26 Jan 2021

As public health and healthcare professionals, we ask politicians to protect all aspects of the NHS by supporting amendments to the Trade Bill.

Protection of the NHS must be written into the Trade Bill, otherwise, the NHS will be on the table in future trade deals.

‘Negative listing’ in trade law means that unless explicitly excluded, the NHS will be automatically included in trade deals. Mechanisms to protect all aspects of the NHS, current and future, must, therefore, be written into the forthcoming Trade Bill.

Failure to exclude the NHS from trade deals may result in unavoidable and irreversible marketisation of the UK healthcare.

Due to the nature of international law, failing to exclude the NHS from a trade deal could ‘lock-in’ marketisation and privatisation within the NHS.

Trade mechanisms include the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), which allows a company to sue a government for threatening their profits by imposing barriers to trade. Such mechanisms give increased power to corporations and make it very difficult to reverse any contracting of services, even when a company fails to meet contractual obligations or standards.

Free trade deals risk increasing the price of medicines (which can cost more than twice as much in the USA as in the UK), reducing access to medications, compromising the safe storage and processing of NHS data (which could be mined by companies based in countries where fewer data protections exist) and undermining the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) if companies challenge NICE’s decisions as ‘barriers to free trade’.

Marketisation is detrimental to the NHS, due to increased transaction costs, fragmentation of the health system and cherry-picking by private providers.

Contracting out NHS services is inefficient and has not improved quality of care. Private companies have the option of choosing where, when and to whom to provide services. Large multinational companies may have less ability to identify local needs, partner with local organisations and be accountable to local communities. Private companies ‘cherry-pick’, only delivering services when it is profitable for them. For example, ‘GP at Hand’ an app provided by the company Babylon, has been criticised for misleading advertising to patients and cherry-picking (83% of its patients are aged 20-39 years).

Protecting the NHS from Trade Deals has public support.

84% of the British public said that they want the NHS to be fully public. In last year’s elections, all major political parties pledged to protect the NHS. To fulfil their promise, we ask politicians to support amendments to the Trade Bill to mandate adequate scrutiny of all trade deals and to provide explicit protection to the NHS in future trade deals.

Yours sincerely,


Richard Horton, Editor of The Lancet

Prof Maggie Rae, President, Faculty of Public Health

Trisha Greenhalgh, Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford

Dr Peter Carter FRCPsych, Consultant Psychiatrist, Director of Medical Education, NE LondonProfessor

Neena Modi, FMedSci Professor of Neonatal Medicine, President of the Medical Women's Federation

Dr Sonia Adesara, National Medical Director’s Clinical fellow 18/19 and GP registrar

Sir Michael Marmot, Professor

Dr Kailash Chand OBE, Past deputy chair of BMA

Elio Riboli,  FFPH, FMedS, Professor in Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, School of Public Health Director of Public Health Research, Imperial College Healthcare, NHS Trust Director, St Mary’s Campus, Imperial College London

Professor David Oliver, Consultant in Geriatrics and General Internal Medicine

Keith Godfrey, Honorary Consultant and Professor of Epidemiology & Human Development

Andrew Phillips, Professor of Epidemiology

Adrian Martineau, Professor of Respiratory Infection and Immunity

George Davey Smith, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, University of Bristol

David McCoy, Professor of Global Public Health at the Centre for Primary Care and Public Health at Queen Mary University of London

Paul Roderick, Professor  of Public Health Faculty of Medicine University  of Southampton

Deborah Lawlor, Professor of Epidemiology MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol

Luis E. Cuevas, Professor of International Health and Epidemiology.  Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Prof Nuala McGrath, Professor of Epidemiology and Sexual Health, Faculty of Medicine, Southampton General Hospital

John Puntis, Consultant Paediatrician, Leeds

Sarah Walpole, Infectious diseases SpR, Newcastle hospitals

Alia Butt, Psychotherapist

Iain Wilson, Clinical nurse specialist

Esther Blessitt, Principal Systemic Psychotherapist/Team Manager

Julian Peto FMedSci FRS, Professor of Epidemiology London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Benjamin Eder, NHS Junior doctor

Anna Gaskell, Nurse

Eliot Hurn, Trust Grade CT1 Equivalent

Stephen Halpin, Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine

Gareth Evans, ST3 Registrar

Raj Bhopal, Emeritus Professor of Public health

Prof Tim Colbourn Ph.D., Associate Professor of Global Health Epidemiology and Evaluation UCL Institute for Global Health

