7 Jan 2021

How to oppose further NHS privatisation before the deadline of midnight January 8th!

1) Go to the NHS 'Integrated Care Systems' survey, (by scrolling to the bottom of the page) making sure to say you're a 'member of the public' or 'patient' (they're the same thing to us!) and that you're responding as an individual, NOT on behalf of an organisation. 

2) Answer questions 4, 5, 6 and 7 using the template questions responses from Keep Our NHS Public here! We think it's really crucial that thousands of people respond to this, saying why you think a reeorganisation into 'Integrated Care Systems' will downsize and reduce the capacity of our NHS. Then you're done - thank you so much.

Want more information, or to personalise your response?

Here are some key reasons why 'Integrated Care Systems' are bad news for OUR NHS in England (and for all the UK long-term)

In 2021, Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson have promised to bring in legislation that will hand over the current organisation of NHS regions to something called 'Integrated Care Systems'. These plans will lead to more of our health services being handed over to private companies. But how?

  • These new bodies will commission health services for an area, but they could have private companies sitting on their boards.  The bodies have been criticised for encouraging under treatment or rationing of services, as members of the board (which could include private companies) will get to keep any money they don't spend, and they will bring an area under tight financial controlsAll of this sounds familiar right? More private involvement, more contracts to private companies and less funding for the NHS to look after people so that they need other, private options.
  • After a particularly bad year of private companies with no experience getting huge contracts and failing us completely (but serving their shareholders well), the move to ICS's will even remove public contract regulations so organisations aren't judged on their previous track records, or have to follow labour standards. 
  • While key experts say there will be a reduction of 'accountability and democratic oversight' over our NHS, what's even more concrete and worrying for some is that there is discussion of 'sharing' the 'rewards' with private companies. This means money that could be spent on health services will be leaked as profits to private companies.  There is also the likelihood that much bigger, long-term contracts covering entire areas could be given to multi-national companies, as opposed to the multiple smaller and shorter term contracts given currently.

Want to read more about this?

Keep Our NHS Public have been keeping on top of these developments for years. Here are some great articles you can read.

Dangerous NHS restructuring to go ahead despite Covid

Keep Our NHS Public's analysis of what lies behind the "Integrating Care" proposals

NHS England pushes for “integration” … but not as we know it

We can't let them get away with us. Please spend 5 minutes responding to their survey on ICS now, using Keep Our NHS Public's model response.


  • Clive Amos 4 years ago

    The NHS must be kept free at the point of need for everyone and provided on a not-for-profit basis.

    • Malcolm Barnes 4 years ago

      Private companies need to make a profit when they don't they give up the contract and pass it back to the NHS to sort it out as they have created a void and causes huge problems .

      • Jo Hammond 4 years ago


      • Allan leslie 4 years ago

        Our health is too important not to be provided to all. It has to remain a bit for profit service.

      • Azhar Malik 4 years ago

        As above

      • Azhar Malik 4 years ago

        They never share a risk. Their contracts are kept out of public eyes. No scrutiny for the private sector is utterly wrong.the public funded service must stay in publics hands

      • Mary Bate 4 years ago

        Keep it in the public domain never let OUR NHS be used by private, make as much profit as you can, companies.

    • Richard Haysom 4 years ago

      This is a must for myself and All my family
      Happy to pay tax increase for the NHS!

      • Jo Hammond 4 years ago

        Yes, but not all could pay the extra, should be based on income/ capital

      • Phyl Hoadley 4 years ago

        You/we dont actually need to pay extra for the NHS. Remember the £s Boris Johnson promised to invest in the NHS when we left the common market?

        And even without the £s the NHS would be better financed and organised without the private companies sticking their fingers in the pie. We pay/have paid for it for decades - for health care - not shareholders - to benefit chiefly.

        Dont be conned, privatisation is for the benefit of the Conservatives and their rich friends and donors, certainly not for us. They dont understand our country, our geography, the needs of our people. Privatisation hasnt actually been a success so far, has it?

      • Azhar Malik 4 years ago

        It's so important to know that it is there when we need it, even if I am lucky to never need to use it. Worth every penny.

      • Mary Beer 4 years ago

        I believe our NHS needs to be kept for everyone not privatised and I would be prepared to pay higher taxes for this purpose

      • d harris 4 years ago

        I too would be willing to pay more tax but this money must be ringfenced

    • Maureen Deans 4 years ago

      The NHS has to be kept free at the point of need for everyone and provided on a not-for-profit basis.

      • shirley stout 4 years ago

        I fully agree

    • Harrai Singh 4 years ago

      I agree fully

      • Tom Bloomfield 4 years ago

        So do I.

    • aconstantinides49@yahoo.co.uk 4 years ago

      Do not ruin our best asset

    • Brian Randell 4 years ago

      A profit motivation is totally at odds with the appropriate NHS ethos

    • Jenny Goble 4 years ago

      Don't split up the NHS

    • Joan Webb 4 years ago

      This was always the aim and goal of the NHS

    • Dave Carrick 4 years ago


    • Rosemary Osmon 4 years ago

      The NHS should never be run for shareholders and corporate profit. Government duty is to provide and run efficiently a health service which is fair to all. It should not be beyond their capability to balance the books.

    • Caroline Cherry- Ellison 4 years ago

      Stop this decline of our health service in favour of those that cannot deliver. We need care for all

    • mike topp 4 years ago

      It's very easy for the wealihy members of society to sit back and let the Tories
      dissect the NHS so their even wealthier fremds can make more money from the less
      fortunate m3mbers of our society - follow the money trail!

    • S M Morton 4 years ago

      I agree that the NHS must be kept free at the point of need for every one and provided on a not-for-profit basis.

      • Mark 4 years ago

        Totally agree .the NHS is this country's greatest achievement

    • Patsy McMahon 4 years ago

      I agree.

    • Keith McEwan 4 years ago

      I absolutely agree with this statement.

    • Kathryn Colling 4 years ago


    • Nadia Ellis 4 years ago

      There must be enough funding from Government to enable this statement to be fulfilled and the whole population must be prepared to pay through taxation for this

    • Jo Hammond 4 years ago

      All healthcare from birth to death should be under NHS. Care homes, nursing homes, hospices and care workers should be part of the system.

    • kate danziger 4 years ago

      Free at the point of need

    • Heather Goodare 4 years ago

      Yes, I completely agree

    • Iris Woods 4 years ago

      The NHS was never designed to be a market place,or profit motivated, this is wrong on all counts

    • jean skasick 4 years ago

      This is not another of those "Let's dismantle it and re-write what's right and what's wrong." We are the envy of the world for the incredible service we receive, and remember for 'free'. For the sake of us all let's keep it that way!!! Surely this Pandemic is a classic case for it's need

    • Catherine Hanley 4 years ago


    • Sylvia Davies 4 years ago

      NHS must be saved. Wake up everyone

    • susan odonnelly 4 years ago

      we must not let the gov sneak this past the public again, which is what they will do again most of what are the many problems are caused by the constant of taking money over the years from the nhs.
      Constant underfunding is where we are at now.

    • Sue Rose 4 years ago

      Absolutely essential

    • Steve Woodhams 4 years ago

      The NHS is the backbone of this country.

    • Fred Woodward 4 years ago

      I think everyone in this country has been
      Treated at some point by the health service. It must be kept out of the hands of private companies and Tory Party donators. Service must be kept free at the point of supply

    • Jennifer Travers 4 years ago

      The NHS must stay as set up free at point of need provided by taxes

    • Azhar Malik 4 years ago

      No one choses to be ill. Everuone needs free access to Health service based on their need (and not want) as it is not comodity and no one should be allowed to become rich from it

    • Azhar Malik 4 years ago

      HHS is a service and not a commodity

    • Azhar Malik 4 years ago

      It is completely unethical to allow someone, especially the big pharma and multinationals to profit from people's misfortune to become ill.

    • Monique Buchli 4 years ago

      The NHS should never be outsourced. The public paid for it to remain publicly owned and managed. We know only too well what will happen to it if privatised. No, No, No!

    • Azhar Malik 4 years ago

      This is the most important sign of a caring and civilised society

    • Janet Toye 4 years ago

      If private companies provide NHS care money that would otherwise be available directly for the NHS would go into share holders' pockets.

    • Eileen Gibson 4 years ago

      Agree. We should not allow profit to be involved in health.

    • Edith Gurney 4 years ago

      N H S proud to be English near as can be to --LOVE THY NEIGHBOR.

    • Martin Barnett 4 years ago

      Of course it should! It’s owned by the whole population and paid for by everyone.

    • Gary Strickland 4 years ago

      This campaign needs to be more user friendly to be relevant.

    • Mary Beer 4 years ago

      We need to keep the NHSto be able to be used by everyone and not privatised

    • margaret ghazyzadeh 4 years ago

      The NHS must be kept free at point of need for everyone and provided on a not for profit basis.

    • Iain Melville 4 years ago

      The NHS was created as a free health service for everyone. It must stay that way. Free medical treatment and aftercare at the point of need for everyone who needs it.

    • colin kendall 4 years ago

      we all rely on the NHS I have had fingers reattached and can continue to work,and am currently on a list for knee replacement

    • richard fellowes 4 years ago

      The NHS is the bedrock of the post second world war social settlement that created our Welfare State. Successive governments, including LABOUR GOVERNMENTS HAVE privatised the NHS by the back-door by introducing an internal market and creating independent competing Trusts and outsourcing ancillary services including visitors and NHS staff having to park and patients having to pay to watch television. The NHS IS THE ENVY OF THE WORLD and like many services such as transport, water, gas, electricity and the trains it needs to be completely restored to full public ownership based on the original principle of being free at the point of use and not run to generate profit for shareholders or multinational companies.

    • Patricia munns 4 years ago

      The nhs saved my life on three occasions and also members of family we don’t want the USA system the nhs is very important for this country and should continue for the good of all working families I would be happy to pay a small fee to see my gp thank you

    • Patricia munns 4 years ago

      The nhs must be kept free however how much it costs think of thee poor families

    • Patricia munns 4 years ago

      Keep free

    • Jeffrey Wilson 4 years ago

      They should be here for the poor and rich and be in public ownership

  • Dr. R.L.Symonds 4 years ago

    The present pandemic is proof , if any more were needed, that the market cannot produce a response to save lives, and that only a Public Health Service, not for profit, funded by central taxation will provide for the health needs of a population.

    • Christine Leslie 4 years ago

      The idea that the NHS or any care services can be taken over by the market and out of the public domain and ownership is naive and shortsighted. It cannot work and it is not designed for you people to float on the stock exchange. Nobody can afford that. It destroys services and alters the whole ethos of a publicly owned and publicly responsible department. Making access to the services more difficult and expensive. It is not meant to make money for the conservative party but to serve the health needs of everyone.

    • Anonymous 4 years ago

      The present pandemic shows that the market cannot produce a response to save lives, and that only a Public Health Service, not for profit, funded by central taxation will provide for the health needs of a population.

      • MRS.M.A Fields 4 years ago

        Completely agree. The N.H.S serves the Country best in Public Ownership. Free at the point of need.

    • Joan Webb 4 years ago

      What could by a more important use of our taxes than health and welfare

    • Dave Carrick 4 years ago

      It's been a shambles and the remaining staff have done an amazing job under incredible pressure. give them the funds and staffing levels they need (and a pay rise)

    • Christina 4 years ago

      I absolutely agree with everything Dr. R l symonds says. Britain’s health system must remain free at the point of care and that care should be delivered by a nationally public owned body funded through central taxation,and national insurance contributions by the people For the People and that ALL profits and contributions should be ploughed back into that publicly owned body to improve on and continue delivering quality health care and equipment. The service should be Staffed by professionals who are trained , monitored and publicly culpable for maintaining the high healthcare standards . Profits should never ever go into private shareholders pockets.
      The ownership of the NHS should remain publicly funded by the people for the people and care provided free at the point of need.

      • Heather Lucas 4 years ago

        I agree with the above comments regarding our NHS. It should be kept free at the point of use being paid for in the usual way.

      • Jo Hammond 4 years ago

        Totally agree

      • Kathy Marsh 4 years ago

        Public health service should have been used from the onset. Maybe then the UK would not be in such a dire state. Privatisation are poor firms whose only function is to make a profit & provide a shambles of a service. Contributing towards a service which is inadequate.

      • Tim Finch 4 years ago

        well said!

    • Tim Drake 4 years ago

      Absolutely agree

  • Karen Nadin 4 years ago

    Keep on fighting this ghastly government.

    • Ben Giles 4 years ago

      Our NHS is the envy of the world and is a treasure that should not be fritted away, people count not profit.

      • Jo Hammond 4 years ago

        It was....

    • Anonymous 4 years ago

      Keep on fighting this uncaring and amoral government. Make the public aware of its attempts to privatise health care,which should be free at source.

      • Jo Hammond 4 years ago

        Absolutely need to make people aware as so many I speak to are unaware how much has been privatised.

    • Norman Haggin 4 years ago

      Keep the NHS out of the hands of the greedy Tory’s & their greedier backers!

    • Linda Stevenson 4 years ago

      Keep fighting to keep NHS ours.Serco shambolic handling of track and trace is proof.if any was needed that private companies are not fit to run NHS.KEEP fighting we can win.

