Take action to stop our NHS being disintegrated this year

5 January 2021

How to oppose further NHS privatisation before the deadline of midnight January 8th!

1) Go to the NHS 'Integrated Care Systems' survey, (by scrolling to the bottom of the page) making sure to say you're a 'member of the public' or 'patient' (they're the same thing to us!) and that you're responding as an individual, NOT on behalf of an organisation. 

2) Answer questions 4, 5, 6 and 7 using the template questions responses from Keep Our NHS Public here! We think it's really crucial that thousands of people respond to this, saying why you think a reeorganisation into 'Integrated Care Systems' will downsize and reduce the capacity of our NHS. Then you're done - thank you so much.

Want more information, or to personalise your response?

Here are some key reasons why 'Integrated Care Systems' are bad news for OUR NHS in England (and for all the UK long-term)

In 2021, Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson have promised to bring in legislation that will hand over the current organisation of NHS regions to something called 'Integrated Care Systems'. These plans will lead to more of our health services being handed over to private companies. But how?

  • These new bodies will commission health services for an area, but they could have private companies sitting on their boards.  The bodies have been criticised for encouraging under treatment or rationing of services, as members of the board (which could include private companies) will get to keep any money they don't spend, and they will bring an area under tight financial controlsAll of this sounds familiar right? More private involvement, more contracts to private companies and less funding for the NHS to look after people so that they need other, private options.
  • After a particularly bad year of private companies with no experience getting huge contracts and failing us completely (but serving their shareholders well), the move to ICS's will even remove public contract regulations so organisations aren't judged on their previous track records, or have to follow labour standards. 
  • While key experts say there will be a reduction of 'accountability and democratic oversight' over our NHS, what's even more concrete and worrying for some is that there is discussion of 'sharing' the 'rewards' with private companies. This means money that could be spent on health services will be leaked as profits to private companies.  There is also the likelihood that much bigger, long-term contracts covering entire areas could be given to multi-national companies, as opposed to the multiple smaller and shorter term contracts given currently.

Want to read more about this?

Keep Our NHS Public have been keeping on top of these developments for years. Here are some great articles you can read.

Dangerous NHS restructuring to go ahead despite Covid

Keep Our NHS Public's analysis of what lies behind the "Integrating Care" proposals

NHS England pushes for “integration” … but not as we know it

We can't let them get away with us. Please spend 5 minutes responding to their survey on ICS now, using Keep Our NHS Public's model response.

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James Hugh Stan... replied on Permalink

A fully funded National Health service paid for by a fair taxation system free at the point of delivery is the only way to ensure adequate health care for the entire population of the UK. Creeping privatisation can only lead to inequalities in the full provision of health care. Partial privatisation can only lead to a breakdown of continuity of treatment. During the covid crisis the discredited test & trace system has proved that the involvement of the private sector has led to an inadequate response to a national crisis where massive profits have been made by companies who have little or no knowledge of health matters. As important as the incompetence of the private sector in this crisis, has been the awarding of contracts to cronies of the government in power, under the suggested system this would only continue probably at an accelerated pace.

Carl Linderman replied on Permalink

It's belongs to the people. We own it, I DO NOT giver permission for any sell off of the NHS. The privatisation that already exists isn't working.

joseph kinney replied on Permalink

The NHS should be a non profit organisation...just look at the American system....their people are getting bills for half a million dollars for their COVID intensive care treatment!!!

Maggie Ndini-Smith replied on Permalink

Of course there are financial implications in every health interaction but there are humanitarian, compassionate and moral issues which must underpin our every action and inaction. The quality of the healthcare we offer our most vulnerable citizens regardless of any factor other than their need is a valuable marker of the quality and values, nay value, of our society. Do not sell our basic human rights on the open market, open our arms to all those who need care.

Jacqueline Stewart replied on Permalink

Our NHS has been the envy of the world and should continue as such. Peoples are not disposable commodities and should be valued and cared for.

After all, the wealthy would be lost without the basic cleaning and domestic skills held by the working classes of society!

John Adams replied on Permalink

It’s our NHS, and it is immoral to give power and profit to private companies.

