14 Feb 2017
As it's Valentine's Day, we thought we'd shout loud and proud about how much we love public ownership of energy and how we can make it happen.
"E.ON is red, SSE is blue
The Big Six are over - public energy, we love you!"
I was four in 1986 so I don't remember the 'Tell Sid' campaign to encourage people to buy shares in the newly privatised British Gas. But I do know what's happened since.
Most of us don’t own shares in energy companies – in fact Thatcher’s idea of an individual shareholder economy hasn’t happened at all. The Big Six supply energy to 95% of us. We don’t have a say. And we pay far too much for our energy.
68% of us want public ownership of energy. And the exciting thing is that we can start creating it right now. Here's what you can do to help make it happen:
1) Switch to public energy
These days there are more and more options for energy that works for people not profit. You can switch today to show your support and save money. As Valentine's Day approaches, we're going to be spreading the word about these companies and what they're doing to support clean, green energy and local communities. (We Own It isn't getting any money to promote these companies - we just want to support them!) If you love public energy, why not pick one of these to switch to?
- Bristol Energy - Bristol's new public energy company, open to all of us across the UK.
- Our Energy - the people's energy company, returning 75% of profits to people
- Our Power - Scotland's answer to fairer energy, a not for profit company set up by housing associations
- Robin Hood Energy - the very first council owned public energy company in the UK, set up in Nottingham
- White Rose Energy - set up by Leeds City Council
2) Support these campaigns
These campaigns are doing fantastic work, let's get behind them:
- Switched On London - campaigning for a new public energy company for London, with some success!
- Power for the People - demanding a publicly owned energy network. Get your T-shirt here.
- Fuel Poverty Action - a grassroots campaign for lower fuel bills and a more sustainable energy system
3) Get inspired
Public ownership can sometimes seem like a pipe dream. It's not. In this video, Professor David Hall explains how we can let the Big Six 'rot on the vine' as we create better alternatives that work for people not profit.
And here's what that plan for moving towards public ownership looks like (read more here):
Sick of the Big Six? Love public energy? Share this page to help make it happen.

Malcolm Askew 8 years ago
I've subscribed to Our Energy and hope that they can raise another £20K
Maureen 8 years ago
I welcome these public companies. I can not join as I have just signed up with one of the small companies on a fixed price 2yr.
Although I am very pleased with the ethics of Ovo and their policies, I welcome public companies.
I do think well regulated public companies are the way forward.
I find the constant juggling of contracts for telephone and broadband time consuming and I doubt whether the customer really saves in the long run.
Contracts seem ver one sided.
peter day 8 years ago
What a good idea
Les Gearing 8 years ago
privatization has run its course, all that happens is that the service get bad and the cost rises, making money for the few
Nancy Farrell 8 years ago
There are currently plans to construct a cable running from Fareham to France so the country can sell its surplus energy to the rest of Europe, this cable is going to be by passing the Isle Of Wight for some reason too. The three cables connecting us to the national grid on the mainland are currently at capacity, so we can't generate any more energy for ourselves to sell back to the national grid or the rest of Europe as the rest of the country is going to be able to. Very frustrating.
Graham Jessop 8 years ago
If i broke into your house and sold all your stuff without asking you, you'd be pretty ticked off right? That is what happened with privatisation, it IS ours, they never asked us if we minded them selling it. It was OUR money that paid for it, so it is ours, they had no right to sell it without asking our permission. Don't buy it back, that would be absolute madness.
Donald Baldwin 8 years ago
Switched to Bristol Energy in Dec 2016. Best thing!
Karen Allison 8 years ago
keith butler 8 years ago
i am with edf and have a warmwise system that requires four seperate readings. i reside in a flat with storage heaters. i am on their standard tarrif. are their any energy companies that can accommodate this system of heating as i wish to change and at the moment feel trapped with edf.