2 Dec 2019

Artists unite against a Tory-Trump NHS Trade Deal!

Today, documents were revealed that showed yet again that our NHS is on the table. Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, revealed 451 pages of documents from meetings, in which US Trade Representative Director Thomas Fine says that officials are working on a "baseline" assumption of "total market access" in the UK.

The only way to protect our NHS is to end privatisation, with legislation.

We need you to send a message a Trump as he comes to the UK next week for a visit. Submit something to our art competition: Make Art, Not NHS Trade Deals to show how you feel about our NHS.

We're calling all who care about our NHS: express yourself in whatever medium you want to send a clear message to Trump as he visits. 

We're going to be at the Stop Trump Demonstration, at Trafalgar Square next Tuesday, December 3rd, at 4pm, to announce the winners, and so we need your work before midnight Sunday!

To get some inspiration, have a look at some of the submissions so far below...

By Johnny McQuade
By Poison Popcorn
By Jonny Craven
by Michelle Tylicki
by Marion McAlpine
'Portrait of Nye Bevan Founder of the NHS'. I wanted to create a spectral piece of Aneurin Bevan as a Christmas Carol style warning not to forget the NHS. By Klarissa Katz
By Peter Day
'Not a sabotage' by Brian Madden
By Peter Wright. 'As one who over the past 7 years has experienced serious and close-call heart problems requiring major surgery, the “heart” sculpture was a celebration of being able to get back to working with junk materials (or anything at all for that matter) thanks to the NHS.'

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