Lynda Mannix replied on Permalink

I was born in 1948 just when the NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE started. Prior to that advance My grandmother had lost a child because she couldn't pay for the doctor to attend the baby. In my life our National Health Service has been there for all my ailments and surgery, as a civilised country should be. Nye Bevan said that the National Health Service would exist as long as people fight for it, and the idea that this government keeps trying to extend privatization via the 'back door' is totally unacceptable. So I will keep fighting for the retention of Our National Health Service - not a cost but an essential part of our lives, paid for by us via our taxes.

Susan Ann Hall replied on Permalink

Our wonderful NHS must remain free for everyone. We are so fortunate in having such a unique organisation. Bless all of those who work for us with such skill and devotion.

Edward Peter Smith replied on Permalink

The NHS was the greatest social advance in British society in the twentieth century. Its free care for all citizens must continue.

Arthur Angel replied on Permalink

The NHS is sacrosanct in my opinion.

Stop involving private companies.

Robert Griffiths replied on Permalink

Keep all public health services local. No need to employ outside companies, keep it local.

Mrs Doreen Brand replied on Permalink

The selling off of the NHS must be stopped it is vital that we all pull together on this. It is obvious that this government are intent on doing this.

Celia Bannerman replied on Permalink

Our NHS is the envy of the world and is a treasure that should not be fritted away, people count not profit. Here here! My husband was treated successfully for cancer and every step of the way seemed like a miracle, we felt so proud of our NHS.

Moira Armstrong replied on Permalink


Jenny Kartupelis replied on Permalink

I have commented on each question that I object to its wording, as each one is a leading (not neutral) question.

jim replied on Permalink

The health of the nation should not be determined by market forces

Roger replied on Permalink

People’s health issues shouldn’t be an (entrepreneurial? businessman’s) opportunity to exploit. Ok if you’re an “I’m alright jack”, herd immunity, gambler or a millionaire. For healthcare the shared resources of national insurance works for everyone.

Christine West replied on Permalink

Please help save our NHS from the callous Tory party. They have no idea what it is like to be poor and needy.

Alan Smith replied on Permalink

I pay taxes to help support the NHS not to provide dividends or profits to private companies or shareholders.

Helen Bashford replied on Permalink

The NHS should never be handed over to any other body that has a private interest.

Pamela Greenway replied on Permalink

NHS is a treasure to be shared by everyone not a source of income for the greedy. It is already being privatised by the back door.People of my age remember days before NHS. We don't want to go back there.Do we really want a society where only the rich can have a chance of cancer cure or rehabilitation after stroke.

JAMES GEDDES replied on Permalink

The NHS was set up in 1947 to provide health care for all the UK population regardless of their financial state. It was funded by NI contributions paid for by everyone in the UK who earned above a certain figure. Successive governments have tried to privatise certain areas of it and also, despite the fund being called NI contributions have raided the fund leaving the NHS short of money and resources. It is time a law was brought in to make the Government refund the billions they have plundered from this fund and return it to the NHS. No private company or individual should benefit from any surplus/ Matt Hancock should resign and seek a new career on the TV or with the media as, instead of getting the NHS properly funded he spends far too much time pontificating on the TV.

Sally Moy replied on Permalink

Health care should not be privatised in any way. It should be run by health professionals fir the benefit of patients

Pat Wootten replied on Permalink

The NHS was set up for all the people. it should NEVER be used for ANYONE to make a profit. Those stealing money needed by the NHS should be made to reimburse immediately and taxation of the private sector should be increased to get the money needed to return to a properly funded public service.

Colin Booth replied on Permalink

A for-profit health service is a contradiction in terms.

Elfrida Chislet... replied on Permalink

The NHS is providing healthcare at the point of need to all and must be publicly funded.

Beverly Andrew replied on Permalink

I've worked so many years for the NHS. It is the envey of the world. People are dying in countries like the USA because they can not afford to pay for health care because of the greedy insurance companies/privatisation only for the rich to benefit from. It was the same situation all those years ago, our people could not afford health care, which is why The NHS was born 5/7/1948 by the then Health Minister Aneurin Bevan. Which made excellent health care available for ALL the British Public of which WE the public have made contributions to maintain our NHS. God bless our NHS.

Norman Sellers replied on Permalink

The availability of good health care for all should be as basic as the air we breath in a civilised society and the way to ensure this is through effective political accountability and transparency. The profit motive can be a useful method of improving efficiencies of some organisations but often supersedes the objectives that the organisation was set up to achieve. Other methods of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a National Health Service are needed that do not conceal accountability needed to generate improvements.

