Bring all private hospitals into public ownership now
Bring all private hospitals into public ownership
Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock, bring all private hospitals into public ownership NOW.
Right now our NHS needs all the capacity it can get to tackle coronavirus.
The government plans to rent private hospital beds at a cost of £2.4 million per day - giving the green light for companies to make a quick buck from a global health emergency.
Not only is this staggeringly wasteful, it's totally immoral. Every penny of public money must go towards saving people's lives.
GMB estimates that there are around 570 private hospitals in the UK, with around 8000 beds. In Spain the government has taken over private hospitals - we must do the same.
SIGN NOW to stop this government putting profits before people during the worst public health crisis of our time.
Last signature: jJQaBOcg Sheffield, 1 year 2 months ago