María Calderón, Trust doctor

Michael Kamdar, Junior Doctor

Mike Tomson, GP

Judith King, Retired GP

Kate Drummond,  Speech and Language Therapist

Dr Manisha Ahuja, Specialist Registrar in Immunology

Katherine Mack, Midwife

Dr Beth Oxley, GP Partner, Leeds

Prof Paolo Vineis, MD, MPH, FFPH, Chair in Environmental Epidemiology MRC Centre for Environment and Health School of Public Health Imperial College London

Jackie Applebee, GP

Emma Brittain, Mental Health Nurse (staff nurse)

Omer Mohammed, Rheumatology Registrar

Dr Faisal Yousif, FY1 Doctor

Dr Brian Gibbons FRCGP, Retired GP

Reem Nasur, Consultant O&G

Helen Groom, NHS doctor

Pam Wortley, Retired GP

Suren Kanagasundaram, Consultant Nephrologist

Gerard Reissmann, GP

Sally Hall, Medical Oncology SpR

Iain Cameron, Consultant Psychiatrist

Gill Turner, Consultant Paediatrician

Dr Helen Palmer, Paediatrician ( Retired)

Dr Jack Czauderna, Retired Family Doctor

Natasha Gordon, GP partner

Gillian McKay, Public Health researcher

Manjit Suchdev, GP

Aarti Bansal, GP

Dr Clive Kelly FRCP, MD, Consultant Physician and Senior Lecturer

Prof David Pearson, GP & Hon Professor, Primary Care, Hull York Medical School, UK

Dr Jonathan Fluxman, Retired GP, back with Covid CAS

Dr Barbara Palmer, GP

Jackie Haskins, Nurse

Reem Nasur, Consultant O&G

Guy Pilkington, General Practitioner

Jean Hardiman Smith, Honorary Secretary Socialist Health Association

Rachel Hallam, Junior Doctor

Mary Edmondson, Retired doctor

Sally Hall, Medical Oncology SpR

James Dixon, Head of Sustainability

Joe McManners, GP

Dr May van Schalkwyk, Pubic Health Specialty Registrar and Doctoral Research Fellow, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Katy Woodward Coates, Consultant Clinical Psychologist

Anna Jones, Teaching fellow

Mia Thomas, Doctor

Margaret Jackson, GP and GP Trainer

Kavian Kulasabanathan, Academic Foundation Doctor

Naomi Adelson, GP

Valerie Delpech, Public health

Monica Christie, Nurse

Prof Iain E. Buchan, Executive Dean, Institute of Population Health Sciences; Director of Digital Strategy and Partnerships, Liverpool Health Partners; Chair of Public Health and Clinical Informatics Faculty of Health and Life Sciences University of Liverpool

Dr Bharat Pankhania, Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Exeter

Alan Maryon-Davis, Hon Prof of Public Health

Marc Wilkinson, Intermediate Care Pharmacist, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Alexandra Cann, Doctor

Dr. Birgit Hauffe, GP

Mary-Flowa Houldsworth, Nurse, Midwife and health Visitor

Amna Khan-Patel, Pharmacist

Stacie Riddell, Nurse

Nathan Mullan,  Advanced Clinical Pharmacist - Surgery

Helen Taylor, Retired GP

Emily Lee, Pharmacist

Alexandra Cann, Doctor

Piyush Pushkar, Doctor, core trainee in psychiatry

Susie McCabe, Pharmacy technician

Karen Varisco, Principal clinical pharmacist

Vanessa Lanham-Cook, Midwife manager

Dr Sophie North, Lecturer

Hannah Bruce, Nurse

Sarah Wilson, International Alumni Engagement Officer

Gareth Johnstone, Chair, Board of Trustees, Darnall well being

Fiona Cook, Clinical Educator for Infectious Diseases

Dr Georgie Sowman, GP

Richard Hixson, Consultant in Critical Care

Leigh Walker-Haworth, Doctor

Deborah Colvin, Dr (GP Partner, Chair of City & Hackney GP Confederation)

Coral Jones, GP

Hannah Bhopal, Doctor

Lisa Knight, GP

Dr. Maryann Noronha, Emergency Medicine Consultant

Ian Watt, Emeritus Professor Primary Care

Ben White, Clinical Research Fellow

Antonio de Marvao, Clinical Lecturer in Cardiology

Helen Salisbury, GP

Shirley Ali, Senior Anaesthetic Nurse

Matt Bodell, Senior NHS nurse and editor at NursingNotes

Jane Stratton, Anaesthetics trainee

Dr Aaminah Verity, GP registrar

Dr Matthew Sawyer, GP

Tony O'Sullivan, Retired consultant paediatrician

Amy Alice Carson, Doctor

Chris Bem, Consultant ENT and Neck Surgeon, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Nadia Masood, Consultant Anaesthetist