    • Alan Mayhew 4 years ago

      Very hypocritical if reduce the NHS after all their talk of SAVE THE NHS.

    • Jo Hammond 4 years ago


    • Laxmi 4 years ago

      I agree nhs should be kept free for everyone

  • David Gilbey 4 years ago

    Health care is about people not profit

  • Alison Little 4 years ago

    Our public NHS is so important for all of us and was certainly not developed to one day be overtaken by private health care that many would not be able to afford. Our NHS is unique and precious for Britain.

  • Alison Britton 4 years ago

    Stop the privatisation of any of the NHS. The privatised care and support I get for my (NHS diagnosed) sleep apnoea is totally inadequate.

  • Elspeth Scott 4 years ago

    The proof that private companies cannot and should not serve the health needs of the country can be seen in the Covid 19 crisis where defects in appointing such companies became clear. Inefficient, without experience, they nevertheless accepted contracts (PPE supply and Test and Trace) which they did not carry out effectively, but still paid out to shareholders
    The NHS must become free of such private links, and be funded by increased taxation for all, whether rich or poor.
    I am stating the above as a private citizen and retired NHS employee.

  • Heather Cresswell 4 years ago

    I remember before the NHS, when my parents argued, because they couldn’t afford the doctor for my very ill sister. Not for profit and free at the point of need is vital!

  • Barry Norman 4 years ago

    Forget McKinsey. The combination of private sector waste, incompetent political leadership and Boris Johnson has killed thousands who would still be alive today. Remember Novichok and Salisbury. Test and trace was handled superbly by Wiltshire County Council. Only a fanatic would think of giving the job to Dido Harding!

  • Maureen Sharpe 4 years ago

    Our NHS must be kept out of the hands of the private sector, they have proved during this pandemic that they are not to be trusted. NOT FOR SALE.

  • Willie Mckenna 4 years ago

    The NHS must remain a public service free at point of use. Countries with no such health service depend on The Insurance Industry to issue and sell policies.This results in those who afford it pay for full cover. Those less fortunate are forced to take out lesser or minimum cover policies. THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN IN THE UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Ellen Graubart 4 years ago

    We won the right to a publicly owned national service that provided free and fair healthcare for all, from the cradle to the grave more than 70 years ago. No government should be allowed to take away a service established for the common good and put it into private hands for their financial gain.

  • Alice Marie Harland 4 years ago

    Free health care at point of need is a basic human right which must not be removed. All private contractors must be removed from our NHS and it revert to the service as it was founded by the post war government.

  • Maureen McKeown 4 years ago

    Health and well-being are rights, not commodities. Privatisation at any level is abhorrent and I reject it 100%.

  • Liam Mcparland 4 years ago

    I believe strongly that the NHS should be free at the point of use, that it should continue to be funded the way it currently is through income tax and NI contributions. Hospital trusts should be made more accountable to those they serve. There is a lack of transparency and accountability which not only dents the confidence of the general public but also leads to scandals such as the recent one at the Shrewsbury and Telford NHS trust.

  • Anne Spiers 4 years ago

    With a shortfall of 40,000 nurses and goodness knows how many doctors and other NHS staff, it is criminal to think of putting the already inadequate financial resources into the pockets of private company owners. This PM promised a levelling up, which is what people voted for. Now he is breaking promises with breakneck speed and with no conscience or care for the welfare of anyone except himself and his cronies.

  • Pauline Dutton (Miss) 4 years ago

    We need to get this awful govt out now!

  • Peter Nowland 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to us

  • Paulette Perry 4 years ago

    We own the NHS, we pay for it through our taxes!

  • Diane Margolis 4 years ago

    I am an expat American and know how venal and ruinous a private health-care system is.
    People here do not realise that people in the US sometimes have to sell their homes to pay their medical bills,
    or declare bankruptcy, or simply go without treatment.
    One of the reasons I wanted to live in this country, which I believed to be more civilised. Is it?

  • Simon Hill 4 years ago

    Hopefully NHS wont stand for in the future No Health Service.

  • GILL ROSS STRONG 4 years ago

    The NHS must be rebuilt and refunded as a public service. This Pandemic has shown how vital it is and how grossly undefunded it has been.

  • Mark Cameron 4 years ago

    They have to listen -,they are a disgrace and should be ashamed of the way they treat/ ignore/ destroy our great in spite of not because of this endless Tory regime. So disheartening

  • Bernard Harper 4 years ago

    The Tories have never believed in a NHS their words of support are pure rhetoric and fail to fund the service properly so that their rich friends can profit from privatising services

  • Jamie Wallace 4 years ago

    We need and want a Public Health Service . There must be no part of it put out to tender to private firms!

  • John Taylor 4 years ago

    If COVID-19 has shown anything it is what great public service the NHS is and how incompetent this government is.

  • Elly Corcoran 4 years ago

    We have to fight any selling off of our NHS. As been mentioned before it is only because with have the system we have is that we can possibly survive this terrible virus and anything else that is required to look after all of us from birth to grave. I am aware as so many of you are what happens in the USA when it comes to people suffering with cancer or any life threatening issues, you pay or you die! This government is only in power for a short time, no way sell what is so precious to us or suffer the consequences.

  • Sylvia Ann Jenkins 4 years ago

    The NHS was conceived to give health care to everyone from cradle to grave, we must not go down the road of the US system thje NH BELONGSto the people and is not for sale

  • Robert J. Cormack 4 years ago

    The public have been paying for the NHS since its inception.
    It must not be sold to make a profit from the nations sick.

  • Annette Gamble 4 years ago

    This government is only interested in money, Not the welfare of the people.

  • simon shepherd 4 years ago

    The NHS must be free at the point of need for everyone and provided on a not-for-profit basis’ not to be skimmed by spivs.

  • Lesley Kettlewell 4 years ago

    The millions of ££s already wasted on cronies of Govt. members is disgusting and criminal. All money for public health should be channelled via the NHS - that's their job, to look after the Health Service, it's what they do well. They know what's required and that it certainly doesn't need to take account of stakeholders in private companies.

  • John Bailey 4 years ago

    The NHS should be kept funded by tax and free at the point of need. It should not be offered to private investors and for profit-making companies.

  • Tom 4 years ago

    We need to bring this evil right wing corrupt government down !!!

  • Tarlochan Kaliroy 4 years ago

    Healthcare is a right and the profit motive has no place in the NHS; the internal market, a parasite inbeded in the NHS, for pseudo improvements in delivery of services, needs to be ripped out to allow the NHS to heal itself to deliver healthcare to all and sundry freely at the point of need.

  • Peter EHLERS 4 years ago

    The NHS is a unique service for the health and wellbeing of all in the UK, and it must be kept that way for the sake and benefits of all future generations of this nation!!

  • Jon Brody 4 years ago

    ICS is a scourge on our society and needs to be stopped.

  • Debra Sneade 4 years ago

    Keep fighting to keep our NHS in Public hands
    our NHS is not for Profit greedy companies!!

  • Patrick Owen 4 years ago

    The government does not have an electoral mandate to privatise the NHS. It is doing so by stealth and introducing powers to enter into trade agreements by executive diktat avoiding Parliamentary approval and scrutiny. The government's failed neo liberal free market agenda has crippled the public realm at the expense of shareholder profit and must be stopped now.

  • christine Hartley 4 years ago

    Health service should be free for all. If people want to pat for treatment it should be done through. Nhs so that profits can be plough back in to the system!

  • Jenny Howell 4 years ago

    Corrupt contracts to the current Government's friends have been the running theme of 2020. They are not to be trusted with our healthcare.

  • Elizabeth Christian Emslie 4 years ago

    Our NHS Is for the benefit of the people not for profiteers.

  • Martin Moss 4 years ago

    The outsourced response to the pandemic has been atrociously badly managed and has clearly demonstrated that the current government wants to give money to its cronies and is not bothered about saving lives.

  • Roger Plenty 4 years ago

    the last year has shown that only a public service, funded by taxes, whose duty is to serve the public, is best equipped to save lives. The first duty of private companies is to make money for their shareholders. That is a completely wrong approach.

  • Jeremy Millington 4 years ago

    Just add up what the average person gets in a lifetime from the NHS. Remember what they do for you and recognise the problems are mainly caused by business practices based on competition and profit.

  • James Parks 4 years ago

    Something for a discussion on Question Time I think with Hancock on the panel and watch him squirm!

  • James Hutchins 4 years ago

    The Tories keep saying they are putting more money into the NHS, but are they? Or are they just paying private companies to supply NHS services?

  • Susan Brown 4 years ago

    This present Tory government must be held to account for their poor handling of the Coronavirus pandemic. The NHS needs to be funded properly after years of austerity.

  • Julia Parry-Jones 4 years ago

    The NHS must NOT be privatised in any way, there will always be those who need what we have at present , treatment , free to all at the point of need.
    I will never support any kind of back door change to that , people Die all too often in countries with inhumane , health ‘care ‘ systems . People deserve far better !

  • Jacky Apps 4 years ago

    Yes lives matter Boris keep your hands off our national health

  • Michael Stanley 4 years ago

    The NHS as a concept and a public institution is the envy of the world. It cannot afford further disruption through more unjustified privatisation.

  • Alun Llewelyn 4 years ago

    I was born in January 1940 just a few years before the NHS was born. And so I grew up with the NHS and felt secure. But then Thatcher came along and Labour Tone Blair undermined the public NHS and we will have to take all our energies to save and reverse the privatisation that has already occurred.

  • Dave Voisey 4 years ago

    The NHS has already been privatised! The NHS symbol is little more than a symbol of approval like the old UK "kitemark" or the EU "C" symbol. The money that goes into shareholders pockets should stay within the NHS.

  • Sarah Gallagher 4 years ago

    We the people own the NHS through paying our taxes. This government have forgotten they are just the caretakers, they do not own it to be able to give it away or sell it. We need to keep fighting for what is ours

  • Martin Sookias 4 years ago

    Unlike the US, making profits out of vulnerable patients should have no place in this country.

  • John Gray 4 years ago

    The NHS must at all costs remain in the Public Domain,
    Privatisation or even Contracting with Private Sector Organisations has never been in any awy effective and has always resulted in heavy financial losses.
    No matter what the Political persuasion the current plans to in any way privatise the NHS must be resisted!

  • Annie Griffiths 4 years ago

    Our National Health Service is the last great thing about our society. It is ours. We pay for it and it must remain in public hands utterly and completely.

  • Sheila Fox 4 years ago

    I have needed hospital treatment over the past couple of years and my husband has had cancer twice. I also worked for the NHS for 10 years ad saw on a daily basis how the Tories deliberately underfunded the NHS. This wonderful service should be kept in public hands, not used as a cash cow for the Tories and their friends in private health companies.

  • Ken Wilde 4 years ago

    The NHS should ALWAYS be kept out of private companies grasp, as the obscene amounts of money wasted on PPE plus track and trace companies during this pandemic has shown.

  • susan Lane 4 years ago

    Our health service is being privatised by stealth .
    It needs to stop . Fat cats getting fatter at the cost of the NHS it has to stop .

  • Jane Dew 4 years ago

    The National Health was formed in '47, just after l was born. Formed for the health of the Nation, not to line the pockets of international corporations.

    The idea of a government,elected by the nation for the nation, have the idiocy to try to turn the health of the nation into big business is horrendous.
    How dare they sell off what belongs to all of us!!!

  • Colin Carr 4 years ago

    The NHS must be publicly run and publicly funded. Private companies operate for profit, not as a service.

  • Joe Stoner 4 years ago

    The present pandemic is proof , if any more were needed, that the market cannot produce a response to save lives, and that only a Public Health Service, not for profit, funded by central taxation will provide for the health needs of a population.

  • Stephen Clarke 4 years ago

    There is, by all evidence, no need to privatise except as a means of diverting public money into private (and probably tax-exiled) bank accounts.
    The NHS is uniquely financially and humanly efficient. I have never met a doctor who felt the need for 'reform' in this direction, not one.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    this government will sell our souls for more profits for themselves and there friends

  • Marilyn Hill 4 years ago

    We must do everything we can to preserve our NHS the way it is but of course make it even better

  • kenneth john mckay 4 years ago

    this government will sell our souls in the name of profit for their friends and themselves

  • B.Ecuyer 4 years ago

    Last year saw how lavish spending on private companies produced catastrophic incompetence and organisational chaos. Where NHS had to bail out Test and Trace fo mention but one area. There should be no role for the private sector in our health service. Too much NHS money has already been syphoned off. Properly funded we have a truly world beating service.

  • Josephine Green 4 years ago

    We need our NHS

  • Nigel Canter 4 years ago

    The NHS is for all, not the profit of a few.

  • George Gornall 4 years ago

    The NHS is funded through our taxation and national insurance and free at the point of use. It is not the property of private money for private profit and must never become a privatised asset to be sold to the highest bidder. Or as with our government, given away to the friends of the conservatives and Tory donors.

  • John David Seymour 4 years ago

    The aim of the NHS is to give a service to the public, free at source. This must be run as a not for profit organisation with the treatment of patients as its aim with absolutely NO BUSINESS MODEL nor any outside business involvement. The cost of the best possible treatment for the patient must be born by public taxation. The moment outside business is involved private fortunes can be made out of public funds, proved by reports of PPI suppliers making huge profits, as reported in the national press.

