1 Dec 2019
Next week - November 25th - December 2nd is our NHS week of action. We'll be kicking it off with a stunt in Parliament Square on Monday at midday - join us if you can!
Our NHS is at risk from a Tory-Trump trade deal, and this is one of the biggest issues of this election.
Have your election candidates signed our pledge to get the NHS off the table by ending privatisation? Do your fellow voters know which candidates have committed to protecting the NHS?
We need you to make this happen - can you take half an hour to take some photos with your election candidates outside your nearest hospital?
- Oxford (West and East): JR Hospital, Manor Road Surgery, Osler Road, 1pm, Sunday 1st December. Facebook event here.
Finchley and Golders Green: Finchley Memorial Hospital, between 10-5, Monday 25th November- Ipswich: Hustings for candidates, 6-7:30pm, Monday 2nd December. Contact Anthony: anthony.dooley@ntlworld.com
- Chichester: St Richards Hospital, 11am, Saturday 30th November
- Walsall: Walsall Manor Hospital, on the corner of Pleck Road and Moat Road, 3pm, Saturday 30th November
Dewsbury: Dewsbury Hospital, Halifax Road entrance, 12 noon, Wednesday 27th November- Hexham: Hexham General Hospital, 11am-12 noon, Saturday 30th November
- Sheffield: Northern General Hospital, Barnsley Road entrance, 2pm, Saturday 30th November
- Romsey: Near the Palmerston Statue, in Romsey Marketplace, 10am-12 noon, Friday 29th November. Leafleting from Tuesday-Thursday at the same time and place!)
- Wirral: Street stall on Banks Road, West Kirby, Wirral (junction with Dee Lane near the station and Morrisons) 11-1pm, Saturday 30th November
- Durham: Market place, 11:30 am, Friday 29th November
Manchester, Bury South: Prestwich Walk-in Centre, 1-1:30pm, Thursday 28th November. Facebook event and more details here.- Liverpool: To be confirmed
- Cardiff: To be confirmed
- Northampton North: To be confirmed
- Isle of Wight: To be confirmed
- Nottingham: To be confirmed
- Hastings: To be confirmed
If you can't see your constituency in this list yet, you can make it happen - sign up here.
All you need is:
- Our pledge: weownit.org.uk/nhs-trade-pledge
- This pledge placard - Click here to download
- A local NHS building to meet outside
- The email addresses of your election candidates (Find them here: candidates.democracyclub.org.uk/)
Here's what to do:
- Invite your local candidates to join you outside your nearest hospital or NHS building on a day of your choice next week.
- Bring the pledge placard and ask candidates to sign the pledge and pose for a photo with the placard.
- Tell your local paper about your action, and send them the photos
- Show your constituency which candidates are committed to protecting the NHS, and which have refused to take the NHS off the table.
Let us know that you're taking action and we will share the details here so others can join you!

Photo credit - Kristian Buus
Eleanor Lewington 5 years ago
I am just out of hospital having got pneumonia . Spent 15 hours in ARE before getting a bed on a ward, which had been emptied of men. The ward had a further 5 women coming in 2-3 hours. The staff always busy (and some paid just £10 an hour) and subjected to racism by some of the patients "Where are you from ?" "Stockport" No where are you from? " No doubt if she had said "from my mother's womb", she would have been regarded as impolite!
So we have a lot to do on racism , as well as keeping the NHS public.
Alisoun Gardner-Medwin 5 years ago
My life was saved last March when my appendix split. I was frightened when I saw the "4hours waiting time" notice in A&E, but I was seen at about 10 pm, after about 20 minutes, and operated on first thing the following morning. I spent 8 days on a ward, where many staff, including the surgeon, were from ethnic minorities. The atmosphere was very friendly, and yet professional. One Chinese porter especially was really kind and managed to joke with me when I couldn't eat what he had to offer. All staff were very busy, yet were human and kind. The RVI in Newcastle is a shining example of good practice.
David Alleyne 5 years ago
I am in the over 50’s age bracket and I have been asked to help with a survey for bowl cancer research, I could not be any happier to have the pleasure to help out as it is common with the Caribbean community. I was born in the UK, things are a lot different now and slight more scarier. I have been through riots, and also had to move from town to town for a proper education. I hope everyone take a brief timeout and think about what is at stake, we need to think about all the poor people who are on the streets in the cold days to come, and who would like to go on holidays to the EU to get away who cannot afford holidays to places like Australia or the USA, and all the next kids growing up who are going to be here long before us. It is strange that no matter what people are being selfish and thinking about themselves, there kids are trying to say something but us as adults do not listen. (Save the NHS, we cannot afford to treat then like they are worthless….they are the best).
Ben short 5 years ago
I personally feel that we the public have had enough of the torries lying point blank to us I ask that the government sees all people walk the streets of London tell trump’s to never return to England trump is dangerous must be stop what I do know is if I saw half of London I would panic don’t vote torries