A.Ayee, Radiographer

George Subeson, Consultant

Amar Mashru, Doctor

Mathew Alex, Doctor

Dominic Craver, ST5 emergency medicine registrar

Charles Gallaher, Registrar, Emergency Medicine

R Radhika, Consultant

Julia Cambitzi, Lead nurse

James Wheeler, Anaesthetics ACCS CT2

Dr Mir Saaduddin Ahmad, Emergency Medicine Consultant

Joshua Clough, ST6 EM

Karl Wild, Doctor

Miranda Eels, Public health professional

Simone Carbert, Consultant Anaesthetist

James Boardman, Professor of Neonatal Medicine

Amybel Taylor, Doctor

James Cropp, Consultant Anaesthetist

Andrew Bush, Professor

Anita Demetriou, Consultant Paediatrician

Nick Mann, GP

Kate Sheehan, Registered Nurse

James Chan, Emergency Medicine Doctor

Dr Colin Hutchinson, Chair, Doctors for the NHS

Jeevi Hari, Medical Student

Vikas Kumar, Speciality Doctor

Derek Bell, Academic Physician

Professor Raymond Tallis,  Professor Raymond Tallis

Dr Peter Dannatt, Doctor

Dr Chris Gale, Reader in Neonatal Medicine and Consultant Neonatologist

Peter Fisher, Consultant Physician (retired)

Benjamin Collis, Doctor

Dr Arun Baksi, Emeritus consultant physician

Dr Anthea Mowat,  Retired Anaesthetist

L Patience, Clinical Psychologist

Jenny Vaughan, Consultant Neurologist

Michael Beverly FRCS Orth DPhil, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Dr Nicholas Hopkinson, Reader in Respiratory Medicine, Imperial College London

Dr Nigel Speight, Paediatrician

Anne Veronica Fisher, General Practitioner ( retired)

Siobhan Mccoulough, Specialist Nurse

Dr Samina Ishaq FRCA, FFPMRCOA, Anaesthetic consultant

Dr Jean Daniel Dubois, Specialty Doctor in Oncology

Michael Galvin, Retired haematologist

Dr James R Lawrence, Honorary researcher, ex-Medical Director

Rachel Tattersall, Consultant Adolescent Rheumatologist, Sheffield

Richard Buxton, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Dr Richard Cunningham, Consultant Microbiologist

Jonathan Folb, Consultant microbiologist

Dr Charles Clarke, Neurologist

Dr. Judith M Stevens, Retired NHS Consultant Physician

Dr Fraz Mir, Consultant Physician and Head of School of Postgraduate Medicine, East of England

Dr Nicole Lowe, Anaesthetist

Dr Andrea Franks, Recently retired consultant dermatologist

Professor Richard Walker, Consultant Physician

Mohsen Shahmanesh, Consultant in HIV and Genitourinary Medicine (Retired)

Janet Porter, Consultant in Accident and Emergency Medicine

Dr Janet Pilkington, Clinical Psychology

Dr Morris Bernadt, Retired consultant psychiatrist; currently, medical member of disability Tribunals.

Moon-Moon Majumdar, Anaesthetics Registrar

Penelope Campling, Consultant Psychiatrist

David Bell, Consultant Psychiatrist

Sylvia Berney, Consultant haematologist

Sarah Thurlbeck, Consultant Paediatrician (retired)

Dr Chris Foster, Emergency medicine doctor

Stacia Borenstein, Clinical Psychologist

David Bareford,  UKAS assessor

Margaret Jackson, Retired consultant neurologist

Annie Swanepoel, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Caroline Thompsett, Consultant Anaesthetist (retired)

Mary Gibbs, Doctor

Paul Cullinan, Professor

Maggie Palmer, Family Therapist

Cyril Couve, Training Psychoanalyst at BPAS

Dr Dianne LeFevre, Doctor, retired consultant psychiatrist

Catherine Bell, Advanced Clinical Pharmacist

Eric Watts DM FRCP FRCPath, Consultant Haematologist (retired)

