7 Jun 2017
With less than 24 hours until polling opens, we've asked you to tell us why you're voting for public services tomorrow. A lot of you are understandably very concerned about the state of the NHS, privatised utility companies, railways, Royal Mail and student loans, to name a few. The future of our public services has become a central issue in this election.
Here's Biba from the We Own It office, who doesn't want private investors making a profit from her student loan debt repayments.
The NHS has been a huge part of this election, with concerns about the Naylor report and high-speed privatisation overshadowing the Conservative's promise to invest in healthcare.
We agree with her - we've got to stop the NHS becoming a private enterprise!
Public ownership is not just about investment and profits - it's about taking responsibility for each other.
Privatisation is a failed ideology, which needs to be thrown out.
All this is why its vital that we get out and vote tomorrow en masse.
As this lady says - we need to mobilise!
Let's get out the vote for public services - rain or shine - tomorrow from 7am-10pm.
You don't need your polling card to vote - check wheredoivote.co.uk to find your polling station.
This guy can't wait!

robert bradford 8 years ago
Privatisation of publicly own services should be illegal without the consent of the entire parliament .. Essentially it is theft R.B.
peter hanson 8 years ago
I support public ownership, take the case of the railways we cannot have a state owned railway franchise but every other European state owned railway can run our railways. Is that not dogma by the Tories.
Terry Davies 8 years ago
why cant we have a state owned rail network? seems to me its a small matter to stop the Bransons of this world availing themselves of taxpayer' s money by renationalising it at the earliest opportunity.
John Byng 8 years ago
The Tories have denigrated and underfunded our public services so that they can privatise them for profit. This election can put a stop to that process.
Those who work in the public services want to regain the sense of pride they get from serving the public efficiently. Our NHS is a good example of a vital service that needs yoursupport.
Do vote Labour to protect and improve our public services.
Frank Smith 8 years ago
Get rid of profiteering which is mainly subsidised by the Govt. Get back to public service and make it efficient for all of us and any profits help pay other public services.
John Roussel 8 years ago
I want to live in a fair and just society