it properly the NHS service has worked incredibly well. Allowing any company to run any part of it as a profit making enterprise is immoral and destructive. The NHS is for everyone’s health not for lining the pockets of a few. Please do the right thing.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I want my family's health care to stay where it has always been, in the NHS in this country. I wouldn't trust an American company for all the tea in China.
Gill Modern replied on Permalink
People should not be allowed to profit financially from other people illness. The nhs has always been ‘Not for profit’ until recently. American health care is greedy and corrupt. We must kick them out, and keep them out, of the NHS. STOP privatising the NHS now!
Cynthia Ankers replied on Permalink
We the British public have paid into the NHS through our national insurance contributions since the NHS was set up. Please do not throw this away, do not give it up, it has been tested and endured for the last 70+ years, why are you even contemplating allowing a private company into to delivery a General Practice service. I cannot see any advantages, only disadvantages, they are in it for profit, or to gain further access to other NHS services. Please do not go this.
Tanya Sinnett replied on Permalink
The NHS must remain in public ownership. It is for the benefit of people in the United Kingdom not for rapacious American companies who care only about profit. Please do not let Centene take over the GP practices
Wendy astersln replied on Permalink
The NHS is owned by the British Public and we want to keep it that way. .
Anne Keeley replied on Permalink
I am quite frightened at the thought of my GP practice being taken over by an American Company, which wants to make a profit from my health. The NHS has been developed and paid for by my taxes (etc), and not to make money from treating me when I am ill, and need treatment that I can trust.
Susan Balbuena replied on Permalink
I am writing to express my extreme concern and horror that anyone commissioning public services particularly our National Health Service provision could even consider 'outsourcing' any of it to any private corporate companies and especially USA owned and managed ones. There are so many reasons for stopping this and here are a few: The National Health Service as stated is a holistic, interdependent, complex, system of health care that has been developed over more than 7 decades, with excellent research, training, shared information and implementation of all aspects of health and social care that has made it the world's most successful, efficient and cost effective health service. This OUR NHS belongs to all of us from our grandparents, parents and us, paid and provided for by all of our tax and NI contributions and dedicated labour, it is NOT to be sold off as it doesn't belong to the Government or private providers it is the public's and it is the most important embodiment and cornerstone of our democracy. There is plenty of historic and recent evidence of what happen's to people,s health and life chances without a fully functioning health service and public health provision which depend on each other; it was known after WWI that the long term poor health of many of the soldiers was a vast contributor to excessive deaths and this experienced evidence and the general state of the public's health then, sparked the ideas that formed the implementation of the NHS. Ken Loache's film 'The Spirit of 1945' highlighted the punity of life and terror of sickness prior to the inception of the NHS. The current pandemic has exposed the weakness in societies that do not possess a competent National Health Service that is imperative as only a systemic integrated service can operate on so many diverse levels at the same time, able to respond to needs and amend practices and procedures to keep up with changes and ensure effective treatments by timely information exchange and research. Once any part of this integrated service is privatised it is already out of the cohesive loop and is unable and often unwilling to engage effectively, competitive practises and protectionism prevails, profits demand drops in standards and competencies as service costs are cut; the privatised service, in effect, is operating in it's own bubble mainly run and accountable to it's shareholders and has no democratically maintained oversight or input. Furthermore should these services proove too onerous or unprofitable to run, the operator, as has been shown in the past, just abandons it. This is no way to provide health services that are so depended upon by so many and particularly the most in need in society. There couldn't be a more obvious example of losing rather than 'Taking Back' Control of our services. The vast amounts of public money poured into private corporations for services and equipment during this current pandemic, by this Government, with little return or complete failure to deliver on the contracts has shown the lack of governance or control by the Government and it's commissioners. As usual once outsourced always outsourced, with the public and even their representatives left powerless to intervene, resulting in no provision and huge sums expended that we the public will have to find to pay back and suffer further service cuts; had this money been spent within the public service sector here it would have cost far less and there would have been a service; e.g. Test and Trace: UK spent £37 billion with Serco and others for a shoddy non functioning system-less service that failed, whilst Germany spent only 48 million Euros for a fully public operated successful service. A similar UK disaster with the inefficient laboratory Covid testing services again outsourced to incompetent corporations for eye-watering sums.Please, please think long and hard about the importance of the NHS in your hands and of all those people who depend on it, for now and in the future and don't be persuaded that the private sector, in this case: Centene, is best, because it is established that it definitely is not. We need to protect out NHS and public health as publicly run, funded and democratically managed in order to have public control and to secure it's sustainable and consistent future - we now know more than ever before, in recent times, how life-saving and important a holistic integrated NHS is, please let us all keep it this way and keep predatory private corporate business out like Cenetene. Thank you
Clive Andrews replied on Permalink
I totally agree with the above comments and believe that this PIRACY must be reversed!!! Give us back OUR NHS, which we have paid for and which is NOT YOURS TO SELL!!!