  • Sarah Clews 4 years ago

    People before profit. Save the NHS.

  • Diana Smith 4 years ago

    The free health service is best thing we have in Britain. Where would be be in this pandemic without them. Just look at the deaths in America.

  • PETER MCCABE 4 years ago

    We must do everything to protect the NHS from this Tory government

  • Pat Corkish 4 years ago

    Don't keep privatising the NHS

  • Jean Malcolm 4 years ago

    Having just had a vivid demonstration of the failure of attempting to use private contractors for significant health care activities it is clear that health care has to be one of the services for the community organised and run on their behalf by a National Health Servcie.

  • Tom Peckham 4 years ago

    The NHS is effectively privatised. The GP practices are independent businesses and so many hospital operations and services are farmed out to [rivate companies. It is all too late.

  • Mike 4 years ago

    The NHS is owned by us.
    Dont invite companies to own any of what rightfully belongs to us.

  • John Lewthwaite 4 years ago

    This piecemeal approach must stop. Look at Langley!
    We need a Royal Commission to look at the future of the NHS

  • Mick O'Neill-Duff 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to the people and not this so called Government who cannot wait to get their grubby hands on the public treasured asset Our NHS. The NHS is not for sale.

  • Ann Marshall 4 years ago

    This is our NHS, I paid my NI to keep it going for years, the people like myself couldn't afford private insurance, bad enough having to pay for my dental costs as I can't get to see an dentist. Hands of not for sale..

  • Hazel Wilkinson 4 years ago

    This corrupt government is making me sick

  • Tybulus Tyburn 4 years ago

    The NHS is the people's health service and not available for privateers wishing for a quick profit

  • Tom Faulkner 4 years ago

    We need the NHS to be as transparent and accountable as possible and this integration will involve more secrecy and less democratic influence over the NHS. It should not be part of any trade deal with the USA.

  • Trevor Rigby 4 years ago

    The NHS is one of the finest things this country has ever created. Instead of breaking it up,it should be properly financed so that it is able to cope with the next pandemic.

  • Kim Rogers 4 years ago

    The NHS must be kept intact, no privatising it!! Leave our NHS alone.

  • Diana Hill 4 years ago

    Please keep fighting and involving the general public.

  • Fatima zahraa Mohammadi Araghi 4 years ago

    Happy new year
    People have a right to have a PUBLIC health service
    Please help the people that are in need
    If I were you I would have DONE something about this ASAP because I feel responsible for the people that are
    in need
    If you want the people of the country That your living in To be happy everyday I’m sure you would Want to save the NHS asap And make people happy and satisfied
    me as a young teenager would like to have a public NHS health service in this country that I’m living in

    Please do something as soon as you read my message
    My sister has a heart problem and we don’t WANT a PRIVATE health service in this country
    I want you to help people and support people and make people happy instead of people becoming upset with the private health SERVICE that their being provided with
    PLease help us and save the NHS ASAP
    i hope you And your family have a successful year ahead
    I hope you and your family have a year full of happiness and joy

  • Bob Lawson 4 years ago

    It seems the NHS is being set up to have its assets stripped to the benefit of big business, Dan Poulter, GP, MP was instrumental in selling Bio Products, an NHS asset, for £200m to Bain Capital, an American outfit who promised to invest in it... They sold Bio Products about three years later, to Creat, a Chinese company... For £800m
    Now, who benefited most? NHS? Bain? Creat? Anyone else? Why was Matt Hancock happy to be seen in a paid for feature (advertorial) in the Evening Standard for Babylon Health's "GP at Hand" app. Babylon's run by Ali Parsa, the guy who thought he could run Hinchingbrooke hospital, Cambridge. He couldn't, gave up, and got £500,000 for his failure... Then there's the overpayment for PPE, the paying for stuff that never arrived, and the failure to distribute stock efficiently. Even the warehousing of stock is privatized...
    Thrust Conservatives as far as you can throw them.

  • Carol Cooke 4 years ago

    Keep up your excellent work

  • Stanley Copland 4 years ago

    Tories stop yOur underhand privatisation of the NHS.

    Our Doctors & Nurses are doing a wonderful job.

    The British people will hate you for evermore if you steal it from them

  • Peter Horitz 4 years ago

    No to further privatisation of any sort and make our NHS wholly state funded again

  • David Harrison 4 years ago

    The NHS is for people not profit.

  • Edward Davies 4 years ago

    As Clive Amos succinctly puts it - ' free at the point of need for everyone and provided on a not-for-profit basis'. Full stop - nothing to add to this or the original Beveridge Report.

  • Robin collingwood 4 years ago

    I’m with you.

  • James Willis 4 years ago

    It’s not for sale!

  • Linda Hollingsworth 4 years ago

    This government is privatizing our NHS. We have to keep fighting to stop them.

  • Edwin Picton 4 years ago

    Public ownership is vital to protect us all from the destruction of the democratic processes of our country by greedy corporate and corrupt cabals.

  • shane helsby 4 years ago

    keep the greedy fat cats off our N H S

  • William Lee 4 years ago

    This government's decision making process allowing private companies to operate independently of the NHS for profit is proof that the pandemic has spiralled out of control. The NHS should have been allowed to control track and trace procedures and full lockdown procedures should have been undertaken sooner instead of the way it has to suit the corrupted science given by the government to cover up their inability and incompetence to deal with the pandemic properly

  • Ian Stalker 4 years ago

    We must keep the NHS in public hadns and take back controal of any services already privatised. ~Th nation's health is too mimportant to be run for profit.

  • Peter Stock 4 years ago

    Let’s keep it, doing remarkably well at the moment considering the pressure they are under !

  • Layne Odam 4 years ago

    save our NHS

  • Trevor Holloway 4 years ago

    Health care should be a fundamental human right. Profiting from suffering is immoral. The further privitisation of the NHS should be a major issue in the media but we are being let down by the lack of honest journalists.

  • BESS MILES-DUNCAN 4 years ago

    It is important for us all.

  • Suzie Litton-Wood 4 years ago

    The National Health Service is owned by the citizens of the United Kingdom. It was set up as a pact between the government and the working people of this country to provide a public health service for all classes and in return the British people would contribute a percentage of their wages each week/month to enable this to happen. So when did anyone ask the British people to end this pact. When did the British people indicate they were in favour of introducing a third party into this relationship? And that this third party would be wanting to make a healthy profit from our Public Health Service, taking money out of that service in payment for their 'role' in this threesome. There seems to be a gross imbalance in this relationship...two partners putting money in, while the third takes it all out, regardless of whether or not there is a profit at the end of each financial year!! Our National Health Service was never intended to provide shareholders with large unearned dividends at the end of each year. It was set up specifically to provide as much money as the service raise, to ensure that working people had access to the best medical treatment the 'pact' could give them. I for one Do NOT want to upset that equilibrium by including a Private Sector partner into the two sides partnership, as agreed to by our parents & grandparents in 1947/8.

  • Carole 4 years ago

    We must keep the NHS true to fits original principles. The NHS should be funded by the government through taxes and otherwise free to everyone at the point of need. What the Johnson government is proposing threatens to endanger the future good health of the nation, for profit.

  • Russell Van der Wert 4 years ago

    The fiasco that is “Track and trace” the” vaccine tzar”
    The singular failure of the private sector to achieve anything they were set to do ( mainly the easy bits) in this pandemic has shocked and infuriated me .
    Even the recruitment of volunteers and “returners”
    was an exercise in allowing private companies to “take the money and run “leaving the local NHS public services to pick up the pieces .I volunteered in the last week in March as a GP returner after 6 months of repeatedly competing the same data sets I was still not engaged .
    Only when my own gp faculty and CCG became involved was I helped and within 5 weeks was back in harness .
    The Conservative administration hates to see anti public sector body succeed and years of defunding , underfunding of public bodies particular their last “ sacred cow” The NHS has brought it to a brink running on a wing , a prayer and tons of good will.
    Seeing the disaster of the Covid response across the Atlantic suggest we don’t need any lessons from a private health system.Sorry this is such a long entry !!

  • Janet Sivorn 4 years ago

    NHS is a great British achievement and needs to be sustained for access by all

  • ANNE DUNLOP 4 years ago


  • David Jones 4 years ago

    We need to move back to a public integrated NHS free for all and away from a public-private mish-mash.

  • Avril Van Reyk 4 years ago

    Our NHS is unique and it’s ideals are something to be very proud of. Free healthcare at the point of delivery for all who are eligible is precious and should be preserved. Any other private/insurance based system only EVER favours the wealthy and advantaged. Any government
    must properly fund the NHS.

  • Lauren Daniels 4 years ago

    Despite my disappointment in people when it came to leaving the EU, I can move on and hope this isn't going to be as bad as I thought it would be. That being said lets not drop the ball and watch the government closely. Our PMs would sell us out for hundreds of throusands, not millions. Don't let them slowly privatise the NHS.

  • Sheilagh Walsh 4 years ago

    The NHS must be kept free for everyone, and not vitiated by interests of profit.

  • Rosemary Johnson 4 years ago

    Already private companies have taken over previously public services. When I was 8 I got my first glasses from a NHS clinic, I also saw the dentist there. My children did the same albeit in a different town my grandchildren go to a dental practice and get their glasses from specsavers. Dentists used to deal with dental hygiene but now you have to pay a hygienist on top of the NHS dental charge. Chiropody is another area that is effectively privatised

  • Ann Catherine Walker 4 years ago

    must be provided on a not for profit basis and free at point uf use

  • Sarah Gale 4 years ago

    The NHS is our most beloved institution. It has been there for my family throughout our illnesses - cancer, brain surgery and heart attacks. It bestowed my father with 5 more years of life and then a peaceful and dignified death.
    Nye Bevan’s legacy must be upheld at all costs - the NHS is the green light at the end of the dock and a beacon of hope for all who can not afford healthcare. It must not be privatised. Stop PFI now!

  • John 4 years ago

    Common Law & Constitution is the real Law. Article 61 Magna Carta. Practical Lawful Dissent No Contract, I do not Consent. Consensus Facit Legem

  • Robert Neil Johnson 4 years ago

    Keep the NHS as its founders wanted it - all services delivered by public servants and free at the point of delivery.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    While key experts say there will be a reduction of 'accountability and democratic oversight' over our NHS, what's even more concrete and worrying for some is that there is discussion of 'sharing' the 'rewards' with private companies. This means money that could be spent on health services will be leaked as profits to private companies. There is also the likelihood that much bigger, long-term contracts covering entire areas could be given to multi-national companies, as opposed to the multiple smaller and shorter term contracts given currently

  • Malcolm Meerabux 4 years ago

    Health before profit is a must and privatisation has been an absolute shambles as these private companies have shamelessly ripped off the tax payer with increasing demands for subsidies to shell out to massively overpaid directors whilst handing out dividends leaving the industry with huge leakages as with water companies with inflated charges to consumers and commuters packed like sardines on over stretched transport links and no option to go elsewhere.

  • DAVID FARLEY 4 years ago

    The NHS as a public funded institution is vital for the health and welfare of the Nation. It must not be tainted by ‘ For Profit ‘ companies gaming access to
    this service that in so doing so would put profit and dividends before health and well-being. Public ownership through the taxation system is the only guarantee of meeting the health needs of us ALL and not determined by the size of your wallet

  • Jayne Heaney 4 years ago

    The NHS must remain free and accessible to all forever. It is actually the best value in both health of the nation and financially

  • Caroline Driver 4 years ago

    They think that they're fooling people by renaming things, saying 'safe in our hands', 'NHS is not on the table', but a lot of us know that it's all absolute, bare faced lies, that only those with something to gain or those too stupid and who fall for the lies, will suck up like nectar. They'll even keep the NHS logo on everything, keep talking about the NHS, even when it's been worn away to a thin veil over the fat cat companies who will really own it, and we'll only find out when we get bankrupting bills like they have in the US.

  • Jane Stone 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to the British public,it’s worth is twelve trillion and the greedy Tory government have been draining it off to their rich friends it must be stopped or you will never be able to afford a Dr Hospital or any health care what so ever .These talks have been taken in secret so they can tell the whole country exactly what they are up too.

  • Hilary 4 years ago

    NHS for equality!

  • Carol Hull 4 years ago

    Don’t destroy our NHS without it many people will die.It must be kept free at the point of need.

  • Sylvia brown 4 years ago

    If you want more proof of the poverty of privatised health, look to America and those who cannot afford medical insurance. The NHS is our gem. This govt puts profit before people. It's immoral and insane.

  • B. Cockerham 4 years ago

    We cannot let our NHS be destroyed for the benefit of this self serving ,'Get Brexit Done ' Government.

  • Hilary Haynes 4 years ago

    I find it hard to believe that in the middle of a pandemic where services are at and beyond breaking point that the govt want to inflict yet another expensive and complicated re-organisation with the sole purpose of finally breaking up the NHS and handing it piecemeal to its Conservative party donors and US health insurance companies. On second thought, not hard to believe, they've been doing it for 40 years. Angry and disgusted.

  • Jenny Hyams 4 years ago

    Please please please keep our NHS FREE at the point of delivery. It's the one thing worth fighting for in this devastating period.

