19 Feb 2018
This is it. Chris Grayling will be making a decision about what to do with the East Coast rail line any day now.
His choice is between bringing the line into public ownership (where it worked really well for six years) or handing it straight back to Stagecoach for at least the next two years.
We only have a few days to convince him to make the right choice - he's said public ownership is on the table, and he's under pressure from his Department, the Transport Select Committee, and the National Audit Office to make the right decision. This is our chance!
We'll be handing in the petition to the Department for Transport on Tuesday morning - so let's make it our biggest petition ever!
Sign here if you haven't already, and then send it to two friends before Tuesday morning!
You can also contact your MP using our handy tool and ask them to write to Chris Grayling and urge him to make the right decision. We've written a template email, all you have to do is enter your postcode and click send!
If you're in London, join us at 8:15am on Tuesday the 20th of February outside the Department for Transport (Great Minster House, Horseferry Road, London) to deliver the petition.
If you can't join us in person, you can help by tweeting with the hashtag #MakeEastCoastPublic or #TeamPublicEastCoast on Tuesday morning (if you have Twitter!).
You can also click 'going' and share our facebook event here.