Alan Jeary replied on Permalink

The people own the NHS and the gradual slide into a private Health Business is not shared by the public. There are already far to many companies making huge profits from contracts which have been given to companies who have links with those in government circles.

Public Service not Profit

Rosy Calvert replied on Permalink

Healthcare is not suitably provided where profit is the motive.

Linda Dyer replied on Permalink

NHS was developed to enable all members of society to have free health care. "From the Cradle to the Grave" was the moto. It is not there for Capitalist to line their own pockets from the health of the people. The NHS is a great institution I have worked for over 20 Years. I have seen how the government of the day have underhandedly decimated many areas of our NHS for their own ends. There should be a legal protection on the NHS to protect it.

Robert Walker replied on Permalink

The Tories have been thieving massive chunks of OUR NHS for decades, this current bunch of Tory con artists are now PUBLICLY doing what previous Tory thieves have been doing to OUR NHS in a less blatant fashion.

Brian g faulkner replied on Permalink

The NHS is for the benefit of the people not for greedy private company's whose only concern is profit before the health of the eople

Wendy Clare replied on Permalink

The NHS belongs to everyone.

Richard replied on Permalink

We do not need another " World Beating " fiasco Matt & Boris - please keep the NHS away from grabbing hands of friends and contacts - keep it patient focussed please if you really do care about our country - am speaking as a patient and a floating voter !

Olwyn Baldwin replied on Permalink

Do not privatise our NHS any further. We do not want an American system that no one can afford nor an unhealthy, ailing population. It should be funded through taxation and national insurance contributions . The dental system has already been almost totally privatised.. It's a retrograde step.

Mrs Heather Cooter replied on Permalink

The present pandemic shows that the market cannot produce a response to save lives, and that only a Public Health Service, not for profit, funded by central taxation will provide for the health needs of a population. Britain’s health system must remain free at the point of care and that care should be delivered by a nationally public owned body funded through central taxation,and national insurance contributions by the people For the People and that ALL profits and contributions should be ploughed back into that publicly owned body to improve on and continue delivering quality health care and equipment. The service should be Staffed by professionals who are trained, monitored and publicly culpable for maintaining the high healthcare standards . Profits should never ever go into private shareholders pockets. Private companies need to make a profit, and when they don't they give up the contract and pass it back to the NHS to sort it out. Just the scandal of PFI contracts to build new hospitals by themselves will drain the NHS for years to come, as it is hospitals paying to have less beds, not the Treasury.

Margaret Cleverley replied on Permalink

Health and social care should be fully publicly accountable. Passing control to the private sector will only increase obfuscation and open opportunities for exploitation of our needs for private profit. Care should be commissioned to address human need NOT to make profit and should be delivered by public or not for profit agencies

Derek Marcus replied on Permalink

People don't realise how much of the NHS is private - eg. primary care is now totally private( GPs, pharmacists, optometrists, dentists.) We certainly don't want more of secondary care privatised.

Jennifer Monahan replied on Permalink

Profit has no place in a public health system.

Andrea Walton replied on Permalink

To keep our NHS free at the point of entry, and prevent anyone with profit in mind from gaining access to management decisions would seem essential, now and always. Let’s now send the message to the very many exhausted and demoralised NHS staff that their interests are being put first. Before Covid 19 came along the staff were already down hearted and felt over worked and under appreciated, lacking regular inflation proof pay rises. BUT they have responded to this crisis and worked so hard, many becoming ill, and some dying.

Now send a message that will provide some hope. DONT SELL OUR NHS TO PRIVATE COMPANIES.

Ros Readman replied on Permalink

The NHS must be kept as a service free at the point of care. It should be provided on a not for profit basis, delivered by a nationally public owned body funded through central taxation and national insurance contributions by the people

Colin Bennett replied on Permalink

It cannot be better for patients to have money taken out of the NHS in order to line the pockets of third persons or corporations.

Fiona Joyce replied on Permalink

Everything possible must be done to stop the fascist Johnson from further destroying not only our NHS but our country. Johnson will take everything he can get his greedy little paws on. It’s a heist, in plain view.

