19 Mar 2021

Stop the NHS White Paper that promises further privatisation

It’s time to reinstate our NHS as a fully public service. Profit has no place in our NHS. The Health and Social Care Committee’s inquiry on the Department’s White Paper on Health and Social care closes on Tuesday 23rd. We think it's really crucial that thousands of people respond to this inquiry, saying why you think this White Paper should be withdrawn! Here's how to!

1) Go to the 'call for evidence' heremaking sure to say you're 'an individual'. They'll ask for a few details first before asking you to upload a file.

2) Upload this word file (odt version here), add personal thoughts or further information if you want, and then submit! You're done - thank you so much.


Want more information, or to personalise your response?

Here are some key reasons why the White Paper are bad news for OUR NHS in England (and for all the UK long-term)

In 2021, Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson have promised to bring in legislation that will hand over the current organisation of NHS regions to something called 'Integrated Care Systems'. These plans will lead to more of our health services being handed over to private companies. But how?

  • These new bodies will commission health services for an area, but they could have private companies sitting on their boards.  The bodies have been criticised for encouraging under treatment or rationing of services, as members of the board (which could include private companies) will get to keep any money they don't spend, and they will bring an area under tight financial controlsAll of this sounds familiar right? More private involvement, more contracts to private companies and less funding for the NHS to look after people so that they need other, private options.
  • It will open the door to more cronyism -  yet more contracts would be given to government pals like Serco, as we’ve seen in the pandemic, but without any competition - that’s what the government means by ‘reducing bureaucracy’. 
  • While key experts say there will be a reduction of 'accountability and democratic oversight' over our NHS, what's even more concrete and worrying for some is that there is discussion of 'sharing' the 'rewards' with private companies. This means money that could be spent on health services will be leaked as profits to private companies.  

Want to read more about this?

Keep Our NHS Public have been keeping on top of these developments for years. Here is their campaign page with some great briefings you can read. This is a great summary to start with from Allyson Pollock and Peter Roderick (co-authors of the NHS Reinstatement Bill).


  • Sam Pervaiz 4 years ago

    Please stop this white paper bill it's too dangerous it needs to be withdrawn

    • Margaret Grainge 4 years ago

      The NHS is owned by the public for the public and in NO way should it be linked to private companies who only want their share of the profits! All profits should be invested back into the NHS!!!

      • K Bull 4 years ago

        Keep our NHS safe

      • Kastuv Ray 4 years ago

        I agree , sadly as an internal auditor I have seen and observed nepotism and cronyism at the Department at Health and Social Care. It doesn't just exist at No 10 but also at the Whitehall level where contracts are awarded to mates or party donors who are rich company businessmen who are interested in influencing how the London stock market can flourish therefore ensuring that their pension pots are there for their retirement. They do not realise that this will not put food on the table when the NHS is hit by another crisis. The NHS is for the people not for the governments, not for mutinational pharma company and certainly not for big law and accountancy firms to exploit. These individuals that have done this have actually flooded the NHS with black money, therefore a strong Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crime framework will need to be created to get what was once the world's best health care service out of debt. That means auditing all third party service providers who provide PPE to our key and critical workers. Technology that does not work is not a plausible excuse.

        All MPs and civil servants, personal tax accounts, income and expenditure should be investigated by an independent body. Before putting a tax on the rich to fill their own coffers, the UK government needs to have tax raised on them as they have their own conflicts of interest. A Bribery and Corruption Policy therefore needs to put into the Ministerial Code of Conduct. Purely food for thought but it may help the men and women of excellence who work for and within the NHS and who keep us safe from the various threats that can, may and will face us.

    • Penny Jones 4 years ago

      The NHS is Britain’s pride. We must not undermine it however pressing the economic need. I for one am happy to oay more tax to keep it.

    • Lourda MacDonald 4 years ago

      We don’t need private. All we need is care from NHS as when it was first brought out, it helped all the people of this country.

    • Jane Stone 4 years ago

      This action is absolutely dangerous for the citizens of this country,it will kill people and the NHS was formed to save lives .
      The idea was that we all paid in to care for one another.I am proud to say that my eldest sister was a matron and my daughter was a staff nurse l also worked as a care assistant for
      the elderly you must stop American corporations taking over OUR health services it’s not for you to decide what happens to it ,if anything bring it all back into public ownership .

    • Wendy weston 4 years ago

      Stop this white paper bill. Withdraw it. Change the system so that we hire f/t nursing staff instead of
      very expensive agency staff. If you paid nurses a real wage they would not go and work for agencies.
      It is madness. I love how the NHS has responded to my cancer during the past 12 months.

    • MARGARET EVANS 4 years ago

      The National Health Service belongs to the people of this country - we have all paid into this service - it is the envy of the world and must not be taken of us by people who just want to make profits. It is not for sale. It is a service for the all the people of this country not profit makers !

      • Philomena Enver 4 years ago

        We need our NHS people in Britain could never afford private health care especially if it ends up like America so hands off our NHS and stop wasting NHS money on companies that only care about profit.

    • Marina Pouros 4 years ago

      The NHS is not for Sale nor profit. We pay our taxes to keep the NHS , the NHS was created Free for Everyone, No Government has the right to change this. We have the Best system in the World.

  • jack weston 4 years ago

    immediate action required

    • Heather Tisdalethis is our 4 years ago

      This is our nation dont go asking others to change because we wont we dont want our servisescrossed over with others we need to stay British we need to keep it British

    • Padraic Boocock 4 years ago

      The white paper needs to be revised - it is a privateer's charter.

    • Pam Marley 4 years ago

      The NHS must never be privatised.

  • Philippa Elmhirst 4 years ago

    After all the protestations that the NHS was never to be part of a trade deal, privatising it would be a total betrayal of the institution which is our proudest accomplishment. It should never even be contemplated.

  • Kevin Madden 4 years ago

    There can be no private companies involved in our NHS it a very big NO from me stop this lunatic behaviour now or tories will be like Labour finished for all time

  • Lesa Hunter 4 years ago

    To say no

  • Liz Vincent 4 years ago

    Let private companies do what they want, within the terms of the law of the country, but, please, leave them out of any involvement in the NHS. Let the NHS get on with delivering health and care to the population of this country unhindered by having to write contracts for private firms which ultimately take money out of the system as well as not contributing to the training of personnel.

  • Gary Holohan 4 years ago

    Seems like a kick in the teeth after all the deal everyone has gone through.

    But the Tories know their is a profit to be had and stuff the poor and the vulnerable!

  • Chrissie Pountain 4 years ago

    We have a wonderful service for the public which has saved so many during this pandemic. Please do not try to use this incredible organisation for profit.

  • Kay Buckley 4 years ago

    No privatisation of the NHS!

  • Edward Sproul 4 years ago

    It is imperative that the NHS and other public services do not end up by cronyism in the hands of Tory party donees who seek only profit and enrichment for their selfish interests rather than the welfare and well being of the public at large
    We are well on the way back to over seventy years ago when you had to pay to see a doctor.
    This is disgusting and shameful

  • Ian Campbell 4 years ago

    If this goes ahead you have no shame and totally ignore public opinion to feed your pockets

  • Yvonne 4 years ago

    Our NHS must not be sacrificed on the altar of profit.

  • Marilyn Susan Ryall 4 years ago

    The NHS is the envy of all the other countries so why would our government want to sell it off - to make money of course!!! It is a wonderful institution which has been proved by the way they have responded during this terrible pandemic. I dread to think how we would cope in future if everything is privatized. We would all need to take out insurance policies and so many people could not afford to do this. It seems typical of this government.

  • Mike Hatton 4 years ago

    The NHS must be kept public and NOT opened up to private companies.

  • Andy Mcguffie 4 years ago

    The NHS should not be used as a vehicle for the enablement of profit.It should be fully funded by taxation and totally run as a public service.

  • Francis David Pinder 4 years ago

    This is a sinister proposal which could take away our ownership of the NHS. Selling the NHS for profit would be unforgiveable and those who collaborate to do it should not expect the electorate to forgive them.

  • Cath Roberts 4 years ago

    Disgraceful not to mention sneaky

  • Lynne Loughrey 4 years ago

    Stop the privatisation of the NHS. It should remain a public not for profit service.

  • Andy Mcguffie 4 years ago

    The NHS should not be used as a vehicle for the enablement of profit.It should be fully funded by taxation and totally run as a public service.

  • Geoff Chaplin 4 years ago

    The NHS to 'people' and is not a plaything of callous uncaring 'nasty party' politicians !

  • Terry Hart 4 years ago

    Introducing any form of private business into the NHS is counter to what the people of the UK want or will accept. It takes vital needed money out of the NHS, reduces standards and adds a level of influence on the NHS which is not acceptable. This headlong charge toward privatisation via the backdoor demonstrates the government has learned nothing about the commitment to their Jobs by the NHS workers or the abject failure of the Private sector to deliver on the parts that were handed to them on a plate wrapped up in taxpayers money. The only people the benefited from the Private sectors activities were the shareholders and the mega rich!

  • Elizabeth Dack 4 years ago

    We need to keep the NHS safe, please stop this white paper it is toxic.

  • Sue Woodford 4 years ago

    Support the NHS, don't stab it in the back!

  • Philip Dawes 4 years ago

    This bill paves the way for American finacial thuggery of Britain's National Health Service, and will replicate the criminality going on in America's Health System, which is more appropriately named: 'American Death System.'
    Britain's National Health Service is our treasure and should be preserved!

  • Chris Shelley 4 years ago

    This must be stopped immediately, we don't want an American style health service where only the wealthy can afford treatment, Johnson stop it now.

  • john e higgins 4 years ago

    If this happens we will end up paying for all are treatment, leave the NHS alone

  • Noelle Grace 4 years ago

    Don't let this excuse for a government sell away what is rightfully ours.

  • Alan Whitney 4 years ago

    No more privatisation!

  • Jayne Heaney 4 years ago

    Stop this blatant sell off of our NHS

  • Liv Ward 4 years ago

    This is a disgusting bill, poorly disguising the tory party eugenics agenda to try to cause further harm to the working class. It must be stopped. The American system does not work, many feel insecure and avoid medical care due to cost; this only benefits those who have stakes in the companies (i.e. those who wish to pass the bill).

  • Martin Ayres 4 years ago

    This is wholesale privatisation of the NHS services American style. The NHS needs to be handed back to the public and existing contacts to private firms phased out. It’s our NHS not the Conservative party.

  • Peter Whelan 4 years ago

    We need to stop giving our heritage and right to a first class health services away. Fat cats don't care about us, only the size of their wallet

  • Trevor BAILEY 4 years ago

    Privatisation would be a disaster for this country and its people. Proof of this is the N H S handling of the vaccination program and the disaster of the track and trace by private company.

  • Janakie Mallawa-Arachi 4 years ago

    Stop this white paper bill it's dangerous it needs to be withdrawn. We the people say No!

  • Anonymous 4 years ago


  • mark johnson 4 years ago

    NO to privatisation. NO to americanisation.

  • Pippa Taylor 4 years ago

    Please put a stop to this bill. No further privatisation of the NHS, and no more cronyism is needed.

  • Carmel Wilkinson 4 years ago

    Stop privatisation of the NHS

  • Arthur Mather 4 years ago

    Review what has happened over the last twelve months to the NHS and the British people and stop this insane drive towards a style of NHS that is not fit for purpose and not what the people of Britain want.

  • Ian Hughes 4 years ago

    This Government has repeatedly made assurances that the NHS will not be privatised. If this White Paper is followed through, then their assurances will be exposed as straightforward lies. I'm tired of this duplicity.

    Please stop the White Paper. If it is passed then we can no longer hold up the NHS as something special. If the pandemic has taught us one thing, it is that we need an NHS that is free from the pressures of the desire for private profit.

  • Geraldine Gillain 4 years ago

    The NHS offers a service to everyone. It will be destroyed if privatised. People can pay for private medicine if they want and have a nice room etc. I paid into the service for a service not for the organisation to make a profit to share with shareholders. Its discrimination against the people of this country. Get rid of the middle managers who have cut this service to pay for their high salaries, people often who know nothing about health care.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    Our National Health Service was won by sheer dogged hard work and effort and most of us rely on it as a public not private service . There are plenty associated with this Government who would sacrifice anything for profit without giving a thought to the suffering that would inflict on the general public of this country!

  • William Yates 4 years ago

    It is obvious that private companies exist to make profits. This can ONLY mean providing lower quality services for inflated prices. The emphasis should be a publicly funded NHS with a focus on increased efficiencies.

  • david ellison 4 years ago


  • Margaret Stritzel 4 years ago

    Please withdraw this dangerous bill immediately. We need to keep our NHS in public ownership.

  • Patricia Minchella 4 years ago

    Stop this paper. You have no right taking away something that belongs to to the people of the UK.

  • Judith Stockwell 4 years ago

    Stop this bill now

  • Maureen S 4 years ago


  • Jane Roderic-Evans 4 years ago

    Having worked in the NHS as a doctor in hospital and general practice I know that privatisation does not work - we had one of the best systems in the world - we need a properly funded public health service, Private companies are only interested in making a profit for themselves and their shareholders - as has been seen so many times in the USA - which has the most expensive and inequitable health care system amongst rich nations. They spend more on health and have the poorest outcomes.
    We need to follow the evidence - 37 billion wasted on private companies for test, trace and isolate instead of properly funding the NHS public health service which has given far better outcomes. Your own govt committee concluded that the private test and trace system made NO DIFFERENCE to the covid pandemic, whereas local NHS services were achieving far better results. Why this OBSESSION with private companies. why are you so intent in destroying our NHS!

  • Bernard Harper 4 years ago

    Typical Tories,the NHS is not safe in their hands

  • Sue Burke 4 years ago

    The tories are liars and cheats. Every promise they have made has been broken. The most dangerous broken promise and one always denied is their ambition to make money out of the nation’s health. Johnson denied emphatically during the debate with Jeremy Corbyn that they were preparing to sell out our NHS. We now know for certain that was a bare faced lie. This must be stopped and they must be taken out of office fir lying misleading and ripping off the electorate.

  • Paul Crisp 4 years ago

    This will make the smoking hole of DoH procurement during teh pandemic look like a rigorous well documented and open exercise. Its a license for teh wholesale corruption of great swathes of the economy. You can't possibly allow this to happen. Every warning about teh essential mediocrity and squalor of the current government has proved to be an understatement.

  • Peter Goodrick 4 years ago

    Privatisation of the NHS should not be allowed. In a 'perfect world'- private involvement and investment whould be encouraged. However, historically, private involvement in Public Services has meant filling the pockets of so called investors, at the detriment of those most vulnerable and in most need.
    We all benefit from the NHS and all Public Services, we all contribute to them, in taxes but a minority (who already have more than enough wealth) make profit from non profit organisations, which is theft and greediness.

  • Peter Connoley 4 years ago

    Please stop this white paper. Any privatisation of our health service must be stopped. This government have not got the right to sell off what doesn’t belong to them .

