25 May 2021
How to take action: Please leave a comment below this letter, with YOUR reason for not wanting Centene's contract to be renewed. We'll make sure to pass it on to the decision-making committee before Thursday's meeting.
Dear North West London Primary Care Commissioning Committee*,
* This is the committee which will make the decision on whether to renew one of Centene's contracts in North West London THIS Thursday, 3pm.
American healthcare giant Centene has recently taken over 49 GP practices.
Now, with a total of over 70 GP practices under Centene's control, it has become the largest single private primary care provider in England.
With North West London CCG's contract with Centene up for renewal this Thursday, we, as patients, family members, citizens and defenders of our publicly provided NHS, from all across the UK and beyond, call on you not to renew it.
How to take action: Please leave a comment below this letter, with YOUR reason for not wanting Centene's contract to be renewed. We'll make sure to pass it on to the decision-making committee before Thursday's meeting.
Your NHS is so worth protecting. By stopping Centene in its tracks in this area, you will be part of helping to stop the privatisation of our NHS all across the UK! Please comment with your message now.
Kevin Allen replied on Permalink
We pay taxes for a health service free at point of contact and don't expect companies profiteering from people's illness.
A patient's data must remain secure and not be put in the hands of privateers.
A disjointed system costs more to run than an integral system, even before companies skim off their cut
The British public have never been balloted on privatisation of services - why the secrecy?
Sue Kember replied on Permalink
Please please please,no to the renewal.
Sara Bellisio replied on Permalink
Renewing Centene's contract will ultimately cost lives, as this corporation closes down GP surgeries that are "not profitable" for them, leaving thousands of people without GPs, and therefore without access to routine checkups, therapy, operations, etc, as all these things have to go through a GP, first. This contract must end, NOW.
Gisela Melwani replied on Permalink
Dear People on the Commissioning Committee
Renewing Centene's contract to run the GP surgeries that they run at present would be PRIVATISATION of the NHS by stealth. Medical professionals have, over time, sounded the alarm over this privatisation of this part of the NHS. The Guardian newspaper has also reported on this matter. But any calls for an ending into this takeover, which many medical professionals have requested, have been dismissed by Matt Hancock. I know that Centene, via its UK subsidiary called "Operose Health Ltd" bought a company called "AT Medics" and with THAT purchase they acquired the GP practices which we, as NHS users, are so concerned about. With the acquisition of those GP practices Centene then took over the medical care of half a million patients.
To top the stealth with which Centene is inveigling itself into our NHS, our Prime Minister has employed at No.10 (at a civil servants' salary) a lady called Samantha Jones who had been the Chief Executive & President of Operose Health Ltd in the UK. Her new title at No. 10 is "Expert Advisor for NHS Transformation and Social Care".
Yes, our NHS does need transformation in the form of more support for the hard-working medical people in it, and more money. What the "National" (created FOR the benefit of the people in the UK) Health Service does NOT need is a US company which operates for profit!!
I call upon the persons on this Committee to take heed of the fact that people are watching you, even thousands who may not write in, and you will be judged. With that in mind it is hoped that your decision will be FOR the interests of the NHS and NOT for the interests of a for-profit US company.
Yours very earnestly, Gisela Melwani
richard fellowes replied on Permalink
It is morally obscene in principle yo generate profit from people's health problems and runs contrary to the ideal of the NHS as a national public service that was set up to be funded through taxation and to provide health care free at the point of use based on clinical need. So much damage has already been done to the NHS by past Labour and Tory governments by introducing the internal market, creating Trusts to act as autonomous business units and contracting out essential services to the private sector.
Nigel Jones replied on Permalink
The NHS is our jewel in the crown supported by and belonging to the British people, so all elements of "OUR" NHS must remain a publicly owned institution NOT run for profit by the likes of Centene. The slippery slope to Privatisation and a dangerous route that would exclude the less well off in society who can't afford expensive insurance cover from receiving the care that is their right currently.
