25 May 2021
How to take action: Please leave a comment below this letter, with YOUR reason for not wanting Centene's contract to be renewed. We'll make sure to pass it on to the decision-making committee before Thursday's meeting.
Dear North West London Primary Care Commissioning Committee*,
* This is the committee which will make the decision on whether to renew one of Centene's contracts in North West London THIS Thursday, 3pm.
American healthcare giant Centene has recently taken over 49 GP practices.
Now, with a total of over 70 GP practices under Centene's control, it has become the largest single private primary care provider in England.
With North West London CCG's contract with Centene up for renewal this Thursday, we, as patients, family members, citizens and defenders of our publicly provided NHS, from all across the UK and beyond, call on you not to renew it.
How to take action: Please leave a comment below this letter, with YOUR reason for not wanting Centene's contract to be renewed. We'll make sure to pass it on to the decision-making committee before Thursday's meeting.
Your NHS is so worth protecting. By stopping Centene in its tracks in this area, you will be part of helping to stop the privatisation of our NHS all across the UK! Please comment with your message now.
Mark Handley replied on Permalink
"God Bless The NHS
If you're feeling sick or ill they'll do their best you know they will
bandage your wounds prescribe your pills save our NHS
wise up before you grind your axe it's paid for by peoples taxes
now you know just what the facts is save our NHS
Politicians open up your eyes it's not yours to privatize
you don't own it now realize it's “our” NHS
try to sell off what's not yours to sell and it's for sure we'll all rebel
take this advice now please pray tell save our NHS
If you get sick in the USA well it's for sure you'll pay and pay
right up until you pass away save our NHS
health care for one and all that's free is what we've got here in GB
I'm begging please down upon my knees save our NHS
Video link https://youtu.be/QOaQIJKTmrc
Words and music by Mark Handley copyright (c) 2016
Philippa Stafford replied on Permalink
Private companies will only take over the NHS if they think they can make a profit . . . . .why doesn't the government run it, and any profit can be ploughed back in???
Roslyn Jones replied on Permalink
Selling off GP Practices to corporate companies whose motivation is profit rather than patient care, is an outrage and privatisation by stealth. At the last count 58 practices had been taken over. What next and what will it mean for us patients? I appreciate that GPs' practices are businesses but they are funded by the NHS which has always been free to us at the point of access.
lesley george replied on Permalink
Government will argue that there are no changes in that the service is free to access, but if profit orientated organisations get in control the standard of service and staff will drop as has happened in the care home industry. There will be minimum attention paid to staff training and professional development and poor quality care of patients and all those needing free medical assistance will find they have to fit within tight tick box protocols or lose out entirely.
Richard Bird replied on Permalink
GP Surgeries are funded by and owned by the people of this country. They are not yours to buy and sell as you wish. They are not there to make profit for anyone and if so, that profit would be payable to us, the public who own it, not any third party outfit. So DO NOT provide any basis for Centene to take over or renew the running of OUR GP surgeries and facilities, they are not yours. This government also committed to NOT selling off or contracting out OUR NHS services. If this goes to court you will lose and once again be seen to be ethically and morally bankrupt. SO be honest, show integrity, keep away from lies and corruption and keep private companies, especially non-UK companies out of OUR NHS.
Colin Stoneman replied on Permalink
The whole principle of the NHS was and still should be that profit-making should play no role in health care. It may be OK that people can choose between different commodities or services, but health is NOT a commodity like buying a car or having a hair-do - WE HAVE NO CHOICE. We didn't want to get ill!
Evan Pritchard replied on Permalink
Putting health care into the hands of big private companies undermines universal free provision. The more this happens the more the NHS is undermined. I want to be a patient of my GP, not a customer or a client.
Philip Jackson replied on Permalink
This has been going on for years, its being driven by business & profit demands & has intensified since the 2012 Health & Social Care Act. We need to kick out organisations like the Centene Corporation, huge unaccountable multi million pound businesses, from providing any healthcare services in the UK. This is privatisation & competition by the back door, by stealth, and decision makers should really examine whether this is in the interests of patients & all those who work in the NHS. All NHS services must be both free at the point of need & delivered by public sector organisations not the private sector.
david replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to the British people, not some greedy, parasite, corporation, I want my taxes to pay for our health care not their profit margin.