Lynne Coombes, clinical lead nurse

Lisa Dunkley, Consultant Rheumatologist

Julie Parsons, Registered Nurse

Cathy White, Consultant Paediatric Neurologist

Leanne, Deputy manager

Diana Wellesley, Consultant in Clinical Genetics

Damien Joseph, Consultant Anaesthetist

Javeed Khan, Consultant Ophthalmologist

Dr Sarrah Tayabali, Haematology Registrar

Dr Kate Lockwood, Consultant Psychiatrist

Amer Hamed, Cardiology Consultant

Jane Wilson, Family Therapist

Dr Christopher A Birt, Retired consultant / senior lecturer

Dr Andar Gunneberg, Consultant Chemical Pathologist

Katie Friend, Retired Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Dr. Mahesh Kamdar, GP

Dr Arun John Baksi, Consultant Cardiologist

Robert Scott-Jupp, Consultant paediatrician

Peter Harper, Emeritus Professor

Dr Louise Irvine, General Practitioner

Cheryl Battersby, Consultant Neonatologist

Dr Joyce Leeson, Director of Public Health ( retired )

Steven Ford, Retired GP

Lesley Kay, Consultant

Robert MacGibbon, FRCGP

Emma West, GP

Dr Miriam Frank, Consultant Anaesthetist

Tony Waterston,  Retired Consultant Paediatrician

Emily Stanworth, Emergency medicine registrar

Dr Tessa Katz, GP

Dr Richard Savage MSc, FRCGP

Jonathan Coates, GP

Nick Finer, Hon Clinical Professor

Dr Adam Rutherford, Honorary Senior Research Fellow

Richard Symonds, Doctor

Merriel Reid, Locum GP

Vikas Kumar, Speciality Doctor

Isaac Marks, Prof. Dr. Emeritus

Annie Mitchell, Clinical psychologist and Honorary Research Fellow

Catherine Tuffrey, Consultant Paediatrician

Jessica Manson, Consultant Rhematologist

Amber Arnold, Consultant In Infectious Diseases

Anthony Costello, Professor of Global Health

Louise Pealing, GP and Clinical Research Fellow, University of Oxford

Vanita Gandhi, Oncology Registrar

Frank Hinde, Retd paediatrician

Gene Feder, Professor of primary care

Diana Majeed, GP

Dr Jennie Read, Doctor

Paul Revell, Retired Consultant Haematologist

M.A.Chamberlain, Emeritus Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine

Robbie Foy, Professor of Primary Care, University of Leeds

Dr Hosnieh Djafari-Marbini, Anaesthetic Consultant

Marta Buszewicz, GP

Bruce Ritson, NHS Consultant retired.

Caroline Spencer-Palmer, Retired & resurrected for Covid GP

Jessica Sibson, GP partner

John Robson, Academic GP

Martha Leigh, Retired GP

Raymond Brown, Retired Consultant Paediatrician

Julia Nelki, Child Psychiatrist

Dr Ann Sandison, Consultant Histopathologist

Janina Harvey, Retired Consultant in GUM/HIV

Dr Robert Primhak, Consultant Paediatrician (Ret)

Dr Sadiq Yousuf BMBS MRCGP, General Practitioner

Alison Gill, Consultant Respiratory Physician

Dr Sally Mitchison, Consultant Psychiatrist (Retired)

Paige Elcoate, Cleaner

Lis Davidson, GP

Aislinn Macklin-Doherty SpR Medical Oncology, Epidemiology Research fellow

Angela Burnett, GP

Wendy Savage,  Retired Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Dr. Helen Farebrother, GP, Hackney, London

Leonard Fagin, Consultant Psychiatrist

Mark Boothroyd, A&E Staff Nurse

Christelle Blunden, GP

Dr A Ford, Consultant Medical Oncologist

Dr Karen Horridge, Consultant Paediatrician (Disability)

Professor John Feehally, Emeritus Consultant Nephrologist

Carol McKenna, Practice nurse

Dr Thomas Cummin, Haematology Specialist Registrar

Caroline Willey, Locum Consultant Paediatrician

Peter Crome, Hon Professor

Iain Chalmers, Articles Editor, James Lind Library

Sarah Escott, General Practitioner

Jillian Creasy, Medicolegal report writer for Freedom from Torture

Sean Hopson, Consultant Anaesthetist

Sally Johnston, GP

Barbara Laue, Senior lecturer, Primary Care teaching

Elizabeth Murphy, Retired GP ; GP Appraiser

Deborah Maynard, General Practitioner

Dr Duncan Davidson, Consultant Neurologist -retired

Melanie Mackintosh, GP

Dr Katy Morris, GP

Alison Wickert, Medicolegal Report Doctor and Retired GP

Harriet Mitchison, Gastroenterologist

Geoff Gill, Retired Consultant Physician

SueThomas, Retired GP

John Painter, Consultant Gastroenterologist

Esther Oppenheim, GP

Anna Livingstone, General Practitioner Clinical Lead Drugs and Alcohol

Alice Arrowsmith, Retired  Consultant anaesthetist

Karen Bisset, GP Partner

Jan Klimach, Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr Sonia Kumar, Director Of Primary care Education

