1 Aug 2017
We're angry to hear that the government now wants private companies to take over collecting court fines - currently this important work is done by the civil service.
The Ministry of Justice is sneaking through this major privatisation plan while parliament is in recess. The government tried to privatise court fees just two years ago and wasted £8 million of public money before dropping the plans.
We think these plans are outrageous and the way they are being snuck through during the summer recess is shameful.
At the moment, civil servants who collect these court fees are subject to the Civil Service Code of behaviour. This Code helps to protect vulnerable people from abuse by bailiffs, and ensures that people who default or don't pay their fees are dealt with fairly and impartially. This is essential because the bailiffs have the power to search people's houses, put them in custody, and access sensitive police data.
There are issues surrounding current practices of fine collections – a recent report from Citizens Advice claimed that reforms to collections in 2014 have failed to curb unfair practices among bailiffs. Vulnerable people aren't properly protected from bailiffs who might exploit or abuse their power. Privatising the collection of court fees will only put these people in more danger.
The Code of behaviour will not apply to a private, outsourced organisation. If the collection of court fees is privatised, then we will have next to no protection from rogue bailiffs, and more people will be treated unfairly.
To make matters worse, the Ministry of Justice admitted in 2015 that outsourcing would not provide ‘best value for the taxpayer’. Privatisation is expensive, and a waste of public money.
We also know that when justice services are run for profit, standards drop – the outsourcing of translation services in courts, for instance, has proved disastrous. There is no justification for outsourcing the collection of court fines.
An Early Day Motion has been tabled in parliament opposing the plans, and the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) is asking supporters to email their MPs asking them to sign.
We Own It supports this vital campaign to keep our justice services public – use the PCS action page to email your MP now!

Don Goodman 8 years ago
It would be disastrous
Anthony Mason 8 years ago
A system working on justice does not rest well with private firms seeking profit primarily.
Peter walsh 8 years ago
This is a scandalous decision and the most expensive option. It will interfere with all our civil rights.
Joyce 8 years ago
More cruelty and suffering initiated through Tory rule disgusting.
Catherine Jacob 8 years ago
This is another way that the citizen's relationship with the state is made less direct and less protected. Cannot understand why this is being done if it costs more.
joseph shepherd 8 years ago
nothing should be changed without public scrutiny and being set before Parliament for discussion.
Jane Bhandari 8 years ago
Privatisation has never worked as then there is no accountability.
Jane Bhandari 8 years ago
Privatisation has never worked as then there is no accountability.
Alice Price 8 years ago
This would be a charter for bullying and violence. I remember when I was a child peoples fear of the bailiff was second only to thier fear of the workhouse. Violence and thievery was rife.
Rob Miller 8 years ago
Robert Clayton 8 years ago
Mark Lansbury 8 years ago
Various parts of the so called justice system in America are privatised. The result is, the use of 'Corporate Terrorism' extracting profits from the most vulnerable -- and many times innocent -- with the threat of prison or cash payments.
If money is to be made, there will suddenly be more individuals who are innocent which find themselves involved up against immoral corporations increasing profits off innocent citizens.
Our democracy is broken.
Tories out!