6 May 2021

One year on and Serco's track and trace is still an absolute failure.

The privatised system has proven time and time again that it is unable to deliver, with NO clear evidence of reducing infection levels. 

People across the country are rightfully sick of Serco. 85% of us don't trust a private company with test and trace. Moving forwards, we know that we need functioning contact tracing in combination with the roaring success of the NHS' vaccination rollout, to keep our communities Covid safe. 

The government has already admitted that the current system just isn't working. Local-0 schemes have triumphed in trials, with councils across the country taking over contact tracing using their expertise and local knowledge.  

Now Matt Hancock faces a decision: continue pouring money down the private company drain, or scrap Serco's contract and give the resources to local public health teams to do what they do best. 

On 27th April, people across England took to the streets to say: time's up for Serco! Give local public health teams the money to run track and trace. 

Actions were organised in Calderdale, Huddersfield, Leamington Spa, Leeds, Liverpool, London (Camden, Ealing, Hackney, Westminster), Macclesfield, Manchester, Margate, Nottingham, Oxford, Sheffield, Stockport, Sunderland, and Wellingborough,

If you were part of a local action not listed, we would love to share your photos: please send them to info@weownit.org.uk.

Calderdale says SCRAP SERCO.
Oxford bringing music to the message!
Camden residents say: enough is enough, give local public health teams the resources.
Ealing out in force!
Leamington Spa residents turn out to add their voices to the campaign.
This brilliant pair make the message clear in Leeds.
A sea-side scrap Serco call from these Liverpudlians.
You'll find passionate defenders of public health upon arrival in Liverpool!
Matt Hancock has blood on his hands in Westminster...
Macclesfield joins the day of action.
Zero Covid campaigners out in Manchester.
A second Oxford demonstration see's the Serco contract finally torn in two.
Huddersfield are here for public health!
Stockport say: time's up for Serco!
Sunderland takes to the streets to say: not a penny more to Serco.
Wellingborough won't stand by and let private companies mess up test and trace.
Nottingham says NO to Serco.
Margate NHS campaigners out on the day.


  • jane kerslake 4 years ago

    Liked to be involved in campaigns, living in Thanet, Margate area

  • Mrs A Walsh 4 years ago

    The health of the public is a public concern and funded by the public since 1948 The businesses who now seek to make a profit from ill health, social care, etc, want to buy into a system with the sole purpose of serving the shareholders, not those who have paid into and support the system for all their working lives. The people's voice must be heard and listened to in this, to maintain control within the United Kingdom to best serve the people who have paid for the National Health Service.

  • Nigel Green 4 years ago


  • Rosemary Bechler 4 years ago

    We have all pointed out that Serco T&T doesn’t work and that NHS local find track and trace and backward trace and help financially and in other ways to isolate does. But we haven’t asked what Serco are doing with the £37 billion - can we imagine how much that is! - if they are not tracking and testing. What are they doing and what does it have to do with the new ‘National Health Security Agency.’ Which oligarch is meant to make profits from this ? If you don’t ask they certainly don’t tell you!

  • Jennifer A Jeeves 4 years ago

    You are all doing a wonderful job stopping these for profit companies interfering with the workings of OUR NHS.
    I know all about the American so called Healthcare system as I lived and worked in the USA for 20 years, prior to retiring, in the healthcare sector too. I am happy to give you any details on how their system works.

  • Yvonne Wilson 4 years ago

    Thank you for starting the campaign to withdraw the track and trace contract from Serco. As Jeremy Hunt said, the money should go to the NHS, who have the expertise to run these services. What a terrible waste of money Track and Trace has been. This government is incompetent and corrupt

  • Vivien Neville 4 years ago

    So grateful for your efforts to keep public services public, out of the greedy hands of profiteers. An uphill struggle with the unscrupulous lot in government at present.

  • David Rook 4 years ago

    The words Health and Profit should never be used together

  • albert winslade 4 years ago

    Thank you for what your doingI live in rank tory area nice to see people fighting back at this disgusting Government. We must keep fighting till this Government is kick out the sooner the better.

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