  • Richard Hargreaves 4 years ago

    Ovder and overf and over again during the pandemic the government's outsourcing of health services to private sector companies, many of them run by chumns of Tory ministers, has shown their gross incompetence while our local authorities with far more experience have been completely ignored.The whole Tory project of lamely following the neo-liberal market economy reliant on private sector companies is now thoroughly discredited. Yet they persist like now in secretly planning to sell of yet more of the NHS. Shame on them.

  • Teresa Herbert 4 years ago

    NHS should be kept as a Public Health Service, not for profit funded by central taxation. Private sectors have cost the NHS billions and have not provided the service paid for. Get rid of Serco, they convinced the government they can give a service but have failed the public and the government badly and need to give a big refund on lack of service.

  • Paula Greig 4 years ago

    Keep our NHS keep our NHS to us

  • Matthew Baker 4 years ago

    ICS developments are poorly conceived if there is to be an effective integration of health and social care services. Extensive geographical responsibilities unresponsive to local needs, social care segregated from the public health responsibilities of local authorities, children and families services, housing etc is a recipe for chaos providing endless opportunities for private providers to scoop up consultancy and the cherry picking of provision. Another policy disaster in waiting.

  • Jo Leeds 4 years ago

    The NHS was set up for the people and needs to remain available for the people, not sold off in dribs and drabs or contracted out for a profit that has been paid back into the NHS. We are likely to return to pre war issues of people not getting treatment because they cant afford it. The dental service is a prime example of what should be free but is no longer free unless you are a child or tick certain boxes.

  • Steve Thomas 4 years ago

    As Johnson's conduct has shown, his 'chumocracy' is the opposite of a meritocracy. If private contractors can make such a mess of things why is the NHS not protected from being run as a profit-making business? We must stand up for the free-to-use health service which is the envy of the world and protect it from being negotiated into something far worse.

  • Pamela McClelland 4 years ago

    Care for people who need care. Don't make a business out of it for money.

  • Alexander Lowe 4 years ago

    Rhe Covid-19 pandemic, and the Conservative government's response to it, show clearly why we desperately need a publicly owned, and properly publicly-funded national health service, whose purpose and resources are not frustrated or diverted by profit-seeking private-sector interests, especially when those are conflicted interests connected with political donations or personal connections to serving poiticians.
    Over the last year, we have seen an an NHS underfunded and understaffed, not enough nurses being trained, a public health crisis playing second fiddle to Brexit negotiations which could have been suspended, contracts given to private companies connected with government staff and without a transparent tendering process, PPE pid over-the-odds for which never arrived, PPE paid over-the-odds for which arrived but was unusable, a lack of ventilators, an unwillingness to maintain spare capacity in the healthcare system even though a pnademic had been predicted years previously, all purely because of a political phiosophy opposed to 'big government'!

  • Vince Rice 4 years ago

    Keep our public services in public ownership and not for profit or private interests

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    There isn’t a main stream political party. That wd thd people can genuinely. Trust. Cha. Ching. Is the only sound the greedy. Misfits. Hear.

  • Yvette Jefferis 4 years ago

    This government sings praises to the NHS in public whilst planning and bargaining it away on trade deals in private. Time to live up to your public commitment to the NHS , without good health for all the citizens of our country, your precious economy will fail.

  • Gina Viglietti 4 years ago

    The Covid-19 pandemic has been a devastating reminder how essential it is that health and medical services should all be public. M

  • Jean Boxall 4 years ago

    This pandemic has proven we need our NHS saved. Stop selling it to your rich mates

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    We need a nationwide organisation to run health care for ALL people and co-ordinate with all other health and social care providers in the country.

  • Hilary Evans 4 years ago

    The NHS is symbolic of a government of the people for the people. All that has happened in the last few years and now in 2021 nakes it symbolic of a Tory government. It is government of the elite for the elite. The NHS is to be free at the point of need for all who need it. So, please quit privatising, profiteering and defunding what was the best health service in the world.

  • A Gamble 4 years ago

    I am very concerned that we already have too much private ownership in the NHS. For example, here in Northern Ireland, our Nursing Homes are all privately owned and the media is full of the abuse which older people suffer by being in the private sector which are purely in business to make a profit.
    Also the amount of money which is taken from the public purse for private companies in order to reduce the waiting list is disgraceful. This is our money and we expect to have an input into how it is spent.

  • John Lang 4 years ago

    Our NHS should not be allowed to be plundered by people and companies whose main aim is the taking of Public monies.

  • Heather Westall 4 years ago

    We definitely need to keep our NHS out of any private deals. It is the public’s NHS

  • Christine Smith 4 years ago

    NHS should not be sold off.

  • Janet Sumner 4 years ago

    I totally oppose the privatisation of the NHS. Our health care system is one that we need to protect for the future of all of our children

  • John Richardson 4 years ago

    Along with millions of other British citizens, I’m alive today because of our wonderful NHS whose doctors, nurses and support staff are once again heroically proving what an amazing organisation we have in this country.
    Woe-betide any government that seeks to change the basis of this free at the point of need service or attempts to hawk it to the highest bidder.
    Such a move will never be forgiven.

  • Pat 4 years ago

    This government has given millions of pounds to companies that either do not exist, or have recently been formed without providing goods or services in return. There is no accountability or refund of monies by these people. Corruption not only condoned, but actually encouraged by conservative ministers. Meanwhile the NHS is struggling to survive , medical staff nationwide overworked and underpaid.

  • Debra 4 years ago

    Which means it belongs to the nation for the nation.
    Ang changes should require a vote and agreement from the nation.

  • gunhild espelage 4 years ago

    Health provision and profits for shareholders are mutually exclusive and ultimately ethically reprehensible. No further privatisation of the NHS

  • George Howe 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to us the people, keep it that way, No privatisation of the NHS.

  • Brian McClintock 4 years ago

    The present pandemic is proof, if any more were needed, that the market cannot produce a response to save lives, and that only a Public Health Service, not for profit, funded by central taxation will provide for the health needs of a population.

  • Karan Smith 4 years ago

    A private company will always put profit before people & that as a prime motivator does not bode well for patients. Keep private companies OUT of our NHS!

  • Saz 4 years ago

    Keep fighting for the NHS! This year has been far too overwhelming and chaotic for a lot of people, say no more!

  • Maura McKinney 4 years ago

    THE NHS MUST REMAIN FREE AT THE TIME OF NEED - for ALL. But we need to be ready - must be ready for when needed - instead of wasting time "wondering" and wasting time choosing because we aren't up to date.

    Public Health Service - a Dr. R.L.Symondss said above - "Only a Public Health Service, not for profit, funded by central taxation will provide for the health needs of a population." "that the market cannot produce a response to save lives."

  • Wendy Butler 4 years ago

    Keep privatisation out of our NHS. People before private profit. Our NHS is not for ‘sale’ to the private sector who haven’t the expertise to make the decisions, it will cause chaos and a clash of priorities.

  • Greg Pike 4 years ago

    No form of Social or medical care can ever be effectively delivered by companies who`s first concern is their fiducary respocibility to their shareholders. High quality care and high shareholder returns are mutually exclusive objectives.

  • Robert P Morley 4 years ago

    It is essential that our NHS is maintained as a free service, at the point of need, for all UK residents. To think that any significant part could be privatised is the slow creep to the US medical type care (or lack of care!) only a not-for-profit basis should be acceptable.

    Surely the Covid-19 pandemic is proof that any open market type scheme would not work and fail to save lives. More public money needs to be put into our NHS, as after many years of running down the system, it has left the NHS in a very week state to be able to respond to this pandemic. Shame on politicians, especially as they were aware of the high possibility of a major pandemic especially following the Exercise and Cygnus Report - Tier One Command Post Exercise Re Pandemic Influenza, 18 to 20 October 2016.

  • Glynn Alwyn-Jones 4 years ago

    Nye Bevan created the NHS based upon a tried, tested and very local service in South Wales. To destroy it now would be criminal

  • Den Carter 4 years ago

    We have already suffered the consequences of privatisation, with the hopeless, unfit for purpose, private Test and Trace debacle - that will have cost thousands of lives. The Nightingale Hospitals were another sham - money siphoned off with nothing to show for it except white elephants with no facilities, equipment or staff just dying rooms for the victims of this cruel government pursuing it's vile, inept herd immunity ideology. The billions plundered from the public purse for phoney PPE contracts given untendered to Tory cronies, who don't even make PPE and some whose companies assets were less than the price of a weekly family shop.....this disgraceful opportunism is nothing but theft and if the Tories had put a fraction of the time and ingenuity into dealing with the Covid crisis as they have from stealing billions from us in their disaster capitalism projects we might actually have light at the end of this tunnel. It is only because of the skill and dedication of underpaid and underappreciated staff in an underfunded NHS being run down to sell off for pennies to their cronies and donors that our death toll isn't even higher than it already is - we are proud of OUR NHS and we will see it returned to the people who paid for it, not sold off like the haematology services the Tories flogged of to a crony for pennies, only to be sold on to a Chinese conglomerate for 840 million. This is shocking carperbagging and this government will be called to account one day. Lets make it sooner rather than later while we still have a semblance of our NHS left.

  • Maureen Woodfull 4 years ago

    I was born before the N H S was formed. I am very grateful that it was formed as it has saved my life and helped friends and family. It MUST remain a public service not for profit and NOT sold off to people who just want to make money.

  • Marie Brooke 4 years ago

    It is vital that the NHS remains totally and absolutely a public service, totally free. My views and beliefs are those of a member of the public

  • Caroline 4 years ago

    Keep fighting for our nhs

  • Jacqueline Hancher 4 years ago

    NHS should not be privatised.

  • Janet Bungay 4 years ago

    This government is unbelievably devious and untrustworthy. The NHS is highly unsafe in their hands and in their cronies hands.

  • Margaret Devenney 4 years ago

    We all need the NHS .Rich or poor .

  • Alan Finney 4 years ago

    The private sector needs to be carefully monitored with regard to the NHS. The recent PPE scandal, where contracts were given to friends of the government without scrutiny, was a disgrace. All contracted services need to demonstrate high quality and value for money.

  • Gwyneth Thomas 4 years ago

    National health service is for all. Not to be privatised.

  • Delma Warden 4 years ago

    If we lose our NHS it will be a national disaster. We cannot allow it to happen.

  • Annie Clark 4 years ago

    Our NHS was founded on the principle of free care for all at the point of need. We need to protect this original and wonderful institution. It must not be sectioned off or sold for profit. If we have learnt anything from this dreadful pandemic, it’s that we need the whole of the NHS functioning together!

  • David Gilmour 4 years ago

    Keep the privateers out of our NHS!

  • Bernard Lee 4 years ago

    this government have tried to ruin the national health service for years and then pretend to love it do not be fooled years from now given a chance they will start to try and sell bits off yet again if we let them

  • Leila Rajah 4 years ago

    NO profits over people. Keep the NHS in public hands.

  • Hasina 4 years ago

    Keep on fighting for OUR NHS

  • Peter Day 4 years ago

    After 4 back operations, I went back to see my surgeon along with ma wife in the consulting room were 3 junior surgeon's medical students I will now quite what the surgeon said to me '' Peter I am sorry that your last back operation was not a success so I need to operate on your back again'' Not good news for me. he then said QUOTE'' I will have to apply for the money to do this from THE JOKERS IN No 10 FOR THE MONEY SND I DO NOT EXPECT THAT THEY WILL GIVE IT TTO ME'' He then turned to his 3 medical students and said QUOTE ''THIS IS WHAT IS COMING TO YOU 3 VERY SOON'' I am still waiting 4 years on. Soon after that consultation, the surgeon left the hospital after very many years as one of the best Orthopedic sergeons. Since then I have been pushed around had lots of cans but no help. I was sent to a pain management doctor and one of the first things he said to me was QUOTE '' Do you realize that every operation that you have had has cost £50'000'' Some years earlier I had a new hip replacement that also has not been very successful and on one occasion when I went to see the Professor who operated on my hip, he asked me how I was was my back and I told him what had been going on he said to me QUOTE '' Peter this has gone on far too long I want to have a meeting with your surgeon '' I thought great maybe I was now getting more where. I waited and they telephoned the hospital and left a message to ask if a meeting between the two men had been set up. later that week I receive a telephone call and the person said I QUOTE '' THE NH S RULES DO NOT ALLOW TWO SURGEONS TO HAVE A MEETING REGARDING YOUR OPERATIONS'' I do not believe that the person that called me to say that was a medically trained person only an administrator put there to putting patients off. I did complain but got no were. I think this government is hell-bent on destroying OUR NHS. Now I see that the government has sold off all our private medical records to private American companies through a bill pushed through parliament. If I wanted to look at my wife's private medical records that my GP holds that request would be refused without a written letter from her giving me permission to see the records. Why was I not asked for my permission for the records to be sold off by a letter from the government it is in my view legal to sell off my private medical details to anyone they chouse. I am DIGUSTED

  • jim gault 4 years ago

    Private companies profiting from health care is not in the interests of patients.

  • Deirdre Frith 4 years ago

    I was - just - born into the NHS and I hope to die in it. It is the jewel in our crown and we must fight to the death any attempt to weaken, destroy or privatise it.

  • Joan Dunne 4 years ago

    Keep YOUR private hands off OUR NHS! You are destroying not only our most valuable institution but also the amazing staff who work every day to keep us safe. With the right government action it could be funded by the people not handed over to their inept cronies.

