Clarifications on the We Own It pledges for the labour leadership election

In some cases, we have had to interpret whether or not a candidate has signed the We Own It pledges based on the comments they have made in response to our ask for them to commit to them. These interpretations are listed below. 

If any candidate wishes to alter or clarify their position on any of the pledges, we will update our pledge tracker accordingly.

Rosena Allin-Khan

Rosena Allin-Khan made clear that she was only partially committing to the pledge around schools. Her accompanying explanation on this is below. 

Our pledge: “I commit to ending the academies and free schools project, ensuring that all schools are under local democratic control and making them locally accountable”  

 Rosena Allin-Khan's comments: "I fully support that a Labour Government must give its full backing to the need for local accountability for all schools. I believe in the principle that every state funded school must be completely locally accountable. I believe that if a free school or academy is failing then a local authority with a good track record in school improvement could intervene. Simply ripping up everything that the Tory Government has implemented since 2010 is tempting, however the lengthy legislative and legal process of doing so will not get our failing education system back on track. Our number one priority should be on standards rather than status."

Rosena Allin-Khan specifically informed us that she was only partially committing to this pledge due to her desire to focus on standards rather than status.