Dee Roye replied on Permalink
Roger Morgan replied on Permalink
Please enact the will of the People. We do not want grasping and exploitative American involvement with our NHS services. Bar Centene and similar companies from any involvement.
Barbara Davis replied on Permalink
This is the thin edge of the wedge, We don't need private enterprise getting involved in our National Health Service Once this happens the needs of people are put on the back burner and profit is the motivation.
Shannen Kelly replied on Permalink
Healthcare is a right not a privilege. It’s sickening that this government wants people to die if they’re not wealthy enough to afford healthcare. It terrifies me as I love the NHS. It’s always been there for me.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
How can introducing private companies,whose primary objective requires them to make profits to provide their shareholders dividends into the running of the NHS be good for the future of it? Experience shows and logic dictates that the profits private companies require can only be acheive by syphoning funds which would otherwise be spent on the operational needs of the service, or ny reducing running costs resulting in innefficencies and cutting corners.
Kathryn Hodges replied on Permalink
Excellent comments made so far, thank you. We Absolutely DO NOT want any US company taking over our NHS. Ours being an important word, as our NHS is funded by our National Insurance contributions and taxes paid by us. It is not owned by the government they are merely managers of our money we have asked them to spend on the NHS etc. This current government have wasted millions of pounds during the pandemic on various schemes and products (PPE)that were not fit for purpose, trace and track and contracts with unsuitable companies. They should focus their attention on giving the NHS staff a good pay rise, and improving the services.
Is it ethically and morally acceptable to 'sell off' any service such as our NHS that is paid for by us and can be considered 'owned' by us.? It should be ilegal to sell off the countries assets?
Alexis replied on Permalink
The NHS should be publicly owned and run. Health care is and should be a human right and not based on whether a person can pay. Health care is for people, not profit. PEOPLE, NOT PROFIT!
Gillian replied on Permalink
the NHS is paid for by tax payers, we pay for a high quality profit zero service, moving services into private hands is corruption. Conservatives have already wrecked education in England and back door privatization of the NHS paid for by the general public is just pure theft of public good. If we lose the NHS we lose it forever and move into a hell-health situation that other countries in USA and Asia are living in
Gillian replied on Permalink
Selling care to Centene is corruption pure and simple; dont move to hell-health systems like USA and Asia
Ruth Waring replied on Permalink
NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene making a profit off our health service.
NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene closing our GPs.
NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene prioritising profit over our health.
Centene are trying to sink their teeth into our NHS, expanding their reach by the year.
Anna Harvey replied on Permalink
The public were assured that the NHS was safe from privatisation by this government. It is totally shocking that our GP Practices are in the process of being sold to a profit-making AMERICAN firm, CENTENE. This needs to be stopped before it becomes the norm by stealth - this has not been publicly announced by the government.
Kevin Roberts replied on Permalink
WE own the NHS... YOU cannot sell it until EVERY British person gives you permission. STOP IT NOW .
NO MORE BACKDOOR selling off of OUR services that WE paid for .
john burns replied on Permalink
My late wife died in misery pain and despair, having been utterly failed by the current fragmented healthcare system another aspect of which is it allows private enterprise to profit at the expense of sick people by buyng up sections of it such as GP practices. Once the "money men" get their hands on an enterprise it leads to increased costs or reduced services or both.
Sue Hatherly replied on Permalink
The National Health Service should be just that ‘National’ and not for profit. It’s one of the best things about this country. Don’t let it be ruined by private enterprise.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
When the NHS was set up it was to enable access by all to a common healthcare system. It is not right therefore that bits of the NHS are being sold-off to companies whose only interest is in profit. We must ensure that the National Health Service remains national and not another US organisation. If some people want a private healthcare system, it should not be at the expense of the many who still want to enjoy and benefit from OUR NHS. Let those who want private healthcare fund it themselves
Jean Munson replied on Permalink
I am very concerned that this Government is turning a blind eye to our National Health Service which was founded to support everyone, no matter their needs or ability to pay. It should be kept that way and not given over to fat cats to make money. I had not realised until recently that private companies have been taking over GP practices and it should be stopped now.