  • Susan Brown 4 years ago

    We need to stop this happening!

  • Megan Lawton 4 years ago

    I am fearful for my community and family if this goes ahead. We must stop it.

  • Bruno Johnson 4 years ago

    I spent the best part of 2017 in hospital with leukemia. During this period, I experienced first hand the damage that is done by private companies providing poor services.

  • Susan Howard 4 years ago

    More lies and deceit from the Tories! When are this government going to listen to the UK public, the very people who do actually pay for the NHS? We don't want American style anything, let alone health services aimed just at the wealthy! This must be stopped at all costs.

  • Mark Garvey 4 years ago

    The NHS is owned by the people of this country, and is not there’s too sell.

  • Ian Powell 4 years ago

    Conservatives got into power on the back of myriad pledges and safeguarding the NHS was amongst the top few. The stealthy privatisation of many facets of the health service has led to a manifold drop in service provision and private companies skimming off the cream to enhance shareholder pockets.
    This is far too important an issue for them to sweep aside the peoples wishes, no more skimming, scheming or profiteering...We own the NHS, it’s ours a legacy that needs to be passed on to our children’s future health and well-being!

  • Mark Oliver 4 years ago

    Health care must never be related to profit. The two are absolutely incompatible and the result can only be the loss of essential care for the majority of the population.

  • Sylvia Helliwell 4 years ago

    I say NO stop this white paper bill to dangerous needs to be withdrawn.

  • Peter Etheridge 4 years ago

    The NHS is the finest Health organisation in the world. It has a dedicated, skilled and friendly staff that has been proved over and over again during the pandemic.
    It is a non-profit, well organised and efficient organisation despite being underfunded. To bring in independent organisations that are interested in only making a profit (other wise why would they be there) would undermine the whole structure.
    This is the way to loose the next election Boris.

  • Kay Murphy 4 years ago

    This puts healthcare for all at risk. We don't need private companies on decision making boards. Saved costs belong to the NHS, not used to profit private companies. Contracts shouldn't be given out without public scrutiny and comment. The NHS is not a 'profit before patients' wealth creating machine for private companies.

  • Rose Trickett 4 years ago

    Health and social care has been semi privatised over the oast 4 decades, with notably disastrous consequences for many needing care. Private care homes are too expensive for many, mental health care is laughable at best and the working tax payers still pay more and mire fir less and less. I have personal experience of what terminal care us like, especially for brain tumour patients have list my younger brother at the age of 53 to glioblastoma Multiforme, the brain cancer that killed Tessa Jowel. His care by the local health authority for the 12 weeks he lived from his first visible symptoms was dreadful. I was even told after diagnosis j would be charged fir his bed in Poole hospital if I did not take home home with no care package in place. Terminal brain cancer meant he was too well to be in hospital and I had to fight hard to get continuing health care for him for those few weeks of his life. There was no way to complain and no support or help at all in any way. If you allow privatisation to continue and do not gwt taxes from billionaires to help pay for real care this can only get worse. More hospitals will alow people to be killed who they deem not worth it. I sjnt believe our government actually cares about the people at all and I like many who seen the things I've seen trust none of them nor the doctors in charge. We believe its all about money not people. It would be nice jystvince to be proven wrong on this

  • Kate Evans 4 years ago

    It’s about time all governments stopped trying to make money, feed the greedy and ignore the vulnerable. Enough! STOP!

  • Paula Derry 4 years ago

    It's our NHS and it is not yours to sell.

  • Sandra Walter 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to the public NOT to any insurance company. Relatives and friends of ours in the USA pay a fortune for their insurance which DOES NOT cover every eventuality. It would be a complete disaster!!

  • Isobel Dawson 4 years ago

    Keep the NHS in public hands and scrutiny where decisions and actions are taken in the best interests of people and not for private profit

  • David Otterson 4 years ago

    This bill is a gateway to back door privatisation. Cash going into corporate profits means less can be spent on public services at the point of need.

  • Maris Sharp 4 years ago

    Stop the white paper on the future of the NHS. What has happened to the promise that it won't be sold off? This paper opens the door for privatisation and getting rid of the services we know and trust by making them profit based. This will erode all the relationships built up over years of the NHS and make life for those difficult to care for patients an impossibility when care is profit driven.

  • Peter Goodrick 4 years ago

    Private investment in Public Services: why not? Oh, yes, greed, arrogance, corruption, that's why not.

  • Paul McCann 4 years ago

    It is time to reinstate our NHS as a fully public service. Profit has no place in our NHS !!

  • Jane Ibarz 4 years ago

    We can’t let the NHS be trashed like this. We have to stop this. This deceitful government should not be allowed to privatise the NHS against the will of the people!

  • JOHN MORRIS 4 years ago

    Withdraw white paper bill immediately

  • william mcardle 4 years ago

    It was always on the cards. Tories have always wanted rid of the 'socialist' N.H.S. I think they even voted against it in the houses of parliament when introduced by Beverage. Sadly the voting public don't seem to understand Tory party political objectives and follow 'spin' newspapers which similar goals.

  • Brian Saunders 4 years ago


  • Brian Hill 4 years ago

    Stop any privatisation of NHS

  • Robert Leitch 4 years ago

    I feel this public resource needs to be linked with Social Care and properly funded.

  • Roderick Giliies 4 years ago

    It is an economic necessity for the great majority of the population to have a free at the point of delivery health service..

  • Philip Davies 4 years ago

    NHS must not be further privitised. Over and over it has proven its effectiveness. It ain’t broke ......

  • Heather Price 4 years ago

    The NHS is here to care for people not to make money. For the sake of sick people stop this now.

  • Terry Ford 4 years ago

    Withdraw this bill now the NHS has shown how brilliant it is and what a disaster Serco and other private contractors are!

  • Sylvia 4 years ago

    Stop selling our NHS

  • Adam Hiley 4 years ago

    Get rid of Johnson, Hancock and Starmer and protect the NHS as a member of the SDP party I endorse your campaign

  • william mcardle 4 years ago

    It was always on the cards. Tories have always wanted rid of the 'socialist' N.H.S. I think they even voted against it in the houses of parliament when introduced by Beverage. Sadly the voting public don't seem to understand Tory party political objectives and follow 'spin' newspapers which propagate similar goals.

  • Martin Ludford 4 years ago

    Our NHS services will never be safe under a Tory government, history speaks for itself.

  • Dr Anthony GREENWAY 4 years ago

    NO p;rivate companys to be involved in the NHS in any way at all.
    STOP this White Paper immediately!!

  • Lee 4 years ago

    immediate action required

  • Ed Holford 4 years ago

    Time the Self - Servatives stopped making deals to line the pockets of their friends and party funders. In all my years I have never witnessed such a deliberate act of vandalism of the NHS by such a bunch of charlatans.

  • Mai Waby 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to the public not this filthy mendacious government they have no right to sell off the NHS to do so is a criminal act of theft from public tax payer at large.

  • Jacqui Morris 4 years ago

    The NHS should not be subject to anymore privatisation, which will ultimately lead to an American insurance based model, this has to stop now. The British people will not stand for this, nor should they

  • Alasdair Cook 4 years ago

    This must be stopped. The NHS is ours not the Goverenment's to sell off.

  • MS VANESSA KELLEY 4 years ago

    This is a disgrace, the rich that rule stealing from the poor. evil government

  • James Ross 4 years ago

    After the Covid 19 crisis there absolutely no justification for our beloved health service to be put in the hands of private profiteers.

  • Dr Anthony GREENWAY 4 years ago

    STOP this White paper and remove all Private companys from the NHS!!

  • Georgina Newman 4 years ago

    The NHS belongto 5he people not private companies.

  • Pauline Leather 4 years ago

    Totally support We Own It with this

  • Bill Nightingale 4 years ago

    Profit seeking companies have no place in decision making about our NHS. We want a fully publicly provided NHS that focuses on the nation and its health.

  • Lynne Hignett 4 years ago

    No more cronyism!

  • Deborah Falzon 4 years ago

    Please don’t pass this bill. Show the people you care.
    It’s a NO from me

  • Teresa Upton 4 years ago

    Say no to cronyism! Save the nhs!

  • Joan Hale 4 years ago

    This white paper should be stopped immediately the NHS is for people NOT PROFIT.

  • Doug S 4 years ago

    Private company involvement in the NHS, by definition, means more public money hived off into private pockets instead of being spent for the good of the populace. Needs to be stopped now. God, what a mess we've been landed in by this lot!

  • Irene Kragt 4 years ago

    We need to keep our NHS as the NHS for our British people, we do not want to be privatised. We have the best health care system for our people in the whole world!!!!
    Do not sell it off! As a Government you will not ever again be selected for selling us out to Brexit and Our NHS.. you have constantly Lied!

  • Justin John 4 years ago

    Leave our NHS alone.

  • Jeff Mathews 4 years ago

    Privatised services don’t have a very good record in health care in UK and those we import from the USA see us as exploitable consumers.

  • Moira McGraw 4 years ago

    Our NHS is the Uk’s biggest asset and we must stop the government selling off pieces of it, until it is only the shell of what it was, and meant to be. My fear is we will be left with the extremely basic service, which Johnson will say is still the UKs NHS, and we will be left with the expensive treatments and medication etc all being Private, Those who are in a good financial position, will need Health Insurance, and the rest of us who can’t afford it, will be left to live and die without treatment. This wonderful institution must be kep intact at all costs.

  • Mr Anthony Byrne 4 years ago

    This NHS is not the government's NHS. It is the public NHS. The government does not have the right to privatise the NHS. We need to protect the NHS from greed.

  • david stafford 4 years ago

    The NHS is the envy of countries that have privatised health care that causes the deaths of people who they deem too expensive to care for as it would reduce their profits. Health care should rightly be available to all as required and anything less than that has no place in a so called civilised society. In the final analysis the overall health of any society will be downgraded by introducing the profit motive.

  • Freda Colyer 4 years ago

    This is a very dangerous bill which will destroy the NHS as we know it. It is not what British voters voted for when they elected this government.

  • Helen Adelaide Lambert 4 years ago

    I do not want any privatisation of our NHS. You have no right to go against the public’s wishes. The NHS is the best health system in the world. Keep it in the public domain.

  • Ryszard Sliwka 4 years ago

    Contrary to the claims that privatisation of the NHS would aid efficiency, th nt effect is fragmentation and dilution of expertise and experience of th people should be making th key decisions for the good of the country not personal gain

  • Philip White 4 years ago

    The creeping privatisation of our health and social care services needs to stop NOW, and we need to "TAKE BACK CONTROL" of our NHS!

  • Keith Smith 4 years ago

    Boris Johnson is constantly praising the NHS. In fact they saved his life when he had Covid 19. How can he now allow that same group of dedicated people to be taken over by private companies,worse still,American private companies. It is disgusting and this government ought to be ashamed of themselves for thinking such a thing.

    Thank You

  • Terence Franks 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to the British people & NOT to US private medical concerns - the current Conservative government under Boris Johnson appear to have forsaken the tax funded NHS & therefore also the British people British people who the NHS was originally founded for.
    The US private medical corporations need to keep their hands off the EU completely & the complicity of the present British government in that regard needs to be halted immediately !
    These privatisation proposals are nothing more than an absolute disgrace !

  • Kath maggs 4 years ago

    No no noooo....trains, prison service, water companies, British telecom, buses,electricity etc etc....all these privatised under Tory governments just for the fat cats to grow richer.....
    NHS has shown how wonderful and necessary it is in this pandemic. It must be saved from these greedy people.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    Tax paid to the government should never be allowed for private profit .

  • Emma Scarborough 4 years ago

    Leave our nhs alone. This is public money and is not the governments to sell off like this. This is a way to plunge millions of people into debt through healthcare. This is highly unethical.

  • Sarah Streatfeild 4 years ago

    Selling off OUR NHS for private profit is immoral. A rapacious system where companies make profits from human suffering should be illegal. People b4 Profits!

  • Michael Routledge 4 years ago


  • Josephine Brown 4 years ago

    Our NHS must NOT be privatised.
    Please withdraw the White Paper Bill.
    It is dangerous !

  • Gill Stephenson 4 years ago

    No to privatisation of the nhs.

  • Catherine spink-white 4 years ago

    This must be stopped at once . It can only mean profiton the sick and less treatment

  • Mark OSullivan 4 years ago

    This will cost countless lives and be detrimental to all in the UK except for the uber privileged

  • Gez Wenham 4 years ago

    I have contributed to the NHS all my working life. Nearly 50 years. NHS belongs to the people not private companies. To sell the NHS off to the highest bidder is tantamount to theft. They cannot go ahead.

  • Richard Stephens 4 years ago

    I firmly believe the entirety of the NHS and indeed all ‘national public services’ should be owned by the British public, managed and supported by our elected British government-ensuring open, fair and responsible policies and suitable tax funding. Privatisation (by sale or gifting) of pur public sector assets in inherently wrong and will alway create significant clashes of principles and barriers where ROI / profitability become a factor that effects quality, standards and delivery of services.
    Stop selling off our public assets!

  • Sandra Short 4 years ago

    Stop this. We don't want privatisation. There is too much already which often undercut costs but provide poor quality services.

  • Ed Marks 4 years ago

    Healthcare is not a commodity to be sold to those that can afford it. The American system is hopelessly inefficient, and so costly that millions of Americans simply cannot afford health insurance, so have no access to healthcare.

  • Kate Withers 4 years ago

    The NHS was meant to ensure health care for British citizens from birth until death and the people pay into this scheme via British national insurance contributions. It is THE BEST service in the world and recognised as such. To sell it off is a disgrace and means that the British peoples’ health will no longer be the priority. It will cost the British people more money for a worse service. If the current pandemic has taught us one thing, it is the quality of care we have within our health service is second to NONE. Maybe the government, who are supposed to represent their people, should listen to us and act on our wishes and not sell us out to foreigners who will not give a damn about the British people!!!

  • Michelle Floyd 4 years ago

    Please reverse these steps towards privitisato

  • Neil Forshaw 4 years ago

    This is sheer hypocracy after the NHS has worked so hard for everyone through the Covid19 even saving the PM's life.

  • Diana Tickell 4 years ago

    This White Paper Bill is a disgrace. We must protect the NHS. Immediate action must be taken.

  • Sue Underwood 4 years ago

    This privatisation bill needs to be stopped before the health of our country is severely compromised. Private industry has consistently proved to be untrustworthy, expensive and ineffective. We only have to look at the Test and Trace fiasco. Millions given to a company that did not deliver when it could have gone to the NHS on the frontline services.

  • Marian Clarke 4 years ago

    Keep the Americans and private companies out of our NHS.