Richard Smith replied on Permalink
The NHS and the GP surgeries provide an essential service for the people of the this country to keep us healthy and treat us when they are not. We pay for the NHS so what we pay should go into the services and not to investors in private companies. Healthcare should be not for profit.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
The NHS was founded for and is paid for by the British public. Foreign profit-seeking companies such as Centene should have no part in it.
Mrs Ann Howarth replied on Permalink
The NHS is the envy of the world designed to provide a public service based on need not on profits. Once it is in private hands the motive becomes not about patient care but about profit for business and private investors. The public in the UK want a public health service not one where tax payers hard-earned money ends up in private hands. It is a disgrace that some GP practices have already been sold off to the American company, Centene Privatisation of any part of the NHS has resulted in more expensive treatment which many people cannot afford. The current state of dentistry in this country is a good example of what happens when our health service is privatised. I request that you do not renew Centene's contract tomorrow.
Carol Draper replied on Permalink
GPs are our entry to healthcare & the signpost for specialist care. People will soon realise how much they are losing & whom to blame.
Mairi MacIver replied on Permalink
The NHS is the envy of the world and health should not be seen as a commodity to be sold in the market place. Save our institutions.
Sara Katchi replied on Permalink
I am writing to request that you do not renew the GP contract with Centene.
The NHS needs reforming to be more efficient and should prioritise preventative medicine. That would be an investment in the long term.
The service should not suffer by an increase in private running of essential primary care services. It is harder to regulate to ensure the quality of services is maintained.
Linnet Evans replied on Permalink
Irrespective of making money for shareholders, outsourcing services isn't necessarily a cost saver - to be effective, these things need to be managed properly, which itself is a drain on the NHS side. As a previous post said, cut out the middlemen. Whatever the 'failings' in the NHS, privatisation won't resolve it by itself. Look at the railways or utility companies.
Operations typically involve recruiting in quantities of people, sometimes with little training or support or background knowledge - witness Track n Trace.
The NHS needs the space to regroup and rebuild following COVID. No renewal, no extension please.
Grace Jackman replied on Permalink
The important word is SERVICE. That will disappear if privatisation is alloed by stealth or any other way.
We cannot lose so important a national lifeline.
Gerald Harniman replied on Permalink
As somebody fortunate enough to have been born on the first day of the NHS, 5 July 1948, I have a lifetime of support by this world leading institution that provides essential health care to all when required. Over the years I have seen this provision eroded by charges for drugs, the slow loss of dental care to private profiteering providers, while the health insurance companies and their selective health care has stripped the NHS of staff and resources.
Margaret Thatcher wanted to destroy the NHS and move to a fully American insurance based system, but was afraid of the political response so avoided the conflict. The Cameron Conservative government, the 'NHS is safe with the Conservatives', has slowly eroded the national provision, initially with Andrew Lansley's reorganisation in 2012, after nine years of meetings with 'private health care providers' to discuss the most profitable areas of health care, the government pre-legislation review was never published not even for MPs who voted on its enactment. Health Trust, Clinical Commissioning Groups intended to place market competition into a non-profit organisation, creating a plethora of unnecessary administration on what was in 2010 declared by the OECD a world leading health provider with its highest satisfaction rating in its history. After eleven years of Conservative governments we now have 4.7 million on waiting lists for treatment, experienced a pandemic with nearly 130,000 deaths and large numbers with lasting medical conditions resulting from the virus when in 2015 response to a global pandemic was researched but the report withheld while Mr Hunt attacked NHS staff on supposed 24/7 service. The continuing High Court cases revealing the processes that led to billions being spent of uncontested contracts given to priority companies associated with Conservative politicians, or political donors to the Conservative Party, many of which failed to deliver, such as £21 million given to a go-between to a Florida jeweller with supposed contacts in China who failed to provide promised PPE; many Conservative connected companies with no connection to health products given priority over those producing necessary items, such as Mr Dyson who failed to produce necessary ventilators to specification while obtaining a promise of tax exemption for a possible return to the UK and a peerage. An associate of Mr Hancock appointed without competition the NHS Improvement, see earlier comment on waiting lists, NHS Test and Trace with disastrous failings to trace even with a £37 billion budget, mainly given to companies such as SERCO who proclaimed the massive profits they would make from the contract, and soon to be the head of the replacement for NHS England. The lady who was in-charge of TalkTalk when it lost is clients data and had to resign given essential health service post because she was pay free, available, and associated to the Minister of Health through her horseracing connection, he being MP for Newmarket reliant on donations from the horse trainers in his constituency.