Cassy Firth replied on Permalink
Last year's disasters with PPE contracts and the Test and Trace fiasco provide stark evidence of what happens when the profit motive is put above the public good. Privatisation costs money and lives and it's the taxpayers who will suffer the costs. Please don't allow this.
Mary Duncan replied on Permalink
Any necessary improvements/changes in GP surgery management and NHS generally can be done within the UK where what is required can be assessed and implemented within Great Britain. Medical care in the UK is not for profit but for the benefit of all.
Felicity Ashworth replied on Permalink
Please do not allow Centene, or other similar companies, to come in to make a profit from providing general practice.
They will not improve provision of primary health care as their focus is to make money for their share holders.
The Government has to look at other ways to resolve the funding issues - not handing over to private companies.
DELLA NEWTON replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to the Patients, not to private companies. It needs saving.
Alison Green replied on Permalink
Profit motive is totally inappropriate for clinical decision making. Our NHS is a jewel of our nation and should not be for sale.
Rosie Atkins replied on Permalink
The sole purpose of the NHS is the health of the public, because it is funded by taxpayers for taxpayers. The primary purpose of any private Company is to make profit for its shareholders. Private Companies therefore essentially do not act to safeguard the health of people. The NHS is being privatised by stealth, with the NHS "logo" being used as a cover. The pandemic has shown that people's lives and wellbeing should be the priority in any society- not profit for shareholders.
Odette Swann replied on Permalink
Health care is a human activity; it is fundamental to our survival and wellbeing - and as such, it should be above and beyond politics... AND IT IS CERTAINLY NOT, AND NEVER WILL BE, A 'BUSINESS'!!
Johnathan Sharp... replied on Permalink
This is OUR NHS. It was founded for The Nation.
It should be totally free. At source. For everybody. Not a tool for the greedy.
It should be run by Local Authorities. For the commubity. Not by shadowy suits in some far flung boardroom slashing and cutting for profit.
Say NO! to Centene. Say NO! to all privitisation of OUR NHS.
Tom Pitts-Tucker replied on Permalink
The Covid pandemic fiasco in this country showed how important it is to have proper well run publicly funded local health services. The UK Government failed to support the NHS at a critical time for whole country. The shameful world beating UK covid death toll, due to bungled political decisions but to the effects of years of inadequate funding for the NHS, social care & local government is evidence of this. We need good primary care services as an essential part of the hole NHS & Social care. We do not need to sell off large chunks of it to private American companies driven by dubious commercial ethics of profit in a country with even worse health & social inequalities than the UK. Please stop the proposal to give away what our vital publicly owned national assets.
Diane Christina... replied on Permalink
Our NHS is the envy of the world. Do we want to be like America where only the rich dont have to worry about getting sick. I have relations in US who HAVE to still work in their late 70s and worry all the time about losing their jobs because their employers supply them with health care. No work, no money and then you have to worry about how are you going to get treatment. Let Centene in and the NHS will go.
Patrica Hurley replied on Permalink
The NHS is a not for profit organisation. Centene is all about profit. To grant Centene the contract on a GP practice is wrong as it is another step in the direction of privatising healthcare in the Uk.
Christopher Atkins replied on Permalink
The NHS was founded for the well-being of the British people and is funded by us. It is already strapped for cash WITHOUT greedy American outfits syphoning off OUR cash. Kick them out before they destroy it. Sadly, buffoon Boris and his money-mad cohorts cannot be trusted to act in OUR interests....so sad.
Dr. J. Gibb replied on Permalink
Now that NHS England have undertaken to release patient medical records to 'third parties' it is critically important that ethical standards should be strictly maintained in the practical application of that data.
