This weekend it is the NHS’s 72nd birthday and what better way is there to celebrate than with a delicious birthday cake?! All over the country people have been busy baking cakes to say no to privatisation and demand better for our NHS.
We are calling on the government to stop handing out slices of our NHS to private companies. Years of outsourcing and stealth privatisation have created a fragmented healthcare system that is suffering from a case of too many cooks!
The key ingredient to a successful National Health Service has always been public ownership. The NHS was founded 72 years ago as a universal, free-at-the-point-of-use, national healthcare system. Seven decades later, 83% of us still believe that the NHS must be run for people not profit.
THANK YOU to everyone who has already sent in pictures of amazing NHS birthday cakes. You can join them - follow the instructions here!
CLICK ON THE PILE OF PHOTOS to see the cakes:
"There was a short time when this cake was not current because Serco gave up its NHS contracts due to 'reputational damage', following being fined for faking its figures. Ha! That didn't last long."
"Delicious Orange Polenta cake!
Going fast ( like the NHS)"
"The 26 degree slice represents the £9.2bn or 7.3% of the NHS budget."
"Here is our cake for public ownership of the NHS. We are about to do a tasting!"
"It’s immoral to make money out of health care!"
"Here’s my cake & message to those who plan to chip away at the NHS & put parts into private company hands."
"Dear Prime Minister & Members of Parliament
The growing privatisation of the NHS is undermining the service's core values. Please stop giving private companies slices of this valuable resource."
"My message to Boris. Not up to my usual standard of cake decorating but says it all."
"I am posting these pictures as a protest to slicing up Our NHS like a cake. 5 members of my family have had their lives saved from various cancers and pancreatitis. Who at the time of illness would not have survived if we had to pay or rely on insurance’s which we could not afford. But all have gone onto work and contribute to national economy...
Please Stop Cutting Up and Selling Off Parts Of the NHS
Reinstate our NHS and fund it properly!!"
"As a dual nationality citizen, American/British, I have more reason than most to understand why we do not want any further infiltration into our NHS from the American government ever."
"Please don't sell off parts of the NHS."
"We baked a beautiful cake for the NHS, with fresh cream and sprinkles and a cherry on top. It’s OUR National Health Service and we think everyone who works in it are total heroes, we really do. But it was such a nice and yummy cake that we decided to eat it and leave only the crumbs for everyone else. That’s ok isn’t it?"
"I am the same age as the NHS. I am horrified at the huge slice of our money that goes to private companies and therefore to shareholders‘ dividends. SERCO doing contact tracing is particularly worrying given their terrible track record including falsifying data in a previous contract. Keep our NHS for people not profit!"
"Here's my banana and date cake. Because it's bananas to hack up OUR NHS! And the date to do something positive is NOW!
Much love for the NHS and fingers crossed they pay due attention to the feeling in the country. It's ours and if we weren't proud of it before Coronavirus we certainly are now. We need to preserve this amazing institution."
"End privatisation so everybody has the care they deserve."
"The slice cut out represents the privatisation by the government which they promised would not happen! We were promised massive extra funds to support your amazing work with many more nurses doctors and resources.
We cannot afford any more destruction to the NHS!"
"Here's hoping for another 72 years of the best free health service in the world, out of the hands of the profiteers."
"Happy Birthday NHS from Stockport NHS Watch"
"I’m in the Islington Keep Our NHS Public group. Here’s my lemon drizzle cake, which I’m bringing to my GP’s surgery today."
"Don't let privatisation cut the heart out of our NHS!"
Rachel Hopkins MP: "In solidarity with the NHS and to say ‘hands off’ to privatisation I made this cake and shared it in Parliament (socially distanced!) with fellow Labour MPs: Paula Barker, Nav Mishra and Mick Whitley."
"A fiery ginger cake to express my fury at privatisation especially when the gov keep repeating... the nhs is not on the table"
"Stop Giving Private Companies A Slice Of Our NHS!"
"Don’t take another little piece of our heart."
"A plate of gluten-free cakes to symbolise the lack of gluten-free items available on prescription for many areas of the UK due to lack of funding. Where I live we get no items on prescription, not even for children. Happy birthday NHS, and here’s hoping for many more, and better!"
"As we celebrate the anniversary of the foundation of our wonderful NHS, keeping the NHS off the table in any upcoming trade talks is so important!"
"My cake representing the NHS - slices sold off leaving the remainder a bit of a mess!"
"This cake includes my Mum's Westminster Hospital Nurse badges, she started training in 1951 so one of the first NHS Nurses!"
"Ready for afternoon tea."
"A Victoria sponge with its own mask from the #OurNHS march on 4 March 2017."
"My birthday cake for hope for the future. No more privatisation NH$ NO!"
"My matcha and lemon cake to represent our NHS. Like our NHS, these ingredients are highly regarded and beneficial for us. There's only a slice left, because this is what the future will know, just a taste of our strong NHS. It disappears by underfunding and parts of it being run by incompetent businesses. Unless we fix this situation, this is the best the future can hope for. A much needed but small and unsustainable National Health Service, unavailable for many."
"Happy birthday NHS, thank you for always being here for us and our loved ones. Thank you to ALL in the - we'll fight to save you just as you always fight to save us."
"We had a brilliant socially distanced birthday celebration for our NHS today. We discussed what the NHS needs for its birthday- full funding and an end to privatisation."
"Please thank hard working staff by ending privatisation:
1. Our NHS should be in charge of this emergency to protect people. Make sure all staff
have the PPE and testing they need.
2. End outsourcing and bring all NHS staff back into the NHS family.
3. Reinstate our NHS as a fully public service."
You can spread the word by emailing your photo to your local newspaper ideally with a short letter, calling on your MP to end privatisation, reinstate our NHS, and fund it properly. Do let us know if you do this - especially if you get published in your local newspaper!
If you’re on social media, share your picture with the hashtags #BuildBackBetter #rebuildtheNHS #2020vision and copy your MP, Boris Johnson, and Matt Hancock.
If we want to celebrate 75 NHS years we need to privatise Boris and his motley crew to a remote island out. Of harming way’s until they repent of their political stance in regard to OUR yes OUR NHS.
The government say that they want the cake of our NHS, but continue to eat it, to give it away. You can't have your cake and eat it, say no to privatisation and save our NHS!
Emma Davies 5 years ago
Maybe these pictures could be put on billboard posters for all to see. Like led by donkeys?
maria kay 5 years ago
Caroline Spencer-Palmer 5 years ago
I wanted to share the photo of my cake too! How do I do that?!
Pascale 5 years ago
Hi Caroline! Thanks so much for making a cake!
Could you send photos through to We can't wait to see it!
Irena Fick 5 years ago
I could only see two male bakers (and one man looking on), is this right? in 2020?
Timothy Owen 5 years ago
I may be a looking-on male but I baked the cake!
Liz Mardel 5 years ago
Keep our wonderful NHS in public ownership - we certainly don't want to go the American way!
Soozles 5 years ago
These are lovely and inventive cakes and pies. I especially like the one which is rainbow coloured sponge layers.
Slice the cakes, not the NHS.
Angela Morton 5 years ago
Some great cakes and even greater messages! We can't allow this government to keep carving up our NHS!
Caroline Cherry-Ellison 5 years ago
If we want to celebrate 75 NHS years we need to privatise Boris and his motley crew to a remote island out. Of harming way’s until they repent of their political stance in regard to OUR yes OUR NHS.
Jim 5 years ago
The government say that they want the cake of our NHS, but continue to eat it, to give it away.
You can't have your cake and eat it, say no to privatisation and save our NHS!