The new proposed reorganisation of the NHS, supposedly to do away with Mr Lansley's reorganisation, he now being a peer and advisor to private health providers, will likely open access further to private providers, health insurers many of which like Centene will be foreign owned and controlled, stripping taxpayer funding and individuals' contributions to provide profits offshore and untaxed in the UK, while removing any local accountability from health provision. An analysis of the American Health system rated the most expensive providing poor service to large numbers of Americans insured through their employer when not in full employment, or huge crippling costs for normal medical conditions $10,000+ for dental care, $100,000s for cancer treatment, charges to see a GP or ambulance attendance. A future nobody in the UK has faced for 72 years but likely in the next 3-4, or just after the next election in 2024.
Ann Partington replied on Permalink
The NHS was set up to provide free health care for everyone in this country regardless of their wealth, or lack thereof. The citizens of this country pay for it through taxes and National Insurance. As one such citizen, I am sickened by these big US insurance types attempting to get there greedy paws on it. It is NOT a business. It is there for the health and well being of the British public,not to fill the pockets of 'big business'who care for nothing but profit. We do not need or want American type healthcare in this country as it is neither interested in health or care. Please do not renew the contract for Centene to run GP practices. Such contracts are the beginning of the end for our NHS.
D M replied on Permalink
National Health Service is just that, National not private. Keep the American companies OUT. The Tories have never wanted the National Health Service. Also transport and the utilities should be state owned. The profits from each should go into government coffers and not into billionaires pockets.
Richard Revett replied on Permalink
Shame on this government for trading the NHS for party donations from private healthcare companies. This is not what democracy looks like
Pam Wortley replied on Permalink
I am totally opposed to Centene and any other for-profit private companies taking over any part of our NHS. There is a huge difference between a multinational corporation that operates to make a profit, often by cutting staff and services, and local GPs who are part of the NHS family and provide services from the NHS budget but are not beholden to any shareholders. This privatisation by stealth is unacceptable and not what the general public have been promised by this government who have repeatedly said the NHS is not being privatised and is not for sale.
Hilary Belchak replied on Permalink
No-one should make a private profit from the provision of healthcare.
J Simpson replied on Permalink
The NHS is paid for by us tax payers for our benefit, not to line the pockets of people running huge, private companies.
Catherine Victo... replied on Permalink
There should be absolutely no profit motive regarding Health Care! The NHS was founded in 1948 and the people have paid for it since then,
via their Nat. Insce pymts, taken from their wages or salaries. I am completely against this move and urge the decision makers to take into account all the comments here. Also, it is despicable to do this in deliberate secrecy because, if the people knew about this and what will happen to their paid-for healthcare, this would never happen.
Mrs A Khamon replied on Permalink
The National Health Service is owned by those who fund it, that is, all of those paying their National Insurance, etc. It is therefore a National Asset, not a profit making business.
