31 Oct 2016
At the weekend, more than 300 people gathered in Bath to defend their local NHS services from Virgin Care.
Film-maker Ken Loach spoke to the gathering and he said “The National Health Service is probably the best expression of how we can live together. It means everybody contributes when they can and everybody takes when in need - and that is exactly how we should live together."
He is absolutely right. And it’s not just the NHS. It's all public services.
Public services are one of the best things humans have ever invented
They are about loving and taking care of each other, not just competing. They are about making sure everyone has opportunities in life, not just each for their own. They are about all of us coming together to make society better, not worse.
Whether we’re talking about the schools where our children are educated or the hospitals we visit when our parents get sick, public services are there to serve the public. They make our country a fairer, kinder place, and one where people have more freedom to live their lives, pursue their dreams and contribute to the world.
Without schools and hospitals, railways and buses, parks and police, water and energy, libraries and waste collection – our whole economy would grind to a halt. Private companies depend on public services.
Public services are PUBLIC for a reason
Public services should be run for people not profit - they should be accountable to all of us and run for our benefit. But we've been told myths about privatisation for over 30 years. That's why the government can now get away with handing over our NHS to private companies piece by piece.
We need to challenge the whole idea of privatisation and explain why we believe in public ownership:
- Why should shareholders make a profit out of our basic needs - like the need to stay alive and healthy? Let's use all our public money to look after each other instead of handing some to shareholders as profit.
- Public ownership is more efficient than privatisation. That's because, while there is no inherent difference in the efficiency of public vs private organisations - private companies spend more money on shareholders and debt. Why should we pay more - for example for our water - because of a wasteful privatised system? Let's reinvest our profits in making services better.
- Why shouldn’t we have a say over our public services? When multinationals run our public services, like our electricity and gas, we lose control. Let's take control over the public services we use and pay for.
- Why would we try to create competition where it doesn’t make sense? If you’re taking the train, there’s only one railway line. Let's create an excellent integrated network instead of talking about consumer choice when there is none.
- Why should we have to draw up contracts to force private companies to run the services we need? Let's empower our public servants with the freedom and resources they need to deliver fantastic services.
Let's never be shy about standing up for what we believe. The evidence is on our side. Public opinion is on our side. But just as importantly, this is about right and wrong. Public services belong to us. They come from the best part of us as human beings - the part that wants to care for others and create a healthy society. They are 'exactly how we should live together'.
Want to support the campaign in Bath to defend themselves from Virgin 'Care'? You can sign the petition here and join the group to find out more about how you can help.

Photo credit: Pete Birkinshaw.
Tony Gillon 8 years ago
Let us all stand up for the benefit of all. Thank You.