  • marion foster 4 years ago

    We own it, we want to keep the National health service,
    There will be no tomorrow because of pollution and greed.
    People must wake up and fight for what is good for all.

  • Trevor Sykes 4 years ago

    After 40 years of "letting the Markets decide," we have a country with so many divisions that it barely merits the name "United" Kingdom.
    One thing that does, however, bring the nation together is a regard for the NHS. It's incredible, that in the middle of the worst pandemic for 100 years, discussions & plans are ongoing to keep the CEOs & shareholders of private companies happy, at the potential expense of patient care.

  • Alison Dunne 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to everyone not down to government to change things

  • M jelfs 4 years ago

    We keep seeing that this government has and is dismantling the NHS through under funding and breaking it down and passing these parts to them selves family chums and conservative donors, it’s ours all of us and we need it like we always have.

  • Anna Rose 4 years ago

    Private enterprise is for washing machines, cars, wooly jumpers, a restaurant meal, not for a public service, absolutely not for our NHS. It belongs to us and you do not have our permission.

  • Harriet Fitzsimmons 4 years ago

    Keep the NHS in public hands,
    Do Not Privatise the NHS

  • Heather Rowbotham 4 years ago

    keep the Heath Service free of private bodies slowly decimating the NHS. After all we all own but have no say in its management. Keep the NHS for the people NOT for profit for for private companies.
    I remember when people couldn’t afford medical treatment.

  • Joanna Patton 4 years ago

    Morale in the NHS is very low and our NHS employees are exhausted. If we can make them feel that we care about them in any way we can, it will be worthwhile. Be kind to an NHS worker. Buy them a lottery ticket. Or a coffee. Smile, and say thanks.

  • Rick Cocker 4 years ago

    The current pandemic provides clear evidence that private involvement is our NHS is cruelly exposed to political cronyism where donors to and friends of the current government are allowed to enrich themselves whilst providing a sub-standard service.

  • Mrs Frances Mann 4 years ago

    The NHS was promised to us the people of the UK, the Conservative party added to that promise but I fear that they are just paying it lip service with the intention of selling us out for their profit not caring for the people who depend on it. This pandemic has proved that the NHS cannot rely on private companies and works better when funded properly.

  • c s lindsay smith 4 years ago

    Its entirely predictable, and outrageous, that our government, already bogged down in Brexit and mishandling the Covid crisis, has deliberately chosen this time of maximum stress to push thru its Integrating Care proposals.

  • c s lindsay smith 4 years ago

    Already entered above.

  • Terence Adrian Cook 4 years ago

    Everything this crowd of thieves do is about making more money for themselves and their 'cronies'......
    Even the new head of BBC donated £200,000 to the Tories last year!!! .... Now, there's a surprise!!!

  • Charles Jobson 4 years ago

    The NHS cannot provide the service that it was intended to provide when private companies are making profits from that provision.

  • Deirdre Allen 4 years ago

    We have the present pandamic as proof

  • Bridget Hunter 4 years ago

    We need free healthcare to protect those unfortunate enough to be born with health PROBLEMS

  • BD6 1BZ 4 years ago


  • Steven Kirby 4 years ago

    The NHS( National Health Service ) has cared for me from 1958 at birth to the present day at 62 years of age, I have witnessed over these years the cost cutting effects on the nations health care, fewer more tired out and grossly underpaid staff, longer waiting times, more unnecessary deaths.
    This Tory Government has to be halted in it's privatisation tracks, more dead patients saves this government more money.

  • Barbara Shipley 4 years ago

    Please, please do not give the private sector The NHS we need to keep it for the people.

  • Irene Roberts 4 years ago

    From the cradle to the grave not profit for the elite

  • Lorraine Leigh 4 years ago

    I get care from psychiatric services. I don’t want people who organise this to be privately run.... I depend on caring and genuine people. Not people who do not have caring as a vocational choice. I don’t vote for people to put “profit before caring” so please don’t let the NHS become privatised. I have always had respect for you so please do not vote for NHS to become a privately run industry.

  • Anne Bannerman 4 years ago

    The time has come to fight to save our NHS from privatisation and to return it to the public service it was originally set up to be: paid for by tax-payers and free at the point of need - a model which is superior to any other and an example of what can be achieved with good will.

  • Graham Boyce 4 years ago

    I like our NHS and do not want to see any further privatisation, in fact current inroads by the private sector should be reversed.
    Far to many of this government appear to have some form of connection with the private sector either directly or through family, it must stop.

  • Sheila Hill 4 years ago

    The NHS should be kept as it is, on a non profit basis. Everyone should have the right to treatment at the point of need and not by how much money you earn.

  • P Mulhern 4 years ago

    I agree that the NHS must be kept free at the point of need for everyone. A not for profit public health service must be funded by central taxation.

  • Ann Fadden 4 years ago

    As a cancer patient I don't want our NHS to go private, as then it would be about profits, not the patient, I don't want to be treated by Drs and staff who are paid by private concerns, as the whole ethos of our NHS will be lost forever.

  • Martin Putt 4 years ago

    I've responded to this consultation and though I am sceptical we'll succeed I hope the pressure works and forces the government to back down from these dangerous proposals.

  • Tim Guy 4 years ago

    The NHS is one of the few things left in Britain of which the country can be proud – the NHS MUST be protected and saved from destruction by the current evil government!

  • Diana Joyce 4 years ago

    The NHS is not something to be sold off to the highest bidder to make profit. Health comes first.

  • Diana Joyce 4 years ago

    The NHS is not something to be sold off to the highest bidder to make profit. Health comes first.

  • Patrick Timmons 4 years ago

    Please refrain from undermining the NHS with profiteering private interests.

  • Helen STEWART 4 years ago

    I was born in 1948 so have benefited all my life from the NHS. It was set up for the people of Britain to have free health care and we pay our taxes for this. Wealthier people can pay for private care if they wish but the majority have no choice but the NHS. We cannot allow the NHS to become a cash cow so that a few can make a profit.

  • Mark Woolner 4 years ago

    The NHS is the envy of the world, let's keep it that way.

  • Noel Lyle-Stirling 4 years ago

    The NHS must be brought back into public ownership. The blame lies with the greedy Tory party and the disgraceful attitude of the labour party who set out to lose the election.blame must also go to the rank stupidity of the majority of voters who out these people in power.

  • Alan mulvey 4 years ago

    We are sitting back while thieves are stealing our assets.

  • Trevor Burr 4 years ago

    The only reason the NHS wasn't included in the privatisation bonanza is that government knew it would be a step too far and disastrous electorally. However, they are ideologically committed to privatising it one way or another and this must be opposed at every opportunity.

  • Leslé Digby 4 years ago

    I am 78 years old this year, so I've had nothing other than the NHS looking after me and my family since that time. Please do not change this important service for which we all pay during our working lives, please keep the humane service which was decided upon by decent and caring politicians in 1948. Health whilst we live is not something from which others should profit, simply because they have more money than we do. It seems to me that one way or another, big business very often has a hand in making us unwell and then wishes to profit from that illness. That is both immoral and unjust. Stop playing with our lives.

  • Chris Harrison 4 years ago

    DO NOT privatise any more branches of our NHS. This pandemic has especially proven that dishing out private contracts is detrimental + corrupt. NHS should not go down that road. We are governed by corruption. Billions of tax payers money has been wasted. It needs to stop.

  • Martin Wilkinson 4 years ago

    Public health care should be about providing service NOT profit.

  • Stephen Baker 4 years ago

    The NHS is truly a national treasure, it is for all the people, not for profit making by the few at the cost of the many!
    We all have to fight this constant eroding of our services by this greedy bunch of carpetbaggers!

  • Andrea Thompson 4 years ago

    We do not need Private companies deciding the fate of our NHS ,They will always be led by profit for shareholders and standards in working conditions are lowered .Why should we pay for taxes for NHS and give it away in profits.We have seen what has been going on with companies involved right now.CEO’s paying themselves large salaries.I hope we can stop more of this ❤️

  • Lucy Wright 4 years ago

    I am a member of the public and I value the NHS. Keep it as it is people own. Do not sell any part of it off !

  • Bob Howard-Spink 4 years ago

    Health care provision is an obligation to meet a basic need. It is not a market to be monetized

    • Jo Hammond 4 years ago


    • David 4 years ago

      Fully agree.

    • Joanna Patton 4 years ago

      Hear! Hear!

    • Kath Hall 4 years ago


  • Bronwen Evans 4 years ago

    The NHS must be kept free at the point of need for everyone and provided on a not-for-profit basis.

  • Gilian O'Connell 4 years ago

    Our NHS is precious and we would be stupid to let any part of it to be privatised. Much better to increase taxation for those who can afford it. I one lived in the USA and know how unfair and destructive private medicine can be. We should be so proud of our NHS and shield it.

  • Charlie Griffiths 4 years ago

    The NHS was bought and payed for on the Backs of the people of the UK. So that the poor and working classes can get the care they need it is not for the MPs of this country to sell off so they can fill the coffers that they have been creaming off into there own and friends pockets for years

  • Nina Lambert 4 years ago

    Healthcare is not a “market” and should not be privatised or exploited for private profit. Private drug companies are already guilty of improper selling and obfuscation. The health of the people is the highest law (Roman maxim)

  • Tom Lonsdale 4 years ago

    If the COVID-19 pandemic has proven anything, it's that a reliable health service that is free at the point of need is absolutely paramount and must be funded at all costs.

  • Tony Norbury 4 years ago

    It’s our NHS we own it , we created it And we collectively pay for it through taxation we do this to give Pre paid quality health care to all at the point of need no matter what their financial situation is.
    I will fight with all I have to keep this socialists model of health care because In 1945 after the world war the soldiers who came home after fighting the facist voted for the NHS they did this for the families of those they left behind.
    Our NHS was needed then as it is needed now . Keep the profiteers out of our NHS

  • Geoff Chaplin 4 years ago

    I am a Bevan child, (I was born a few months after the inception of the NHS). This is the NHS for the people, it does not, (nor will it) belong to the scumbag 'nasty party' politicians to slice up and parcel out to their cronies !!!

  • Trina Palmer 4 years ago

    As a member of the public who care our NHS should by made stronger, not be disintegrated.
    Good luck weownit.org

  • GLYN COBLEY 4 years ago

    The further break up of the NHS must be prevented because it will make it easier for greedy private companies to buy and then eventually free treatment will be eroded and disappear.

  • Jo Alexander 4 years ago

    My granddaughter born 15/12/20 has needed surgery and is in intensive care. She has Down’s Syndrome. If we lived in a country without a healthcare system my daughter and son-in-law would already be bankrupt. As a family we shall need a high level of properly funded support to make sure that she has as good a life as possible. People havealreadycommentedon thefact that more is understood about Down’s Syndrome and there is more support available: as a family we need this to be the case and the prospect of having that level of support taken away from us is devastating.

  • N. J. Dawson 4 years ago

    Health is one of the most important services and should not be subjected to trade agreements from overseas companies, or privatization in the UK. It must always be free to use. Good health provision is a basic right and should be available to everyone. It must be properly funded from tax.

  • John Lee 4 years ago

    If profit is being made out of the health services, then money is flowing out that should not be. It's possible for suitable non-profit partners to work with the central services, but there must be no profiteering of any kind. Public ownership is fundamental.

  • Tom 4 years ago

    Agree with all of the above comments

  • susan marshall 4 years ago

    save our NHS it is not for sale or profits, leave our NHS Alone

  • Erika Fox 4 years ago

    A not-for-profit NHS is essential. It is one of the salient definitions of a civilised society. Without it we may as well be back in an era where only the few at the 'top', the very wealthy, have any chance of living a life that is not brutish and short.

  • Eileen 4 years ago

    We the people paid for the. NHS with our taxes
    It’s ours to keep for the many not to be sold off for the few to benefit financially

  • Laura Cope 4 years ago

    The NHS is an investment not an expense

  • Jenni Morgan 4 years ago

    The UK NHS must be protected from profit making businesses. Throughout this pandemic, our national health workers have demonstrated their devotion to the NHS and their fellow citizens. Privatisation of any part of the NHS undermines this service, which serves everyone regardless of their status and ability to pay.
    Having worked in health related services for the last 30 years, I have experienced the transfer of responsibility from the state to the voluntary and 3rd sector. Since the beginning of the pandemic, many of those services have practically disappeared, leaving the vulnerable high and dry.
    Private companies must make profits and the pressure to make profits creates a totally different service. Should we make a profit from people's suffering? The change of emphasis on a service that is based on dedication and devotion, to private companies with pressure to make money for its share holders and company directors, would be a disaster for our country and its diverse population.
    Our NHS service workers cannot live with praise alone. It is a disgrace, an insult and exploitation of their sense of duty, that they are not better paid. Shame on this government for ever more, if they destroy OUR wonderful NHS. Hands off!

  • Paula Blasbery 4 years ago

    The UK NHS is the most wonderful medical care provision in the world! The people who work in it are true life heroes! It should NEVER EVER be privatised! Only money-making demons would even consider this!

  • Marion Tookey 4 years ago

    Keep the NHS 'not for profit' and publicly owned. Surely non of us want to be faced with the type of 'health care' that the USA has!

  • Gilian O'Connell 4 years ago

    Our NHS is too precious to lose: I lived in the USA for 6 years and saw some awful consequences of their expensive system: even for the wealthier people when they’re insurance failed to cover their unexpected medical requirements.