Peter Etheridge replied on Permalink
The only reason Centene are interested is to make a profit. Please don’t desert our wonderful NHS after how wonderful and dedicated they have been over the Covid pandemic
Malcolm John Larby replied on Permalink
We pay taxes in the good faith that these monies will be used for the public good, and to maximum effect. We want mutual support within our society, we want the best possible healthcare delivered free of charge at he point of need. Arranging for a portion of our taxes to be syphoned off as profit by a private company does not help in any way to maximise the delivery of healthcare. Any claim that somehow using public payment to provide private profit is efficient is utterly preposterous. Please get your thinking and principles back onto a sensible track. Stop this privatisation nonsense, we want our public money spent for our public good.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Any government, tory, Labour any government, should have the welfare of it's citizens as a top priority.
the tories have bitterly opposed our NHS since its inception and have constantly undermined and underfunded it in order prove that it is inefficient and does not work, in order to sell it off to their friends and the American 'health' insurance companies.
serco, a private company, recently made such a mess of test and trace that it had to be taken back into local NHS hands so that it could be done properly - how much did that cost our NHS in wasted taxpayers money, no recriminations for boris the PROVEN LIAR, hancock or anyone else in the tory sleaze squad.
centene recently closed 2 GP surgeries in the south east because they were not making enough money for this profit hungry, profit driven company, the patients were 'left out in the cold' and had to make their own new arrangements at another GP surgery.
branson was compensated with £75.000.000 because one of his 'health' companies could not fulfill its contract - again our NHS had to pick up the pieces and fulfill the contract.
And still boris, hancock and all, want to destroy our NHS (just like the tories did with manufacturing in Britain)
I never begrudged paying national insurance to fund our NHS, it was cheap! I could never have afforded American healthcare, that system is a bankrupting blight on most of the people who use it. AND if boris and co think the 'American Dream'is so wonderfull, why does President Biden want to expand Medicare to include more and more of his citizens who cannot afford insurance?
Karen S. replied on Permalink
Please don’t leave our precious NHS GP services in the hands of Centene. The NHS’s raisin d’etre is responding to need, Centene’s is making as much money as possible. It doesn’t fit. Patient welfare has and will continue to be very adversely impacted if Centene is allowed to continue and given more control over decision-making.
miranda walker replied on Permalink
Our NHS is just as its name says = a NATIONAL Health Service and we want to keep it that way - not to be in thrall to the cynicism of private companies, who don't give a toss about our health or privacy but simply dance to the tune of their own greed. The US has no business taking over our health system and our government has no business to be selling it to them. None of it is about benefitting us or our health.
Gill Wiltshire replied on Permalink
Profit should not be made from people suffering from ill health. The NHS was formed to help and care for sick people without the added worry off having to pay for treatment. Privatising the NHS will lower the excellent service it provides as greedy profit makers don’t care about people, just how much money they can make. Healthcare is not a commercial business but a caring service that puts people first.
John Harrison replied on Permalink
I was born during the second world war and worked until I was 67. Like many of the above commentators I paid my taxes and National Insurance contributions and never begrudged paying one penny as I believed in the NHS providing care when needed, in recent times NHS staff have gone above and beyond their duty in combatting the Covid pandemic, keep the NHS in the public sector 100%, which includes of course G.P. Practices throughout the whole of the UK. People before Profit. Keep greedy American Companies and their shareholders snouts out of the trough!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Our NHS and GPs need to be in a position to decide how they care for their UK taxpaying and A&E patients. Not some foreign-owned insurance company whose eye will be on their own bottom line and dividends to shareholders. We do not want to be told what US drugs must be used. We do not want to know that our UK GPs are having their hands tied by foreign owners and investors. Please, do not sell our precious NHS, a standard bearer and world leader in world class health care. It is to be copied not sold.
Brian Evans replied on Permalink
Funding of the NHS should be entirely focussed on meeting the healthcare needs of citizens; providing fair payment to staff; and research/development of treatments, not on providing profits for private companies
Louise Pascoe replied on Permalink
Healthcare is a human right. It can not be operated as a for-profit business model, doing so denies patients access to provision of this right.
Alisoun Gardner... replied on Permalink
Operose Health, which now owns the GP Practices A T Medics Ltd in London. is itself owned by Centene, so Centene can respond to any complaints by a shrugged shoulder, "We're not the owners of A T Medics holdings", while Operose Health can pass the buck upwards. And money from profits goes to the shareholders of both companies, who maximise profits.
