Help grow your victory in Greater Manchester!

You did it! One of Thatcher's most extreme privatisations — the deregulation of your buses — is beginning to be reversed, starting with Greater Manchester on Sunday the 24th of September. And that's thanks to your campaigning.

But you can't stop there! Please use this victory to build momentum towards taking back energy, water, rail, mail, healthcare and other region's buses back from private companies too. Scroll down to find two ways to take part.

Your victory

Since 1986, private companies have been in charge of Great Britain's buses (outside London). They've been free to axe routes, hike fares, and cut corners on reliability, all while prioritising profits for their shareholders. No other European country has handed them so much power.

In the last decade, new powers have been handed to authorities in England and Scotland to take back control of the network.

Greater Manchester is the first area to wrestle buses back under public regulation. But the Mayor, Andy Burnham, hasn't done this of his own benevolence! You made him do it.

The Better Buses for Greater Manchester campaign, supported by donations and campaigners across the country, mobilised thousands of people to put pressure on local leaders to end Thatcher's deregulation.

And you won! From Sunday the 24th of September, you'll be able to see the results as the region launches it's "Bee Network," an integrated public transport system based on a publicly controlled bus network. That's why on the 24th we're celebrating the Birthday — or Bee-Day — of public control.

Now we need you to share this victory!

Take action NOW

The new publicly controlled services in the North West will be national news. That means you've got the opportunity to shape the debate on public services.

If the response to the new, public buses in Greater Manchester is thousands of people demanding it in their area too, journalists and politicians are going to notice. They'll see, once again, just how popular taking back our public services for the people can be.

That's why we're asking everyone (outside London) to join our photo action in the fortnight running up to the Bee-Network launch. Please take a photo of yourself with a sign calling for public control to happen in your region too and share it with us by email or on social media.

Want to take action in person? Join our celebration in Greater Manchester on Sunday the 24th from 12pm! See the details here:

Join our Better Buses picture action in 4 simple steps:

  • Print out our template sign (available here), or simply take a blank sheet of paper, and write on what region you want to see have publicly controlled buses next and why you want your buses back. e.g., because... privatised buses never turn up on time, we need to stop the fat cats driving up fares, shareholders prioritise making profits over protecting routes from cuts. To see an example, look here.
  • Take a picture of yourself with your message — it can be a selfie or you can ask someone to take a picture of you.
  • Post your picture on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform you use. Remember to tag your MP so that they can see your message.
  • Please post your picture with the message “Greater Manchester is launching its Bee Network to integrate public transport under public control later this month. I want our area to join the Bee-Day Party and take buses into public control too! #BeeDayParty @BetterBusesGM @We_OwnIt"
  • If you don’t use social media, please send your picture to so that we can share it for you.