  • Graham Warwick 4 years ago

    The Tories have never forgiven the Atlee government for the NHS and have been working subtly to undermine it for years. Now the gloves are off and they'll stop at nothing to return us to a watered-down version of pre-war medicine

  • Jane Wolstenholme 4 years ago

    No private company will ever work and run a business as a not for profit operation,and definitely will not advocate sensible salaries for top managers. It's shocking that the Govt dare to destroy the NHS. So many private companies fail abysmally and need rescuing,we're are talking about health services here, no room for incompetent private and greedy companies. History will look at this govt with shame,just as history looks at the slave trade.

  • Andy Fiore 4 years ago

    A National Strike and civil disobedience campaign to save our NHS from privatisation!

  • Nicola Tricker 4 years ago

    This cannot be allowed to happen!

  • Carol Locke 4 years ago

    Stop the white paper bill it’s not want people want . It’s another rip off of our NHS

  • Nicola Griffiths 4 years ago

    This white paper is privatisation by the backdoor.
    Withdraw this .
    The NHS is not for sale and the public will not tolerate your attempts

  • Kathleen Mary Smith 4 years ago

    I say NO to these proposals because what the NHS needs now is transparent accountability to the taxpayer (bring back the Audit Commission) and not more undemocratic, secretive crony-led deals that allow public money to be sneaked away into private hands.
    There is a social care crisis - but this is not the solution.

  • Terence Regan 4 years ago

    The NHS is OUR health care not the governments to hand out to friends in the private sector and should be kept as a not for profit service. The government do not want to give staff pay rises because it makes it less desirable.

  • Christine Pedder 4 years ago

    Absolutely no to this

  • Robin Davison 4 years ago

    As proven during the pandemic, privatisation is not the way forward.

  • Matt21t 4 years ago

    Our healthcare should be for all not those that can afford it or even worse individuals being excluded due to medical conditions as insurance companies will note cover chronic or life limiting conditions as there is no profit in it for them.

  • Robert Parkin 4 years ago

    Stop this bill now, in the long term it will only favour the wealthy, to the detriment of the poor.

  • Hazel Dickinson 4 years ago

    This bill must not be passed. Has this country gone to the dogs without anyone speaking up.

  • Keith Adrian German 4 years ago

    Stop the bill now

  • Margaret Brobin 4 years ago

    Learn lessons. The NHS works well Track and Trace was private and abysmal.

  • Terence Adrian Cook 4 years ago

    I think what this government forgets is that we all own the NHS.....
    NOT THEM !!

  • Carol 4 years ago

    This is not the reward for all the NHS is doing.

  • Claire 4 years ago

    Stop destroying our nhs

  • Gareth Williams 4 years ago

    If the nhs can make a profit then clearly that should be ploughed back into the system not put into shareholders pockets. NO to the proposed White paper!!!

  • Anne McCorry 4 years ago

    If life was a thing that money could buy
    The rich would live and the poor would die
    This WILL happen if we don’t fight for our NHS

  • Evely Welsh 4 years ago

    If we don't take action now and this bill passes then so will the NHS and those who depend on it will suffer hugely. It must be stopped.

  • Vivienne Skinner 4 years ago

    Please stop this bill. The NHS needs to remain socialised, free at the point of access and run for people not profit.

  • Alex Lawson 4 years ago

    Over the past year, we have seen the efficacy of our National Health System in action. Despite the ideologically-driven interference and cronyism of the UK government, our NHS has performed magnificently in comparison to other nation's services. We do not want privatisation by stealth. Privatised systems do not work for the general population of a nation, particularly the poorest and most vulnerable. There is no reason to introduce these practices into the NHS, except for private gain. It does not benefit us.

  • mark murphy 4 years ago

    Through this whole pandemic, one of the few organisations to come out of it with any credit is the NHS. Private companies have failed us almost every step of the way.
    So keep the NHS out of the hands of private companies and make certain the decisions are kept away from them.
    Keep the NHS fully publicly funded and controlled.
    Scrap the white paper!

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    I do not agree. The NHS should always be public domain.

  • Margaret Grainge 4 years ago

    The NHS is owned by the public for the public and in NO way should it be linked to private investors who only want their shares of the profits and have zero concern for the people! All profits should be re-invested in the NHS!

  • Rosalie Battye 4 years ago

    This bill is outrageous and NOT what the NHS is for. It should be scrapped immediately

  • Colin Elms 4 years ago

    Withdraw the white paper on privatizing the N.H.S. It was brought in to give health benefits to the British people,not profits for Americans or anyone else.

  • Vivien Bridson 4 years ago

    This is lunacy, it is selfish political dogma and fodder for cronies. It will send us back at a fast speed and is guaranteed to fail the poor, the average earner the small business, families all because the members of this government have been bent on this policy for years. It does not work. Has the Pandemic taught you nothing?

  • Joan Mercer 4 years ago

    This White Paper must be withdrawn.The NHS cannot be handed out to private companies

  • Robin Connolly 4 years ago

    Keep Our NHS for People - Not for profit.

  • Stephanie Rae 4 years ago

    This goes against everything the NHS stands for. Stop this privatisation immediately after

  • Terry S Bush 4 years ago

    Stop the carve up of our NHS. It will be less effective and efficient. Profits should not be made from peoples' misfortune. Stop voting for the tories, who are doing this to us, before it's too late.

  • William Gosnold 4 years ago

    Do not introduce a bill that could result in privatisation of our national health service.

  • Ray Gerlach 4 years ago

    The NHS was designed to give free health care for all - it must be kept that way .

  • PJB 4 years ago

    We must retain our NHS as it was meant to be; for people, not profit. People are not like goods on a conveyor belt; they are not for sale. I think most people would be willing to pay a bit more in tax to retain a truly public NHS.

  • David Hornsby 4 years ago

    Please stop this Bill!

  • PJB 4 years ago

    We must retain our NHS as it was meant to be; for people, not profit. People are not like goods on a conveyor belt; they are not for sale. I think most people would be willing to pay a bit more in tax to retain a truly public NHS.

  • David Ostle 4 years ago

    People first

  • Ian Kane 4 years ago

    The evidence of the abuse and misappropriation of public funding by placing it into inappropriate inefficient and poor performing private companies is evidence enough that the NHS is most efficient and cost beneficial when it is funded directly by and for the public and not for profit.

  • Brenda Scutts 4 years ago

    I believe that Boris Johnson stated that the NHS would not be part of the American Deal, is this his way of American Privatisation through the backdoor. This 1white paper should be withdrawn .the NHS belongs to the people it's not for sale.....

  • Gillian Spong 4 years ago

    This must be stopped immediately - our NHS belongs to the people NOT private companies. Each one of us needs to know and fight for OUR NHS

  • Elaine Nudd 4 years ago

    I am concerned about the move to manage the NHS using Integrated Care Systems, which will put large parts of the NHS into the hands of private businesses. Private management in many spheres of public life have proved to be costly and inefficient. The track and trace debacle is a case in point. The NHS is better managed by people within the NHS, who have greater knowledge and expertise. Please withdraw the white paper.

    Yours sincerely

    Elaine Nudd

  • David Blackman 4 years ago

    More private companies ( friends of friends in higher [places) to cream of profits

  • Michael Coleman 4 years ago

    To me it smacks of ‘too good to miss’ and ‘this offer will soon be withdrawn’ or let’s hurry up and rush it through while the voters are distracted by the pandemic!

  • Caroline White 4 years ago

    We need to de-privatise the NHS and cancel all PFI contracts.

  • Brian Major 4 years ago

    It is contrary to stated policies. It's a disastrous way to go.

  • Sheila Evans 4 years ago

    There is nothing I can add to this. The Government's disrespect with regards to the peoples nhs is despicable. The cronyism is scandalous and these plans need to be scrapped immediately.

  • Bob Hinshelwood 4 years ago

    It is about conflict of interest. Ther will always be some degree of conflict in the helping and caring sevrices -- such as doing good for others, and feeling ssatisfied in oneswelf. The important principle is not to increase it more than absolutely necessary. Privatisation introduces a financial conflict of interest on top of the other conflicts. It is unetical to knowingly increase conflicts of interest when quite unnecessary.

  • Russell Tabbenor 4 years ago

    Please stop this action, it’s not in the public interest

  • Irene Plumb 4 years ago

    This is a step backwards.We have seen what happens with privatisation

  • David John Hunt 4 years ago

    My family have benefited enormously from the NHS because the focus has been on high quality clinical care and not on making profits. We have friends in other countries where the care is either partly or wholly privatised and it is abundantly clear to them and to us that the NHS provides a much better service. So I urge you to exclude profit driven organisations from any planning or management roles in the NMS and to ensure where such organisations are permitted to tender for NHS work that the contracting processes are fair and transparent and properly srutinised and evaluated. So I'm asking for the exact opposite of the way the government has handled the PPE and test and trace contracts in dealing with the current CoVid pandemic.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    Our NHS has shown how good it is. Keep our NHS Public, keep it out of the hands of profiteers

  • Diane Wright 4 years ago

    It is imperative that this bill is withdrawn. It is far too damaging for our precious NHS. Profit must never be put before people. The NHS must be the sole provider of services. Services must not be sub-contracted to the private sector and private companies must not be allowed to sit on decision making bodies/boards that decide on how NHS money is spent.

  • Jenny Edwards 4 years ago

    Please, please, please no more privatisation by the back door, its wrong that tax payers money is being frittered away!

  • Evan 4 years ago

    It is shameful that the government is privatising the NHS by stealth in the hope that the public will not notice. We will I promise that !!!

  • Heather Dearlove 4 years ago

    Ever heard of CRPS? Doubt it. Or 6he new one called Sternocleidomastoid syndrome recently diagnosed by my osteopath. Got a letter this am from the only neurological hospital in the UK after a phone call last week. Immediate referral to their neurology deaprtment within the space of one week? Liverpool was hit hard by the pandemic but still our NHS can do this? And Boris wants to sell it off likely to the US. The NHS belongs to US. Typical tories. Privatisation. It stinks. Whose pockets are they lining, apart from their own?

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    No one ever voted to privatise the NHS. It has been done by stealth and deceit. Back door policy restructuring the NHS. The Health and Social Care Act abolished the health secretary’s responsibility for Duty of Care under Jeremy Hunt. This was handed over to new Clinical Commissioning Groups ( CCGs) to buy in, ‘commission’ private companies hidden behind under NHS logos, thus deceiving the public since 2012. Diverting and preventing care. Frustrating patients, delaying or even preventing care. it’s using the pandemic to move at speed under cover bringing in more American companies, hoping for a aiming to create a profit making health system. Promoting private insurance to jump NHS queues, they have created through lack of funding which was diverted into the private companies away from the NHS itself. The NHS was told to make savings of £22bn. Interesting that the private, publicly funded ‘’Test and Trace’’ bill came to £22bn before lockdown.

  • Mary Emerson 4 years ago

    Don't sell off the health of this nation!

  • Margaret batt 4 years ago

    This must not be allowed to happen

  • Neil Procter 4 years ago

    Unfortunately the existence of the NHS as a public service is taken for granted, people don’t to realise that in the form of Boris Johnson’s Tory Government the wolf is at the door

  • Mohammad Ahmad Naz 4 years ago

    Tories want their old bad days where people died due to lack of medicines or Doctors' fee. it was Labour Party who established NHS. Hail to Labour Party.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    The NHS must not be privatised through the back door.

  • Helen Wrigley 4 years ago

    We cannot afford for this to happen.

  • Jill Green 4 years ago

    This MUST NOT go ahead. The public have no idea what this means, and they MUST BE INFORMED

  • Gill Wright 4 years ago

    It would be indefensible to sell off parts of our precious NHS. Our Health Service is admired throughout the world and deserves adequate funding from the public purse. Only the Tories would think to privatise. Make no mistake - this would be to line the pockets of already wealthy Tory friends and NOT to improve the quality of services provided. Private health facilities, if you remember, did nowhere NEAR as good a job helping Covid patients through this pandemic!!

  • Gus Coral 4 years ago

    We own it.
    We should keep it.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    Please stop this handover of the NHS to po private companies. I have personal experience if how this works in other countries, and It Is Not Good for the health of a nation.

  • Kenneth 4 years ago

    NHS is PUBLIC and must STAY THAT WAY.

  • Steve Chown 4 years ago

    NHS created by Labour
    Destroyed by the Tories?
    Does the current government want this legacy

  • Christine Carter 4 years ago

    Our NHS should never be run by people who want to profit from our health care.

  • Hugh Edwards 4 years ago

    I will restrain myself & try not to use offensive language, but this government is hell bent on privatising everything. This meaning that their mates in business will ensure that they are suitably rewarded when their parliamentary days are over. I am 78 years old & have seen some corrupt & imbecilic governments but this gang of charlatans beats them all.

  • Henry Peacock 4 years ago

    The influence of private companies is changing the emphasis of health care from care for the patient to financial performance.

  • Catherine Lydon 4 years ago

    Our NHS never up for sale shame on you!

  • John Cowley 4 years ago

    The National Health Service is, and must remain, a public service. The proposed change must be withdrawn.

  • Susan Francis 4 years ago

    This is dangerous and must be stopped. We are proud of the NHS and it must remain ours.

  • Keith Simpson 4 years ago

    Every Tory MP should be bombarded with letters telling them to stop this happening

  • John David Seymour 4 years ago

    This Bill is a disgrace! Privatisation of the NHS MUST be stopped. This government is seeking to allow private companies and their shareholders to profit from peoples misfortune and illness, especially the less well -off, through no fault of their own. Now, reports are being seen of G.P practices being sold off to a possibly dodgy AMERICAN insurance company. Locally, a private company is trying to slide in to profit from A&E,s "urgent cases" This has got to stop NOW, and the government has to take on board the complete funding of the NHS. It was not voted into power for this shameful behaviour. If taxes need to rise to provide a fully -funded NHS, so be it!

  • Cathy Cowburn 4 years ago

    Any profit an NHS organisation makes is invested into further advances in health care and research. This is not the case with private companies. The money goes into their pockets

  • Jane Knight 4 years ago

    our taxes pay for the NHS and we should have a say in whether it is privitised

  • FRED STONES 4 years ago

    It has been there intentions all along people who voted for this government are to blame, Hancock is obsessed with privatisation, it must be stopped we have seen what private companies are like with the test and trace @ PPE.

  • Colin Fletcher 4 years ago

    Stop this Bill.

  • Michael Coleman 4 years ago

    Stop this white paper, the nhs must be public owned always

  • W Linham 4 years ago

    The National Health Service is world reknown as a publicly funded healthcare system, free at point of access. This is the fairest way to administer healthcare, making sure that all who need medical care can access it regardless of their personal finances or status. Privitatisation is neither "fair" nor efficient, as it focuses on the need to make profit for shareholders rather than provide a rounded accessible healthcare service for all.
    The late Professor Stephen Hawking told the Royal Society of Medicine “International comparisons indicate that the most efficient way to provide good healthcare is for services to be publicly funded and publicly run.” He warned against taking the NHS “towards a US-style insurance system, run by... private companies”, and "the establishment of a two-tier service.” I agree. The NHS must not be privatised. It's "our" NHS.