On past performance, Centene/Operose do not qualify - and there is every sign that central Government are reluctant to ensure that adequate safeguards are put in place.
You are now, therefore, the 'front line' of defence against encroaching 'privatisation for profit'. Please deploy your forces vigorously!
Best wishes,
Jim Gibb
Helen Field replied on Permalink
Why would an American company want to run parts of our NHS? Simply to get its hands on our public money. Private companies have no place in public services. Their loyalty is to their shareholders and increasing profit for them. Their loyalty is not to do the best for the health of UK citizens.
Emily Parkes replied on Permalink
This is bang on right.
Emily Parkes replied on Permalink
I already know people who can't get to see a doctor when they need to, struggle to see the same doctor for compound/comorbid conditions, and now I hear surgeries closing because they aren't 'profitable'?! I'm sorry what do you mean by profitable? Are we closing surgeries for well people (who of course tomorrow may find themselves very not well) because they're not gardering enough profitable need for taxpayers to pay these fat cats for the service? Or is it a case that they get money by default, but they're closing surgeries where people most need doctors because actually *providing* the services means they get a smaller proportion of that money given by default, to keep for their back pockets? No mater how I look at this, it's awful.
Why isn't tax payers money going back into our nation? Why is it being syphoned off to foreign businesses? Why is health even about profit anyway? It's a needs-based market. People sacrifice one need to meet another, because meeting a need isn't a 'purchase' that they can walk away from. It's not optional. People will pay in blood and organs. Is that what we want?
Deborah replied on Permalink
It would be a disaster to allow further privatisation of any sector of our NHS and GPs are its cornerstones, giving us continuity of care at a local level - not for nothing are they often known as family doctors. It's bad enough to find practices merging, receptionists being replaced by call centre systems, but we can protest and try to change that through patient participation groups and Healthwatch. Big corporations will disregard that, greedy for profit even at the expense of patient health and wellbeing. These are not products to be marketised, but essential rights for which we pay out of our taxes.
Stop CENTENE and all the rest of them. Save our NHS.
Frances Wagstaff replied on Permalink
No one should profit from UK healthcare!
Hugh Pendleton replied on Permalink
We don’t need outside managers and profit-takers in the NHS
Amelia Mills replied on Permalink
To the Commissioning Committee: Keep the NHS ipublic. There is no place for greedy private companies whose interest is to make money for their shareholders, not people's health. I request that you do not renew the GP contract with Centene. People's health, not private greed! Thank you for listening. Amelia Mills
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Our NHS should not be privatised. Our GP surgeries should not be run for profit. Please stop Centene from taking over our surgeries. Please do not forget that the NHS stands for a National Health Service designed to take care of the health of all British people.
Catherine Margham replied on Permalink
Our NHS should be for the benefit of our health not fused to provide for private companies. This includes our GP surgeries which are there to provide a public service for us all.
Jennifer Ross replied on Permalink
This is supposed to be a National Health SERVICE - not a commercial company making profits for shareholders. Any country's greatest asset is its people; elected representatives are there to look after the people's health first and foremost.
Alice Mander replied on Permalink
Keep GP practices within the NHS! Vote for parties that will do this! And even if a contract is renewed - vote again for those who will bring practices back to the NHS. Our well-being depends on free access to quality primary care. We shouldn’t have to restrict ourselves to ‘10-minute/2-item’ appointments, or accept privatized treatments that used to be available under the NHS. Push for full access to primary care facilities and treatments. A civilized nation gets what it expects, and if we expect accessible services for all, we’ll adapt to meet this quality expectation. Save on some things but not on primary care access, treatment, and facilities.
Hazel Wood replied on Permalink
The NHS is the single most pride-worthy institution we have in the UK. An organisation run by the people for the people,to ensure fair,equitable and quality treatment for all, it must never be allowed to be carved up with bits handed out to private entities with an eye only on private profit. Once this starts it will be the thin end of the wedged and we will wake up one morning and realise,too late,we have a health care system that is unrecognizable. This is not and should never be an organization in which any part of it is run for private profit.