June Williams replied on Permalink

We should all pay more taxes from the lowest to the highest to preserve an NHS for the good of all, free at the point of need. I rather thought that for those of us whose Dads and Mums fought in the war, part of it was a contract between the people and the state for properly funded services, not for fat cats to make profits.

William I Joint replied on Permalink

For integration insert destruction of the NHS

Tony Smith replied on Permalink

Do not go the way of the United States. Its health care is in chaos. A large proportion of the populace are in poor health because they cannot afford health insurance. No wonder that 300k people died of Covid, no support. I have stayed in the US and witnessed how many people suffer through little or no health care. If this government dismantles our NHS then they must be regarded as a tretarous bunch of eleitests that do not care for the people of this country.

Anonymous replied on Permalink

It's all said above and I agree with it all.

Torhild Dewar replied on Permalink

Universal health provision is vital for a civilised society and to ensure everyone’s health and well being. If we all contribute, we all benefit. Health is too important to leave up to individual cost and health provision should not dis ruminate between rich and poor. We had a very good functioning health service and no one has the right to destroy this.

Marianne CRISP replied on Permalink

ANY profits, after costs, made from goods or services provided to the NHS and/or BY the NHS must be returned TO the NHS. Otherwise we'll eventually end up with a system like in the USA, where, if you're poor, you stay sick until you either recover or die. That's exactly the opposite of the idea of the NHS!

JD STOCKWELL replied on Permalink

I was born the year the N H S started. It saved mine and my mothers life. You can not sell this off under any excuse. Our country should be so proud of what we have.

Keith Gillespie replied on Permalink

Generations have paid for this service to be available for ALL that need it, and that number is growing as the wealth divide grows.

MR G GEORGESON replied on Permalink

Since it's inception in 1948 the right-wing Tories have found the NHS totally abhorrent. Like any other INSURANCE SCHEME, we pay a annual fee to use the World's best care facility. WE the people own it. It has become so successful that greedy Tory supporting capitalists are rapidly "running it into the ground". When it is almost wrecked they will scavenge what's left for next to nothing then tart it up and sell it on to the highest bidder probably American... (ask any American what that will be like).

John Hampton replied on Permalink

The NHS exists to provide health care for all. It must not be viewed as a provider of wealth for the private sector barons.

Keep the NHS in the public sector.

Pixie Pocket replied on Permalink

NHS within Britain is the best health care service in the world and is a treasure to us, the people. It should not be fritted away by current greedy corporations; people count not profit.

Anyone that thinks otherwise should go whistle.

Constance Mollison replied on Permalink

This government has been surreptitiously introducing privatisation into the NHS and other public services since 2010. For all our sakes, they must be stopped.

Brenda Watts replied on Permalink

Get Jeremy back and save the NHS.

Grahame Bulled replied on Permalink

I have paid in for 40 years so why should I pay more

Judy Lewis replied on Permalink

The NHS must not be monetised. It’s inconceivable, and dangerous to even consider the alternative. It

The NHS must be protected and supported with absolute transparency, at all times by Government. NHS staff at all levels should have salaries reviewed; especially in light of the incredible work, dedication and commitment over the last 10 months.

David S replied on Permalink

The deliberate under-funding of the NHS has been taking place for years. The continuation of this under-funding at a time of national crisis is unbelievable, malicious, and shocking. This systematic destruction of the NHS has to stop.

Zahir Aziz replied on Permalink

The business of the NHS is to provide healthcare for all, not to makea profit from it. A healthy nation makes a prosperous nation.

Gloria Fensham replied on Permalink

OUR N.H.S. is the envy of the world & we are proud of it being free service at the point of need. It belongs to us,the citizens of Great Britain. It is paid for by the people with our taxes & National Insurance. It should not be sold of piece meal to put profits in private hands. Our medical staff do a wonderful job in difficult times WITH A SMILE & COMFORT FOR ALL. This is certainly not done for MONEY which would be the case in private hands. I am a British subject & have been a patient a few times.My late husband had the best of care, at all times, during his illness.

Martyn Rose replied on Permalink

The NHS has always been is the sights of the privatisation brigade who see it as a nice money making machine for them and their friends. The NHS must be kept as a provider that is publicly owned and publicly run. There should be no place for any further privatisation of NHS services.