Dr John Ridyard replied on Permalink
Profit making companies have no place in the NHS, especially for emergency services. Centene should not be involved in GP practices; why and for what end? I fear the Tories have an agenda to dismantle the NHS as envisaged by Aneurin Bevan in a thousand cuts to feed their ideology of privatising whatever they can. To Tories the very idea of the NHS is anathema.
Alan J Polley replied on Permalink
Since the end of the second world war the NHS has become synonymous with the UK as an example of how a health service provides care to all the population regardless of their means. It has been built and developed by the public purse. It is a national asset that has been passed down by previous generations in trust that it continues for future generations to come. Therefore it is an abuse of power to dispose of any part of it for profit. The asset stripping of various NHS operations is nothing more than a death of a thousand cuts. The practice of dividing a public agency and parcelling the component parts for sale has been proved to be a failing political theory time and time again, the latest example being the railways which are now having to be taken back into public ownership. The original reasons for public ownership was the failure of private enterprises to provide a service in the first place, the lessons of history will have taught us nothing if the continuing sale of public assets carries on regardless. I appeal to your better senses to listen to the wider responsibility of duty to past and future generations and resist the urge for a quick profit and turn back from this full hardy scheme
Ken Holliday replied on Permalink
Privatisation by the back door.
If we continue to allow this to happen I’m afraid the web of privatisation within the NHS will be irreversible.
Paul Carpenter replied on Permalink
For the same money, NHS service or private service + profit? With private there has to be less for the service and pay cuts for staff. Please say no to Centene.
Paul McCann replied on Permalink
This government has an obsession with privatisation. Private organisations are no more efficient than Public funded organisation as we have seen from the rail industry and the many private companies which have failed to produce what they have contracted to produce. Three overriding things which make private industry unfavourable when it comes to running national services 1. the government invariably removes some of the safe guards that the national organisation has in order to make the organisation viable or "juicier" for private industry 2. "profits" are funded by the tax payer and go to shareholders and are therefore funds which are denied to the running of the national organisation 3. the private owners become secretive, and use "confidentiality" and other strategies to avoid public scrutiny thereby distancing themselves from the public they serve. They are not public servants. This has already happened with private companies which have taken over previously public organisations.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
All essential public services should be nationalised to ensure the poor in society are protected by ensuring the service is not a cash cow for profit but a safety net.
Mark Monument replied on Permalink
I cannot possibly accept that there can be any benefit whatsoever to the people of Great Britain in Centene's proposal to interfere in the provision of health care in this country,. The NHS is supposed to be a "Free at the point of Delivery" service, not profit-making, having been designed by Tax Payers for the benefit the Tax Payers of the GB, and NOT to provide profits for greedy corporations and their investors, at Tax Payers expense. To offer this profiteering organisation would be abhorrent and an insult to the people of this country, and our government should be ashamed of itself for allowing -even encouraging!- such disgraceful practice.
Janet Yates replied on Permalink
Mo advantage to this other than for the US and other healthcare industry, who are gaining new marjet, We lose the coherence and accountability of our health service and eventually our right to the health ervicewe know and trust- Slowly but surely it is being pecked apart.
How long do people have to wait to get NHS dentistry now?
Well that will be the future for basic primary care too.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
One of the best things that we as a country have ever done in my lifetime is to act as a community should act, with care towards our fellows, and decide to all put into the common pot so that everyone could have medical care free at the point of delivery. Don't let private sector greed get in the way of this.
jo mark replied on Permalink
Particularly given the current pandemic, the NHS needs to remain publicly owned and accountable, selling bits off to a private company will decrease people's trust which will have serious public health implications.
Not sure how compatable this is with the NHS constitution and principles of universal healthcare, it is likely the most vulnerable will suffer in a for profit system which is highly ethically questionable.
CF replied on Permalink
We need to protect our NHS for the sanity & love for all. Please don't privatise it!
Marilyn Brown replied on Permalink
The NHS was set up to enable the people of this country to get the medical treatment they need, irrespective of their ability to pay. It was NOT set up as a vehicle for greedy private companies to make huge profits.
Chris Bullen replied on Permalink
I have paid taxes and national insurance all my working life to ensure that I and many like me would be looked after at all stages of our existence. I probably would have been born successfully without the NHS care in the 1950s.I do not wish to end my life unable to get proper care because I cannot afford private insurance.
Nathan Suckling replied on Permalink
My mother suffered and passed away after having cancer for 4 years and she received brilliant care from the NHS. The thought of companies trying to take profit from the sick and injured is utterly horrifying not to mention those will be unable to afford it.