Tony Walker replied on Permalink
Rest assured, with control of GP services falling to the likes of Centene, the primary focus will cease to be providing best care for patients but rather the financial ("bottom line") health of Centene.
tessa trappes-lomax replied on Permalink
I strongly support this campaign to prevent our GPs being bought up by American companies: So far it has not reached Devon, where I live - probably because as a mainly rural area, with an ageing population, there is less profit to be made. But North West London will be the thin edge of the wedge: unfortunately the move towards primary care networks is likely to facilitate block take overs: It is common knowledge that the American system fails a sizeable chunk of the population and has much higher admin costs than the NHS.
Rod Whitworth replied on Permalink
Health for all, not private wealth fo a few.
Do not renew this contract.
Janette Holt replied on Permalink
My best friend who now lives in Kent has had her practice taken over by Centene and struggles now to get the correct medication as ordered by her London Hospital. Centene want her to have cheaper (incorrect) versions.
Jeremy Freeman replied on Permalink
It is supposed to be a National Health Service, not a commercial activity run for private profit and doubly not for overseas companies to take our money out of the country.
Gillian Parsons replied on Permalink
I am horrified at the undermining of our health service by the under publicised privatisation of GP’ surgeries - there is virtually no coverage of what is happening in the news media. The NHS should never be exploited for profit..
Marc ROGERS replied on Permalink
Even were I not ill, I think we have one of the finest institutions in the world with the NHS. It guarantees us all treatment, whether or not we can afford it. As someone who is disabled, however, it wouldn't just be an inconvenience if our government carried through with their efforts to sell it off, it would make getting my medication almost impossible! I am in enough pain even WITH that medication, without it, life would be intolerable!
Frances Ashling replied on Permalink
The policy of privatising parts of the NHS is wrong, as the whole principle of its set up was to provide care for the people by the people. We neither want nor need private companies coming in.
Catherine Packard replied on Permalink
Privatisation means the wealthy can afford to stay healthy, whilst the the general population suffer poor services, and a terrible decline in health and wellbeing. The NHS must continue to be Not for Profit and serve and care for everyone equally! There is absolutely no place for Centene in the running of our GP practices or any of our health services.
Alison Cotterill replied on Permalink
Private companies have to extract profit to operate so will always drain resources away from the delivery of services. There will always be an incentive for private companies to find more an more ways to increase the amount they can extract - by employing less expensive (and qualified) staff, by cutting the numbers of staff and by finding reasons to only give people access to cheaper services or withhold services altogether. None of these is in the interests of patients or in the quality of health services. Privatisation will always undermine health services. For this reason I do not want Centene taking control of any more GP practices.
Martha Zenfell replied on Permalink
The NHS is for preserving lives, not pumping up bank accounts.
Alexander Blackburn replied on Permalink
I second the above comments regarding Centene's unsuitability in having any involvement in owning GP practices. I have written to my MP (Cons, Sir Mike Penning) about this along with many other constituents in this area (Hemel Hempstead), and he passed the letter on to Jo Churchill MP, the Parliamentary Under Secretary for Primary Care and Health Promotion.
He sought to reassue us that as Centene is the owner of Operose Health's holding companies, it will not have any direct invovement in running the GP practices in question.This may be so, but given the track record of US private healthcare companies with respect to fraud and negligence, as well as the deeply flawed nature of the whole US healthcare model, I cannot see how Cenetene having a financial stake in any part of the NHS can be justified.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I was born in 1941 and clearly remember my mother’s consternation when I was ill enough to require a visit from the doctor.
I have been fortunate enough to have lived through the years during which the fear of not being able to receive good treatment had disappeared. Now, I can feel it creeping back. Private dentistry has made treatment by public health dentists seem second rate! I’d hate medicine to go the same way and we are seeing the thin end of a very big wedge!
