26 Feb 2016
Network Rail has asked Citigroup bankers to advise on selling off 18 public railway stations across the country: Birmingham New Street, Bristol Temple Meads, Edinburgh Waverley, Glasgow Central, Leeds, Liverpool Lime Street, Manchester Piccadilly, Reading and the London stations.
If stations are sold off for a quick buck, we'll lose future profits and we'll lose control over our wonderful stations and public spaces.
Sign the petition to stop the sell off and help us build a week of action from Friday 4th March to Thursday 10th March, at stations around the country.
Bristol Temple Meads
Meet at Temple Quay entrance, Monday 7th March, 9am-9.30am and 6pm-7pm
Details tbc
Meet outside King's Cross station, Friday 4th March, 8am-9am
Other stations
Can you help? If you're willing to organise an action at any of these stations, please get in touch: Birmingham New Street, Edinburgh Waverley, Leeds, Liverpool Lime Street, Manchester Piccadilly, Reading.

Dean Clayton 9 years ago
Privatising the railway network rather than running it commercially, efficiently and profitably for the public good was one of the biggest mistakes any Conservative government has ever made in my opinion, ranking in sheer short-sightedness with PFI and selling off the utility companies, and I say that as a strong supporter of the party. The sooner the railways are taken back into public ownership with no compensation to the current operating companies the better. They already receive huge subsidies so there is no reason to compensate them. Network Rail should take notice of public opinion and stop this stupid plan immediately.
Norma Timms 9 years ago
Birmingham New Street is the nearest station for me. Is there anyone else able to join in a demonstration some time next week?
Francis Heyes 9 years ago
This Tory government say they listen to the public, why do they then ignore what the public want? They ignore us so they can line big business men's pockets, when they get voted out they are then looked after by those same people. It's time we got rid of this government and the voting system that puts them into power,they were elected by 37%of the electorate, They have already put in place that a union needs to have a majority of 51% to take strike action, if that applies to unions shouldn't it apply to political parties as well. It's time we had proportional representational to bring in a government that listens to the people that pay them.
Leslie Allan 9 years ago
I am appalled that the sale of our railway stations is even under consideration. Railway stations are, and always have been, an integral part of our rail network and 0rganisation and must remain under the control of Network Rail and/or the relevant train operating company. ( Far better, too, if these companies, together with Network Rail, were to be returned to the public sector! I remain convinced that commonsense will eventually prevail and that this will happen.) Les Allan.
David Bailey 9 years ago
I would like to get involved. However I live in Dawlish so Exeter St Davids or Exeter Central would be ideal main hub stations to campaign at. I could possibly travel to Bristol but it would be more difficult so I can't promise. Is any action planned down my way?
julie boston 9 years ago
This protest went well thanks to material provided by WE OWN IT. We will continue if people are willing. But there's no need to come to Bristol. There are lots of rail issues you can take up in Exeter.