  • Deborah Cornwall 4 years ago

    The NHS must be kept in public ownership paid for by the taxes & NI contributions & free at the point of access. More needs to be done by governments to ensure the quality & quantity of staff are boosted & paid accordingly to maintain the high standards of care. It is not a bargaining tool for the rich & privileged & those who wield the power to use as they want.

  • rosemary barbar allen 4 years ago

    ridiculous sidelining of NHS money to pay companies to do what the NHS does so well with their own employees. Free up more money to pay NHS staff not private companies with non-medical management staff.

  • Lyn Jewell 4 years ago

    The NHS is for our people not for profit.

  • Mark Templeman 4 years ago

    The NHS is one of the things that define us as a community, it must be kept in public ownership. You only have to look at the fiasco that Sirco has made of covid testing to see why.

  • David Crabb 4 years ago

    We must keep the NHS free to everyone x as I fear that infiltration by privatisation will end up costing us dearly x

  • Paula Blasbery 4 years ago

    The UK NHS is the most wonderful medical care provision in the world! The people who work in it are true life heroes! It should NEVER EVER be privatised! Only money-making demons would even consider this!

  • David 4 years ago

    There is no need for private sector provision within the NHS - what can be done by the private sector can be done by the public sector. There are lots of models for delivery including co-operatives and not-for-profits, CICs and so on, the fact that the focus is on private sector/corporate involvement shows the government's hands and who they're in bed with. The US is a case-in-point of corporate failure in healthcare.

  • Marli 4 years ago

    Is all about money in this country.. People's health and life is not for profit

  • Stu Debank 4 years ago

    Keep your hands off ..like you promised too in your pree election madatory

  • Mel Burgess 4 years ago

    The NHS is the most treasured gift this country has ever known and it is important to keep it. It belongs to every individual and that is how it should remain. Not sold off to private companies to make profits.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    The NHS has done a remarkable job during the pandemic. Imagine how much difference it would have made (to staff and patients) if it had been properly funded, with better staffing levels over the last 10 years. If profits are made they should go straight back into the NHS, not shareholders' bank accounts.
    National Insurance payments should be ring-fenced to go to the NHS. People would understand where their money was going so would be more willing to pay increased amounts.
    When you look at what has happened in dental care, you can see how bad things could get. In some/many parts of the UK it isn't possible to register with an NHS dentist, because there isn't one in the area.
    We all need to fight to keep the NHS free at the point of need. This should be at the top of everyone's list when they look at political manifestos at every election, whether local or national.

  • Alan Millington 4 years ago

    The Covid crisis has provided overwhelming evidence that the private sector is totally inept when it comes to providing a public service. NHS outsourcing has failed to supply vital PPE and life saving equipment, a competent test, track and trace system and dependable laboratories. To pursue such a policy further is merely to put ideological hope before practical experience. Resources which should have been invested in the NHS have been squandered by the private sector in an exercise that has proved to be little more than a licence to print money. This would would be merely a senseless waste of tax-payers money were it applied to any other sector but when targeted at the nations health it has contributed to a tragic loss of life.

  • Neil McCart 4 years ago

    Keep the NHS out of the greedy, selfish clutches of the thoroughly despicable, odious and totally corrupt Tories.

  • Jackie Roderick 4 years ago

    The NHS was set up for the benefit of us all regardless of wealth,status or creed. It is the envy of the world and something to be treasured and not blundered by private enterprise. Throughout this pandemic it has been the one thing we have relied on to help us through. Would a privatised service answerable to shareholders
    have responded in the same way?

  • Hilary Cashman 4 years ago

    This pandemic has exposed the need for a properly funded, fully publicly owned, integrated health and care system. The NHS is threatened with death by cuts and monetisation - we must protect it

  • David Livesey 4 years ago

    The health of our nation is our most important asset. It should remain a public service, if profit is involved then that will become more important than our nations health. Look what has happened to our public transport 'service' we have ended up with more cars on the streets !

  • Dr Martin Hime 4 years ago

    Integrated care systems have been presented as a way of coordinating health care and as a reform of the internal market. Prominent figures in the government have close links with American right wing free market organisations. The COVID crisis has resulted in high levels of state money creation. It is highly likely that this will translate into reduced government spending as a « recovery «  mechanism - more austerity. There will be a perfect storm for the NHS- close commercial ties with America as a result of Brexit; a government committed to the free market; reduced state spending; government propaganda presenting this as sensible reform; both the American and British corporate sector looking to invest the money made from COVID. Reform of the American health care system may compound the problem by reducing home markets so requiring companies to look elsewhere for profi.
    All this will mean that a multiple tier system will be created private provision taking an increasing share of the care with the inevitable result that care will be poorer for most.

    It is vital that this existential threat to the NHS be exposed.

  • Kathleen Connolly 4 years ago

    Keep the nhs as it is, do not sellout to the greedy private sector.

  • Thomas Connolly 4 years ago

    The nhs was set up to help the sick especially the poor ones, not to be plundered by the greed of large corporations etc.

  • Mr Ian Campbell 4 years ago

    The NHS should be kept public and not sold off by Government into private companies
    who will put profit before patients to satisfy their shareholders greed.

  • Andrew Coker 4 years ago

    The NHS should be seen as an asset and investment by the Government, not a burden to be got rid of.

  • Josephine Brown 4 years ago

    The NHS must be free to all people.
    It cannot be hived off to the already rich and powerful.
    Giving millions of £ to the wives of 2 Tory MPs has shown the route a Tory government will take.

  • John and Iris Sutcliffe 4 years ago

    Yes the NHS was paid and fought for by the public since 1948. It is here so everyone as access to medical care when needed.

  • Jill pearce 4 years ago

    Free healthcare for everyone is my main concern. No creaming off profitable sections for fat cats, all monies to be invested in NHS for everyone not just those who can pay.

  • Hunt Jonathan 4 years ago

    Beveridge designed the NHS to be free for all to ensure a healthier nation. Beveridge was a Liberal and the NHS waspassed int law by a Labour Government. The Conservative Party cannot be trusted with the NHS!

  • Neville Grant 4 years ago

    As a patient, I think it is very important that money should be spent on our public health system, not siphoned off into commercial companies. "Patients before profits!"
    Second, encouraging in effect, subsidising - private health companies will result in a damaging leaching of medical staff when we are already short of doctors and nurses. Instead of paying share-holders, pay our staff better.

  • Jane Taylor 4 years ago

    I have lived in the US under privatised healthcare for a while - and was aghast ...! It is completely amoral - a way simply of generating profit - and it writes off the uninsured, the poor. How dare this government even contemplate the merest move towards privatisation ...

  • Roz Valentine 4 years ago

    The NHS should not be privatised, people should come before profit

  • Angela and Tony Lambert 4 years ago

    Ditto all comments above. It is utterly sickening that Venture capitalists are given unbridled access to play monopoly with so many vital life saving services care homes ,mental health, children's support unlicensed and dangerous ,autism support, etc . They fail utterly on so many levels. This family is happy to pay more tax ensure the NHS remains publicly financed

  • David Knight 4 years ago

    The Conservative party has, by and large, opposed a National Health Service since its inception in 1948. And yet, many companies have cynically seen our NHS as a gravy-train to be bled for the benefit of greedy individuals. This state of affairs must be made more public and, ultimately, outlawed.

  • Chris Warren 4 years ago

    It's why the NHS is so precious- because we own it!

  • Chiara contrino 4 years ago

    Keep NHS public . Making profits by private companies is not compatible with best care of patients.

  • andrew bradley 4 years ago

    The NHS must be kept out of the hands of profiteering private companies, it’s there for the well being of everyone,it’s NOT a cash cow.

  • Fenik Adham 4 years ago

    I fully support the NHS as a public service

  • Gillian Spong 4 years ago

    This must not happen - LEAVE OUR NHS ALONE - we are watching you and will make sure that we keep the NHS is not privatised. LEAVE OUR NHS ALONE.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    The NHS will be the saviour of the British people during this Virus crisis. The rest of the world will look at the NHS and hopefully be inspired by it. Why therefore might it be improved but privitisation and in particular to the disastrous American healthcare companies. I think we all know the real agenda behind Tory privitisation; keep in mind that much of the NHS is already privatised. Resist with passion any more please , please , please.

  • Kenn D Crossley 4 years ago

    The NHS is not, and never has been, safe the Tory hands.
    No Tory will ever believe in any institution that promotes any form of equality.

  • Mark Monument 4 years ago

    NHS MUST remain as a public service, and NOT forced by the government to be opened up to tender to profit making businesses, whose obejectives are to make PROFITS above all else.

  • Pauline grosse 4 years ago

    NHS should not be carved up in any way.. I have received free access and I want my grandchildren to be able to.

  • gerry Horner 4 years ago

    Even the slightest and apparently discreet concession to the health market will prove disastrous tothe N.H.S.

  • Peter Estall 4 years ago

    We need to maintain a health service that is a service and ethics lead organisation rather one that is driven by profit.

  • Roger Watts 4 years ago

    For about 18 years I have relied on 6 different tablets a day to keep my damaged heart in good order. One of my sons has been rescued from awful mental health problems by a cocktail of other medicines. We have seen the failed involvement of private companies in our prisons, in our test and trace system and much more. The NHS has been working well hampered only by the austerity brought in by recent governments. Neither my son nor I can afford chaos in the NHS. Keep it as it is but fund it better.

  • Siobhán McGrath 4 years ago

    The NHS must be kept free at the point of need.
    It must NOT be carved up to the point where it is no longer a viable option.
    That is what the Conservative Administration want.
    The only people who would benefit from that are privately owned companies who are in league with the Tories...

    We must not let them do that!

  • Peter Watts 4 years ago

    Co-ordinating across a nation is hard. It is even more difficult if it has to take place across a multitude of highly varied firms each competing for its own profit.

  • Eileen Procter 4 years ago

    No organisation should be allowed to profit from a nations health needs - it's immoral.

  • John Woffinden 4 years ago

    Keep private companies away from the NHS.

  • Laurence Ward 4 years ago

    Now more than ever we need a NATIONAL health service, not one dominated by profit seeking American businesses - or Virgin or ita like.

  • Peter Williams 4 years ago

    It’s not for sale it’s the national health service National meaning the people’s health service and it is owned by the people who pay for it via taxes and the national health service stamp .
    It has been underfunded for well over twenty years by labour and Tory ,enough is enough snd it’s not for sale ,

  • Matthew William Hyatt 4 years ago

    This Government has done nothing but dither, dither, dither over the Coronavirus pandemic, which is why there are now nearly 80,000 people dead - and it still believes in privatising the NHS!!!!???? The NHS was created to provide healthcare for the public at the bottom rung of the ladder, NOT TO PUT PROFIT BEFORE PEOPLE!!!! The NHS is to be kept in public hands and must never be kicked around like a football, which is what the Tories are doing now!!!!

  • Claire Burdett 4 years ago

    Health care should not be privatised.

  • Zora King 4 years ago

    The best inheritance I received from my parents was tbe NHS. Let's not destroy it.

  • Helen Fielding 4 years ago

    The NHS must remain in the public domain and free at the point of contact, so that everyone irrespective of their financial standing is guaranteed medical care when needed

  • Kay Slade 4 years ago

    NHS must not be privatised any more. It must be kept in public ownership and not used as a profit making entity.
    Too many US companies are interested in grabbing a piece of it. STOP NOW

  • Carol Gill bluett 4 years ago

    Our NHS should not be for sale to private companies who are concerned with profit. Also the suggested changes would mean less accountability and transparency, and a reduction of treatments not deemed profitable

  • Margaret McDonaldj 4 years ago

    We pay for the benefit of free health care through our taxes and are the envy of the world in this respect. No creeping privatisation should be allowed our NHS is not for sale.

  • MR PETER SMITH 4 years ago

    Privatising parts of the NHS is the thin end of the wedge to privatising the whole lot and there are lots of companies just waiting to get their hands on it which will lead to a two tier system causing more of a division in society than we have at ptresent.

  • Eric 4 years ago

    The NHS is one of the finest things to come out of this country. It is so very much needed and so appreciated. We need it to be remain driven by need not by greed. The track record in private sector involvement has been appalling, extremely wasteful and dangerous to both staff and patients. There is absolutely no sensible rationale to continue down this failed path. Fund the NHS properly and stop tinkering!

  • Alan roberts 4 years ago

    The NHS is not a place to gamble with lives on the whims of investors is not theirs to make money,its make fitter and keep people
    better well.Not for sale.

  • Patricia Smith 4 years ago

    We are/were the envy of the World with our wonderful NHS. It breaks my heart seeing it being 'carved up' - and all for profit! It also breaks my heart knowing that people are still entering this country for expensive operations, particularly people who have opted to live abroad, and yet return to the UK for very expensive operations, as well as illegal immigrants also taking advantage of our wonderful system, at no cost to them - why is this?

  • Liz Gardiner 4 years ago

    I live in Wales where we have free prescriptions etc.
    Family members work within the NHS in Wales - I am so proud of them. I work with University Schools of Medicine, Pharmacy, Clinical Psychology and Dermatology. I know the commitment taken on by people working in, and training to become part of, the NHS.