Safir Ahmed replied on Permalink
General elections have never asked the people if the people want the NHS privatised.
Let's have a referendum in the UK on whether the people want the NHS to be fully renationalised with a simple Yes or No choice.
Ken Kirk replied on Permalink
By agreeing to Centene's take over of GP surgeries you, the North West London Primary Care Commissioning Committee, will become an agent of Americanising and corporatising our NHS, instead of defending our health services from greedy profit-seeking private firms. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Jack Czauderna replied on Permalink
On behalf of Sheffield Save our NHS we urge the North West London CCG and ALL CCG's in the country NOT to renew contracts to Centene / Operose and NOT to award any future contracts to Centene / Operose and similar shareholder private companies
Mike replied on Permalink
I am fed up with greedy U.S. firms highjacking UKfunds
richard replied on Permalink
Protect the NHS from those that seek to make a profit from healthcare. It's a human right and the US system makes people pay thousands for minor treatments and finds pre-existing conditions to deny health care when the procedures are costly. People lose their homes paying medical bills. The NHS is one of the greatest achievements of this country - hands off.
Bahadur Najak replied on Permalink
It is shocking that this Company wants to profit from the illhealth of the people of this Country who have paid into NHS.
Let us STOP them ans take back control of our NHS !
S Evans replied on Permalink
American profit making companies do not care about the health and wellbeing of British people.Why sell our health services to them then?Please stop this madness,our health is not for sale.It is our right and should be protected by publicly owned british run health services.We are the best in the world,let's keep it that way.
Gill Modern replied on Permalink
I do not believe people should be allowed to profit from the illness of others. The nHS has not been for profit until recently. STOP handing contracts to companies who have shareholders and are therefore trying to make profit and dividends for them, rather than putting patient care first.
S Costa replied on Permalink
The NHS is funded by every individual in the UK and only those paying for the NHS should have a say in how it is funded. It must not be sold off to the highest bidder. I have had experience of the US system and it is set up to take as much money from those who can afford it and neglect those who cannot. We have been assured by all political parties the NHS would NOT be privatised and must stop any organisation creeping in by the back door!
Julie Parry replied on Permalink
I do not want Centene’s contact renewed because I do not want our National Health Service privatised. It is our most important public service and private companies have no right to be part of it just to make money.
Multinationals have no part in our NHS. It was created for the good of all people not to line the pockets of companies who are guided only by profits. It is obscene to consider our NHS to be a money making machine for the USA.
The NHS is paid for by tax-payers to ensure we all receive the health care we need as and when we need it. People should not have to worry about being ill and not being able to afford treatment. It is morally wrong.
I and millions of others have received NHS care. Not because we could afford it but because we needed it. That is why the NHS is the envy of the world. I don’t think anybody would envy the USA’s unethical health care system. The US care only about money and people with money.
Surely it is clear from the company Circle’s treatment of my local hospital Hinchingbrooke in Huntingdon. When they found it “Was Not Commercially Viable” they quite simply pulled out.
It’s not a department store for goodness sake, it’s a hospital.
Anne Mowles replied on Permalink
There should be a public vote as to whether the NHS should be handed over to these American sharks .We were assured by Boris Johnson that more government money was to be put into the NHS not that it would be handing out contracts to greedy American companies who put profit before people. The ITV programme”In Cold Blood” shouldered shown again at a prime viewing time,not very late at night as before. We all need the NHS. Send the sharks home.
Charlotte Williams replied on Permalink
I was born of poor parents. Since 1948, the NHS has given me the best medical care and transformed my quality of life. We must preserve the NHS.
EMF Kent replied on Permalink
The NHS, when it was properly funded and organised, was well-renowned around the world and envied. The American system is despised for its waste and drive for profits before health. In what sane world would you want the former to be replaced with the latter! This private company has already been found wanting and should never have been allowed accessto our health system
M Parris replied on Permalink
Centene is not fit & proper to have this contract. It has a dismal track record including questions of honesty & transparency.