A Orabi, Consultant

Irene Walshe, CAMHS   Clinical Nurse Specialist

Michael Snow, Consultant Physician (retired)

Dr Mark Edwards, GP

Mona Ahmed, Consultant psychiatrist

Dr Rupert Payne, Consultant Senior Lecturer in Primary Health Care

Katy Gardner, GP

Dr David Hawkins, Consultant Physician

Dr Keith Greenish, General Practitioner

Dr Veronica Hickson, Associate Specialist Community paediatrics

Lynda Bobrow, Retired Histopathologist

David D Smith, GP

Sue Gerhardt, psychotherapist

Rachel Andrew, Specialist Health Visitor TB

Dr Elizabeth Newson, Retired former GP

Dr Johanna Feary, Consultant

Annie Nehmad, Psychotherapist

Dr Richard Thompson, Retired physician

Richard Banks, Consultant Physician (Rtd)

Jose Catalan, Honorary consultant psychiatrist

Owen Escott-Allen, Healthcare Assistant

Dr Jasmin Khan-Singh, Associate Specialist in Psychosexual Medicine and SRH

Dr Claire Davies GP, Tower Hamlets

Dr Shabbir Ahmed, GP

David Curnock, Emeritus Consultant Paediatrician, and Clinical Contact Caseworker for NHS Test & Trace

Kath Grinter, Contraception and Sexual Health Dr (retired)

Maureen Sturrock, Retired NHS Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist

Robert Lyons, Doctor

Hilary Klonin, Consultant Paediatric Intensive Care

Moira Hargreaves, Retired GP

Dr John H Tripp, Retired clinical academic paediatrician

Tony Roques, (Retired) Consultant Clinical Haematologist

Ewan Hunter, Consultant, Infectious Diseases

Richard Nicholl, Consultant Paediatrician

James Fraser, Consultant Paediatric Intensive Care

Ajay Sharma, Consultant Paediatrician

Katherine Rouse, SAS Doctor

Dr Vanessa Jessop, GP

Dr Christopher Verity, Consultant Paediatric Neurologist

Debra Stiles, Architectural technician

Sarah Wookey, GP

Francesco Pezzella, Professor of Tumour Pathology and Consultant Pathologist

Judith Flanagan, Practice nurse

Kimberley Neal, Practice nurse

Dr Tess Guilding, Retired GP

Mick Venables, Retired consultant psychiatrist

Sophie Hambleton, Professor of Paediatrics and Immunology

Dr Janet Anderson, Retired consultant paediatrician

Hilary Cass, Retired Paediatrician

Peter Godfrey, Doctor

Dr Richard Eyre, Consultant in Child and Adolescent psychiatry

Jeremy Radcliffe, NHS Consultant

Jonathan Miller, Consultant Anaesthetist

Quen Mok, Consultant Paediatric Intensivist

Professor Sir Stephen O'Rahilly, Hon consultant physician,  Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge

Anne-Marie Bailey, PCN Pharmacy Hub Manager

Nick Brown, Editor in Chief, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Consultant paediatrician

