16 May 2018
We're running a workshop with Keith Venables from Health Campaigns Together, and Barry Faulkner from Unite, this Saturday on public ownership - come and join us!
You can register by emailing Keith on iwceducation@yahoo.co.uk or info@weownit.org.uk . Don't wait! There are 30 spaces left at the time of writing.
The workshop will run from 10:30 to 3:30 this Saturday the 19th of May, and will be held on Moreland St, Angel, London. We'll give you more details when you register.
The IWCE or Independent Working Class Education network runs informal and relaxed educational workshops like this one to encourage discussion, critical thinking and sharing of ideas. More info on their website.
The programme is not restrictive - we'll allow time for discussion and interaction in each topic. A modest lunch will be included. IWCE asks for a £5 donation on the door from participants.
- Introductory discussion: Who owns it? Does this matter to you and society?
- Quiz: Do you know your public from your private?
- Debate: Do we want to go back to the 1970s?
Afternoon discussion:
- What is public ownership and how do we get there?
- What are the barriers to public ownership in Health, housing, rail transport. How can they be overcome
- What are good examples of the way forward? Including discussion of the Preston model.
- Update: What does the Labour Manifesto have to say about public ownership?
- Campaign workshop: A brief look at how to win campaigns - strategy, tactics and alliance building.