16 May 2019
You've scored a massive victory against privatisation! Justice Secretary David Gauke has decided to bring the probation service into public ownership.
Over the past two months, you've kept the pressure up, pushing and pushing the government to end the disastrous privatisation. Now you've succeeded.
To celebrate, here's a brief overview of this incredible campaign:
- Nearly 20,000 of you signed the petition calling on David Gauke to bring probation into public ownership.
- More than 120,000 of you watched the video demanding probation privatisation be brought to an end.
- 860 of you shared the article in the Guardian explaining just how disastrous Chris Grayling's privatisation was.
- Hundreds of you tweeted at David Gauke to tell him how important the probation service is to you, and why it needs to be in public hands.
This couldn't have happened without you. Your actions have forced the government to reverse one of its most damaging privatisations.
Watch and share this video to celebrate!:
The campaign also couldn't have been successful without the help of the coalition of organisations that came together to fight it. A massive thanks must go to UNISON, NAPO, GMB, Compass, Transnational Institute and New Economics Foundation.
To help keep powerful campaigns like this running, please consider making a small contribution to We Own It.