13 Jun 2019
We all know that privatisation takes money from all of us, and puts it into the bank accounts of CEOs and shareholders. But this really hits home when you see just how much money the bosses of private companies have been pocketing.
The GMB union, in collaboration with Corporate Watch, have released the staggering sums the highest paid figures at the privatised water companies have been receiving. Reported in the Mirror - the figures show that water bosses have taken a staggering £70m in the last six years.
That's money that could be used to reduced bills. That's money that could be used to stop leaks in the system which currently wastes 3bn litres per day. That's money that could be used to invest in measures to halt the water shortages predicted in 25 years time.
If this makes you angry, join our splashmob and take action against water privatisation.
In 2018, water company bosses bagged the following in salaries, bonuses and other perks:
- Severn Trent - Liv Garfield - £2.084m
- United Utilities - Steve Mogford - £2.075m
- Anglian Water - Scott Longhurst - £1.921m
- Northumbrian Water - Heidi Mottram - £953,000
- South West Water CEO - £577,000
- Southern Water - Ian Mcauley - £1.066m
- Thames Water - B Rennett - £851,000
- Wessex Water - Andrew Pymer - £542,000
- Yorkshire Water - Richard Flint - £932,000
The water companies don't want you to know about these figures. We know because we recently spoke to one of them about their CEO's £2m earnings:
Privatised water has a steady flow of money trickling from our bills into the pockets of CEOs and shareholders. It's time we put the plug in. It's time we brought our water into public ownership. If you agree, sign the petition below.

Shirley Lewis 6 years ago
Water is essential and should be owned by the state. Any ‘profits’ should be ploughed back into improving the infrastructure, not to overpaid pen pushers. The current model is not fit for purpose. On the street I live there has been water leaks in two separate places for three months solid. Water has been gushing out continuously. Vans bearing the logo Thames Water have come and gone but the leaks keep flowing.
Biba 6 years ago
Thank you Shirley! That's terrible to hear. Please sign our 'Peoples Plan for Water' on our action page to say what you would want from a new publicly owned company. https://weownit.org.uk/peoples-plan-water-map
Jennifer Jones 6 years ago
I did sign up for action at BD6 (West Yorkshire) on 6 July. I asked others in my political group but I've still not heard about time and exactly where on the day, so that I can't pass this information on and I have offered lifts.
Ellen (We Own It) 6 years ago
Hi Jennifer
Sorry you haven't been contacted - I can't find anything that looks like it might be your email in our list of respondents. Could you email me on info@weownit.org.uk and let me know if you're happy for me to put you in touch with other people who've signed up to take action outside Yorkshire Water?
Brian Basham 3 years ago
I have a question. What did water company Celia earn prior to privatisation? Be easy to adjust for inflation.