The greatness of the NHS comes from it always being there for you. Whether you are rich or poor, you are able to get the support you need. No one should make a profit off healthcare, it is for the need of the public. This selfishness and greed has no place in our healthcare system.
Janet Feather-Moore replied on Permalink
The NHS is a cherished public institution run for the benefit of everyone, rich or poor. How on earth can it be right that private American healthcare providers are allowed to make money out of this vital institution that is paid for, and should be owned entirely by, the British people? This is nothing short of privatisation by stealth. The Government thinks that if this happens on a drip drip basis, the public won't notice until it is too late and we have lost our National Health SERVICE altogether. Health care is too important for organisations whose first and foremost priority is a balance sheet to be allowed any involvement. This must be stopped immediately, before the British people lose control of their NHS to foreign private investors.
Richard Owen replied on Permalink
The NHS is being quietly privatised, and if we are not vigilant, we will lose it to the American corporations eyeing it up.
Francis Prideaux replied on Permalink
Our NHS should be publicly owned and publicly accountable.....not surrendered to private profiteers.
No-one has the right to give it away. Please be vigilant and vocal in its defence.
Oriel Marks replied on Permalink
Count me with all the comments made above. Being the same age as the NHS I have known it all my life - it must remain a NATIONAL organisation, one we all pay for and reap the benefit. It must never be taken over by an American financial instittution. We owe our lives to it and those that work in the NHS.
Ann Gerrard replied on Permalink
Our NHS is precious, it belongs to us all and no government has the right to sell it off bit by bit to profit mongers.
Jim McHugh replied on Permalink
The NHS for the people, paid for by the people-by NI contributions. Do not sell out to American for profit companies.
susan jackson replied on Permalink
Centene et al. you are not welcome here...take your dirty profiteering plans elsewhere.
Dee Sheehan replied on Permalink
The NHS was developed as a national asset for the people to provide healthcare free at the point of delivery. It belongs to the people and is not anyone's to sell or give away.
Eirlys Jones replied on Permalink
We need to keep our precious NHS, It's there for everyone that needs treatment as a caring non profit service. It would be a tragedy if our NHS continues to be privatised. The NHS is the UK's biggest treasure, so let's keep it in safe hands.
Tricia Ham replied on Permalink
I cannot believe that a British Government would allow an American business to take over our National Health Service and benefit from profits that should be ploughed back into the NHS . Please, please wake up to the potential outcomes of this action before it is too late.
Thomas Rowe replied on Permalink
My wife and i have worked all our lives and paid our tax and NI for our NHS, we are now retired we cannot afford to have an American insurance based healthcare system , which will deprive millions of even the basic health care. Stop the rampant privatisation,and lets push for a fully public funded NHS,
Bipin Thanki replied on Permalink
It's called the National Health Service and NO foreign let alone UK company should own any part of it. Hands off our Health Service!
Sylvia L replied on Permalink
The NHS is for people not profit. It was set up to be for the people, funded by the Government (our taxes). Private companies only care about making money for their shareholders and they do this by cutting back on the care and services they should be providing. Evidence shows this time and time again which I have found out to my cost and the NHS should Not be put in the hands of Private Companies. 'Home Helps' are now 'Enablers' who just stand and watch you struggle to cope, people are triaged without even being seen and turn down for necessary operations to mention just a couple of the 'services' provided by a local Private Company
Alex kerr replied on Permalink
The nhs was setup for people and not for profit- it needs to stay that way-please do not go selling this to profiteers who care little for the health of any country they invest in. It must remain a health care system that everyone can access regardless of their income? it’s a system to be proud of, please do not spoil it.
Patricia Crompton replied on Permalink
As a previous NHS worker, please keep our beloved system in public hands so it does not become a service only the privaledged can access. It was set up for the benefit of all. Please keep it accessible to all. It must stay in public hands!
Duncan Davidson replied on Permalink
Privatisation will be expensive, inefficient and deleterious to effective management of the National HealthService. It should be prevented.
Celia Hawkesworth replied on Permalink
British taxpayers own the NHS - it must NEVER be allowed to become the profit-making asset of remote shareholders motivated by greed.
J.winton replied on Permalink
The NHS is a National treasure and belongs to the people of Great Britain not foreign asset strippers and profiteers.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
The NHS - should be free at the point of access to those in need is the most precious thing we have in the UK. The majority of people access its services via their local GP. It is only those who are financially well off who can access private health care. Using an American multi-national company to provide GP services risks introducing the profit motive into an essential service on which we all depend and threatens the whole ethos of the NHS. During the General Election campaign we were told by the Tory Party that NHS privatisation was NOT on the agenda. They were not telling us the truth.