Why should a company owned by other people profit from our human right to medical care when we are ill?
Iris Jefferies replied on Permalink
The NHS is at the heart and soul of everything we do in this country; to mess around with its system of care - precarious at times of stress in demands and shortages, but somehow, always striving... to offer solace , encouragement and hope behind every personal caring action .
Dr John Adey replied on Permalink
Health care is a basic right in a civilised society. It is not a commodity but a service and the operative word is 'care'.
The profit motive has no place in the caring services; the profit motive distorts and perverts the whole ethos of our National Health Service which is based on an equality of care funded through taxation.
Richard Townley replied on Permalink
The NHS is a much valued public service that must remain public and not be gradually 'watered down' by progressive use of private contractors or companies. Only by having a public service can we be assured of retaining committed staff and expertise with the ethos of public service for its own sake. Otherwise the bottom line is likely to predominate and you should not be persuaded to let contractors like Centene be appointed by the false economy of appearing to save money or by government diktat.
Robina Jacobson replied on Permalink
Please keep the NHS in public ownership and control, in this way it will be accountable to we tax-payers who will support it with all our hearts.
barry walsh replied on Permalink
Privatisation has failed on so many levels on so many occasions and does not work. It should be kept well out of the NHS on all fronts!
G Cheung replied on Permalink
NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene making a profit off our health service.
NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene closing our GPs.
NO to greedy multi-nationals like Centene prioritising profit over our health.
Joan Veitch replied on Permalink
Healthcare cannot be run for profit - it is a service.
Harry Chandler replied on Permalink
The welfare of people not the needs of irresponsible profit centered companies should be the priority.
Brenda Billinghurst replied on Permalink
Teh NHS is a fantastic resource to which we owe our health. There are limited resources for healthcare. All of the money available should go into the NHS and not into private profits.
The NHS was supposed to be safe and not privatised by this government. This seems to be a lie, and a cruel one at the expense of people's health.
Kick private companies out - people, not profit!
Iris Jefferies replied on Permalink
The NHS is at the heart and soul of everything we do in this country; to mess around with its system of care - precarious at times of stress in demands and shortages, but somehow, always striving... to offer solace , encouragement and hope behind every personal caring action .
Jude Stratton replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to us all, we do not want our health service sold off to private companies who want to make profits. Health care should be about people not profits.
John M Caley replied on Permalink
No to privatisation of the NHS. Yes to sufficient public funding, via taxation and NI contributions, of the NHS.
Linda Goodacre replied on Permalink
Keep the NHS public and for all!
Marlene Hounam replied on Permalink
All this underhand privatisation is so wrong, this government is supposed to be serving the people of this country not lining their own pockets, shameful
Maggie Black replied on Permalink
Wherever private companies, whose primary purpose is to make profits for their shareholders, become involved in delivery public health and medical care for people, the services provided become compromised. The kind of people that will be treated and the care that will be provided will be prioritised according to how profitable it is to the providers, not how best it responds to the needs of individuals and society at large. Please stop allowing private company intrusion into and exploitation of our NHS, and of our citizens and the employees of NHS practices and services.
Cherry Lavell replied on Permalink
I well remember the excitement when the NHS came into being after WWW2. No longer would access to health be reserved for people who could pay, but would be available to all free at the point of delivery. The tragedy was that some doctors could opt to remain private, and this weakened the whole thing from the start. By all means pay medics an appropriate salary, but making money out of people's dire need is completely immoral in my book. Thee American (and any other) corporations must be kept OUT of Our National Service. The UK government should support it properly -- that is the highest priority service they can provide their citizens.
Valerie Mulligan replied on Permalink
American health care companies are only interested in UK health care in order to make profit for their share holders taking money which should be spent on patient care not on fat cats' portfolios.
Reinhard Huss replied on Permalink
Private Profit is a cost to society. Get rid of it and invest instead in the NHS.