Jacqui replied on Permalink

Don’t dilute the service offered as free at the point of contact by privatisation that has failed with so many other services and make the north /south,rich/poor divide greater

Let’s vote for equality

Heather Dellerue replied on Permalink

This Govt has already damaged OUR health service beyond any limits that mr & mrs Public realise !!!!! It is only through the heroic loyalty of the NHS staff the standards are maintained .

This " reorganisation " is clearly yet another ploy on behalf of this Govt to put more money into the shareholders pockets, and take that away from the bedside . I nursed for 38 years , and saw first hand the gradual deterioration due to stretching funding .

The people of this country should be told what is actually happening , and then given the opportunity to stop it happening, whilst not in competition with Brexit, at the ballot box .

Rona Fraser replied on Permalink

Health care should not be a profit making venture under any circumstances. Good governance within a publicly accountable structure is essential to ensure that private companies don't benefit at the public's expense.

Jane Ronie replied on Permalink

Healthcare should NEVER be organised as a profit making private organisation. Private enterprise by definition requires profit for it's shareholders. Healthcare must be open to all, and should be paid for by public money so there are no barriers to treatment for all. We should be extremely proud and caring of our National Health Service which is one of the best organisations in the world. It should be run on a non-for profit basis with budgets being made for research, not for profits to shareholders.

Anonymous replied on Permalink

The NHS is the most practical, logical ethical and precious institution on the planet, so anyone damaging it or profiteering from it should be prosecuted as a criminal!

Adrian Hopper replied on Permalink

There should be an end to the cynical exploitation by government of the vocational dedication of NHS staff,they should be paid properly.

The organisation as a whole needs to be cleansed of the parasitic attentions of the privatisers.

Pam Smith replied on Permalink

The NHS must be kept public, It was won by hard struggle of the working people of this country and it is their legacy to fight COVID and other emergencies. The current government has used a variety of private contractors which has resulted in chaos, disorganisation and loss of lives and wellbeing.

Bev Harrison replied on Permalink

It’s absolutely essential that we keep our NHS free at the point of need and provided on a not for profit and for our population and it should co tinge tonprovide free, excellent healthcare as one of the original slogans said

“from the cradle to the grave”.

Nabila Elahi replied on Permalink

It is a betrayal of the people to hand our NHS to private companies who care only about profit not the wellbeing of the people.

Pankaja Brooke replied on Permalink

Stop privatising the NHS

Angela Smith replied on Permalink

As a member of the public in my senior years I do object to any selling off of the NHS to private corporations. Most members of the public would be happy to pay an extra penny in the pound in income tax in order for the NHS to be retained and expanded so that everyone gets acces to the health care they need.

Alex Lawson replied on Permalink

This pandemic has clearly demonstrated the value of an integrated, publicly owned and administered National Health Service. Where taxpayers money has been spent on private agencies or suppliers - who, in many cases, had no experience in this field - value for money has not been demonstrated and the service provided has not proven as effective as the NHS. Our national service belongs to the citizens of Britain and has demonstrated its value time and again in protecting and caring for our population. It is not there to provide a financial bonanza for opportunist private investors.

Jane Sibson replied on Permalink

The founding and setting up the NHS is one of this country's best achievements. Free healthcare at the point of cost for all. What could be better. Healthcare should not be a lottery. I would willingly pay more tax and/or national insurance toward this amazing institution. We owe it's survival to the generations that fought for the establishment NHS after WWII who knew what was like before. Churchill then and the Tories now don't wan't the NHS to survive.

MOIRA STREVENS replied on Permalink

The NHS is not a means of making profits nor was it ever meant to be. It is a service intended to ensure the wellbeing of the nation not to generate profits for the few.

peter dorrell replied on Permalink

The NHS our greatest national achievement!

peter dorrell replied on Permalink

Our NHS is invaluable

Geoff Edmonds replied on Permalink

Our daughter recently moved to the USA. She was shocked to discover the level of privatisation of the health system. It is based on making money rather than providing health care. Boris talks of "levelling up". Any privatisation will only result in those of limited means being unable to obtain the the care they need. This would lead to a higher level of poverty.

Nick Topliss replied on Permalink

The NHS needs consistent funding and public faith in the systems will be gradually eroded by this creeping privatisation

Ruth Butler replied on Permalink

No one should profit from the NHS.

Diane Reid replied on Permalink

The NHS needs to remain free at point of contact and non for profit. The NHS also needs to be managed by people experienced in health care and not the likes of Branson and Serco who are not interested in providing safe and high quality service but are only interested in profit.