  • Ann Scott 4 years ago

    The NHS was designed to look after the people of the UK not to line the pockets of private companies. I was born before the NHS and it took my parents 6 years to be able to afford a modest house as they had to pay for a nursing home because my mother had a difficult delivery. I had a problem when my son was born and it is thanks to the NHS who managed to deliver my son although it was traumatic, my mother had been in labour for days whereas my delivery was accomplished in 2 hours. I certainly object from foreign nation making a profit from our NHS and the government admit to chaos when the PM was in danger and was saved by our wonderful NHS. You should be ashamed of yourselves even considering this course of action.

  • Peter Blackmore 4 years ago

    Please stop this white paper bill it's too dangerous it needs to be withdrawn; immediate action required.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    Whilst I believe the right for people to set up businesses so creating jobs and taxes, I believe all necessary services like health and care, education, certain transport etc should be non profit making in all regards

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    I have worked as an nhs nurse for 46 years.Colleagues whom I have known who have gone to work as nurses in the private sector are all wanting to return to the nhs.The nhs provides far better patient care, investment in training and governance of staff . We pay for the nhs through tax and national insurance.Health care is a basic human right not a vehicle for profit greedy private companies

  • Kevin Jones 4 years ago

    Stop this bill, profiteering on peoples illnesses is immoral and will lead to the exclusion of those who cannot afford to pay beyond what they already do.

  • Amy Stilwell 4 years ago

    We cannot go back to the way things were before the NHS, where if you couldn't pay to see a doctor you couldn't see one. Where if you couldn't pay for treatment you couldn't get any. We cannot go back to the time where people died because they were poor to pay for medical help. The NHS was created so that EVERYONE rich or poor could have the treatment and medical care they needed. We pay for the NHS through our National Insurance payments, this is so we can ALL access it when needed., it's not up for sale, it's a public service and should not be sold for profit. We don't want big profit making companies getting their hands on the NHS, we don't want these companies dumping surgeries and medical facilities because they aren't making big money for them and leaving thousands of people without the medical care they need.

  • Colin Laskey 4 years ago

    You LIED - you told us you'd protect the NHS.
    Honour your promises and STOP this bill.

  • Yvonne Wilson 4 years ago

    Every attempt to try to secretly privatise the NHS should be stopped. Having the NHS has crucial in getting us through the pandemic and still plays an important role.
    The Tories are good at saying the right words but there is no truth or sincerity in them.

  • Margaret Wadsley 4 years ago

    This privatisation is a complete betrayal of the British people's trust and all we stand for as a democracy! I have personal friends in the US who face bankrupcy from being diagnosed with cancer. We will face this soon, while private individuals profit from the misfortunes of others.

  • Gordon Lees 4 years ago

    If you truly value the NHS do the decent thing and stop this treachery. The wrath of our nation will be felt by you at elections now and in future

  • ANNE STUBBS 4 years ago

    NHS should not be sold off to anyone but especially not companies in the US

  • Paul Rechnitz 4 years ago

    Private companies have proved to be expensive and inadequate. They are a drain on the finances of the NHS at the expense of the care patients are supposed to receive.
    The example of what has been happening during the pandemic shows that a properly reinstated publicly run NHS is essential. Nothing less!

  • allan bryan 4 years ago

    This Government have NO RIGHT to sell off what is not theirs. They must not get away with this. Stop them at all costs, even Lawful action if needed. NO, NO. NO.

  • Eluned Owen 4 years ago

    submitted as individual. Tweeted this link.

  • Audrey Mullender 4 years ago

    The NHS White Paper in its current form would lead to further privatisation which I strongly oppose, as does a large part of the public.

  • Kate Callaghan 4 years ago

    Hands off our NHS! We the public have paid National Insurance Contributions all of our working lives to help pay for the NHS!

  • narendra shah 4 years ago

    This White Paper will demolish the NHS

  • Edwin Rushworth 4 years ago

    Please stop this white paper.All NHS should be under public ownership.

  • Katharine Bensen 4 years ago

    These proposals could wreck our health service by prioritising private profit over the needs of our population. Cooperation and coordination can foster more effective services rather than a narrow focus on competition and short term gains.

  • Ernest Willock 4 years ago

    Stop this now Another way for ordinary people being made to suffer for profit

  • Julia Cox 4 years ago

    This proposal could jeopardise workers jobs and people’s lives.

  • Sue Cameron 4 years ago

    Betrayal by the Tories again. How dare they sell off "our NHS" it's the envy of the world as a health service. It's always selfish and greedy Tories that want to destroy things that are so so Good!

  • Michael Somers 4 years ago

    This white paper give to much control to outside organization over the National Health service finances which should be controlled by government.The white paper should be stopped

  • Wendy Scholes 4 years ago

    The NHS is the publics NHS and no-one else's it must, will and should stay that way.....NOW

  • Frederick Murphy 4 years ago

    Reinstate our nhs to a fully public service,thank you

  • Martin Mcilwee 4 years ago

    Thus change will leave unaccountable private companies in charge of vulnerable patients. The NHS has proven it is capable with the proper funding to manage care. The vaccination programme is an excellent example. The Serco private company's handling of track and trace is a perfect example of the unaccountable and lack of private care. Both are paid for from our tax. I know which one to trust that is THE NHS

  • Leslie Ranson 4 years ago

    Johnson stop lining your pockets and leave the NHS alone. Canel this white paper

  • Deirdre Batten 4 years ago

    This is the NHS that I have paid into for fifty years and it is not yours to sell. We do not want an American styled health service so keep it public for everyone!!! What about your promise when you wanted Brexit so do not renege on that%!!!

  • Derek Daisley 4 years ago

    This white paper MUST be stopped, 76% of the population do not want any more private corporations involved in Our beloved NHS.

  • Peter Martin Kauth 4 years ago

    Privatisation goes against all that the NHS is about. It is dangerous and must be withdrawn immediately.

  • Elaine Addison 4 years ago

    The ethos of the NHS is that it is free at the point of need - This is why it was conceived by Labour MP Aneurin Bevan, and the tories voted against it - now they want to sell it - not in my name.

  • Soo Frankum 4 years ago

    Stop selling off the precious resources of this country. The NHS took 72 years to build and so little time to destroy. Think about the future people of this country , instead of your friends pockets

  • Jill Coward 4 years ago

    This needs stopping now

  • Chris Taylor 4 years ago

    Stop the profit motive in healthcare, then you can have some trust that when you are ill and vulnerable, hopefully you are being given the best advice-look are what happened with oxycontin in America!!.

  • Teresa Herbert 4 years ago

    Please stop this white paper bill immediate action is required

  • Rory Thomas 4 years ago

    Privatisation of any part of the NHS without a mandare would be a betrayal of the british people & remembered come election time

  • Sandra Jaconelli 4 years ago

    This is the people’s nhs we worked all our lives and paid into the nhs it’s not this Tory government to sell this must be stopped ASAP these parasites are a bloody disgrace

  • Liz SIMSON 4 years ago

    I am sickened by the cronyism shown during the pandemic. It has cost the NHS dearly. For goodness sake stop this government making even more of the NHS an easy catch-penny for their fat cat friends and funders.

  • Jacqueline Tyler 4 years ago

    We need to keep the NHS as the national health service, not everyone has money to pay for private care, why can't they just leave it alone.

  • Teresa Herbert 4 years ago

    Stop this NOW, action required to cancel any American companies taking over our doctors surgeries

  • Eleanor Hitchman 4 years ago

    The NHS is there for the population. It is not there for profit.

  • JUNE WOODWARD 4 years ago

    I used to work in the NHS as a domestic now retired.its not for sale to anyone .say no to privatisation .

  • Michael Shaw 4 years ago

    The White Paper and it's contentsmust be stopped.

  • Mrs Maureen Curtis 4 years ago

    The Govt. has no right to sell OUR nhs! We pay for it with our taxes. It`s free for us but won`t be if the govt. sell it off.

  • David Haylett 4 years ago

    This white paper must be stopped. We need the NHS for everyone.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    I want a public health system that is public, without private involvement, and is for the people of this country. In addition, I don't want the health system to be sold off to shareholders who do not live in this country.

  • Simon Linsley 4 years ago

    The NHS has shown itself to be invaluable during the current pandemic - not that we did not know this before. These changes would result in a very different and far less effective health service and one that would be copying the US model one of the worst in the Western World, ineffective, expensive and set up more for the benefit/profits of so-called ‘health’ companies than the patients. We must say no.

  • Steve Smith 4 years ago

    No, no, no, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    Not acceptable at all to the british publice and not needed

  • Joan E Wadge 4 years ago

    This white paper needs to be withdrawn immediatley.

  • David Fletcher 4 years ago

    We own it. We pay for it. I thought the Conservative party said they would not sell the NHS, so what’s this all about. It’s crooked just like selling the railways the gas and everything else they can make money from. They are a corrupt government. Do not stand by and let this happen.

  • Heidi Simon 4 years ago

    Do not mess with OUR NHS, withdraw the white paper straight away.

  • T Newcombe 4 years ago

    All services should be public because that is the meaning of public service.Not Privet to make profits for investors.

  • Jean Watson 4 years ago

    withdraw this white paper bill immediately

  • John 4 years ago

    Government privatisations and contracting services to the private sector have generally been an abject failure. This must not happen with our wonderful NHS.

  • Gary Syms 4 years ago

    A civilised society is judged by how civilised its more vulnerable members are treated with high qualities such as care, respect, compassion and empathy.

  • Mel Ackerman 4 years ago

    These plans to privatise the NHS by stealth, must be stopped!
    The NHS is the very best thing about the UK and must be protected.
    I will never vote for any party that undermines the NHS.

  • mike martin 4 years ago


  • pam jones 4 years ago

    No to privatization of the NHS, no to the white paper bill!

  • Beverley Ferron 4 years ago

    NO.. Leave Our NHS alone. We Do Not want it privatised with any American company.
    I'm fed up fat cats getting rich on the back of hardworking people plus Our NHS I use to work within the NHS and have the most respect for those nurses.
    Our government does not do enough for them but is quick to sell them off.
    Boris leave the NHS alone hand it to the public.. Let's invest in it spend money on it. He finds money for bailouts for companies but not Our Amazing Health Service.

  • Francis Owen McDonald 4 years ago

    Not the smallest part of the NHS should ever be privatised. Any parts that have been privatised should be re-nationalised.

  • Joanne Molyneux 4 years ago

    This is not what our country wants. We love the NHS and must protect it.

  • Brian Fellows 4 years ago

    Stop Privitatisation of N H S.why should we give part of our N H S away and have to pay more to keep our Free service to businesses..we already have knowledge and experience of what VIRGIN has NOT Achieved as a so called PARTNER. Will someone please report what VIRGIN has done to improve Services and how they have treated NHS. Staff...

  • Desiree Tait 4 years ago

    The NHS must stay national and not be hived off to private companies with only a profit motive activating them

  • Jack Glanville 4 years ago

    The NHS was set up as an orgsnisation owned by the people NOT THE TORY Party. You have no right to privatise services, giving contracts to Tory cronys to make fat profits from people's ill health. The Tory philosophy that private sector is better and more efficient and effective than the public sector was never accepted by those who know better. THe COVID pandemic has exploded this myth of private best. Giving contracts to Tory ministers friends and allies is just what this bill intends to introduce on a wider scale. This bill puportedly to repeal the disasterous 2012 Act in fact will allow private companies to be given contracts rather than go through an expensive qnd flawed tenering process. MAke no mistake thios bill is merely the lastest Tory plot to destroy the NHS and bring in American style health insurance.

  • Karen Martin 4 years ago

    Our NHS is not for sale, look how badly private companies handed contracts performed, keep the NHS in public hands

  • JH 4 years ago

    The UK government is the greatest enemy of the UK people. The lives of those who care for our standards of health and well being are taken up with constant battling against the government's greed.

  • G 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to the British people, if you give even one Private Contract to US based health for profit only companies the NHS is doomed! Do the British people who basically fund our NHS not get a say in this, I demand that this be made public and for us the British people to have a vote on this!

  • Ian Dicks 4 years ago

    Once private companies are introduced into the Health Service you change the entire dynamic of the system. The profit motive takes over, the only winners will be predator Corporations, and their shareholders. Services will be further reduced, and expensive fees will follow. Example the average cost of a simple Hospital birth in the US is $30,000 (£21,510). Of course very expensive Insurance will mitigate some of this cost. These costs will never be affordable for the working, and lower middle class families.

  • Peter Jenkins 4 years ago

    We own the NHS and it is NOT FOR SALE

  • Jo Smith Finley 4 years ago

    Our NHS must never be exploited for private profit. It must always be properly funded and free at the point of use for people from all social classes.

  • Mrs Gillian Hind 4 years ago

    I am writing to ask you not to continue with the white paper which would change the current organisation of NHS regions to an 'Integrated Care Systems'. These plans will lead to more of our health services being handed over to private companies. All the organisation of the NHS should be run by the NHS and any profits should go back into the system and not to private companies.
    Gillian Hind

  • Mike Cundell 4 years ago

    No privatisation in the NHS. Full stop

  • David Woods 4 years ago

    If you go down this road where will it stop?

  • Chris Bullen 4 years ago

    It is not appropriate or morally defensible to make a profit from people's health misfortunes. Many of us have been paying tax and national insurance contribution (as did our parents and grandparents)naively believing that we would receive "free health care" from birth to death.

  • Martin Marley 4 years ago

    The NHS must not be under the control of private companies or individuals. This power and control would soon be Abused ,WE All KNOW THAT IT WILL HAPPEN

  • Gillian Mathie 4 years ago

    The NHS should be funded publicly and able to put the care of patients first without being asset-stripped, having services cut in the interests of profit for private companies and their share-holders. The NHS was a national organisation and we have seen in the past few years the damage done to those elements that have been privatised e.g mental health services put out to private companies in some areas of the country, GP surgeries sold to private companies e.g. Centene and then sold. We have also seen the outstanding work of the NHS and its professionals this past year in marked contrast to the profilgate squandering of private companies which failed in their contractual obligations to provide the service with suitable equipment e.g. PPE. Leave the NHS to those professionals who understand medicine and do not hand it over to accountants and private profiteers.

  • Richard Stakes 4 years ago

    Me the US health system out of the UK. The US system is not worthy of a civilised country in the 21st century.

  • Sheila Chambers 4 years ago

    We must protest against this American take-over. We do not want privatisation.

  • Gordon Legg 4 years ago

    Now is not the time to privatise the NHS. Do not destroy our most precious asset. We will never forget or forgive you, if you proceed with this unnecessary action.

  • Stewart Taylor 4 years ago

    The NHS is our greatest public service, it needs proper funding not privatisation.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    This paper is a treasonable act. Hands off our property.

