6 Jul 2021
Dear Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP
We are concerned that your plan to allow private companies to sit on Integrated Care Systems boards as part of your new NHS reforms will create a conflict of interest that will negatively impact the healthcare people receive from the NHS.
We call on the government to make sure ICS boards are locally accountable and work for patients - not private profit.
Private companies must not be allowed to sit on ICS boards and make decisions about NHS spending.
Recently, it's been revealed that Virgin Care has been given a seat on the Partnership Board of the Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Partnership (BSW). Already, minutes suggest that the company is lobbying to keep information secret rather than enabling public transparency and accountability. It is equally concerning that the partnership is asking for donations of £10,000 from providers towards running costs of the ICS. The potential for conflicts of interest is huge.
Decisions about how NHS money is spent should be made by the NHS with input from the local community. It is completely unacceptable for private providers of healthcare to sit on ICS boards.
We look forward to hearing from you.
- Unison
- Nurses United
- UK Faculty of Public Health
- National Pensioners Convention
- The Equality Trust
- Our NHS Our Concern
- Disabled People Against Cuts
- Keep Our NHS Public
- Unlock Democracy
- Colin Hutchinson - Chair of Doctors for the NHS
- Compass
- We Own It
- Cllr Ian Ward - Birmingham City Council Leader

Diana 4 years ago
The NHS is the most precious resource this country has. I would do anything to help protect it.
Zoe Guardiola-Abbots 4 years ago
For the NHS!!!
Sara Farris 4 years ago
Save the NHS
Sue Vincent 4 years ago
Respect our health service.
Oscar Guardiola-Rivera 4 years ago
We know what’s like without universal health. Don’t make the same mistake!
Patricia Callaghan 4 years ago
For 73 years our NHS has treated everyone according to their need. lets stand united to fight against any threat to this universal service
Peter Sopowski 4 years ago
The Conservatives will say that "Private Contractors" are needed, BUT its undemocratic and immoral for the shareholders of healthcare companies - (who do nothing but invest spare or borrowed cash to seek a profit) to have their Healthcare Companies have a say on who get what healthcare in future! We need to have a democratically fair say on this - NOT the people can openly gain financially by having a say!
Nicholas Chapman 4 years ago
The NHS is one of the most vital and amazing part of our British Culture. If it is privatised, we will lose one of the BEST health services in the world.
Brian Fisher 4 years ago
The NHS is being undermined by government policy. We need to fight to maintain and improve it.
Jill Green 4 years ago
For me as a retired nurse I am also aware of distortions in medical practice that are inevitable with privatisation. It is in the surgeon’s interest to give you an operation, maybe for a condition that physiotherapy could sort out. It is in pharmaceutical companies interests to persuade GP’s to prescribe (and they do, using all kinds of bribes). It is in the interests of obstetricians to stoke up fear about childbirth so that mothers beg for Caesarean sections (it happens in USA, look at the numbers).
Sonia Wilkins 3 years ago
People before profit!
Angie Bridges 3 years ago
People before profit!
Alan Hall 3 years ago
The NHS needs support and resource, it doesn’t need this Bill!