14 years of privatisation

3 July 2024

A reminder - on the day before the election...

YOUR public services have been privatised by this government continuously since 2010.

2011 Pushed councils to outsource local services (with the ‘Open Public Services’ white paper)

2012 Privatised the NHS (with the Health and Social Care Act)

2013 Sold off Plasma Resources UK to a US private equity firm

2014 Sold off the 500 year old Royal Mail

2015 Privatised probation services (a Chris Grayling failing)

2016 Tried to privatise NHS Professionals (but we helped to stop them!)

2017 Banned local authorities from setting up new bus companies in public ownership

2018 Sold off student loans to the private sector

2019 Privatised the NHS Supply Chain (for PPE etc) leaving us unprepared for pandemics

2020 Spent billions on corrupt crony contracts, and broke the law

2021 Gave Test and Trace contract to Serco and it failed (instead of investing in local public health teams)

2022 Sold off the successful Vaccine Manufacturing and Innovation Centre

2023 Tried to sell off Channel 4 - but we and others won the campaign to stop them!

2024 Government cuts mean 75,000 council assets worth £15 billion have been sold off since 2010

These public services belonged to you. Don’t let them keep getting away with it.

Picture credits
Our thanks to:

Barnet Unison
Government of UK
Nick Rice, Flickr
Clive Featherstone, Flickr

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Image of Unite union protest in Barnet
Image of David Cameron and Nick Clegg at the door of 10 Downing Street
Stylised image of plasma
Image of a Royal Mail postbox in a hedgerow
Image of Chris Grayling, courtesy Parliament UK
Image of Ellen holding a We Own It poster which says "Don't sell off NHS Professionals"
Image of a bus at Newquay bus station
Image of students at a graduation ceremony
Image of a medical logistics company lorry
Image of Boris Johnson at the COVID-19 enquiry
Image of protesters with Serco banners
Stylised image of vaccine tubes in a production line
Image of protesters with banners about Channel 4
Composite image of council services damaged after 14 years of austerity

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