  • Kathryn Gale 4 years ago

    Private health insurance has a role to play but NHS medical and dental care should be free

  • richard carder 4 years ago

    No one should be making a profit from healthcare, which should be free for all patients, as it was in the beginning of the NHS. The profit motive corrupts the concept of healthcare !

  • CHRISTINE PARKER 4 years ago

    Repeal the H&SCA and Reinstate our NHS, with the NHS Bill,

  • Sharon Knight 4 years ago

    The government said the NHS is not for sale. The NHS is about people and not profit and must remain a public service.

  • Mrs wendy newton 4 years ago

    Stop trying to sell our NHS

  • Anita Darnell 4 years ago

    A person’s health must not depend on their wealth. Please stop this White Paper.

  • Evelyn 4 years ago

    The NHS is not for sale full stop! No to the white paper

  • Michael Harker Tait 4 years ago

    Awful that pushing for health service to be run for profit
    Will inevitably lead to rich elite being served and poor ignored

  • John Light 4 years ago

    This will result in more monet taken from my income as tax being handed over to shareholders who teally do nothing to improve my healtha nd that of my family without any control by me. I refuse to countenance that and will not vote for politicians who allow it. They do not represent me.

  • Nigel Bilson 4 years ago

    The nhs must remain free at point of service and should not be privatised!!

  • Shirley A McCarthy 4 years ago

    As a retired NHS Senior Manager, I have witnessed first-hand how privatised services bring
    a) a lack of accountability as big corporations have the lawyers and accountants to outsmart the ever-stretched public service, resulting in cherry-picking of contracted work, no rcourse if contract prove untenable and tenuous or non-existent accountability due to claims of 'commercial - in confidence
    b) proliferation, overlap and the waste of resources required to co-ordinate and account for non-standard ranges and differences in provision

  • Sonia Hollywood 4 years ago

    Action needed now!

  • Alan wright 4 years ago

    Health should not be for profit.

  • Phil Luke 4 years ago

    This government is hell-bent on privatisation, no doubt with a pocket-lining intent.

  • Mitchell A Mccarthy 4 years ago

    I'd like to help any way I can to make sure that families, communities, economy and the environment get the justice that they deserve.

  • Esther Sullivan 4 years ago

    "Selling off" our NHS will render Britian's world-class, essential social service, the envy of the whole world, the end of the N.H.S.!

  • Linda Stevenson 4 years ago

    We must stop this white paper bill.NHS is ours keep it that way.we don't want people running it for profit.keep it public.The public care about people not about profit.Hands of our NHS

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    There is no place for profit making in health care

  • Rowena O’Toole 4 years ago

    Please stop pretending to appreciate the NHS, selling GP surgeries to Centeme and stop trying to privatise the NHS that has served us all so brilliantly throughout the pandemic, even caring for the Prime Minister.
    It is an insult to democracy and the memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore to pursue this White Paper!

  • Jeffrey Allen 4 years ago

    We don't need American style health don't care in this couentry. We get ripped off enough already, how about our so called government looking after the best interests of the people of the UK and not climbing into bed with companies who only have profit and self interest at heart.

  • Maria English 4 years ago

    Mr Johnson you promised more money for the NHS when we came out of Europe We the people expect you to keep your promise and no privatisation of our Nation Health Service

  • Tony Miller 4 years ago

    The NHS was started to make sure everyone had free healthcare, now it will be farmed out to private companies, mainly American companies, these companies will cherry pick what illnesses they will treat. The running costs of all health treatments will rise, this will then reflect on the service provided, just like the railways and the utility companies. Terrible services that are expensive.

  • Anne Khan 4 years ago

    Another nail in the U.K. citizens coffins, should the government sign up to American Health Conglomerates ... One only has to look at the dire state of health care, emergency health care, hospitalisation, operations etc in US health care system today, sooooo many cannot afford the health care insurance payments to cover medical bills or prescription costs etc ... we MOST CERTAINLY DO NOT WANT U.S. HEALTH INSURANCE GROUPS/HEALTH CARE CONGLOMERATES FLEECING US WHILST WE NEED POSSIBLE SERIOUS OPS/MEDICAL CARE .. this white paper is a BIG FAT NO from me ....

  • Manda Kaye 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to us (The People) and we (The People) run and manage it for us and only us and we do not believe in profits as profits hurt and even kill people! So Hands Off!

  • Sarah Laue 4 years ago

    The NHS choices is a previous service that must remain in public hands,for people not profit.

  • April Cummins 4 years ago

    Having worked the NHS in the 70's when the beginning of privatisation began. It was chaotic, setting departments against one another for meds and dressings. The cleaning of the hospital was extraordinarily below standard and we were told to consider patients not as patients but clients. We were given talks on how to address 'clients'. It felt as though we were being trained to sell goods in a department store. Now the government who praise the NHS on one hand are preparing to invite private businesses to take over the health of all of the country. Despicable and atrocious.

  • Jacobus Pretorius 4 years ago

    I stand absolutely behind the We Own It campaign's response to this white paper. I am not an economist or an active campaigner with all the facts at my fingertips, but I have first hand experience of (some of) the effects of the current state of privatisation of the NHS; to have to wait months and months for a simple procedure (a hernia repair) to be done is frustrating and crazy. I am aware that the privatisation of the NHS has been going for many many years; it is being sneaked into the British people's lives extremely cleverly and may be sold to the public as getting some "efficiency" into the NHS, but it is in reality a slow-motion train crash. I guess that the real idea behind privatisation of the NHS is to take the health of the nation off the government's books, come what may. It is really a cousin of conservative governments' love of "austerity" or "balancing the books". It is definitely a cousin of the clever (slimy?) public finance initiative. What happens when the nation's health is left to the markets is (at least) two things: (1) poor people cannot get the health care they need, and (2) the private companies ("the market") can make money off those who can afford the private companies' tariffs. Making the health of the nation a matter for "the markets to sort out" resulted in the chaos we were in when Covid struck. If I look at the utter failure of spending 22 billion pounds (in one year!!!!!) on a track and trace system that did not work, and I then compare that with the amazing success of the country-wide vaccination process which I guess was driven largely by the NHS and volunteers from the public, I think there is really no comparison. I vote to stop the privatisation process in its tracks, and to reverse all the penny-wise-pound-foolish stuff that has happened to date.

  • Richard Eccles 4 years ago

    This bill is against everything you have said iun the recent Covid pandemic. Tories are liars, cheats, conmen, fraudsters and racists and Boris is the worst of them.

  • Yvonne Hill 4 years ago

    Need action now

  • Gerald Conrad Lewis 4 years ago

    It is about time the Government woke up to the fact that this our money and we do not want it waisted by giving it to US businesses or anyone else. We can look after our own affairs. We can manage on our own and not line other peoples pockets.

  • Shelley 4 years ago

    This was no where in your manifesto, the NHS belongs to the public tax payers not the private money makers!!!

  • Geraldine Cowan 4 years ago

    The NHS is the pride of Britain. This greedy, shortsighted, selfish government is not! SHAME ON YOU.

  • Kathleen Allen 4 years ago

    Stop this white paper it's immoral and a slap in the face for our NHS whose expertise and selfless service has saved mant lives while Government made o e blunder after the other and gave contracts to cronies for useless PPE and made a mess of test and trace.

  • Hilary Noculak 4 years ago

    Keep our NHS as a totally public service with NO private companies involved. The NHS is an important service for the general public, it is NOT for this government to sell it off piecemeal to private buyers.

  • Denny 4 years ago

    “ Our objective should be denationalising the provision of healthcare in Britain “ Jeremy Hunt ex Health Secretary.
    The Tories have sold everything from British Telecoms to the Royal Mail, enough is enough..thie NHS is a life saving service, owned and paid for by the British public.

  • Deirdre 4 years ago

    We must keep it the NHS public. DO NOT GIVE IN.

  • Ann Newton-Marcial 4 years ago

    Stop privatisation of our NHS. Have the decency to consider the people of this country who own the NHS. I challenge you to conduct a referendum to seek permission for the privatisation. One question ‘can we sell off your NHS’ ? let’s see how much support you get.

  • Gloria Zentler-Munro 4 years ago

    The NHS MUST be kept in public hands, private company are interested in making money and the only way that can be done is by cutting services.
    This White Paper Bill must be stopped if we want to keep the NHS for the public.

  • Reinhard Huss 4 years ago

    Private profit is an unnecessary cost for the public. I do not want my tax payment to be wasted on private profit.

  • Kate Chapman 4 years ago

    Action needs to be taken straight away

  • Kate Chapman 4 years ago

    Action needs to be taken straight away.

  • Kate Chapman 4 years ago

    The white paper bill has got to be stopped immediately

  • Jenny Templeton 4 years ago

    No to any private involvement in the nhs .The nhs should be a fully public service and not a profit making organisation !

  • Mandy Baldwin 4 years ago

    This government has repeatedly said they won't privatise our NHS. Were they telling lies? This is privatisation, which is outrageous and completely unacceptable after the year we've just been through, with no doubt more to come. They must be mad!
    Please withdraw this whole idea and listen to the people you are supposed to represent!

  • Luisa Martin 4 years ago

    Disgraceful act by this government to do something that the country does not won’t , people have not voted to sell the NHS, so the government should not be allowed to to do this with out the consents of the British people!!

  • Hilary Flett 4 years ago

    The government’s role should be to use our taxes to ensure our NHS is properly funded and managed rather than reward private companies and their cronies for expensive and unworkable “solutions”. Most professionals would prefer to work for the NHS and are best placed to offer solutions to service problems, which should be sought and then considered by NHS management.

  • Shane Helsby 4 years ago

    People’s health is more important than profits this needs to stop

  • Mohammed Rashid 4 years ago

    NHS for the people

  • M v Stoll 4 years ago

    Stop this white paper it is dangerous to our NHS, we want NO private or for profit companies involved in OUR NHS.

  • Nial Pickering 4 years ago

    The NHS and the people of the UK deserve better than this after the pandemic and years of austerity! NO to privitisation of the NHS

  • Lindsay Hodgson 4 years ago

    The NHS should not be treated as a profit making business. Healthcare should be a basic human right. Privatisation will just increase the divide between the rich and the poor. We must not allow privatisation of the NHS - it is NOT for sale

  • Glenys Timson 4 years ago

    Our NHS is NOT for sale. It belongs to the people of this country. I remember when the NHS came into being. People queued outside the doctor's just to see if it was real because they couldn't believe that they didn't have to be afraid to be ill any more - however they do now though don't they! Our health service used to be the envy of the world! We do NOT WANT AMERiCAN STYLE health care here we want our health service in THE PUBLIC SECTOR and properly FUNDED!!

  • Jeremy Bell 4 years ago

    You promised that the NHS would be safe in your hands...selling it off is wrong!

  • Amanda Caroline Lothian-France 4 years ago

    The NHS should not be up for sale!

  • Anne Amison 4 years ago

    Keep the NHS in public hands - put people before profit!

  • Dominique Hudson 4 years ago

    For a better healthcare , keep our NHS in public hands

  • Liza 4 years ago

    Stop the white paper bill immediately

  • Frances Bell 4 years ago

    The bit that works during this epidemic is the NHS. Our economy has taken a big hit. There is another epidemic due every decade or less and will do the same damage. We will repeat the damage unless we strengthen the parts that worked this time (NHS and hospitals) and stop promoting the bits that failed and cost tens of thousands of lives and loss to the economy.

  • Jacky Apps 4 years ago

    The NHS must be protected from privatization you cannot put a price on health its dangerous the white paper bill must be withdrawn

  • Susan Thornton 4 years ago

    Our NHS belongs to us
    Free at the point of need
    Not for profit

  • Wesley George Brown 4 years ago

    More money for Conservative party associates means less for front line services. Do not allow this bill to proceed.

  • Vickie Benson 4 years ago

    Stop this white paper now..

  • Paul Garner 4 years ago

    Bring our NHS back into 100% public ownership

  • Carola Haigh 4 years ago

    This increasing privatisation leads to profits going into private hands rather than remaining in the. Health Service.

  • David Carter 4 years ago

    I was a career railway man. I saw from the inside the Tory’s modus operandi for privatisation. Chip away from the edges, reduce funding, demoralised staff, finally break up into smaller units to enable a sell off. This results in big payments for the few at the top, destruction of career for many.

  • tim whitfield 4 years ago

    Please, take responsibility for the NHS yourselves. It's probably not the easiest option for you, but you can set an example to others that the UK can manage these things.

  • Angela Walls 4 years ago

    Our NHS is precious. This white paper is opening the door to disaster for the British public. Please withdraw it.

  • bill plews 4 years ago

    Hands off OUR NHS.

  • jenni ford 4 years ago

    shame on this government to try and sneak this through when we are just beginning to relax a little and have hope for the future.
    I was aware that they had been working towards this and it explains why they have resisted a pay rise for NHS workers who have served us so well through the pandemic-which may not yet have ended.The audacity of them is un believable.
    THIS governments tactics are an absolute disgrace and beyond human. I have lived through several governments over my 74 years but this one is by far the worst! We must fight to the bone against this nonsense and hopefully unseat these greedy self serving people and their buddies for ever.

  • John Harrison 4 years ago

    More committees, more red tape, more bureaucracy, more expenses accounts for faceless mandarins, more money going out of the NHS budget instead of the monies being used by the UK Government to treat UK patients. This white paper is not in the interest of the NHS original protocol.
    I say NO to this white paper.

  • Jayne Linney 4 years ago

    The #NHS is Exactly What is says National Health Service - FREE FOR ALL and MUST Stay So

  • Tom jestico 4 years ago

    The NHS has demonstrated that, free of privatisation and government interference, it is capable of the efficient use of resources - look at the vaccination roll out programme - but the biggest danger is the constant pressure to reorganise it. It’s certainly not perfect - too many administrators and needless bureaucracy - but the last thing it needs is privatisation.

  • Robert Reid 4 years ago

    Our NHS is something we should be proud of and not sold so that large companies can make profits out of sick people.

  • Peter DAVID Day 4 years ago

    All this white paper will do is to allow the privatization of ''OUR N H S '' and hand it all over the USA . The Tory's want this as they all have shares in the PRIVATE HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL INSURANCE companies. My excellent NHS surgeon wanted to operate on my back for the 5th time but said to me in the presents of my wife and 3 junior medical student QUOTE I WILL FRIST HAVE TO APPLY TO THOSE ''JOCKER IN NO 10'' FOR THE MONEY AND I EXPECT THEY WILL REFUSE TO GIVE IT TO ME. .Soon after that consultation he left the NHS CENTER OF EXCELLENCE AT RONH STANMORE HOSPITAL AFTER YEARS ON BEING ONE OF THE TOP NHS SURGEONS. IAM STILL WAITING FOR HELP AND MY BACK IS NOW GETTING WORES AFTER 4 YEARS OF HOPING THAT THEY WILL HELP ME .PETEE DAY

  • simon smith 4 years ago

    This white paper shows exactly why this goverment's priorities are completely wrong and all their promises false.

