See We Own It in the news for media coverage. Contact 07521 943 869 for media enquiries.
- 9 January 2015
Voters want public ownership – politicians need to listen
- 29 December 2014
Protest for a publicly owned railway
- 22 December 2014
All we want for Christmas is...public ownership!
- 28 November 2014
Revealed: politicians out of touch on privatisation
- 4 November 2014
MPs are signing up for a Public Service Users Bill
- 13 October 2014
Outsourcing social security - where the public comes last
- 29 September 2014
Fiddling with flower pots – why real democracy means public ownership
- 19 March 2015
Time for a grown up debate about public ownership
- 2 July 2014
Hands off our public services - say no to TTIP
- 20 May 2014
Privatisation: there is an alternative
- 9 May 2014
Why we're sick of Serco