Joyce Grimshaw replied on Permalink


Sue Golightly replied on Permalink

This is all down to greed and a Tory Government that does not agree with public ownership, only private. Therefore publicly owned businesses end up being sole off mainly to people who seem to think they know what they're doing but in fact don't.

Patricia munns replied on Permalink

Health care is very important to keep the masses healthy for the future

Tim Finch replied on Permalink

The involvement of private sector organisations in the provision of our public health services will always mean that profit, rather than the needs of patients, will ultimately become the main driver and primary incentive to those service providers.

Clearly the cost of patient services does need to be managed and controlled. But when costs are directly linked to profit (rather than FLEXIBLE budgets) as is the case for the private sector organisations, patient needs will be what gets sacrificed.

What might help in the current situation is appropriate incentives, over and above salaries and wages, to NHS staff at all levels of the organisation, payment of which is linked to an acceptable range of targets, i.e. efficiency combined with patient satisfaction.

Susan Ann Hall replied on Permalink

Our NHS a unique organisation - one that needs to be treasured. Let us keep it that way forever.

Mrs ELIZABETH A ROSS replied on Permalink

we need to go back to having all essential utilities in house not for profit. education nhs.transport and housing plus gas/electric

Tamar Swade replied on Permalink

Wherever the profit-motive enters health suffers because greedy and uncaring people stand to make money. It's a dirty, underhand deed to attempt to privatise any part of the NHS, particularly after this government's mealy-mouthed promises to save it. Many (I am one) cannot afford private health care.

Tamar Swade replied on Permalink

Wherever the profit-motive enters health suffers because greedy and uncaring people stand to make money. It's a dirty, underhand deed to attempt to privatise any part of the NHS, particularly after this government's mealy-mouthed promises to save it. Many (I am one) cannot afford private health care.

Diane Arkley replied on Permalink

Our NHS must never be included in a trade deal. It must stay in the public’s hands.

Stephen Manning replied on Permalink

The Conservative Governments, both present and past have always had the intention of splitting up the NHS and handing out lucrative contracts to their wealthy backers companies, whilst leaving the mundane, non profit making, uneconomic parts of the work to the remaining, much reduced NHS. It is immoral that private health companies, cherry picking the lucrative parts of the NHS work, promptly move patients back into the NHS system when and if complications set in after or during these procedures. Thus leaving the NHS to carry out the expensive, non funded nursing back to health of patients that deteriorated whilst in private health care. If allowed to continue in this way the Conservative Governments will oversee the destruction of the NHS and leave Britain with an American health care type of service, when the well off will pay for their care and the poorer sections of society will be left with no adequate health care and condemned to suffering and premature death.

Suzanne Leaman replied on Permalink

We have had fiascos with track and trace.PPE procurement and the new mega labs the one think that has been achieved is poor service and financial rewards for for the chosen providers where experience is providing the service is not necessarily a requirement.The changes they wish to implement mean more of the same.It is time to hold the government to account,Renationalise the NHS and bring back the ethos of quality health care for all led by clinicians supported by management not the other way round.Money should be invested in services not share holders and company executives salary and bonuses

Stu W replied on Permalink

The privatisation of the NHS should be viewed as a criminal offence

Boris Johnson has no idea of what he is creating, And could be held responsible for the untimely death of millions.

I am a British expat currently living in America and I have a debilitating form of epilepsy

I have experienced first hand the privatised American health system and it is not about providing care to the nation in any way,

It is about money!

I recently had to go to A&E (or the ER) as I was bleeding internally, and before the hospital or doctor would see me I was forced to go to the billing department and pay a “Hospital charge” of $278 before they would see me. RIDICULOUS

If I were a frail old lady who was bleeding internally what could have happened then?

It makes you not trust your doctor, not trust the system of care, and more frighteningly it makes you think about cost of the services above your personal health and put off going to the doctor.

Personal health is not a business, it is a right as a human being and the advancement in medical care is to help us care for one another. Governments work for “us”/the public that pays their salaries and should be using our taxes to better ensure that we have a bright, healthy, educated and prosperous country.

A private, faceless and unaccountable “health” corporation is a dangerous and poisonous beast that kills millions every year and should be banished forever by every nation.


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