See We Own It in the news for media coverage. Contact 07521 943 869 for media enquiries.
- 6 May 2014
Tell us why you're sick of Serco
- 1 May 2014
Serco - too big to fail?
- 29 April 2014
Five ways Labour can give power to public service users
- 7 November 2014
We must devolve economic as well as political power
- 23 April 2014
Sick of Serco? Join us on 8th May
- 16 February 2015
Public water is no pipe dream
- 17 February 2014
Bristol: don't follow Barnet, be proud of what you own!
- 14 February 2014
Choose life, choose your coffee, choose better public services
- 14 February 2014
Public services: quality and accountability
- 12 February 2014
Ed, let's get people-powered
- 22 January 2014
Cross party launch for Public Service Users Bill
- 20 December 2013
12 Days of Privatised Christmas
- 27 November 2013
Join the fight against student loan privatisation
- 8 December 2013
The grip of privatisation on our vital services has to be broken
- 2 November 2013
Don't take away our library - we own it