  • Alan AA Gasparutti 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to the country. It is not for privatisation. Government actions have damaged society, made the poor poorer, who simply cannot afford private health care. Similarly, cuts to salaries results in fewer people prepared to pay towards private pensions.
    Can you not see that your policies will destroy society and ultimately, the UK.

  • Pam Homer 4 years ago

    The National Health Service was set up for the good of the British people to ensure that we had free service when we needed it and NOT for profit of big business. DO NOT ALLOW IT TO BE SOLD OFF.

  • Michael Vyvyan 4 years ago

    The NHS needs to be funded and operated as a public entity without wasting money on PFIs, tendering processes and profit oriented businesses. It needs to incorporate social care so that it provides cradle to grave care. It also needs to own and operate more of its supply chain which could include manufacturing of PPE. Of course this would require improved and focussed management within the NHS and a body to provide independent scrutiny of its services, priorities, development and funding. Thought must be given to improving NHS IT systems and reducing the level of bureaucracy that hinders its efficient operation. As this white paper does not provide for these essential changes it should be rejected and the government forced to rethink its national care strategy.

  • Richard Haysom 4 years ago

    We must ensure that profits are NOT main consideration when dealing with NHS and selling and tendering parts off.
    If wide open “Cherry picking” starts and the NHS is open to profit comes first not patients. Standards slip and overall we have a fragmented service.

  • Les Gearing 4 years ago

    The reason for the health services is the nations Health and that is all!
    Privatization is firstly profit first , health very much second,
    Recent moves in that direction proves it doesn't work.
    keep it as it was created for.

  • Jenifer Trythall 4 years ago

    There should be no place for private profit in the NHS.

  • Alison Little 4 years ago

    Please keep our great NHS as it always has been, there to support all of us in the UK, and not private companies for their profit.

  • Patricia Charles 4 years ago

    This bill is far far too dangerous.

  • Halcyon Leonard 4 years ago

    Professor Levi,who is Dutch, and is just stepping down as chief exec. of UCLH is quoted in the Guardian (19th March 2021) as saying 'I'd never heard of PFI before I came here' Its a crazy system, a stupid system' and points to the gross waste of public money involved in repaying the loans required to build the main new part of University College hospital.

  • Kay Trotter 4 years ago

    The NHS is the backbone of our society providing free comprehensive medical support for everyone. Previous governments used to ensure that all its funding went on providing a first class service and decent wages for all employees. Now this government is putting profit over people selling off services to private contractors who hoard their profits, provide inadequate services for the majority of the population and do not provide employees with a decent income. We will soon be like the USA where millions suffer from poor medical provision .

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    Definately stop this from happening we need our NHS .Stop this BILL !

  • ROB carruthers 4 years ago

    this must be stopped

  • Jane Scott 4 years ago

    The NHS is about people not profit

  • Gillian Harris 4 years ago

    Absolutely wrong on all counts!

  • Peter Steward 4 years ago

    OurNHS is not for sale to the USA Big Pharma and insurance companies

  • Joy Lythgoe 4 years ago

    The NHS does not need to have non clinical board members. Private industry (regardless of business) cannot fully understand how the NHS operates unless they have worked full time for 2 years in an NHS medical setting.

  • Peter Cooke 4 years ago

    Stop this disgraceful white paper bill now!

  • Ian Hamilton 4 years ago

    This bill must be withdrawn. One only has to look at what happened with Dido Harding's Track and Trace fiasco to know what happens when a tory government gives public money to private companies.

  • Ann James 4 years ago

    The British public do NOT want our precious NHS to be privatised.
    Everyone knows the faults of the US system.
    NO to this bill.

  • Valerie Ward 4 years ago

    Immediate action desperately needed!

  • David Kerslake 4 years ago

    The NHS is for the sole benefit of the people .No private company should ever be allowed access to it.Private companies are run for profit and to make money for their shareholders.
    Foreign companies ,especially American companies,should be banned.The NHS belongs to and is paid for by the British people.

  • Charles Round-Turner 4 years ago

    The govt has mistreated our NHS, which still saved us in the pandemic - we need to protect it.

  • Michael Vince 4 years ago

    Please have a proper conversation with the British public before introducing any further change and DO NOT ALLOW US health companies or consultants near our NHS. We do have competent people here, we do not need guidance from the USA!

  • Penny Thornton 4 years ago

    Please stop handing NHS contracts to private companies or having people on the health boards who are representatives of those private companies. The NHS must remain a public state service because, as this pandemic has revealed, it is vital to the health & well bring of ordinary people, who cannot afford private healthcare. Our public services, health, education, emergency services are vital and must remain free of private profit.

  • Sandra McNeill 4 years ago

    Keep private companies out of the NHS.

  • Karmel York 4 years ago

    We need our NHS. It is the back bone of our country and without millions of us could now afford health care

  • Ruth Wilson 4 years ago

    If this pandemic has shown us anything, it's that we need a healthcare service that is available to all, a virus doesn't care if you're rich or poor. How many Americans have gone bankrupt in this crisis because they got sick? What sort of society just leaves their poor to die, and how will history judge those that let it happen? No one should be allowed to make profits over healthcare.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    Please remove all Privatised concerns from our Health Service.we the majority do not want our NHS Privatised.its there for us when we need it.and cannot afford decent Health care in any other description.

  • John Bacon 4 years ago

    The National Health Service is there for the common good and not for Profit. Privatisation is not in the Public interest

  • Juanita Gonzales-Metcalf 4 years ago

    OurNHS belongs to the people of the United Kingdom and not to private companies to make profit from. Stop this White paper NOW!

  • Judi Hattaway 4 years ago

    We need to stop this pernicious government dismantling areas of our life that work, and are publicly owned, in order to feather the nests of their supporters.

  • Richard Kelham 4 years ago

    For all our sakes keep those damned private sector parasites out of our NHS – or suffer the political consequences.

  • Ruth Parry 4 years ago

    Keep out N.H.S safe say no to this white paper. Remember how much we depend on this service

  • Ruth Parry 4 years ago

    Keep out N.H.S safe say no to this white paper. Remember how much we depend on this service

  • Maureen Woodfull 4 years ago

    I waa born before the NHS was. It has served me well having saved my life when my first mammogram found I had breast cancer. The NHS treated it and other illnesses over the years so here I am shouting "DO NOT SELL OUR NHS - PEOPLE BEFORE PROFIT" I want everyone to benefit from a free health service funded by fair taxes.

  • John & Cath Hanley 4 years ago

    NHS must be for the people and not for profiteering

  • Adam Pitharas 4 years ago

    This is the NHS paid for and continues to pay for. It is not to be destroyed by any corrupt government that comes along for the sake of profit.

  • pamela mcleman 4 years ago

    Given the clap for carers response and Tory Brexit promise of 350 million a week to NHS you have no mandate for this. Stop this white paper bill it is a complete betrayal and treachery to British public.

  • Eve Davies 4 years ago

    Absolutely disgusted with this government putting the NHS out to the highest bidder. Put a stop to it now

  • Martyn Dormer 4 years ago

    This white paper should be stopped!

  • John Knock 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to the people paid for over 73Years. and continuing to do so.

    The Government has no right to sell any its services to private companies. that would be day light robbery.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    Public services should not be sold for profit.

  • Rose Sangster 4 years ago

    This White Paper must not go forward,it must be withdrawn for the health and well being of our NHS,it’s workers and
    the public it serves.

  • Susan Dejong 4 years ago


  • chris kay 4 years ago

    Privatization is not the answer. The NHS is OUR National service that must be publicly not privately owned.

  • SANDRA ASH 4 years ago

    This white paper must be halted.
    Our NHS must be Comprehensive. Universal. Publicly Funded, by general taxation. Publicly Accountable, by restoring to the Sec of State for Health and Social Care the legal responsibility to provide the NHS removed by the Health and Social Care Act 2012. Most importantly it must be Publicly Provided, by directly employed staff. It must of course be provided free at the point of use.
    The White Paper undermines all of these basic principles of our NHS, the finest, most cost effective health service in the developed world.

  • Kay Arthur 4 years ago

    Keep privatisation out of our NHS. This bill needs to be withdrawn to protect a public service.

  • Angela May 4 years ago

    The various departments of the NHS must NOT be privatised.

  • Jim Bennett 4 years ago

    They don't stop. They're determined to undermine and eventually dismantle the NHS.

  • michele Knight 4 years ago

    NHS is not and must not be a for profit organisation

  • Sue Tripp 4 years ago

    We've seen the damage and cost that using private providers inflicts - 'test, track & trace' being a prime example. We own the NHS - not the government

  • Elspeth Clarkson 4 years ago

    Keep the NHS outside private companies control

  • Catherine Dignan 4 years ago

    How can you sell what you don’t own? Elected representatives and members of parliament are appointed to act as guardians of our resources, not merchants who trade them in for extra cash.

  • Gerald Ellard 4 years ago

    This is OUR, the UK taxpayers, NHS not big buisiness': keep it ours.

  • Sally Fereday 4 years ago

    The NHS is funded via our taxes, by the people, for the people. It is not for profiteers.

  • john r hope 4 years ago

    this has been coming for years, time it was nipped in the bud and stopped

  • John Knott 4 years ago

    The American model is no exemplar! It is just a way of getting public money into private hands. Peoples' health shouyld not be a profit line.

  • Keith Arthur Mitchell 4 years ago

    Typical of this government! they are only concerned about the bottom line on balance sheets and not about the people that have elected them. Remember this when they come soliciting your vote at the next election!

  • Geoffrey Richmond 4 years ago

    The NHS fulfils the principle of giving medical care, free at the point of need to all who need it. It should be cherished and protected as one of the greatest organisations on the planet. Will you be the next one to have severe cardiac pain, or loss of function heralding a stroke? No-one knows when that need will arise. Protect the NHS at all costs. It is something as a Nation we should be immensely proud of. DR G A RICHMOND (RETIRED GP).


  • Nanette Gregory 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to us. None of it should be privatised.

  • Wendy fletcher 4 years ago


  • peter john Jackson 4 years ago

    Please stop this white paper. We do not want or need any part of our NHS to be handed over to private companies, by direct means or indirect means. Give the NHS the public funds it requires to offer a high level of care, don't continue to starve the NHS of this funding which have in turn led members of the public to seek private healthcare.

  • Carol Broom 4 years ago

    Stop this White Paper bill. Our NHS should be renationalised and all parts that have been subcontracted out returned to in house. Private companies should have no place in our NHS. Contracting out should be made illegal. It encourages cherry picking by private companies while leaving the responsibility for picking up and remedying mistakes with the state. Private companies are more likely to cut corners as they operate for profit. Our NHS should operate solely for providing the best service possible and for the benefits of patients. Privatisation is profiteering and should have no place within our NHS. Neoliberalism is toxic and is destroying our planet. Remove it from our NHS.

  • Wendy Dowse 4 years ago

    I have written my comments to the website. Fingers crossed those who read it will take notice!!

  • Patrick George McCall 4 years ago

    Corrupt to the core. Always have been, always will be.

  • Anna Marie Beresford 4 years ago

    This has to stop self interest?

  • Ken Low 4 years ago

    No one should be allowed to interfere with the greatest organisation that any government anywhere in the world has ever achieved.

  • Alison Brooke 4 years ago

    Privatisation means giving private companies the cases/operations that will make a profit and leaving the NHS to deal with the unprofitabe work like dealing with elderly and infirm and performing operations that are lengthy and very costly plus needing a great deal of aftercare. It has happened already but will be extended

  • Patricia Cairns 4 years ago

    Please stop this privatisation. Our NHS is too precious to lose. We don't want an American style version of a health service.

  • A Gamble 4 years ago

    Privatisation does not work. If you consider nursing homes in Northern Ireland, 100% of them are privately owned. They are purely in business to make a profit. The salaries for Care Workers are very low, they are only given basic training, there is no career path, etc. WE NEED STATUTORY PROVISION MOSTLY AND A SMALL NUMBER OF PRIVATE NURSING HOMES FOR those who wants to live in a Private Nursing Home and who can afford to pay for care. Self funders pay over 40% more for care in private nursing homes than those subsidised by the local Health Trusts. People are mistaken if they think that subsidised residents on lower incomes pay nothing for their care. Government takes all pensions off subsidised residents, then leaves them with about £27 a week to pay for podiatry, hairdressing, all toiletries, clothes, dental care, purchasing spectacles, etc. and relatives take on a 'Top up' fee to supplement the charges which have to be paid to the private nursing home provider. The care according to the media and reports into abuse in nursing homes is sub-standard. We do not need USA profiting from the public purse, or from those who pay for their own care!

  • Mohau Kachula 4 years ago

    NHS is not for sale or privatisation!

  • Brenda Lopez 4 years ago

    The NHS is what makes me proud of Britain

  • Ron ADAMS 4 years ago

    There is no place in our National Health Service for profit. Making profit from people's illness is a disgrace.

  • Amanda Midgley 4 years ago

    Leave our NHS alone because we will be lost with out it so keep your hands off

  • David Polden 4 years ago

    Stop selling off the NHS to the privatesetor

  • Cherry Lavell 4 years ago

    I am nearly 90 so have used the NHS ever since it began. I hate to think how I would ever have managed through all those years without the NHS, through several hospital operations, various therapeutic treatments, dentistry and so on. The NHS is the jewel of our nation and the envy of many other countries. It must be preserved and nourished, without interference from private bodies whose aim is profit. I consider it immoral to make money out of people's illness or need for care, and I have observed with the greatest alarm the gradual encroachment of private interests on our NHS. I have American friends who regularly have huge medical bills which is a terrible indictment of how illness is seen there as a cash cow. My own dentist recently accepted private money, which must affect the way they see us NHS patients. This government-driven new bill must be resisted with all
    our strength. I want it withdrawn forthwith.

  • Rob Matthews 4 years ago

    Simon Stevens has said of healthcare in England, "this English exceptionalism must come to an end and the NHS must join the global marketplace in health". This 'exceptionalism' that is the NHS, is the envy of much of the rest of the world, it has been an example of 'shared national concern for a nations health and wellbeing' that has been admired and emulated by many. The Commonwealth Fund rated the NHS as the best healthcare system in the world.
    When Stevens talks of joining the 'global marketplace' his focus is on the healthcare giants from the USA.
    The World Health Organisation rated the U.S. 38th overall in the standing of healthcare provision (a rating below that of Saudi Arabia among others) This makes it a very dubious direction to look for 'improvement', progress or higher standards.

    The 'global market' place is about business, and business is about profit. Healthcare is about maintaining a fit, healthy and active population for the wellbeing and productivity of the country as a whole. Healthcare in the UK has been based around this ethos. It has not been based around the idea that the population are a 'commodity' to be used for profit made from their human frailties and the bodily trials of live. Simply, the idea of allowing profit to drive care where flesh and blood become the materials of the industry, is one that is repugnant to the morals of common people.