Richard Morrison, Retired GP

Jonathan Darling, Honorary Consultant Paediatrician

Louise E Duncan, General Practitioner

Fiona Boyle, GP

Dr Will Gray, GP

Dr Antony Lempert, GP

Ugan Reddy, Consultant Intensive care

Ibukun Adedugbe, Consultant Anaesthetist

Caroline Foster, Consultant adolescent hiv

Midhu Sri, Booking coordinator

Barbara Bell, Consultant Paediatrician

Pauline Morrison, Councillor

Vicky Dambers,  Senior administrator

Peter Sullivan, Professor

David ASHLEY Price, Consultant in Infectious Diseases

Gareth Tudor-Williams, Professor, Paediatric Infectious Diseases

Lorna Dodds, Receptionist

Dr Gary Singh Marlowe GP, CCG Vice-Chair and Planned Care Clinical Lead

Dr Ruth Taylor, Retired GP

Jo Stutchbury, GP trainee

Abigail Walker, Consultant

Dr Nicholas Barnes, Retired consultant paediatrician

L Imeson, Assistant Practitioner

Dr K H Mackay, Retired GP

SC Donnell, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon

Dr Alison A. Leaf, Honorary Consultant Neonatologist, University of Southampton

Jonathan Green, Management Consultant

Maggie Eisner, Retired GP

Ana O'Connell, Cognitive Behaviour Therapist

M Fakhry Davids, Psychoanalyst

Richard Shelley, GP

Dr Zaib Davids, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Sarah Schneider-Redgrave, Emergency Medicine ST4 doctor

Caroline Worsfold, Chaplain

Hayley O'Sullivan, High Intensity CBT therapist

Dr M Valerie Kyle, Retired Consultant Rheumatologist

Helen Lomas, Psychotherapist

Lorna Longworth, GP

Chris Rooney, Retired GP

Emily Kaye, ST5

Dr Fiona Duxbury, GP

Dr.Linda Winkley, Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist

Rhiannon Allen, Acute Medicine Registrar

Jade Heron, Receptionist

Dr Martin Heardman, GP

Anna Klimach, Paediatric ST7

Emma Grace Lewis, Registrar in older people's medicine

Rachael Sage, Practice nurse

Dr David Nylander, Consultant Gastroenterologist

Prof John S Yudkin, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University College London

Claire Rees, GP

Dr Chris MacGregor, Psychotherapist

Kate Wheeler, Consultant in Paediatric Oncology

Professor Dame Marcela Contreras FRCP FMedSci, Retired Professor of Tranafusion Mesicine Royal Free and University College Hospitala Medical School

Steve Moorhead, Consultant Psychiatrist

Jugnoo S Rahi, Professor of Ophthalmic Epidemiology and Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist; NIHR Senior Investigator; Head, Population, Policy and Practice Research and Teaching Department; Director, Ulverscroft Vision Research Group GOS Institute of Child Health, UCL / Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Foundation TrustNaomi Beer, GP

Hannah Ashman, Music Therapist

Professor Sonia Saxena, Professor of Primary Care/ GP

Simon Kaye, GP

Dr Alyson Hall, Hon Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist

Dr Karen Leyden, Consultant Anaesthetist

Aung Win Tin, Consultant oncologist

Dr Jens Ruhbach, GP

Dr Arti Maini, Deputy Director for Undergraduate Primary Care Education

Rachel Starer, GP and tutor

Dr Bettina Harms, Consultant Paediatrician

Dr Donatella Soldi, Speciality dr in community paediatrics

Rebecca Hepworth, GP Registrar

Prof Parag Singhal, Consultant

Foday Sillah, Community Psychatric Nurse

Dr Freya Scott, GP

Dr Lis Hawthorne, Recently retired GP

Emily Glover, Renal Specialty Trainee

Navani Manju, Asst specialist

Alice Lau, General Practitioner

Dr Miriam Orcutt, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Global Health, University College London

Dr Rochelle A. Burgess, PhD, FRSPH, Deputy Director, UCL Centre for Global Non-CommunicableDiseases; Director, MSc in Global Health and Development; Lecturer in Global Health, UCL Institutefor Global Health

Prof David J. Hunter, MBBS, MPH, ScD, FAFPHM, Richard Doll Professor of Epidemiology andMedicine, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford,

Vincent L. Gregory, Professor of Cancer Prevention, Emeritus, Harvard T.H. Chan School of PublicHealth; Professor of Medicine, Emeritus, Harvard Medical School

Prof Martin McKee,  Professor of European Public Health, London School of Hygiene and TropicalMedicine

Dr Rita Issa, GP Academic Clinical Fellow, Tower Hamlets

Dr Jess Gaddie, Junior doctor, GUM / HIV medicine

Dr Ann O'Brien, GP and medical educator

Health professionals wishing to support this letter can SIGN HERE.


  • Katie Walter 5 years ago

    Katie Walter GP

  • Mark Lansbury 5 years ago

    Our NHS exist to heal human beings and to keep us healthy. The purpose of our NHS is NOT to line the pockets of corporations.

    Every Pound extracted from Our NHS for profit is a Pound less to heal us.

    Privatisation of Our NHS is nothing more than greed.

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