Eleanor Ellington replied on Permalink
Tax payers' money should not be used to generate profits for private companies which are effectively exploiting what are meant to be "not for profit" public services like the NHS. This means that money intended to provide public services is being siphoned off as private profit.
Tricia Green replied on Permalink
I object strongly to the continuation of Centene’s contract. This would be totally detrimental to the GP service and is absolutely not in the interests of the patients. The NHS is a service to the population of the UK NOT a cash cow for foreign companies. Please do NOT. allow Centene any access to the NHS.
Helen Saunders replied on Permalink
It is immoral to sell off our NHS to greedy American private healthcare companies.
We have learnt the lessons from the pandemic that public ownership and cooperation with local healthcare provide much better outcome than private companies who only aim to make profit and bleed the NHS dry. Keep Centene out of our GP practices in Brent . The NHS is not for sale particularly to American private healthcare companies who create briken health care
Sue Ferguson replied on Permalink
I think it is shocking that private companies can be given such a role in our National Health Service. Centene's contract should not be renewed - they should not make a profit from our NHS, they have already taken over many GP surgeries and closed some. How can our Government allow profit over health in spite of telling us the NHS is safe in their hands!
Jim Ennis replied on Permalink
The free National Health Service wasn't set up after the Second World War for the British people, just for American capitalist parasites to worm their way in and suck profits out of it.
Get out of our NHS!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Centene must be stopped. Privatisation of the NHS cannot be allowed.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Illness is NOT a business opportunity
Jan Lucas replied on Permalink
Free healthcare at the point of access, that's what the NHS is all about, if we start privatising it, we will end up losing it.
Benjamin Daw replied on Permalink
We don't want companies like Centene taking profit out of our NHS healthcare set-up
We don't want GP practices run for any objective other than free healthcare provision.
This is privatisation and it's unacceptable. Please do not renew Centene
Patricia Foley replied on Permalink
The GP system as first envisaged by the 1946 National Health Service Act is fundamantal to our well being here in the UK.
Our taxes pay for it - Illness is NOT a business opportunity.The notion of making a profit from someone else's misery, is abhorent & shameful. Keep out of the UK's health service Centene!
G Rigler replied on Permalink
The UK has developed a "mutual approach" to providing health services to the nation and it is in need of extending that approach to social services : certainly not shrinking that approach . All resources should be kept available for any such mutual approach to providing nationally approved services and facilities and certainly not "milked" (by anyone) for profits and data that escape from the national pool of resources.
david honeybell replied on Permalink
Our NHS is their for everyone, young or old, rich or poor. It's a worry when you are ill, but it would be a bigger worry if you had to pay to see a GP or see a specialist. We must keep our NHS public and stop private companies from taking over for profit.Our NHS must be for patients and not for profit.
Maria Haas replied on Permalink
I agree with all the comments above - the NHS is for British people who fund it. Selling GP practices to foreign entities to enable those to profit is immoral and unacceptable.
L Fuser replied on Permalink
Access to health services must be available to everyone and it's unethical to gain profits from sick patients.
The health American system has proven to be discriminatory and we don't want this to happen in UK.
I strongly disagree in selling NHS surgeries to Centene
Catherine replied on Permalink
American healthcare is inadequate. The NHS is invaluable - please do not involve private American companies in the management of any NHS services. They cannot be trusted and work against the principle of free at the point of use.
No privatisation by the back door - or through the ‘useful third party’ excuse.
Rosemary Theobalds replied on Permalink
I believe that our NHS should be kept out of private hands whose motivation is profit. I wish our NHS to belong to us, the residents of the UK not to a multinational like Centene.
david honeybell replied on Permalink
Our NHS is their for everyone, young or old, rich or poor. It's a worry when you are ill, but it would be a bigger worry if you had to pay to see a GP or see a specialist. We must keep our NHS public and stop private companies from taking over for profit.Our NHS must be for patients and not for profit.
