18 Jul 2018
In real life, it’s not a fair fight between us and the profiteering water companies who rip us off for providing the most basic essential of life.
But at our SplashMob event to mark the 29th anniversary of privatisation, they got totally soaked! Watch the video:
Want to see an end to the circus of water privatisation? Sign the petition - let's own our water!
Please also
• Donate to support this campaign for public ownership of water - let's turn the tide on privatisation
• Share this blog to spread the word
• Join us at Public Ownership 2.0 to talk about how the water companies will work when we own them :)
If you’re in Scotland or Northern Ireland, your water is already public and in most of Wales it’s a not for profit – but we really appreciate your solidarity!

John 7 years ago
Interesting thought you might like to consider.
I own a medium sized detached house in Nottingham and pay my water rates to Severn Trent Water.
I pay £29.46 per month which works out at around £350 per year.
The chief executive of Severn Trent gets paid £2,450,000 per year.
That means that my water rates and those of around 7000 other households are needed to pay his salary alone!!
Disgusting!! What does anyone do with £2.45 million - what on earth does he do with £2.45 million EVERY YEAR!!!