Kerry Carr replied on Permalink
The priority for GP management must be patients' health and wellbeing, not profit.
Ruth McNichol replied on Permalink
Our greatest national asset must never be run for profit.
Kathryn Barber replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to the people of this country. It is paid for by the people of this country. We do not want a substandard health system like they have in America. Hands off our wonderful NHS.
gillian rowe replied on Permalink
Hands off our NHS. If the USA are so envious they should concentrate on starting and supporting the same
system at home. OUR NHS is not for sale or take over!!
Steve Bell replied on Permalink
We don’t want rapacious American corporates plundering our national healthcare service and making profit from suffering. We are civilised. Keep them out.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
As should have been pointed out to Thatcher in the '80s and all the other culprits since, our national assets DO NOT belong to whoever happens to be in power at any time, they are placed in trust with them for future generations - just a pity we've had no-one worthy of that trust for decades, but I hope to live long enough to see the day of reckoning come!
Christine Sunter replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to the UK. It was set up by the British people, for the British people and is paid for by our NI.contributions. IT'S NOT FOR SALE. We don't want any business from the USA interfering and making a profit from the NHS.
Gemma replied on Permalink
The NHS is not for sale! COVID's only shown us just how vital it really is, more than ever.
Angela Morton replied on Permalink
Centene doesn't care about providing healthcare; only making profits and if denying patients services makes them more profits, they'll do that!GP Practices need to be run by people emotionally in the area in which the GP Practices are based. Companies like Centene just see our National Health Service as a cash cow; to milk till it's dry!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
The health system must be based around wellbeing, not money.
Something for the people - NOT for the corporations.
Something helpful - NOT greedy.
Colin Smith replied on Permalink
Equity in the provision of healthcare to its citizens is one of the hallmarks of any civilised country. In this endeavour the UK has lead the World and continues to enjoy a health service that is fair, effective and cost efficient. It enjoys the support of the UK population and the respect of the rest of the World. This is in contrast to the state of healthcare provision in the US which is the most expensive, most un equitable in the World. The reason - simply that in the name of the so called "free market", healthcare in the US has become a marketable commodity. There is of course no such thing - Governments set the rules of the market in terms of what can be traded and what not and it is reprehensible that a UK Government,should be so controlled by big business interests that they allow the NHS to be opened to commercial healthcare providers, who having squeezed as much profit as they can from the poor people of the US, attempt to do the same here.
Linda Stevenson replied on Permalink
Please stop this uncaring greedt American healthcare firm taking over our GP surgeries. The NHS is owned by the public keep it that way.NHS is not for sale.
Linda Stevenson replied on Permalink
Please stop this uncaring greedt American healthcare firm taking over our GP surgeries. The NHS is owned by the public keep it that way.NHS is not for sale.
Robert John Montague replied on Permalink
Privatisation is definitely counter productive when the situation is considering between the extra cost to the patients and profits to share holders. It doesn't work in the best interests of the patients who are out of work with no income to pay for a privatised industry. It did not work satisfactory before the NHS was formed to give everybody equal access to health care.
Al Manton replied on Permalink
We all contribute to our Nationalised Health Service solely to provide for our health. Private companies partake solely to extract maximum financial gain.
Richard Davies replied on Permalink
The NHS should be a UK-based, publicly-owned, publicly-run, NOT-FOR-PROFIT, and should NOT be included in any trade-deal with any country, I do NOT want any foreign company (where profit before patient-care is rife) to be able to have an influence over MY healthcare.
That's the benefit of "Socialist-based healthcare" because only 2 (two) people are truly involved - me and my GP (who will refer me on to specialists if required, etc...) unlike the USA where any number of "gate-keepers" do all they can the PREVENT provision of patient-care in favour of profit.
L Jones replied on Permalink
The NHS exemplifies who we are as a nation. To dismantle it would be a tragedy, which will go to the core of what we stand for, when greedy company fingers result in it’s demise.
kit replied on Permalink
The NHS needs support from everyone NOT Privatisation. Government intervention/meddling has been destroying the ethos of a public system for the good of all that is funded by NI contributions/taxes. We do NOT want a US style of private medical care that people can not afford.
Alan Hearn replied on Permalink
As should have been pointed out to Thatcher back in the '80s and every other culprit since, our national assets DO NOT belong to whoever happens to be in power at the time but are placed in their trust for future generations - a pity we've had no-one worthy of that trust for decades, but I hope to live long enough to see the day of reckoning!
Alan Partridge replied on Permalink
It's about equality and justice, not party politics. Everyone deserves equal healthcare, paid for by everyone's taxes, and delivered to all who need it, regardless of their ability to pay. Contracting primary health services to profit making corporations is the start of a slippery slope. Please keep the NHS public.
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