    Even if one were to buy into the concept of private company involvement at a fundamental level, the present Government attitude to contract allocation bears little resemblance to the standard idea of 'market competition'. As the PPE procurement issue (among many other examples) has shown, there has been a contemptable level of abiding to standard practices of tendering and selection. Vetting for appropriate experience, knowledge or ability has been abandoned to the forces of nepotism, cronyism, friendship and favouritism. Indeed the very rules, regulations, guidelines and laws relating to contract allocation have been arrogantly cast aside and ignored in a cavalier way that would make the average Banana Republic despot ruler blush!

    With this in mind (and being the present reality) how can such changes be expected to benefit the health service?

    Look at the recent acquisition of 49 GP practices in the London region by 'Operose' (the UK subsidiary of the U.S. healthcare giant 'Centene Health') Where was the tendering process? Where was the competition to find 'most appropriate and suitable' provider?
    Already GP sessions in at least one of these practices has dropped by 2/3rds. Doesn't look like an improvement does it?
    But how did they get the 'bid'?
    Previously Simon Stevens right hand person at 'NHS England' leading their "New Care Models Program" was Samantha Jones.
    Samantha Jones is now the CEO of 'Operose'. The pieces start to fall into place! It would be funny if it were not such a sickening example 'soft' corruption that has become the order of the day with the present government regime.

    After all this, other concerns remain with the proposed White Paper reforms. What about Social Care? There is no mention of how this is to be managed as it becomes incorporated into an ICS from a local council.
    Then there is the issue of accountability, scrutiny and public involvement in the ongoing process of monitoring the operation, effectiveness and efficiency of an ICS.
    In all successful business, or industrial process, it is universally accepted that continual monitoring and assessment of the operation is necessary to ensure maximum productivity. It is most likely that all such processes (so vital and effective at present) will disappear with the creation of the ICS system. Commercial interests imbedded within an ICS will be able to close the door to public involvement. No more public consultation such as that at GP commissioning groups, Local authority "Health and Social Care, Health Scrutiny" meetings will cease to exist. The commercial elements of an ICS will make it exempt from investigation by 'Freedom of Information' requests.

    No, the proposed reforms to the NHS by the establishment if ICSs will not benefit the public, the organisation of healthcare, or the country.

    They are an opportunistic grab to control a potential market for profit.

    The Government need to be stopped from their high-handed selfish methods of operation.
    The duty of government is to manage the affairs of the country for the benefit OF the Country.
    This White Paper must be ripped up and a Public NHS Re-instatement bill put in order.

    Rob Matthews

  • Philip Grey 4 years ago

    Why is there ANY private sector involvement in public healthcare services? Drifting towards the US structure is a recipe for disaster, especially in terms of universal coverage and the % of GDP swallowed up!

  • Jill Bartrop 4 years ago

    The NHS must not be subject to private plundering. All the evidence in privatisation to date has revealed that private companies take over the easiest operations and complications are left for the NHS to pick up. Track and Trace, community GP practices were taken over and then dropped when they had helped shareholders initially. Soon as the conditions changed the Private companies left the NHS and move on.

    The White paper again gives the power to private companies to cash in. The American health care system fuelled by private monopoly results in rich private insurance companies allowing individuals to be over medicated and for poorer people no access to care.

    Keep the NHS public and fund accordingly. Withdraw the white paper it is unfit for purpose.

  • Jane Wrench 4 years ago

    Unbelievable deceit! What has happened to "the NHS is safe in our hands"?

  • Jonk Peter Watts 4 years ago

    We need an NHS that is not controlled by the requirements of business. The NHS has been able to care for the Nation beyond any expectations, have risen to near the impossible. This year has shown that care for the public is a more powerful motivation then money, that the profit motive doesn’t give the performance needed as illustrated by test and track and the provision of PPE. The latter also shows the danger of not having properly transparent procurement.

  • Jonk Peter Watts 4 years ago

    We need an NHS that is not controlled by the requirements of business. The NHS has been able to care for the Nation beyond any expectations, have risen to near the impossible. This year has shown that care for the public is a more powerful motivation then money, that the profit motive doesn’t give the performance needed as illustrated by test and track and the provision of PPE. The latter also shows the danger of not having properly transparent procurement.

  • Caroline mclaughlin 4 years ago

    Stop this white paper bill immediately

  • Patricia Martin 4 years ago

    The White paper needs to be stopped immediately. This is a very dangerous document and must be withdrawn before any more damage can be done.

  • Philip Mansfield 4 years ago

    You have linked to a .Docx file, this is the latest word file format on the Submit Evidence page it says to submit a .ODT or .RTF format.
    Perhaps you shout change the file format back to .RTF as not everyone will know how to do that.

    • Alice 4 years ago

      Hi Phillip,

      Thanks for taking action and for this feedback! We have linked an ODT version alongside the word file, which hopefully will make it easier to submit.

      Thanks for being part of our movement for people not profit!

      Best wishes,
      Alice and the We Own It team

  • Mel Hargreaves 4 years ago

    Save our NHS

  • Sheila mantle 4 years ago

    The n.h.s. Belongs to us the people and not for profit to go to private individuals/companies.

  • Annie Kemp 4 years ago

    This has to stopped . The only thing that is still great about Great Britain IS the NHS

  • Gail Reed 4 years ago

    Private for pprifut companies will lead to a less caring service and quality of care will drop with limitations on the care available. This bill must be stopped

  • Tisch Adams 4 years ago

    I say no toThis white paper bill. Don’t privatise the NHS. Private companies want to profit over people’s health.

  • Valerie Quinn 4 years ago

    This White Paper is bad for the NHS. It allows private companies onto the boards of health care trusts, deciding whether to provide or ration services to the public. This would force more people to have to go private to receive the care they need. It would leave anyone unable to afford private health care without care.

  • Valerie Quinn 4 years ago

    This White Paper is bad for the NHS. It allows private companies onto the boards of health care trusts, deciding whether to provide or ration services to the public. This would force more people to have to go private to receive the care they need. It would leave anyone unable to afford private health care without care.

  • Jessica Jones 4 years ago

    This needs immediate attention NO to privatisation of our NHS

  • Vivienne0 Walker 4 years ago

    We do not want an american-style heath service.

  • Kay Hinde 4 years ago

    The NHS is a public service and not for private profit. We have already seen examples of people not getting the treatment or care that they need and this further privatisation will only result in more of the same.

  • Wayne Arbon 4 years ago

    This needs be stopped, will not be good for the people of this country. Standards will drop and people will be made to work for less money/Worst working conditions. All in the name of profit.

  • Jill Stephenson 4 years ago

    The pandemic has shown us more than everwhy we need the NHS. Not just for nursing the sick but to have the infrastructure for a vaccination programme. Why would you think anything else.

  • Margaret Gray 4 years ago

    The NHS should be properly funded by the government & not ineffective expensive private companies making profits from ill health. It's outrageous.

  • Bridget Ash 4 years ago

    There is no room for profit making in our universal NHS. All the funds belong to the funding of treatment,not to private owners or shareholders!

  • Mary Bate 4 years ago

    Unfortunately the Tories will push anything, even dangerous legislation through Parliament , to stop any and all opposition ! Our civil rights have been decimated!

  • Ruth Young 4 years ago

    The events of the pandemic year clearly show the strength and value-added of our NHS as opposed to private companies. This bill is based on ideology, not evidence. It must be stopped

  • Marion Anderson 4 years ago

    re must be no privatisation of any part of the NHS this will lead to a gradual takeover of the NHS putting profit before people, This applies especially to American companies being involved which is n not acceptable. There must also be scrutiny of all contracts being proposed in the future. The NHS is for the people not for profit.

  • Anthony Rowsell 4 years ago

    The NHS has helped save us from the global pandemic by it's swift, effective actions. With more supportive government it could improve to once again be the best health service in the World.

  • Simon Chapman 4 years ago

    Our NHS is for us all and something we are proud of. The Lansley changes have been detrimental and further change is likely to be even worse. These changes are unnecessary and do nothing to improve the service for the British public who pay for it and use it.

  • Anne Elizabeth Papa 4 years ago

    Please stop our NHS be sold out to other Countries

  • christine wood 4 years ago

    When I was growing up our NHS was the envy of the world and all people in this country knew they had health security. It made us a content country. Governments have been systematically dismantling it for a long time now and since 2010 it has been decimated just to provide money for the elites who really do not need it. I don't want to live in a country that will actually deny some citizens healthcare, to me that is just evil. It is perfectly possible to have a fully funded and amazing healthcare system for all by taxing everyone according to means. The very wealthy have the broadest shoulders and would not even miss their tax contribution. I am sick of this countries wonderful public institutions being wrecked for the sake of increasing the irrational wealth of the super rich. I am fighting for a secure future for my children and grandchildren.

  • Elaine Simmons 4 years ago

    Please stop this white paper Bill .

  • Helen Durrant 4 years ago

    We need to fight against the privatisation of all public services but especially of the NHS.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    I want an NHS fully publicly funded.All profits being re-invested in the service.No corporations should be allowed to make profit from other peoples' suffering.

  • Jane Payling 4 years ago

    I cannot believe this government is thinking of selling off our NHS. It is something we are all proud off and they have done more to control this pandemic than any of the other organisations that the government has spend millions on.

  • Jane Payling 4 years ago

    I cannot believe this government is thinking of selling off our NHS. It is something we are all proud off and they have done more to control this pandemic than any of the other organisations that the government has spend millions on.

  • Pamela Knight 4 years ago

    It's immoral to use money intended for the NHS to be side tracked into private companies shareholders pockets

  • chris thornby 4 years ago

    Stop any further SELLING OFF, LETTING OUT OR HANDING OUT CONTRACTS for NHS Services and Dept, and take back those that have already

  • Catherine Haskew 4 years ago

    It has been proved during the pandemic, that having an integrated system in health care and social care is much better for the country. The integrated system was broken to some degree by the last Social Care bill and this bill is designed to, once again, break the system further, allowing even more private enterprise to be involved in the NHS. My opinion is that this will give us a much less integrated system and allow private companies to make profits at the expense of the NHS. It has been reported that at the beginning of the pandemic, contracts arranged through private enterprise were not in the public domain and much money was wasted. I say NO to this bill and I feel sure that the majority of the electorate feel the same.

  • Michael Gould 4 years ago

    It is essential that the NHS is maintained solely for the benefit of the people. No part of it should be sold off for others to make private or corporate gain. The severity of the Covid pandemic should have made this abundantly clear to everyone - even politicians.

  • Andy Gardiner 4 years ago

    Keep the NHS out of private hands. They do a fantastic job especially through this pandemic

  • Sandra Devine 4 years ago

    This is Maggie Thatcher's privatisation by stealth. Please stop this now.

  • Brian Garman 4 years ago

    Halt this slide to further privatisation of the NHS.

  • christopher hogg 4 years ago

    The conservative party consistently claims that it values our NHS and has no intention of privatising it, despite increasing evidence that it is being privatised, bit by bit. Actions clearly speak louder than words, so back up what appear to be hollow promises by making a first step towards that promise that the NHS is not "up for grabs" by withdrawing this outrageous white paper.

  • KATHLEEN A FENERTY 4 years ago

    Save OUR NHS.
    STOP privatisation.

  • Colin Atkin 4 years ago

    The people can’t let this happen x

  • Peter Alty 4 years ago

    Don't want to see the social principles of the NHS compromised through having overseas company executives sitting on health boards, or valuable funds being syphoned off to provide profits and dividends for private companies or individuals.

  • Adam Emms 4 years ago

    OUTRAGEOUS!!! Hands off OUR NHS - it's not yours to sell off!!!

  • Chris Munday 4 years ago

    No part of the NHS should be privatised.

  • M Rawson 4 years ago

    The NHS is all about service and careWe must remove the profit motive before its too late.

  • Hamayoun 4 years ago

    To improve NHS it should stay to public not profit!

  • Sara Thomas 4 years ago

    Keep our NHS public!

  • oriel marks 4 years ago

    we must keep the NHS fully publi

  • Susan Richardson 4 years ago

    The new ICSs will allow private companies to sit on boards which make decisions about resources in that area. This is bound to favour private takeover of services because their workers tend not to have such good conditions of employment (pension, sick pay, etc) as NHS workers. Also their shareholders need to be paid dividends so, all in all, less for our care by the NHS in our ICS area/region.

  • Joe Stoner 4 years ago

    The complete INTEGRATION of ALL care (from cradle to grave!) should be our goal NOT the further DEMOLITION of OUR NHS!!!

  • Sue Hatton 4 years ago

    We need a declaration of public services that should never be able to be privatised. These are essential services that don't belong in the Marketplace.
    The NHS should be at the top of that list, I am proud this country has such a compassion led system.

  • Frank Smith 4 years ago

    Most privatisations have been unsuccessful and always have needed support from Govt with profits going to fat cats and /or tory supporters even when they failed.

  • Jonathan Brooks 4 years ago

    Our NHS really is that AND MUST STAY OURS - meaning there should be NO privatisation within it's services. There should be no organisation making a profit from our health.
    It has been tried and proven to be a failure.

  • AVERIL WOOD 4 years ago

    Sadly thousands of families will have very little idea of just what they are going to lose.In my school days it was not unusual fo you to find that friemd after friend had died, illnesses like ScarlFever Measles, diphtheria, polio and TB were common but there was no money to pay Dr's bills, no NHS, only the prople who could afford to pay were able to visit a Dr. - they simply died, suffering often.If NHS is privatised - already happening - no Paramedics will appear in ambulances,unless you have medical Insurance for each member of a family, which few of us will be able to afford, it will be a DIY job on the roadside if you're lucky and Tories won't give a damn, they've been making that very clear for years but since 2010,start of Univ.credit it has been there for us all to see and recognisewhat their intention has always been, I've paid NHS contribution since 1951 but there is a dwindling number of people who can remember what life was like with no NHS

  • Richard Cyril Bellinger 4 years ago

    This must be stopped. Any party that did this would be finished.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    No privatisation for greedy individuals.

  • Paul Neale 4 years ago

    Hands off the NHS

  • Jack 4 years ago

    Do I want my taxes to go towards helping people in need or shareholders pockets?


  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    People before profit. Don't destroy what's good.

  • Richard Coleman 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to the citizens of the United Kingdom. There is no way it will become a private company's means of making a profit. HANDS OFF

  • Elaine Jackson 4 years ago

    Please withdraw this white paper bill. Our NHS is precious and should not be handed over to private companies.

  • Julie Balderstone 4 years ago

    We must stop this white paper and keep the NHS in the public domain.

  • Janice shand 4 years ago

    Stop the Tories taking this action.

  • Debby Cash 4 years ago

    This must stop-- immediately!

  • Chas Hayes 4 years ago

    The ideological commitment to privatisation is a weak argument. Please look at the evidence and place the health of the nation above a system that will risk us heading towards a health system resembling that of the USA, which is one of the most expensive to administer in the world. Its agenda is dictated by the private industries who profit enormously from it at the expense of the tax payer and the patients. This bill must be stopped,it is a betrayal of the country.