    I was born before the NHS came into being. I remember my working class parents talking about the difficulty of affording health care. My mother's three brothers died in infancy because their parents couldn't afford to pay for a doctor to visit or for medicines which may have helped.

    The creation of the NHS in 1948 was the product of years of hard work and a motivation from various figures who felt the current healthcare system was insufficient and needed to be revolutionised.
    It was created on the basis of, "It will provide you with all medical, dental and nursing care. Everyone — rich or poor, man, woman or child — can use it or any part of it. There are no charges, except for a few special items. There are no insurance qualifications. But it is not a “charity”. You are all paying for it, mainly as tax payers, and it will relieve your money worries in time of illness."

    We must never, ever forget why the NHS remains a jewel in this country's crown. It must never be sold off to the highest bidders - by any government.

  • Glynis Meredith-Windle 4 years ago

    the NHS should be taken out of politicians hands, as they use for a propaganda tool.
    It must be free at source and not a profitmaking service.
    of course lessons must be learned after this pandemic, there will be others.
    But not going to American consultancies that don't understand the NHS or agree with socialised medicine.
    In spite of the NHS and academic services offering to provide services for Track & Trace, the Government chose to go to the Private sector and wasted millions of pounds, that could have gone on PPE.

  • thomas bramley 4 years ago

    Why seek to impose an American-style private health care system when this has been shown to be TWICE as expensive, but delivers a poorer service? Could it be that it's a further opportunity for this government to divert public funds to private chums?

  • Gwen Vardigans 4 years ago

    This ICS radicalisation of the NHS has been simmering for years the Government realised it was going to be unpopular but the Covd19 pandenic gave then an opportunity to develop it further in secret. The consultation is a sham, kept under the radar for so long until KONP were alerted. I have responded in the strongest of terms citing ittle accountability or srutiny and a disintedration of services with an wxtension of the worst aspects of the deardful Health and social care act 2012. We need to go back to the original priciples of the NHS, a fully funded public service free to all regardless of their ability to pay and stop privatisation for Profit

  • Christine Hoxworth 4 years ago

    The health of the public should not be a money-making scheme. People before profits. profiteering companies do not care about people. I do not support profits before people.

  • Peter Freshwater 4 years ago

    The NHS is a public service and must remain wholly so. It must be extended to include care provision,. Free at the points of contact and provision, and funded from taxpayers’ revenue for the benefit of all.

  • DAVID JONES 4 years ago

    On 1 December 1942, the coalition government published a report written by Sir William Beveridge entitled 'Social Insurance and Allied Services. Beveridge was a highly regarded economist and expert on unemployment problems and the Beveridge Report quickly became the blueprint for the modern British welfare state. The succession of Thatcher governments between 1979 and 1990 became synonymous with the idea of 'rolling back the state'. The ‘Thatcher years eroded the political consensus in favour of the welfare state. Today, in early-21st-century Britain, the debate on welfare spending and social policy is no longer centred on Beveridge's 'cradle to grave' principle. It is far more concerned with providing cost-effective social care, through a mixture of public and private initiatives'- against the UK popular opinion and expert economists. http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pathways/citizenship/brave_new_world/welfare.htm

  • Derek Foster 4 years ago

    I commented: Although one has to wade through jargon to find this, "conflict of interests with the current GP-led CCG model" and "delegate responsibility for arranging some services to providers" would seem to destroy any accountability via GPs and pass control to (private) providers.

  • James Hugh Stanton Abbott 4 years ago

    A fully funded National Health service paid for by a fair taxation system free at the point of delivery is the only way to ensure adequate health care for the entire population of the UK. Creeping privatisation can only lead to inequalities in the full provision of health care. Partial privatisation can only lead to a breakdown of continuity of treatment. During the covid crisis the discredited test & trace system has proved that the involvement of the private sector has led to an inadequate response to a national crisis where massive profits have been made by companies who have little or no knowledge of health matters. As important as the incompetence of the private sector in this crisis, has been the awarding of contracts to cronies of the government in power, under the suggested system this would only continue probably at an accelerated pace.

  • Carl Linderman 4 years ago

    It's belongs to the people. We own it, I DO NOT giver permission for any sell off of the NHS. The privatisation that already exists isn't working.

  • joseph kinney 4 years ago

    The NHS should be a non profit organisation...just look at the American system....their people are getting bills for half a million dollars for their COVID intensive care treatment!!!

  • Maggie Ndini-Smith 4 years ago

    Of course there are financial implications in every health interaction but there are humanitarian, compassionate and moral issues which must underpin our every action and inaction. The quality of the healthcare we offer our most vulnerable citizens regardless of any factor other than their need is a valuable marker of the quality and values, nay value, of our society. Do not sell our basic human rights on the open market, open our arms to all those who need care.

  • Jacqueline Stewart 4 years ago

    Our NHS has been the envy of the world and should continue as such. Peoples are not disposable commodities and should be valued and cared for.
    After all, the wealthy would be lost without the basic cleaning and domestic skills held by the working classes of society!

  • John Adams 4 years ago

    It’s our NHS, and it is immoral to give power and profit to private companies.

  • Lynda Mannix 4 years ago

    I was born in 1948 just when the NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE started. Prior to that advance My grandmother had lost a child because she couldn't pay for the doctor to attend the baby. In my life our National Health Service has been there for all my ailments and surgery, as a civilised country should be. Nye Bevan said that the National Health Service would exist as long as people fight for it, and the idea that this government keeps trying to extend privatization via the 'back door' is totally unacceptable. So I will keep fighting for the retention of Our National Health Service - not a cost but an essential part of our lives, paid for by us via our taxes.

  • Susan Ann Hall 4 years ago

    Our wonderful NHS must remain free for everyone. We are so fortunate in having such a unique organisation. Bless all of those who work for us with such skill and devotion.

  • Edward Peter Smith 4 years ago

    The NHS was the greatest social advance in British society in the twentieth century. Its free care for all citizens must continue.

  • Arthur Angel 4 years ago

    The NHS is sacrosanct in my opinion.
    Stop involving private companies.

  • Robert Griffiths 4 years ago

    Keep all public health services local. No need to employ outside companies, keep it local.

  • Mrs Doreen Brand 4 years ago

    The selling off of the NHS must be stopped it is vital that we all pull together on this. It is obvious that this government are intent on doing this.

  • Celia Bannerman 4 years ago

    Our NHS is the envy of the world and is a treasure that should not be fritted away, people count not profit. Here here! My husband was treated successfully for cancer and every step of the way seemed like a miracle, we felt so proud of our NHS.

  • Moira Armstrong 4 years ago


  • Jenny Kartupelis 4 years ago

    I have commented on each question that I object to its wording, as each one is a leading (not neutral) question.

  • jim 4 years ago

    The health of the nation should not be determined by market forces

  • Roger 4 years ago

    People’s health issues shouldn’t be an (entrepreneurial? businessman’s) opportunity to exploit. Ok if you’re an “I’m alright jack”, herd immunity, gambler or a millionaire. For healthcare the shared resources of national insurance works for everyone.

  • Christine West 4 years ago

    Please help save our NHS from the callous Tory party. They have no idea what it is like to be poor and needy.

  • Alan Smith 4 years ago

    I pay taxes to help support the NHS not to provide dividends or profits to private companies or shareholders.

  • Helen Bashford 4 years ago

    The NHS should never be handed over to any other body that has a private interest.

  • Pamela Greenway 4 years ago

    NHS is a treasure to be shared by everyone not a source of income for the greedy. It is already being privatised by the back door.People of my age remember days before NHS. We don't want to go back there.Do we really want a society where only the rich can have a chance of cancer cure or rehabilitation after stroke.

  • JAMES GEDDES 4 years ago

    The NHS was set up in 1947 to provide health care for all the UK population regardless of their financial state. It was funded by NI contributions paid for by everyone in the UK who earned above a certain figure. Successive governments have tried to privatise certain areas of it and also, despite the fund being called NI contributions have raided the fund leaving the NHS short of money and resources. It is time a law was brought in to make the Government refund the billions they have plundered from this fund and return it to the NHS. No private company or individual should benefit from any surplus/ Matt Hancock should resign and seek a new career on the TV or with the media as, instead of getting the NHS properly funded he spends far too much time pontificating on the TV.

  • Sally Moy 4 years ago

    Health care should not be privatised in any way. It should be run by health professionals fir the benefit of patients

  • Pat Wootten 4 years ago

    The NHS was set up for all the people. it should NEVER be used for ANYONE to make a profit. Those stealing money needed by the NHS should be made to reimburse immediately and taxation of the private sector should be increased to get the money needed to return to a properly funded public service.

  • Colin Booth 4 years ago

    A for-profit health service is a contradiction in terms.

  • Elfrida Chislett-McDonald 4 years ago

    The NHS is providing healthcare at the point of need to all and must be publicly funded.

  • Beverly Andrew 4 years ago

    I've worked so many years for the NHS. It is the envey of the world. People are dying in countries like the USA because they can not afford to pay for health care because of the greedy insurance companies/privatisation only for the rich to benefit from. It was the same situation all those years ago, our people could not afford health care, which is why The NHS was born 5/7/1948 by the then Health Minister Aneurin Bevan. Which made excellent health care available for ALL the British Public of which WE the public have made contributions to maintain our NHS. God bless our NHS.

  • Norman Sellers 4 years ago

    The availability of good health care for all should be as basic as the air we breath in a civilised society and the way to ensure this is through effective political accountability and transparency. The profit motive can be a useful method of improving efficiencies of some organisations but often supersedes the objectives that the organisation was set up to achieve. Other methods of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a National Health Service are needed that do not conceal accountability needed to generate improvements.

  • Alan Jeary 4 years ago

    The people own the NHS and the gradual slide into a private Health Business is not shared by the public. There are already far to many companies making huge profits from contracts which have been given to companies who have links with those in government circles.
    Public Service not Profit

  • Rosy Calvert 4 years ago

    Healthcare is not suitably provided where profit is the motive.

  • Linda Dyer 4 years ago

    NHS was developed to enable all members of society to have free health care. "From the Cradle to the Grave" was the moto. It is not there for Capitalist to line their own pockets from the health of the people. The NHS is a great institution I have worked for over 20 Years. I have seen how the government of the day have underhandedly decimated many areas of our NHS for their own ends. There should be a legal protection on the NHS to protect it.

  • Robert Walker 4 years ago

    The Tories have been thieving massive chunks of OUR NHS for decades, this current bunch of Tory con artists are now PUBLICLY doing what previous Tory thieves have been doing to OUR NHS in a less blatant fashion.

  • Brian g faulkner 4 years ago

    The NHS is for the benefit of the people not for greedy private company's whose only concern is profit before the health of the eople

  • Wendy Clare 4 years ago

    The NHS belongs to everyone.

  • Richard 4 years ago

    We do not need another " World Beating " fiasco Matt & Boris - please keep the NHS away from grabbing hands of friends and contacts - keep it patient focussed please if you really do care about our country - am speaking as a patient and a floating voter !

  • Olwyn Baldwin 4 years ago

    Do not privatise our NHS any further. We do not want an American system that no one can afford nor an unhealthy, ailing population. It should be funded through taxation and national insurance contributions . The dental system has already been almost totally privatised.. It's a retrograde step.

  • Mrs Heather Cooter 4 years ago

    The present pandemic shows that the market cannot produce a response to save lives, and that only a Public Health Service, not for profit, funded by central taxation will provide for the health needs of a population. Britain’s health system must remain free at the point of care and that care should be delivered by a nationally public owned body funded through central taxation,and national insurance contributions by the people For the People and that ALL profits and contributions should be ploughed back into that publicly owned body to improve on and continue delivering quality health care and equipment. The service should be Staffed by professionals who are trained, monitored and publicly culpable for maintaining the high healthcare standards . Profits should never ever go into private shareholders pockets. Private companies need to make a profit, and when they don't they give up the contract and pass it back to the NHS to sort it out. Just the scandal of PFI contracts to build new hospitals by themselves will drain the NHS for years to come, as it is hospitals paying to have less beds, not the Treasury.

  • Margaret Cleverley 4 years ago

    Health and social care should be fully publicly accountable. Passing control to the private sector will only increase obfuscation and open opportunities for exploitation of our needs for private profit. Care should be commissioned to address human need NOT to make profit and should be delivered by public or not for profit agencies

  • Derek Marcus 4 years ago

    People don't realise how much of the NHS is private - eg. primary care is now totally private( GPs, pharmacists, optometrists, dentists.) We certainly don't want more of secondary care privatised.

  • Jennifer Monahan 4 years ago

    Profit has no place in a public health system.

  • Andrea Walton 4 years ago

    To keep our NHS free at the point of entry, and prevent anyone with profit in mind from gaining access to management decisions would seem essential, now and always. Let’s now send the message to the very many exhausted and demoralised NHS staff that their interests are being put first. Before Covid 19 came along the staff were already down hearted and felt over worked and under appreciated, lacking regular inflation proof pay rises. BUT they have responded to this crisis and worked so hard, many becoming ill, and some dying.
    Now send a message that will provide some hope. DONT SELL OUR NHS TO PRIVATE COMPANIES.

  • Ros Readman 4 years ago

    The NHS must be kept as a service free at the point of care. It should be provided on a not for profit basis, delivered by a nationally public owned body funded through central taxation and national insurance contributions by the people

  • Colin Bennett 4 years ago

    It cannot be better for patients to have money taken out of the NHS in order to line the pockets of third persons or corporations.