Centene is an inappropriate provider. It is from a culturally in appropriate origin & background, it does not understand or seek to participate in our expectations & methods of providing a universal NATIONAL health service free at the point of delivery.
N.H.S. Funding should be provided to persons/organisations motivated to provide a service NOT to make a profit.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Please save nhs GPs. With NHS Everyone can access no matter how poor. Once things are privatised they become more interested in profit not health or wellbeing. We dont want discrimination against the poorer people like in usa.
John H replied on Permalink
Make no mistake- We are nothing to the crooks that help themselves to profit at our expense.
Xenia Coventry replied on Permalink
Steve Johnston replied on Permalink
Phrrrrrrrrrrr!!! No Brainer!?!?!?!?!!!
marta FALCO AINLEY replied on Permalink
the NHS was started so that we who are UK citizens could have a free National Health Service . Tax payers fund it. there is only 1 reason why this present right wing gov have involved Centene , an american compnay, to involve itself and that is to profit financially . We need to stop this NOW quickly
Deborah Darling replied on Permalink
The NHS is one of the last-standing British institutions. It is the envy of many other countries who are not so fortunate to have 'free' healthcare. There is no need to privatise the NHS. It is a resource for us all and should not be sold off to the highest bidder. Privatisation is not the answer to much-needed reforms in the NHS. I've met people from other countries (e.g. USA) who have to pay to have a baby; is that the future we want?
Philip Hartley replied on Permalink
Another step along a profitisation road. The NHS belongs to the people of this country and NOT to the government, we are in effect it's shareholders and MUST be consulted before and Private Deals are considered. We all know that Privatisation just hasn't worked for the benefit of the public and this will be no different. The USA has an appalling record of Health care, especially for those in most need or at the lower span of income. We MUWST NOT adopt any Private Healthcare system in the UK. Peoples well being is NOT FOR SALE and NEVER should be.
Mike McCluskey replied on Permalink
Has the last year taught us nothing? Our NHS is precious and should not be sold off to greedy companies in order to allow them to turn everything private once they have a big enough stake in the system. Healthcare FREE AT THE POINT OF DELIVERY is what the country needs, wants and pays for!
Martin Darling replied on Permalink
It's called the NHS, the National Health SERVICE. It IS a public good and should not privatised so that shareholders, who may not be British and therefore have not made a contribution to it, can make a profit. Equally, without a specific political mandate to privatise it, the government does not have the authority to sell it, and the health service is currently the property of the citizens of this country. (Apologies, this message isn't meant to sound nationalistic in tone - just stating the blessed obvious)
John & Clare Pr... replied on Permalink
The Government have made3 promises to protect the NHS, have boasted about their care for it. Why is their hypocrisy not being blazoned across the media. Our lives have been made safe, secure and free from anxiety by this wonderful institution. To destroy it further is a crime
Jean Munson replied on Permalink
When I first read about the Government selling off doctor's surgeries to private companies, I didn't believe it. How can they possibly carry this out when the National Health Service was started and has been successfully delivered to us all since then, free at the point of need. We are all contributing to it one way or another. It is essential that the politicians listen to members of the public instead of lining their coffers. They should be ashamed of themselves.
John Newman replied on Permalink
The basis for a decent civilised society must be measured by the health of its population. The NHS ensures treatment and well being for all, and should be funded through taxation for the people of this country, and these funds should not be siphoned off by corporations seeking profit from ill health and immiseration.
DIANE CORBIN replied on Permalink
My husband and I are so annoyed that the NHS is being taken over by rich business companies that has no interest in the poor of this country. It is our NHS and should stay that way.
Maggie King replied on Permalink
Stop private companies making money out of out N.H.S. Stop privatisation now
geoff matthews replied on Permalink
NO sale of NHS for private profit. NO sale of NHS at all.