  • Heli Williams 4 years ago

    No Privatisation of NHS. It belongs to us people.

  • Sue Hill 4 years ago

    Stop them doing any more damage to the NHS.

  • Ken Wilde 4 years ago

    This sneaky way of privatising the NHS must stop.

  • Su Budge 4 years ago

    OUR NHS, we've paid for it.

  • Julia Wands 4 years ago

    This Bill must be stopped. Our publicly-owned and run NHS is the most cost-effective and efficient health system in the world, we must keep it that way. There is no place for profit in the NHS.

  • Oliver Anderson 4 years ago

    No to more privatisation

  • Julia Cooley 4 years ago

    It is clear that internal markets as a system are hampering the smooth running of the NHS. A small example-it is ridiculous for instance that a hospital Consultant 's prescription is not accepted at a high street pharmacy. Private companies should not be allowed any access to tax-payers' money yet they are currently. There is still no proper system in this Bill for the NHS to work with social care providers. None of this so-called reform does anything other than take control further from local stake holders and increase the role of private profit- takers. This must stop

  • Maureen Thomas 4 years ago

    NHS was started for everybody in UK.
    It was not stared for profit, it was to help us ordinary people live a healthy life and should remain so.

  • Sandra Waterer 4 years ago

    The NHS is a public service not a company for profit. A very dangerous bill for the people of the UK.

  • Jean Pownceby 4 years ago

    This is a total reversal of what our NHS was created for. It is being sneaked in under a false guise that many people are deceived by, or simply unaware of. We need to make the reality of what this White Paper actually means headline news - in no way will it be good for our health.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    If you do this you will be lying again!

  • Peter Sopowski 4 years ago

    Just told the Committee that The NHS was based on Treatment based on clinical need and benefits, not share/dividend values of Insurance companies, private hospitals or Care homes even. Vast majority of the public do not want more privatisation. They will not be thanked, when they have to pay for insurance or treatment, as we have for what could be done in a GP's room. The alternative in anti-depressants and eventualy mental health care /resources was freely on offer - but not a simple surgical procedure.

  • Chandra Morar 4 years ago

    Despite the government denying at the time of brexit that this would not lead to privatisation of the NHS,this is now happening.

  • Susan Walters 4 years ago

    We were told that the NHS was safe in our hands by this goverment! So why oh why is it being privatised behind our backs? Stop this NOW!!!

  • Dennis Barber 4 years ago


  • Matthew Jonathan Weaver 4 years ago

    This is urgent, stop the white paper bill, our NHS needs to be protected from this kind of business/trade.

  • Cecilia Forster 4 years ago

    As a retired nurse who worked in the NHS the thought of money making American style health, I can’t put care because that’s not how it works is terrifyingThis white paper must be
    stopped. Please don’t make health care available to only the rich.

  • Adrian Thompson 4 years ago

    The NHS is not for sale, for profit. It is not for this shambles of a Government to decide, it is the public to say what happens to the NHS. The Government are the servants to the people, not the other way round

  • Rosemary Blunden 4 years ago

    As I understand it, the proposed bill is contrary to the spirit of the NHS which provides free treatment at the point of delivery. Indeed it may lead, if passed, to many people having no right to treatment, as in the United States, as they will be unable to afford health insurance, and further, insurance companies are unlikely to provide cover for pre-existing conditions. This Government is already in danger of betraying our health workers after a year of trauma and exhaustion having praised them to the hilt only to reward them with a derisory pay award. It would be wrong for the NHS to be influenced in its decision-making by vested interests whose only aim will be to make profits for themselves without regard for the health of the nation. We have had re-organisation after re-organisation, to no avail just wasting resources. Our NHS has been the envy of the world in the past. Give it a decent budget and leave it to get on with what it does best, taking care of the health of the nation. Maybe then it would be the envy of the world again.

  • Christine Hesford 4 years ago

    Any issue regarding the whole population needs to be stated clearly on political party's manifesto. Failure to do so legal action should be taken with serious consequences if found guilty.

  • michael levine 4 years ago

    Before the pandemic there were 40,00 vacancies for nurses and 10000 vacancies for doctors in the NHS.
    Attract more of these professionals by not charging them fees for their training. give them grants to live on as well.

  • Rosaline Robinson 4 years ago

    We have best health service in the world,and we all want to keep it.Boris if it was not for our NHS you might not be here today.Keep our NHS as is.

  • Malcolm Harrison 4 years ago

    People before profit.

  • John Blunden 4 years ago

    The white paper appears to me to be contrary to the spirit of the NHS of providing treatment at the time of need without charge . If enacted, it may lead to many people not receiving treatment, as in the United States, as they will be unable to afford health insurance and also insurance companies will likely not provide cover for pre-existing conditions.
    Allowing private companies a say in how the NHS is run would be wrong. This would lead to conflicts of interest, as such companies would have the aim to maximise profits for themselves without regard for the health of the nation.
    We have had several re-organisations of the NHS under this Conservative Government none of which have shown any benefit since not enough time is given to iron out the problems that might be introduced.
    Our NHS was once held up as a shining example to the rest of the world. Give it a decent budget and leave it to get on with what it does best, taking care of the health of the nation, and maybe it would shine again.

  • Patricia Lyon 4 years ago

    Not all things American is good. Keep faith with the NHS.

  • SMITH DIANA 4 years ago

    Please make sure this bill does not get passed. Our health service is the best in the world. Please keep the Doctors and Nurses in charge. We do not want anything outsourced. It has worked brilliantly for the past 75+ years.

  • Jonathan Dirks 4 years ago

    These plans are both outrageous and dangerous and need to be stopped. How much more evidence do we need to show that outsourcing and privatisation of public services does not work?> This is, yet again, the putting of ideological dogma ahead of considering the evidence.

  • Paula Michelle Piper 4 years ago

    No more privatisation. More public funding is needed. I am a nurse and have seen Serco reduce workers rights, wages and downgrade important roles. Enough.

  • Christine Stringer 4 years ago

    Please stop the NHS White Paper Bill, it could put healthcare out of reach to thousands of people who could not otherwise afford HealthCare!

  • susan tideswell 4 years ago

    Haven't the government learnt anything from the expensive and often disastrous use of private organisations? Please withdraw the clauses.

  • Chris Long 4 years ago

    I was born a couple of months after the NHS was started. I'm a Type 1 diabetic and if it was not for the NHS when I was 14 (when dianosied) I would not be alive today. In addition when I had my first Cataret operation the consultant made a mistake when inserting the new lens. This resulted in another problem to that eye. This has resulted in many operations having to be undertaken since then. The last op happened because I was going blind in my right eye. Fortunately for me a Consultant at Moorfields Hospital di a cone operation on this eye and although not perfect I do now have a degree of sight in that eye.

    Something that never used to be able to happen and many diabetics were normally blind before they were 40. Therefore I have an extremely strong reason for retaining the NHS exactly as it is now. Although not hard up I could never afford any sort Of PRIVATE HEALTH CARE - the prescriptions for my diabetic care is unbelievably expensive, which would prove to much for me to buy.

  • Katherine Faulkes 4 years ago

    How can it be right that firms can make money for themselves and shareholders and cronies when ALL that money should be reinvested in the health service.

  • s rowena leder 4 years ago

    I have lived for many years in America. We must not let privatization go ahead in this country. It will be such a retrograde step.

  • Tom 4 years ago

    Please stop this white paper

  • Wendy Horler 4 years ago

    This legislation ignores under-staffing and under-funding which are the causes of all NHS problems.
    It opens up further opportunities for corrupt and incompetent private companies.
    Top down management restructuring has cost the NHS so many millions over the past decade , and has not improved services to patients.
    Enough is enough!

  • Umber Khairi 4 years ago

    Please do not allow private, profit seeking firms to infiltrate the NHS. These devalue staff and destroy the ethos of this great service. Moreover isuch strategy might encourage Govt ministers and MPs to award contracts to their friends and donors . And we don’t want that....

  • Bess Harding 4 years ago

    White Paper – Change 22 March 2021
    Involved with the NHS as volunteer for over 42 years, formed local charity, raised money, purchased medical equipment (£5m+) which benefits the local community enabling the setting up of several different units - mammography, CT Scanner, endoscopy unit, HDU, Acute Stroke Unit, ultrasound scanners. White paper must be withdrawn and re-written to include health and social care and re-thought as solely an NHS excluding private enterprise reaping rewards from profits made possible by the public. All profits should be ploughed back into improving services and equipment for NHS to benefit patients. The pandemic has shown how private companies/individuals have reaped in thousands of pounds profit to our detriment and with no care or thought for the patient.
    Over 42 years fundraising. Purchased £5m plus medical equipment for local hospital. Private companies/individuals representing private companies should not sit on ICS or be involved in any NHS decision making. Could lead to rationing of services to the detriment of patients who have contributed for many years through National Insurance Stamp. In return we expect a good health service not a rationed one enabling profits to go to private companies who have played no part in putting money in. This was evident during the pandemic when companies secured contracts with no checks made and without any competition delivering inferior items of no use at our expense. All profits must be returned to the NHS to improve services to the general public, to secure the latest in medical technology, employ more doctors and nurses to benefit the general public who have helped pay for it not to line pockets of private companies, individuals and their shareholders.
    Management teams have changed over the years from the District Management Team (DMT) who controlled a few hospitals to Clinical Commissioning Groups who in our area amalgamated recently to save money sharing services like HR, Communications and now another layer CCG controlling 5 original CCGs below them. The DMT has always been loitering in the background albeit a change in name. Each starts off as a small unit expanding over the years and with this latest CCG more administrative staff seem to be growing.
    People from the community were invited to attend meetings to discuss how the different services should run under the heading Pathways i.e. orthopaedic pathway. These initially were well supported, people eager to help but soon realising it was already decided and they were wasting their time. Consultants were called in to run these sessions.
    A consultation was held for two years on the siting of a new acute hospital for the sickest 15% from the two hospitals involved with the remaining 85% of the community staying at their local downgraded hospitals. This started off well but then consulting firms at great expense were called in to research the subject which those attending could have told them for free. People who were keen to give their views and help gradually dropped out and the final choice was what most people did not want due to access. They should use the millions due to be spent on a new acute hospital which will be shared with the Royal Marsden as it needs a general hospital on making the two original hospitals fit to be acute hospitals with full A&E Departments.
    The pandemic came at the right time to start afresh with patients occupied by Covid 19. A conference and exhibition took place to discuss a new way of accessing a GP. Several companies put forward their plan. Appointments would be by text, telephone, email or virtual. The GP would respond and if necessary arrange for a virtual appointment. No allowance was apparently given for people who do not have computers or smart phones. This method has been forced on patients (people think it is because of the pandemic but it has been long in the planning) as all GP appointments were suddenly telephone ones and face to face only as a last resort. Many things could be missed when making the diagnosis which would only be noticed face to face.
    Hospitals are already telling patients to make an appointment to be seen in A&E. Accidents are not arranged but happen with help often needed quickly. This past year since the pandemic started patients who need three monthly hospital appointments are having them cancelled time and time again (some with heart, breathing or respiratory problems) ending up not seeing a consultant for over a year. This will happen as a means of saving money if private companies are involved.
    Testing at swabbing centres for Covid 19 like Chessington run by Deloitte and Serco were often devoid of patients (this was shown on national television, national and local press). These companies were being paid to offer a service and taking money under false pretences. People could not get an appointment there and had to travel a long distance to receive this.
    Private companies or individuals associated with them should not be able to sit on decision making boards. American company McKinsey’s associates have for some years been infiltrating hospitals, becoming board members for a term before moving on to another hospital getting on boards and having access to confidential financial information. Some are classed as Financial Advisors. This should not be allowed. There are probably other American, foreign or even British companies doing the same with a view to stripping off assets and any profits making the hospital unviable like is happening to GP surgeries in England already. It is the poor patient who suffers not the private company running services who are the winners and walking away with thousands of pounds. Continually cancelling patients appointments is one way which does not do anything for the patient’s health. It could make them have to resort to private care which many can ill afford. This could be another asset for the private company which has a practice just waiting to see them.
    During the pandemic large contracts have been handed out without any competition which often means more contracts for connected people. In some cases the goods have been inferior and of no use.
    The White Paper must be withdrawn immediately.

  • Pamela Cairns 4 years ago

    Stop it now.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    Stop this privatisation of our NHS it does not belong to you it belongs to all of us. I live in Britain and admire our NHS as do nations that don't have proper healthcare. We don't want an american health insurance NHS.

  • Sue Carrington 4 years ago

    Adequate funding needed from the government, not the private sector. OUR NHS IS NOT FOR SALE and should never be for sale, it was created so all citizens could have equal access to healthcare. Already the cuts made to the NHS has seen patients suffer and staff feel totally demoralised - my own daughter, who's dreamt of being a midwife since the age of 6 has only been in the job a year and is already thinking of leaving as the pressures are so great due to low staff levels, the threat of litigation and low morale - this needs to change and it won't if it becomes a profit driven organisation!!

  • Olivia Agate 4 years ago

    Please reject this bill in its entirety, it will make a poorly funded situation so much worse. Already there are procedures not available on the NHS, where do ordinary people on average or low incomes go ? They will just have to put up with and suffer uncomfortable to even painful conditions. It takes us back to pre Bevan, Great Britain will have many areas that have worse health and health- care than third world countries.

  • Mick Edgeworth 4 years ago

    The NHS MUST be kept as a public service and not used for profit. Private firms MUST have NO say in it's running or have no control over any part of it.
    If the NHS staff were paid a decent wage they would not go to agencies. There is no need to change the present system except to eliminate and take back into public ownership those parts which have already been privatised. I am willing to pay more in my taxes to keep the NHS out of private hands. I would urge all persons to read what happened when Centene took over GP's surgeries (because they couldn't make much profit they withdrew their service leaving thousands without any GP services.

  • Nigel Agate 4 years ago

    After promising the NHS was not for sale this white paper comes along.There should be no profit to be made;all money should be invested in the NHS?

  • Patricia Caswell 4 years ago

    A truly integrated National Health Service-including computerised records! Often one hospital or doctor’s surgery computer system in a different geographical area does not “speak” to another hospital’s. Crucial in emergencies

  • nigel worth 4 years ago

    The NHS only works as a comprehensive system only as Beveridge devised it, a patchwork of private and restricted treatments mingled with public treatments undermines the efficacy, will lead to long term health degradation and if slide rules be out add greatly to future costs.The ethics of need stand alone and are unimpeachable, will remain so and would shame us to think of change

  • Tony Walker 4 years ago

    Public organisations are accountable (ultimately through Parliament) to the people they serve. Conversely privately run concerns have no such social accountability. At the end of the day they are only answerable to their shareholders.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    Profiteering from I'll health is diabolical. Put people before profits every time.

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