  • Fiona Joyce 4 years ago

    Everything possible must be done to stop the fascist Johnson from further destroying not only our NHS but our country. Johnson will take everything he can get his greedy little paws on. It’s a heist, in plain view.

  • June Williams 4 years ago

    We should all pay more taxes from the lowest to the highest to preserve an NHS for the good of all, free at the point of need. I rather thought that for those of us whose Dads and Mums fought in the war, part of it was a contract between the people and the state for properly funded services, not for fat cats to make profits.

  • William I Joint 4 years ago

    For integration insert destruction of the NHS

  • Tony Smith 4 years ago

    Do not go the way of the United States. Its health care is in chaos. A large proportion of the populace are in poor health because they cannot afford health insurance. No wonder that 300k people died of Covid, no support. I have stayed in the US and witnessed how many people suffer through little or no health care. If this government dismantles our NHS then they must be regarded as a tretarous bunch of eleitests that do not care for the people of this country.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    It's all said above and I agree with it all.

  • Torhild Dewar 4 years ago

    Universal health provision is vital for a civilised society and to ensure everyone’s health and well being. If we all contribute, we all benefit. Health is too important to leave up to individual cost and health provision should not dis ruminate between rich and poor. We had a very good functioning health service and no one has the right to destroy this.

  • Marianne CRISP 4 years ago

    ANY profits, after costs, made from goods or services provided to the NHS and/or BY the NHS must be returned TO the NHS. Otherwise we'll eventually end up with a system like in the USA, where, if you're poor, you stay sick until you either recover or die. That's exactly the opposite of the idea of the NHS!

  • JD STOCKWELL 4 years ago

    I was born the year the N H S started. It saved mine and my mothers life. You can not sell this off under any excuse. Our country should be so proud of what we have.

  • Keith Gillespie 4 years ago

    Generations have paid for this service to be available for ALL that need it, and that number is growing as the wealth divide grows.

  • MR G GEORGESON 4 years ago

    Since it's inception in 1948 the right-wing Tories have found the NHS totally abhorrent. Like any other INSURANCE SCHEME, we pay a annual fee to use the World's best care facility. WE the people own it. It has become so successful that greedy Tory supporting capitalists are rapidly "running it into the ground". When it is almost wrecked they will scavenge what's left for next to nothing then tart it up and sell it on to the highest bidder probably American... (ask any American what that will be like).

  • John Hampton 4 years ago

    The NHS exists to provide health care for all. It must not be viewed as a provider of wealth for the private sector barons.
    Keep the NHS in the public sector.

  • Pixie Pocket 4 years ago

    NHS within Britain is the best health care service in the world and is a treasure to us, the people. It should not be fritted away by current greedy corporations; people count not profit.
    Anyone that thinks otherwise should go whistle.

  • Constance Mollison 4 years ago

    This government has been surreptitiously introducing privatisation into the NHS and other public services since 2010. For all our sakes, they must be stopped.

  • Brenda Watts 4 years ago

    Get Jeremy back and save the NHS.

  • Grahame Bulled 4 years ago

    I have paid in for 40 years so why should I pay more

  • Judy Lewis 4 years ago

    The NHS must not be monetised. It’s inconceivable, and dangerous to even consider the alternative. It
    The NHS must be protected and supported with absolute transparency, at all times by Government. NHS staff at all levels should have salaries reviewed; especially in light of the incredible work, dedication and commitment over the last 10 months.

  • David S 4 years ago

    The deliberate under-funding of the NHS has been taking place for years. The continuation of this under-funding at a time of national crisis is unbelievable, malicious, and shocking. This systematic destruction of the NHS has to stop.

  • Zahir Aziz 4 years ago

    The business of the NHS is to provide healthcare for all, not to makea profit from it. A healthy nation makes a prosperous nation.

  • Gloria Fensham 4 years ago

    OUR N.H.S. is the envy of the world & we are proud of it being free service at the point of need. It belongs to us,the citizens of Great Britain. It is paid for by the people with our taxes & National Insurance. It should not be sold of piece meal to put profits in private hands. Our medical staff do a wonderful job in difficult times WITH A SMILE & COMFORT FOR ALL. This is certainly not done for MONEY which would be the case in private hands. I am a British subject & have been a patient a few times.My late husband had the best of care, at all times, during his illness.

  • Martyn Rose 4 years ago

    The NHS has always been is the sights of the privatisation brigade who see it as a nice money making machine for them and their friends. The NHS must be kept as a provider that is publicly owned and publicly run. There should be no place for any further privatisation of NHS services.

  • Jacqui 4 years ago

    Don’t dilute the service offered as free at the point of contact by privatisation that has failed with so many other services and make the north /south,rich/poor divide greater
    Let’s vote for equality

  • Heather Dellerue 4 years ago

    This Govt has already damaged OUR health service beyond any limits that mr & mrs Public realise !!!!! It is only through the heroic loyalty of the NHS staff the standards are maintained .
    This " reorganisation " is clearly yet another ploy on behalf of this Govt to put more money into the shareholders pockets, and take that away from the bedside . I nursed for 38 years , and saw first hand the gradual deterioration due to stretching funding .
    The people of this country should be told what is actually happening , and then given the opportunity to stop it happening, whilst not in competition with Brexit, at the ballot box .

  • Rona Fraser 4 years ago

    Health care should not be a profit making venture under any circumstances. Good governance within a publicly accountable structure is essential to ensure that private companies don't benefit at the public's expense.

  • Jane Ronie 4 years ago

    Healthcare should NEVER be organised as a profit making private organisation. Private enterprise by definition requires profit for it's shareholders. Healthcare must be open to all, and should be paid for by public money so there are no barriers to treatment for all. We should be extremely proud and caring of our National Health Service which is one of the best organisations in the world. It should be run on a non-for profit basis with budgets being made for research, not for profits to shareholders.

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    The NHS is the most practical, logical ethical and precious institution on the planet, so anyone damaging it or profiteering from it should be prosecuted as a criminal!

  • Adrian Hopper 4 years ago

    There should be an end to the cynical exploitation by government of the vocational dedication of NHS staff,they should be paid properly.
    The organisation as a whole needs to be cleansed of the parasitic attentions of the privatisers.

  • Pam Smith 4 years ago

    The NHS must be kept public, It was won by hard struggle of the working people of this country and it is their legacy to fight COVID and other emergencies. The current government has used a variety of private contractors which has resulted in chaos, disorganisation and loss of lives and wellbeing.

  • Bev Harrison 4 years ago

    It’s absolutely essential that we keep our NHS free at the point of need and provided on a not for profit and for our population and it should co tinge tonprovide free, excellent healthcare as one of the original slogans said
    “from the cradle to the grave”.

  • Nabila Elahi 4 years ago

    It is a betrayal of the people to hand our NHS to private companies who care only about profit not the wellbeing of the people.

  • Pankaja Brooke 4 years ago

    Stop privatising the NHS

  • Angela Smith 4 years ago

    As a member of the public in my senior years I do object to any selling off of the NHS to private corporations. Most members of the public would be happy to pay an extra penny in the pound in income tax in order for the NHS to be retained and expanded so that everyone gets acces to the health care they need.

  • Alex Lawson 4 years ago

    This pandemic has clearly demonstrated the value of an integrated, publicly owned and administered National Health Service. Where taxpayers money has been spent on private agencies or suppliers - who, in many cases, had no experience in this field - value for money has not been demonstrated and the service provided has not proven as effective as the NHS. Our national service belongs to the citizens of Britain and has demonstrated its value time and again in protecting and caring for our population. It is not there to provide a financial bonanza for opportunist private investors.

  • Jane Sibson 4 years ago

    The founding and setting up the NHS is one of this country's best achievements. Free healthcare at the point of cost for all. What could be better. Healthcare should not be a lottery. I would willingly pay more tax and/or national insurance toward this amazing institution. We owe it's survival to the generations that fought for the establishment NHS after WWII who knew what was like before. Churchill then and the Tories now don't wan't the NHS to survive.

  • MOIRA STREVENS 4 years ago

    The NHS is not a means of making profits nor was it ever meant to be. It is a service intended to ensure the wellbeing of the nation not to generate profits for the few.

  • peter dorrell 4 years ago

    The NHS our greatest national achievement!

  • peter dorrell 4 years ago

    Our NHS is invaluable

  • Geoff Edmonds 4 years ago

    Our daughter recently moved to the USA. She was shocked to discover the level of privatisation of the health system. It is based on making money rather than providing health care. Boris talks of "levelling up". Any privatisation will only result in those of limited means being unable to obtain the the care they need. This would lead to a higher level of poverty.

  • Nick Topliss 4 years ago

    The NHS needs consistent funding and public faith in the systems will be gradually eroded by this creeping privatisation

  • Ruth Butler 4 years ago

    No one should profit from the NHS.

  • Diane Reid 4 years ago

    The NHS needs to remain free at point of contact and non for profit. The NHS also needs to be managed by people experienced in health care and not the likes of Branson and Serco who are not interested in providing safe and high quality service but are only interested in profit.

  • Joyce Grimshaw 4 years ago


  • Sue Golightly 4 years ago

    This is all down to greed and a Tory Government that does not agree with public ownership, only private. Therefore publicly owned businesses end up being sole off mainly to people who seem to think they know what they're doing but in fact don't.

  • Patricia munns 4 years ago

    Health care is very important to keep the masses healthy for the future

  • Tim Finch 4 years ago

    The involvement of private sector organisations in the provision of our public health services will always mean that profit, rather than the needs of patients, will ultimately become the main driver and primary incentive to those service providers.

    Clearly the cost of patient services does need to be managed and controlled. But when costs are directly linked to profit (rather than FLEXIBLE budgets) as is the case for the private sector organisations, patient needs will be what gets sacrificed.

    What might help in the current situation is appropriate incentives, over and above salaries and wages, to NHS staff at all levels of the organisation, payment of which is linked to an acceptable range of targets, i.e. efficiency combined with patient satisfaction.

  • Susan Ann Hall 4 years ago

    Our NHS a unique organisation - one that needs to be treasured. Let us keep it that way forever.

  • Mrs ELIZABETH A ROSS 4 years ago

    we need to go back to having all essential utilities in house not for profit. education nhs.transport and housing plus gas/electric

  • Tamar Swade 4 years ago

    Wherever the profit-motive enters health suffers because greedy and uncaring people stand to make money. It's a dirty, underhand deed to attempt to privatise any part of the NHS, particularly after this government's mealy-mouthed promises to save it. Many (I am one) cannot afford private health care.

  • Tamar Swade 4 years ago

    Wherever the profit-motive enters health suffers because greedy and uncaring people stand to make money. It's a dirty, underhand deed to attempt to privatise any part of the NHS, particularly after this government's mealy-mouthed promises to save it. Many (I am one) cannot afford private health care.

  • Diane Arkley 4 years ago

    Our NHS must never be included in a trade deal. It must stay in the public’s hands.

  • Stephen Manning 4 years ago

    The Conservative Governments, both present and past have always had the intention of splitting up the NHS and handing out lucrative contracts to their wealthy backers companies, whilst leaving the mundane, non profit making, uneconomic parts of the work to the remaining, much reduced NHS. It is immoral that private health companies, cherry picking the lucrative parts of the NHS work, promptly move patients back into the NHS system when and if complications set in after or during these procedures. Thus leaving the NHS to carry out the expensive, non funded nursing back to health of patients that deteriorated whilst in private health care. If allowed to continue in this way the Conservative Governments will oversee the destruction of the NHS and leave Britain with an American health care type of service, when the well off will pay for their care and the poorer sections of society will be left with no adequate health care and condemned to suffering and premature death.

  • Suzanne Leaman 4 years ago

    We have had fiascos with track and trace.PPE procurement and the new mega labs the one think that has been achieved is poor service and financial rewards for for the chosen providers where experience is providing the service is not necessarily a requirement.The changes they wish to implement mean more of the same.It is time to hold the government to account,Renationalise the NHS and bring back the ethos of quality health care for all led by clinicians supported by management not the other way round.Money should be invested in services not share holders and company executives salary and bonuses

  • Stu W 4 years ago

    The privatisation of the NHS should be viewed as a criminal offence

    Boris Johnson has no idea of what he is creating, And could be held responsible for the untimely death of millions.

    I am a British expat currently living in America and I have a debilitating form of epilepsy

    I have experienced first hand the privatised American health system and it is not about providing care to the nation in any way,

    It is about money!

    I recently had to go to A&E (or the ER) as I was bleeding internally, and before the hospital or doctor would see me I was forced to go to the billing department and pay a “Hospital charge” of $278 before they would see me. RIDICULOUS

    If I were a frail old lady who was bleeding internally what could have happened then?

    It makes you not trust your doctor, not trust the system of care, and more frighteningly it makes you think about cost of the services above your personal health and put off going to the doctor.

    Personal health is not a business, it is a right as a human being and the advancement in medical care is to help us care for one another. Governments work for “us”/the public that pays their salaries and should be using our taxes to better ensure that we have a bright, healthy, educated and prosperous country.

    A private, faceless and unaccountable “health” corporation is a dangerous and poisonous beast that kills millions every year and should be banished forever by every nation.

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