Chris Clarke replied on Permalink
The NHS, like all essential public services, should not be run for profit. As a taxpayer I am not happy being forced to fund a private company extracting money from essential service to make a profit. Please do not renew this contract.
david Peacock replied on Permalink
Please do not let centene have control of our GP service or any part of our
janet peacock replied on Permalink
Our NHS is a Not For Profit organisation, unlike Centene who only want to look after
their shareholders.
We must not let them take control of our excellent free at point of need services.
Judith Longmire replied on Permalink
The National Health Service is owned by the British people and run on our behalf by the elected government. When were we asked by the present government whether we are in agreement with parts of it being sold off to American companies to be run for their enrichment?
Stephen Clarke replied on Permalink
The whole point about the NHS from it s foundation was that it should be a service. It is not a brand, not a nice badge behind which politicians arrange for the rich to become richer regardless of the consequences, but a means whereby we, British people, pool our resources for everyone’s equal benefit. We began this unique and special arrangement, and foreign organisations with appalling records should have no right of access to take from us what is ours.
Dr Anne Davidson replied on Permalink
I am a retired GP and was greatly involved in practice organization. I was brought up in a GP house and remember the start of th NHS. I watched the ability for all people to access health care, and the great relief it produced. I am horrified by the insidious, but covert , privatization. This must be stopped
Christine Randell replied on Permalink
Private insurance provision needs to make a profit for its shareholders. the patient does not come first in any aspect of such provision. The actual nature of companies contracts prescribes what can and cannot be done by a doctor or they will not be fully paid for their patient's care. This can seriously interfere with the doctor's ability to practice based upon his professional opinion and knowledge of the patient - one size does not fit all. Also,privatized health care is far more expensive than healthcare properly provided and staffed by a NHS, directly financed by the Government from taxation. Indirectly financing the NHS is not only more expensive but it also affects all aspects of standards of service. The system is fragmented between different providers and different specialisms; so becomes inefficient and ineffectual. Consultations have to be paid for so there is no way for doctors to seek informally each others opinions and make quick and simple referrals between themselves, this can particularly affect in-patients.Patients not infrequently have conditions which inter-relate and so can experience being 'half treated' but them being left on some waiting list.
I can see no good reason to make our NHS more expensive, inefficient and less effectual in its work. The Government needs to pay directly from taxation the costs of our NHS and take back the ownership of the buildings and land on which they are built.
Henry Peacock replied on Permalink
In January this year, Trade Minister Greg Hands said there was no need to protect the health service with legislation because “the NHS is not and never will be for sale". He characterised such claims as "offensive and absurd".
And yet, American healthcare giant Centene has recently taken over 49 GP practices. Now, with a total of over 70 GP practices under its control, it has become the largest single private primary care provider in England.
With North West London CCG's contract with Centene up for renewal this Thursday, I ask you not to put the health care of vulnerable patients in the hands of a private company that has already shown that it has a greater concern for profit than for health care.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
david honeybell replied on Permalink
Our NHS is their for everyone, young or old, rich or poor. It's a worry when you are ill, but it would be a bigger worry if you had to pay to see a GP or see a specialist. We must keep our NHS public and stop private compa
nies from taking over for profit.Our NHS must be for patients and not for profit
Lise Bosher replied on Permalink
The NHS was created and still exists in order to give the UK population a way to protect its health- not a way to line the pockets of shareholders or other profit-makers. The USA does not understand the concept of community- they do not see that to protect my neighbour's health is to protect mine too. They do not have decent state health insurance - they believe in privatisation at any cost to the individual- profit above community and profit above the individual's quality of life. The American way is not the British way. Boris Johnson and the Conservatives do not have permanent license to wreck the institutions of this country. Please don't undermine the NHS by selling out to private healthcare companies.
Ken Rimmer replied on Permalink
Allowed to go through and before we know we'll have to pay to get an appointment to go to the surgery.Then it will be medical insurance.
Keep Centrico out completely.
Jim Cornford replied on Permalink
Most of the world is envious of our NHS, it was set up to provide health care for everyone free of charge and has worked well for a long, long time. If this is changed and is taken over by companies who are only interested in profit there is only one direction it will go in future - DOWN - just like the USA. Keep our NHS safe from such companies.