Christina White replied on Permalink
I do not want private companies making a profit from people’s health nor do I want them paying dividends to their shareholders and taking money out of the Health Service - money which should be used for the benefit of patients - not to used to line shareholders’ pockets.
Marjorie Pearson replied on Permalink
Leave our NHS alone, it is not for profit, it belongs to us, we the people of Great Britain. Get privatisation out of our NHS. Any foreign country/organisation should not be making profit out of our National Health Service. Boris Johnson promised our beloved NHS would not be ‘for sale’ for any outside company to make profit from our taxes. Centene we don’t want or need you.
Mary Broadbent replied on Permalink
This government is the worst ever, they are destroying our country, just looking after the well off! They need to go!
Jean Munson replied on Permalink
Our family and everyone in this country have paid into the National Health Service all our lives. It has served us well all our lives and has proved its' worth during the pandemic. Without it, it would be a very different story.
It was as you know, set up by our NYE in 1948 so we do not want it to be privatised now or at any time in the future.
So please listen to everyone who has their say in this matter, they deserve to be heard about something so important.
Susan Ives replied on Permalink
I Tagore with all that has been said. We must retain control of our NHS services
Stephen Riggott replied on Permalink
As many others have said already, OUR NHS was set up as a Socialist policy, and became law, in 1948 with the help of Aneurin Bevan and the rest of the Labour Government of that time, and I, like many other people in this country, am NOT prepared to allow this despicable current administration to dismantle any more of it!! Why did I say "more"? Because they have already started to do just that, not just recently, but for some time now, by allowing private companies, from the U.S. in particular, to take over the running of GP practices, for example! If it continues, we will end up with a system like that of the U.S.A, where everyone will be forced to pay massive Health Insurance Premiums, for a Private Healthcare system, that will not only be very expensive, but also vastly inferior. This will also be a massive INSULT to all the wonderful staff that work, or have worked in the past, for our NHS, usually, and particularly under so much pressure during the Pandemic, for long hours, and in most cases low pay and conditions!! THESE GREEDY CHARLATANS, known as the Tory Party, are only interested in making as much money as they can for themselves, and, more importantly, for their Party's donors and their Big Business pals, and they MUST BE PREVENTED FROM DESTROYING OUR WONDERFUL NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE AT ALL COSTS, and I for one am prepared to MARCH and PROTEST and PETITION, for as long as it takes to achieve that aim!!!
Marion Walter replied on Permalink
The National Health Service is owned by us. We fund it. It should never be for sale - especially to a business like Centene. They will be making money out of our PRIZED asset, the NHS. We fund it, through the "national insurance" we pay when we are in work. This can always be seen on our wage payment slips. It is therefore a National Asset owned by us all and cannot legally be made into a profit making business.
Jill R replied on Permalink
Privatisation fragments health-care. Integrated health care is not possible with it. Please STOP IT!!
Dr J Fisher replied on Permalink
It is vitally important that a stand is taken against the privatisation of the NHS. This cannot persist as you can be sure this is just the first step. Once the majority is run by Private multinationals the next step will be made much easier - changing the funding model to an insurance one. We are just a few short years away from healthcare being based on income rather than need, with all but the richest unable to access complex medical help, and the majority living a degraded life due to health spending choices, whilst cynical corporations use loopholes to deny treatment to even those who can afford to but insurance. Sound familiar? if it's what you want it's just a short transatlantic flight away!
KW replied on Permalink
Please stop NW London Commissioning Committee from this appalling takeover by Centene. Stop this underhand government from stealthily selling off the NHS. The NHS belongs to us, the people of Great Britain. I’m ashamed it has come to this.
Mick Aves replied on Permalink
Nobody should be taking over our NHS. Especially the USA. They only think of money. We pay our National Insurance all our working lives, now it looks like we will have to pay again. As a pensioner, this is when we may need it most. Definitely keep American companies OUT, they are money only, not interested in our health at all.
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