Marianne O'Hanlon replied on Permalink
I agree with all the comments above. It is not for a semi privatised GP committee to sell the UK's NHS by the pound to any corporation private or not. I also have grave concerns about the protection of citizens private health data being shared with other companies and entities. This theft must be stopped in its tracks.
christine collins replied on Permalink
The NHS is not intended to be a profit making organisation. Centene puts profit before people. Please do not renew the contract.
John M Caley replied on Permalink
The reason is in the title. The NHS is the National Health Service. The NHS serves the general public. It should be funded by the general public through sufficient government taxation. Private health-related companies should be legally unable to provide services for the NHS. An increase in taxation would be justifiable in order to keep the NHS in the public sector.
Val Smith replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to the people of this country and must not be sold off. You do not have the right to do this, only the people have that right as it is their money that pays for it not yours to do as you like with. The NHS MUST stay and the Pariahs must go. Do not renew any contract.
Colin Langton replied on Permalink
I was born 1 year, 1 month and 1 day after the NHS came into being and have therefore been lucky enough to have lived my entire life under its excellent care. It was created by the struggles of my and millions other people's parents and grandparents in the aftermath of the destruction of World War II as a PUBLIC SERVICE FREE AT THE POINT OF USE to meet the needs of every person in this country. Those generations knew that any healthcare system worthy of the name should be PUBLICLY OWNED, PUBLICLY CONTROLLED AND PUBLICLY ACCOUNTABLE. Allowing private healthcare companies to extract profits from our taxpayer funded NHS, especially ones like Centene from the USA where millions of people have no healthcare provision, is both completely unacceptable and immoral.
Lucie Mernagh replied on Permalink
As a country we maybe politically divided, but from experience I know people from all walks of life are united in their dependency of the NHS. Please do everyrhing humanily possible, and resist the NHS falling into private ownership.
Roger Brown replied on Permalink
I don't believe my father and many members of the Empire's armed forces fought his way across the continent to Belsen and back to have his vote in the election of 1945 squandered by people supporting spivs and black marketeers. His vote and millions placed by the vast majority of people in Great Britain was instrumental in the formation of the National Health and similar vital public services.
Please do not allow this service to be pirated by people who have only belief in their own profit, irrespective of whom it may hurt.
John M Caley replied on Permalink
No to privatisation of the NHS. Yes to sufficient public funding, via taxation and NI contributions, of the NHS.
Alan Bell replied on Permalink
Hardly ned to add anything, I totally agree with thee previous comments, the NHS is funded by tax payers to provide a service, it is not a vehicle for making profits which will be sent out of the country to the states!!
Danya Glaser replied on Permalink
The NHS should not and cannot be made subject to profit making. It is a public service. albe to the public. This contract is unacceptable.
Daniel Scharf replied on Permalink
If the Covid pandemic has shown one fundamental about our health service, it is that the NHS and local public health services have performed much better than the attempts at bringing in private businesses. In fact the vaccination programme goes further than that and has relied onan army of volunteers that would be much less wiling to help if there was a smell of private profit. Keep genral practice a public service for the benefit of all.
Dr Zoe Stec replied on Permalink
American Companies are out to make a profit. The NHS is about improving British people's health . There is a fundamental tension of interests.
Vivien Ellison replied on Permalink
To let our NHS and G.P surgeries be taken over by private companies is to exploit public trust.Very few realise that the NHS has been reassembled over many years to include profit greedy companies.Your health care compromised for their wealth care.It's a shameful betrayal of public naivety and trust.
Kev Young replied on Permalink
These guys will be profit before patients and will only get the cheapest care available. Not like the Wonderful NHS who do what is needed for the patient. NO PROFIT BEFORE PEOPLE
David Hardy replied on Permalink
Stop making rich people richer and lowering the quality of care to line their own pockets. What they are doing here is so corrupt it stinks. The government is wrong if they think the public do not know what they’re up to.
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